Intelligent Building Concept Paper 1

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Owajionyi L. Frank / AARCHES J 6(3) 2007


the challenges for building practitioners in the 21st century
Owajionyi L. FRANK

Department of Architecture, Rivers State University of Science and Technology,

Port Harcourt
ABSTRACT: The concept of intelligent building started at the early 1980s in the United States of
America. Today, it has become a household name in the developed world. Intelligent buildings are
designed and managed to meet the changing environmental, business and human needs. They create
environments, which enable their users to achieve their objectives and enhance the potentials of
occupants while allowing efficient management of resources with minimum lifetime cost. Though
started in the 1980s, but fully developed in the 1990s, there are yet many people (professionals in the
building industry and non-professionals alike) who do not clearly understand the concept of "Intelligent
Building ", even in the developed world. There has not been sufficient education or enlightenment on this
style of inter-disciplinary approach to architecture, which could be called a "nouveau-post-modern
style". Here in Nigeria and other parts of the third world, the term 'intelligent building' leaves so many,
particularly those outside the building industry to wonder how an assemblage of inanimate building
materials and components can be intelligent. This paper therefore seeks to offer summarized and
simplified explanations of the concept of Intelligent Building. It also seeks to enlighten both the private
and corporate building developers on the emergent high-tech, environmental friendly, safe and
automated buildings, with effective telecom systems, and brings to fore, some challenges it poses to
building practitioners in Nigeria in the 21s' century.

Key words: automated, building, environment, intelligent, inter-disciplinary.


Owajionyi L. Frank / AARCHES J 6(3) 2007

INTRODUCTION marketability (Coggan, 2003). Such definition

The concept of intelligent building was born in the certainly leads to a broader meaning - overall
United States of America in the early 1980s (Climate performance, not only of the building itself, but
World, 2006). The first ever intelligent building in the also of the entire construction process.
world, according to China Intelligent Building An intelligent building maximizes the comfort
Technology Information Network (C1BTIN) (2002) and productivity of its occupants and allows
was built in Hartford in the United States in 1984. building managers to manage their resources
That notwithstanding, there has not been a clearly effectively with minimal lifetime cost. This is
defined concept of what is to be considered an achieved through the integration of building and
intelligent building even till date. Those outside the office automation, information technology, and
construction industry often wonder how an assembly advanced telecommunication systems (Temasek
of inanimate building materials can be intelligent, Polytechnic, 2003). The new trend in intelligent
even members of the industry, especially developers buildings is concentrated on both economic and
and owners. Some see buildings furnished with the environmental sensitive developments. Flexibility
latest technology as being intelligent. and low energy consumption have become the
C o g g a n ( 2 0 0 3 ) c i t e d t h e Engineering issues, which must be addressed, to cope with the
Digest of November 1985 to have carried an article fast growing technology and ever changing of the
showing how steel framing and cellular steel flooring modern world.
have contributed to building intelligence. By this time This paper examines the many complications
also, several other mimeographs including Business surrounding the definition of intelligent building
Week magazine had carried more articles on the and attempts to summarize them into more
intelligent building business. Consequently, from the simplified, clearer and un-ambiguous terms. It also
mid-1980s, intelligent building had taken over the seeks to enlighten both the private and corporate
property market adverts scene in the United States. building developers on this emergent high-tech,
More people were being made to see (and lease) any environmental friendly, safe and automated buildings,
new building with the latest technologies as intelligent. with effective telecom systems, and bring to fore,
Even though the intelligent building notion has some challenges it poses to building practitioners, in
been on for some years, there is not really a Nigeria in the 21st century.
universally acceptable definition of "intelligent
building". One definition, which resulted from the OBJECTIVES
International Symposium on "Intelligent Building", The paper aims at realizing the following
May 28-29, 1985 in Toronto say: "an intelligent objectives:
building combines innovations, technological or 1.) Explains in simplified, clear and un-
not, with skilful management, to maximize ambiguous terms, the concept of Intelligent
return- on investment "(Coggan, 1997). Buildings.
The Intelligent Building Institute in the United 2.) X-rays a few of the challenges that the
States has proposed thus; "an intelligent building intelligent buildings concept pose for
is one that provides a productive and cost- building practitioners , particularly,
effective environment through optimization of its designers, trainers & trainees alike in this 21st
four basic elements - structure, systems, services century.
and management, and the interrelationships
between them. Intelligent buildings help business 3) Encourages further research works on this inter-
owners, property managers and occupants to realize disciplinary concept within the developing nations,
their goals in the areas of cost, comfort, particularly in Nigeria, and also redirect
convenience, safety, long-term flexibility and designers and developers towards building

Owajionyi L. Frank / AARCHES J 6(3) 2007

intelligently as a means of sustainability in the individuals and organizations can

building sector. achieve their objectives". (Intelligent
Building Group, n.d.)
DEFINED iv) "An intelligent building creates an
Within the last two decades, there have been environment which enables organizations to
several discussions and debates about the Intelligent achieve their objectives and enhance the
Building concept. Efforts have been made at potential of occupants while allowing
defining and quantifying what constitutes an efficient management of resources with
intelligent building, the result being that intelligent minimum lifetime cost". (University of
building is not just one thing (Ehrlich, 2005). Climate Reading, 2003)
World (2006) also establishes the fact that there has
not been a universally acceptable, single and precise v) "Intelligent building aims to promote the
definition of what intelligent building is. construction of buildings which are both
Hands-on-Guide (2007) defines intelligent more responsive to users' needs and much
building in the intelligent building dictionary as more adaptable to changes inevitably
"a building that integrates technology and process demanded by future or by current users as
to create a facility that is safe, more comfortable their requirements change" (University of
and productive for its occupants, and more Reading, 2003)
operationally efficient for its owners. Advanced
technology combined with improved processes for vi) "An intelligent building maximizes the
design, construction and operations provide a comfort and productivity of its occupants and
superior indoor environment that improves allows building managers to manage their
occupant comfort and productivity while reducing resources effectively with minimal lifetime
energy consumption and operation staffing." cost” (Temasek Polytechnic, 2003).
Other definitions of intelligent building are as
follows: vii) "Intelligent buildings should be: an
i) "A building and its infrastructure providing investment-justified, highly efficient,
the owner, operator a n d o c c u p a n t w i t h quite comfortable, convenient, very
a n environment that is flexible, effective, safe space, provided through optimized
comfortable and secure through the use design of the four elements of buildings
of integrated technological building structure, system, service and management,
systems, c o m m u n i c a t i o n s and and internal relations among them " (CIBTIN,
con tro l." (Con tinenta l Automated 2002).
Building Association CABA, 2002).
viii) "A building that in some way can sense its
ii) ''Use of technology and process to create environment, reach decisions about the state
a building that is safer and more productive of that environment and communicate those
for its o c c u p a n t s and more decisions. In practice this should mean that a
operationally efficient for its owners” 'building can adjust some aspect of the
(Ehrlich, 2005). interior or exterior environment in
response to a change in some o t h e r
iii) "An intelligent building provides a aspect of that environment"
sustainable, responsive, effective (WIKIPEDIA, 2003).
& supportive environment within which
ix) "An automated system that:

Owajionyi L. Frank / AARCHES J 6(3) 2007

- Senses what is going on indoors and DESIGN, AND BUILDING

- Reacts to ensure, in the most efficient The driving idea that led to conception
way, safe and comfortable stay in it of intelligent building could be dated as far back to
minimizing amount of energy and resources the 1970's, when the industrial sector introduced
consumed. automated production processes to optimize plant
- Interacts with people by means of performance. This system and control concept
simple and easily accessible and application were then adapted, developed and
communication channels." (Climate modularized in the 1980's, enabling transferability
World, 2006) of the technology and systems to residential and
commercial developments (Mills, 2004). This
It is therefore evident that an intelligent building is system encompasses an enormous variety of
not just one thing; it is understood differently by technologies. It cuts across numerous special
different people, but with some very clear cut themes technologies; it is inter-disciplinary.
running through the various definitions/descriptions; The aspect of Building Management
- an automated or computerized building, Systems is the central focus of Intelligent
- centrally controlled and managed, Buildings concept; its purpose is to control, monitor
- designed to ensure safety, comfort and and optimize building services such as, Lighting,
productivity for its occupants, Heating, Security, Close Circuit TV & Alarm
- ability to sense and react to the Systems. It also includes areas such as Access
environment, Control, Audio-Visual & Entertainment Systems,
- energy efficiency and Ventilation, Filtration & Climate Control, etc.
- life-time cost effectiveness. Building Management system also could control
However, it is not strange noting the diverse and Staff Availability and Movement (attendance
varying definitions of what intelligent building is, control and reporting) (Mills, 2004)
because architecture itself is a subjective subject; According to Coggan (1997), intelligent
different approaches by different persons to buildings use computers extensively and are
solving the same problems and achieving a high-technology related. In fact, the National
common end result. Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC had a
In a simple and clear term, one can summarise committee dealing with "electronically enhanced."
these definitions and explanations thus: This electronic view of intelligence addresses four
An intelligent building is a computer aided groups: ft Energy efficiency
(automated) building that is designed and  Life-safety systems
centrally managed to ensure safety, comfort and  Telecommunications systems
productivity for its occupants as well as energy  Workplace automation
efficiency, through sensing and communication
devices, thereby enhancing long-term The ultimate dream in the design of an
sustainability at minimal running cost. intelligent building has always been to integrate
Other terms which could be interchangeably the four operating areas into one single
used to describe intelligent buildings are Smart computerized system. This therefore involves
Buildings and Automated buildings, multi-professional participation right from the
project planning stage.
HIGH TECH. AND INTER Integrating high technology into buildings is done
DISCIPLINARY CONCEPT OF for three main purposes:- Efficiency, Employee
INTELLIGENT BUILDING productivity and job satisfaction and Environmental

Owajionyi L. Frank / AARCHES J 6(3) 2007

concerns. in intelligent buildings are:

 PBX telephone system
Energy Efficiency  Cablevision
Intelligence with respect to energy in an  Videotext
intelligent building consists of the reduction of  Electronic mail
energy use to the barest minimum. Computerized Workplace automation
systems are used extensively. Such systems go by Intelligence with respect to workplace
many names: Building Automation System (BAS), automation in an intelligent building consists of the
Energy Management System (EMS), Energy use of high-tech office automation system to render
Management and Control System (EMCS), Central the operation of a company more efficient. This can be
Control and Monitoring System (CCMS) and done at a reduced cost to tenants by virtue of the
Facilities Management System (FMS). equipment being shared. Some of the factors
One form of energy management system is involved in workplace automation in intelligent
that which initiates responses to breakdowns buildings are:
immediately by registering alarms for off-normal  Centralized Data Processing
conditions found in the building. This leads to a  Word Processing
more efficient maintenance of buildings,  Computer Aided Design
fewer breakdowns, comfort and cost effectiveness.  Information Services
In energy efficiency system, lighting and power Another aspect of work place Automation is to
needs of the building are coordinated from a central address the use of computer programs to provide
computer system, usually through pre-programmed coordination of the many building subsystems
sensory device(s) involved, in the regulating of the interior thermal
environment of the building and providing power to
Life Safety System all building systems. The goal is usually to reduce
Intelligence with respect to life safety in an the operating cost of the building(s) while
intelligent building consists of the use of high maintaining the desired environment for the
technology to maximize the performance of fire occupants. Because of the many sub-systems
alarm and security systems while at the same time contributing to the energy costs of operating a
minimizing costs (Coggan, 2000). Life-safety building, these computer programs can be
factors involved in intelligent buildings are: extremely complex. They can extend well beyond
 Reduced manpower dependence the current Building Automation Systems (BAS)
 Closed-circuit television that typically address issues of energy savings by
 Card access control (Smart Card System) reducing systems control of unoccupied spaces, and
 Smoke detection shedding loads to prevent electrical utility demand
 Intrusion alarms charges (Wikipedia,2003).
 Emergency control of elevators, HVAC Opportunities for integrating other sub-
systems, doors UPS. systems into the overall Mechanical and Electrical
Systems of intelligent buildings include:
Telecommunications Systems  Active control of traditionally
Intelligence with respect to passive elements such as glazing or
telecommunications in an intelligent building wall thermal transmission.
consists of the offering to tenants of many  Anticipatory strategies e.g.
sophisticated telecom features at a considerably incorporating weather forecasts into
reduced cost due to the fact that many users share the control strategies or incorporation of
equipment. Some of the telecom features involved utility cost or demand forecasts into

Owajionyi L. Frank / AARCHES J 6(3) 2007

the operation. been available in buildings where high security is

 Adaptive learning continuous essential. Super markets and departmental shops in
learning from the building occupants Nigeria use it a lot. Recently hotels and some
and adapting control strategies. companies access their hotel rooms and offices by
 Individual occupant tracking the use smart cards. In the Federal Palace Hotel in
tracking building occupants and Lagos for instance, the same smart card is used 1^
adapting the building systems by guest to open the room door and to switch on the
proactively to their demands. light in the room. Another common aspect today is
 Fault detection, notification and the use of a mobile remote or an in-built sensor to
adaptation for equipment, open the gate into a premises, sometimes also
particularly critical equipment in the through smart cards.
mechanical and electrical systems It is clear that very soon building
(Wikipedia2003). practitioners in Nigeria and indeed all over the
 Beyond these energy-focused world will begin to look in the direction of
applications of the intelligent intelligent building, if their works will need to be
building concept there are many relevant in the property market.
other possible uses for similar
strategies. Some possibilities include: THE CHALLENGE FOR OUR
 Usage charges for building facilities
Currently there has not been any building work in
 Way finding within the building
Nigeria that is truly and completely intelligent.
 Lighting customization to
Research work in this area appears not to be
provide different moods
available. Even in the United States, research works
 Preventive maintenance tracking
became prominent from this millennium, though
of building materials.
there has been some publications in the form of
mimeographs and adverts in magazines, later, on-
Some Aspects of Intelligent Building
line publications. Design, construction and
Components in Nigeria
marketing of intelligent buildings could not gain
Some authors describe intelligent building as the
grounds in the developed nations until the 1990's.
building for the future. That future is already here.
It is therefore a responsibility on the building
Although this paper did not carry out detailed study of
practitioners; designers, builders, proprietors,
intelligent buildings in Nigeria, it noted that some
managers and researchers in Nigeria and indeed
prominent buildings possesses semblance of
other parts of the developing world to key-in to
intelligence or some components and fittings are
this concept of nouveau-postmodern
intelligent. From the different description of what
architecture because very soon all over the
intelligent building is as described in chapter 3
world, buildings without intelligence would be out
above, proves that even in the developed countries,
of fashion and eventually difficult to lease and
no single building possesses all aspects of
manage. This therefore poses some challenges to
intelligent building.
practitioners in the building industry.
The commonest and about the foremost
Designers: Building designers are also encouraged
aspect of intelligence in buildings is the sensor
to explore the advantages of online services through
controlled glass doors which are available in many
the Internet to educate them on the current
public buildings. The close circuit television
technology if they want to remain relevant. -Short
system used to monitor selected parts of the
courses are available in some universities in
interior and immediate exterior spaces has also

Owajionyi L. Frank / AARCHES J 6(3) 2007

Singapore and the UK and other developed CONCLUSION

countries. The School of Construction The intelligent building concept is summarized in
Management and Engineering of the University this paper to mean a computer aided (automated)
of Reading offer an M.Sc. in Intelligent Building building that is designed and centrally managed to
without a career break, taken in 8 modules spread ensure, safety, comfort and productivity for its
through a period of two to five years. Specialized occupants as well as energy efficiency, through
professionals, outside the country in the area of sensing and communication .(Devices, thereby
building systems could also be brought in at the enhancing long-term sustainability at minimal
conception stage. running cost. In a very clear term therefore,
intelligent building is a combination of
Builders: As designers develop this new concept Architectural, Electrical and General Building
and introduce it to the construction market, the Services skills and the mastery of information
builders or contractors will be faced with the technology to achieve a functional, comfortable
challenges of building as designed. A new method and safe building that reduces the lifetime cost. It
of construction will evolve; all spaces may need would not be out of place to call it a computerized
to be interconnected with conduits, some building, though it requires a lot more than just
electrical and fire installations might need to come computers. In its most general sense, it should
up earlier than usual, etc. Generally. there is going mean a building that in some way can sense its
to be new challenges in the building construction environment, reach decisions about the state of that
technology. environment and communicate those decisions; the
building can adjust some aspect of the interior
Proprietors: Building proprietors; private or or exterior environment in response to a change
corporate will now be faced with the challenge of in some other aspects of that environment. With
sourcing for more funds as the initial cost of making this style of design, building maintenance will be
the building intelligent is bound to be higher than prompt and avoidable.
normal. A lot of satisfaction is going to be enjoyed It is not debatable that this is the way forward for
by the building owners as they see their end product building design and construction in this
meeting the needs of users, thus making life easier millennium. This paper therefore becomes
for them. Old buildings, which are not intelligent, imperative as it is bound to agitate or redirect
will gradually fade out the property market. designers and developers in Nigeria and other
developing nations towards building intelligently as
Researchers: Building researchers and educators a means of sustainability in the building sector.
will be challenged by this paper to investigate more Building researchers and trainers alike would be
into building intelligently. They are the pivot and roused to do more work in this area, thus
vanguard of development in any society. contributing towards speedy maturity of the
They therefore should be fully abreast of this Intelligent Building Concept.
nouveau concept and should also explore the
short term training opportunities enumerated
above, to develop their perception of the concept.
Training in architecture needs to emphasize more
training in the computer education.
China Intelligent Building Technology
Information Network (CIBTIN)
(2002): Accessed: November 4,
2003. http ://www. ib-china. com/

Owajionyi L. Frank / AARCHES J 6(3) 2007

Climate World (2006): Intelligent ("smart") Association (CABA) (2002): "Best

building at to "Climate World" Practice Guide for Evaluating
Intelligent Building Technologies"
E x h i b i t i o n . Accessed: September 6,2007. m/topics/sm art/ Ehrlich, P. E. (2005):
"What is an Intelligent Building?"
Coggan, D. A. (1997): "How can Buildings Be Accessed: September 6,2007.
Intelligent" Accessed: November http://www.fmdarticles.eom/p/articies/
4,2003 mi-mOBPR/is .

Coggan, D. A. (2000): "Intelligent Buildings Simply HandsonGuide (2007): "Intelligent

Explained Accessed: N o v e m b e r 2, Building" Intelligent Building Dictionary.
2 0 0 3 . Coggan, Accessed: September 6,2007.
D. A. (2003): "Smart Buildings" Accessed: http://intelligent-building-
November 4,2003. building/ Intelligence Building Group (n.d.): "What
Continental Authomated Buildings

Owajionyi L. Frank / AARCHES J 6(3) 2007

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