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1 Worded Problems

A. Solve the following Temperature Problems.

Problem 1:
At what temperature does Fahrenheit and Celsius
-40 °F
Problem 2:
Convert the boiling temperature of gold, 2966 °C, into
degrees Fahrenheit.

Problem 3:
Convert the temperature of the coldest area in a freezer, −10 °F, to degrees Celsius and

Problem 4:
The weather in Tuguegarao was unusually warm during the summer of 2019. The TV news
reported temperatures heat Index as high as 45 °C.
a. What was the temperature In Kelvin Scale?

b. What was the temperature in the Fahrenheit Scale?


B. Solve the Worded Problem.

Problem 5:
When 3 is multiplied by 5 less than a number, the result is 9 less than 5 times the number. Find
the number?

Solve for the value of   using distributive property of multiplication

“ In everything you do put GOD first and He will crown your effort with success”
~ Proverbs 5:7
♥♥♥ GOD BLESS!!! ♥♥♥

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