A.1.3 How To Take The Certification Exam

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2/14/2019 TestOut LabSim

A.1.3 How to take the Certification Exam
Students can only take a TestOut Pro certification exams as scheduled by an instructor or an administrator. To schedule an exam:

1. In a web browser, go to LabSim at http://testout.com.

2. Log in to LabSim using a teacher account.
3. From the top navigation menu, select the Certifications tab.
A list of available certifications are displayed. Beneath each certification are your classes and the associated products that will prepare your students
for the certification exam.
4. Next to the class you want to schedule the exam for, select Actions.
5. Select Schedule Exam.
The exam scheduler will verify that the correct products are associated with the class and will then display the scheduling window. On the
Unscheduled tab, students with current course licenses for LabSim training and an associated TestOut Pro certification exam are listed. Select
individual students by selecting the box next to a student's name, or select the entire class by clicking Select all.
6. Select Schedule.
7. In the Select Time Range field, choose the date and the beginning and ending time you want the exam to be available to students.
8. Select Done to close the tab.
The students will be added to the Scheduled tab.
9. Select Done to apply your changes and to save the exam schedule.

Exam start and end times are converted to Universal time as they are recorded. Every user sees the scheduled times reported in their own
local time zone. Each exam has a time limit of 90 to 120 minutes and will automatically end at the time limit if students are still taking it.
TestOut recommends allowing students no less than 60-90 minutes to take the exam. TestOut assumes that proficient students will be able to
perform tasks quickly and correctly. Students who are not proficient in these tasks will take longer and may run out of time.

Students are encouraged to budget their time and to keep moving through the exam so they complete it within the time limit. Begin an exam at
the scheduled exam time as follows:

1. Students should open a web browser and go to http://www.testout.com/.

2. Log in using the LabSim username and password.
3. From the top navigation menu, select the Certifications tab.
4. Navigate to the certification.
5. Select Start Exam.
6. On the Introduction screen, select Start Exam to begin the exam.

Unlike the training exams built into the LabSim courses, the TestOut Pro certification exams are assessment exams that do not allow students
to check their answers or get instant feedback.

https://cdn.testout.com/client-v5-1-10-552/startlabsim.html?ccache=VGVjaEtuaWdodDIwMDAlN2MhJTdjJTdlaW50ZXJuYWwlMGQlMGElN2MhJTdjMiUyZjE0… 1/1

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