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Physical Science

Physical Science – Grade 11
Quarter 3 – Module 2: The Formation of Heavier Elements in the Universe
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Development Team of the Self-Learning Module

Writer: Kimberly C. Montemayor
Editor: Bernadette S. Agustin
Reviewer: Bernadette S. Agustin
Illustrator: Edison P. Clet
Layout Artist: Micaelle Lauren V. Tenorio

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Science 11
Quarter 3
Self-Learning Module 2
The Formation of Heavier Elements in
the Universe
Introductory Message

For the Facilitator:

Welcome to the Physical Science Grade 11 Self-Learning Module 2 on The

Formation of Heavier Elements in the Universe!

This Self-Learning Module was collaboratively designed, developed and

reviewed by educators from the Schools Division Office of Pasig City headed by its
Officer-in-Charge Schools Division Superintendent, Ma. Evalou Concepcion A.
Agustin, in partnership with the City Government of Pasig through its mayor,
Honorable Victor Ma. Regis N. Sotto. The writers utilized the standards set by the K
to 12 Curriculum using the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) in
developing this instructional resource.

This learning material hopes to engage the learners in guided and

independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Further, this also aims
to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills especially the 5 Cs, namely:
Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Character while
taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them
to manage their own learning. Moreover, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the Learner:

Welcome to the Physical Science Grade 11 Self-Learning Module 2 on The

Formation of Heavier Elements in the Universe!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be enabled to process the contents of the learning material while being an
active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

Expectations - This points to the set of knowledge and skills

that you will learn after completing the module.

Pretest - This measures your prior knowledge about the lesson

at hand.

Recap - This part of the module provides a review of concepts

and skills that you already know about a previous lesson.

Lesson - This section discusses the topic in the module.

Activities - This is a set of activities that you need to perform.

Wrap-Up - This section summarizes the concepts and

application of the lesson.

Valuing - This part integrates a desirable moral value in the


Posttest - This measure how much you have learned from the
entire module.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. analyze the formation of elements during the three nucleosyntheses;
2. identify the different elements formed in each nucleosynthesis;
3. realize how things came about and are correlated to one another.


Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.

1. One of the key evidences of the Big Bang Theory is the ratio of hydrogen to
helium. Which of the following best states the amount of these elements in
the universe?
a. 75% hydrogen and 75% helium
b. 25% hydrogen and 75% helium
c. 75% lithium and 25% hydrogen
d. 25% helium and 75% hydrogen

2. Which of the following elements is NOT formed during stellar

a. cadmium
b. oxygen
c. carbon
d. silicon

3. When two nuclei of light elements are forced together at extremely high
temperature, which of the following has occurred?
a. nuclear fission
b. binding energy
c. nuclear fusion
d. radioactive decay

4. When are heavier elements formed?

a. during the birth of stars
b. during the creation of the universe
c. during the supernova explosion of stars
d. during the black hole transformation of stars

5. What are the two conditions needed for star to form heavier elements?
a. low mass and high amount of hydrogen fuel
b. high mass and high amount of hydrogen fuel
c. extreme temperature and low amount of neutrons
d. extreme temperature and high amount of neutrons

By this time, you must have already known stars of various sizes, colors,
and temperatures. You can now describe stars’ evolution from their conception up
until they get old and die.

But have you ever wondered what is going on inside those burning ball of
gases when those stars evolve from one phase to another? And since nuclear
reactions are apparent during star’s evolution, are we expecting new and different
products out of these reactions? What could be the end products of stellar

So, once more hang on with me for our 2nd day of space exploration and
remember to fasten your seatbelt! But first, let us have a quick warm-up stint to
get started.

Direction: Match the word on the left with the definition on the right. Choose
the letter of the correct answer.

1. nebula a. smallest and coolest kind of star

2. supernova b. a large cloud of gas or dust in space

3. elements c. first element out in space

4. nucleosynthesis d. process of creating new atomic nuclei from

5. red giant pre-existing nucleons
6. hydrogen e. red supergiant star explosion

7. main sequence star f. a dying low to intermediate mass star in the

late phase of stellar evolution
g. a star that is undergoing nuclear fusion by
fusing hydrogen to form helium in its core
h. simplest forms of matter
Formation of Heavier Elements in the Universe
What is the universe made of? What about the galaxies, the stars, the earth,
and your body? What are they all made of?

In your Chemistry class, you have learned of the numerous elements in

solid, liquid, and gaseous forms that can be found in earth’s natural abundance
while others were found through man’s ingenuity. These elements are the so-called
pure substances made of atoms that are of the same type. They are the basic
compositions of all forms of matter known to humans, whether living or non-living
things, and of all other celestial bodies.

So, where did all these materials come from? How did they come into
existence? Now, gear-up and let us find that out!

1. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: Light Elements

Question 1: What happened 14 billion years ago?

Yes, the Big Bang had just happened! Three seconds after that event, when
the universe was billions of degrees in temperature, protons, and neutrons were
produced in exact numbers as the universe continue to expand rapidly. At this
point, the first atomic nuclei were formed and only lighter elements such as
hydrogen and helium were formed and a negligible amount of lithium.

By the time the universe was three minutes old, the temperature went down.
It was too cold for a nuclear reaction to take place, so the process stopped, and the
abundance of the elements was fixed at ratios of 75% hydrogen and 25% helium.

Fig. 1. Hydrogen to helium ratio Source:

Scientists believe that this percentage has remained the same since then
and this should explain the current ratio of hydrogen to helium, 3:1. This is also
one of the evidences of the Big Bang where basically all hydrogen and helium

2. Stellar Nucleosynthesis: Heavy Elements

Question 2: What could have caused other elements to pop up?

After the big bang, most of the elements in the universe were produced by
the stars in the nuclear fusion reaction at its core. The earth and all other
heavenly bodies are believed to be remnants of the stars. In our case, we are
considered part of the debris of a big star in its active existence, but not of our sun.
Yes, we are just like specks of dust. The nuclear fusion reaction inside the star is
the process by which nuclear reactions between light elements form heavy
elements (up to iron).
This is the so-called stellar nucleosynthesis, believed to be the origin and the
production of heavy elements.

Fig. 2. Nuclear Fusion inside the star Source:

In the core of the main-sequence star, like our Sun, hydrogen is fused into
helium. More massive stars follow the same procedure, but more quickly. Less
massive stars form more slowly.
When most of the hydrogen is used up in the core, the helium begins fusing
into carbon (C) at its core. That is when the star is dying, it is compressed due to
gravity which generates heat and results in the expansion `of the star. The star
swells to become a “red giant” and the smaller elements fuse to form larger and
larger elements.
Red giants are hot enough to turn the helium at their core into heavy
elements like carbon. The star now begins to manufacture carbon atoms by
fusing three helium atoms. Rarely a fourth helium atom combines to produce
oxygen. Stars of about the sun’s mass stop with this helium-burning stage and
collapse into white dwarfs about the size of the earth, expelling their outer layers
in the process.


Question 3: How is the mass of stars correlates to the formation of heavy elements?

More massive stars begin a further series of nuclear burning or reaction

stages. The elements formed in these stages range from oxygen through to iron.

When the mass of a star is higher, the heavier elements it can create in its
core, because heavy element fusion needed higher temperatures, which only the
most massive stars can attain. After all the hydrogen in the core has been
converted to helium, massive stars begin a series of nuclear burning or reaction
stages: carbon burning, neon burning, oxygen burning, and silicon burning.
Carbon undergoes fusion reactions to produce oxygen, neon, sodium, and
magnesium. Throughout then neon burning stage, neon fuses into oxygen and
magnesium. During the oxygen burning stage, oxygen forms silicon and other
elements that lie between magnesium and sulfur.

Question 4: From the equations below, which element is used as the primary
component of the elements produced from fusion?

 3 helium atoms fusing to give a carbon atom:

3 4He → 12C

 carbon atom + helium atom fusing to give an oxygen atom:

12C + 4He → 16O

 oxygen atom + helium atom fusing to give a neon atom:

16O + 4He → 20Ne

 neon atom + helium atom fusing to give a magnesium atom:

20Ne + 4He → 24Mg

Yes, helium is the main fuel that supply the needed energy for the nuclear
reaction to take place deep down in the core up until the dying period of stars.

The high mass stars can make all elements up to iron in their cores.
Iron is the heaviest element they can make and is the end of the line for fusion. The
fusion of iron does not create energy, and without energy supply, the star will soon

14Si + 42He 324
16S + 2He
18Ar + 42He
20Ca +24He 44
22Ti + 42He 48
24Cr + 42 He
26Fe + 42He 56
28 Ni
26 Fe

Fig. 4 Evolution of High Mass Stars: Additional Heavy Elements Synthesis Source:

However, super massive stars continue to expand in preparation for more

heavier but rare elements to be born.

4. Supernova Nucleosynthesis: Heavier Elements

Question 5: What happens when star has consumed all its fuel and explodes?
More massive stars become super red giant and when their core runs out of
fusion fuel, the core collapses and resists gravity, then the star is doomed. As
gravity squashes the core, the star expands until it explodes and releases a
tremendous amount of energy. This explosion is called a supernova. Supernova
frequently releases enough energy and estimated to be more than 100 million
degrees celsius that they shine brighter than an entire galaxy

Question 6: How is the temperature and number of neutrons correlate to the

formation of heavier elements?

These are the two conditions for heavier elements to be formed. Otherwise,
there will be a big gap of elements in the periodic table. When the supernova
explosion happens, dying star undergoes a rapid capture of massive number of
neutrons under extreme temperature. This rapid neutron capture converts
elements into heavy isotopes and decays into heavy elements.

Question 7: Why are elements formed after the supernova, uncommon or rare just
like gold?

In less than seconds, many new elements heavier than iron are created.
Such as iodine, xenon, gold, platinum, and most of the naturally occurring
radioactive elements. There was a very limited time left for the supergiant star to
form these elements before it explodes. So, elements formed not from the nuclear
fusion at the core of a star are scarce. And because they are not abundant, they are
apparently expensive just like gold.

Hence, in the supernova explosion, all these elements are expelled out into
space, and new stars are born out of this matter. After a supernova, forcing the
protons and electrons to combine to produce a neutron star. When the mass is
greater, the core contracts and becomes a black hole.


Activity 1- Make a graphic organizer about the formation of elements and identify the
elements under each event. An illustration is given below to help you out.

Activity 2- What elements are formed in the following events?

Big Bang Stellar Nucleosynthesis Supernova

Nucleosynthesis Nucleosynthesis
Main Sequence Star Giant Star Super Giant Star Super Giant Star
Activity 3- Make your own customized periodic table of elements indicating the
heavier elements.


Direction: Below are events in the formation of elements before supernova. Identify
the elements and the stars to complete the diagram.

Fig. 5 Formation of Heavier Elements

Explain the following briefly.

1. Supernova has always been thought of a gloomy and insignificant event in

a star’s life. What do you think happened if there was no supernova explosion that
took place long before our sun was born? How important is the formation of
elements in our solar system?

2. Everything seems to originate from the big bang, including all the stuff
that make up your body. When you were born, do protons, electrons and neutrons
inside every tiny part of you born on the same date as you were?

3. Do you own the atoms of elements inside your body? Where do you think
will these dusts of molecules end up when we die just like the stars? How
important is it to make use of all these borrowed stuffs while you are still alive?


Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.

Use the following choices to answer questions 1-3.

a. nebula nucleosynthesis c. stellar nucleosynthesis

b. supernova nucleosynthesis d. big bang nucleosynthesis

1. Which process is probable to produce the heaviest element?

2. When are hydrogen and helium formed?
3. When are carbon and oxygen formed?

4. What elements will be produced when carbon undergoes fusion reactions?

a. hydrogen and helium
b. beryllium and hydrogen
c. oxygen and neon
d. xenon and gold

5. When does a massive star enter the stage of becoming a supernova?

a. when the star has used up all its hydrogen fuel
b. when the star has burned all its oxygen
c. when the chromium fusion stops
d. when the silicon fusion stops
6. Which of the following describes stellar nucleosynthesis?
a. It is the formation of light elements such as hydrogen and helium.
b. It is the process by which elements are produced in gas clouds.
c. It is the formation of elements during a supernova explosion.
d. It is the process by which elements are formed within stars.

7. What is the heaviest element formed before a star dies out?

a. gold
b. iron
c. silicon
d. magnesium

8. Inside of you, are elements like carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. Where did all
these elements come from?
a. from the sun
b. from the earth
c. from a red giant star
d. from a supergiant star

9. Which of the following are the first two most common elements in the
universe that makes up your body?
a. carbon and oxygen
b. carbon and nitrogen
c. hydrogen and helium
d. hydrogen and oxygen

10.When a star’s core runs out of hydrogen, the star begins to die out and
expands into a red giant. What element will be formed first during this phase
while helium atoms are fused?
a. helium
b. carbon
c. oxygen
d. hydrogen

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