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Challenging Cycle Sheet

Web Technologies (SWE1008)


i) Implement a sign up page for student registration. The page should be in the format
given below:

ii) The JavaScript should do validation with alert box display

iii) The server (PHP) registers the user and stores the user info containing
username, gender and address in database(MySQL), if the user name does
not exist in the database already.

1. Implement an online quiz application.

i) The timer is set for each question. If timer elapses the next question is
automatically displayed.
ii) Going back to previous question is disabled and going to next question before
time should also be possible.
iii) The app should store the results of the user in the database. The database also
stores the number of attempts made by the user.

2. Ten students are appearing for the Dream Company Interview in VIT.
i) Interview has 3 rounds and marks will be awarded for each round for a maximum
of 50,25 and 25 in each rounds.
ii) Based on the student who has got the maximum marks, a ranking system is to be
applied and only 5 students will be selected to get the job.
iii) Consider two student score the same marks. Then they will have different ranks.
Write a PHP code to help the employer.

3. Design the following form and

i) create a shipping address database which gets the input from the form and
ii) store it into the database using PHP/MySQL.

Note: If the required fields are not filled with data, an alert should be thrown.


4. Implement Shopping Cart application in the form given below using PHP sessions.
i) Usage of sessions is mandatory.
ii) The Shopping cart app should keep track of buyers information such as name of
customer and product purchased.
iii) Display the same when buyer logins again.


5. PDFFreeConverter wants to provide an online Word to PDF file converter using PHP.
The converter application has a form that gets the e-mail of the user in a textbox and a
button for word file upload.
i) The application permits free conversion for file size less than 1MB and charges Rs. 50
above it. If a user is sending a free conversion request for multiple word files then the
time interval between them must be a minimum of ½ an hour.
ii) Write the PHP script for checking the file types (If the file entered is not a word file
then an error message must be specified in the form) and checking the file sizes.

6. Consider the database schema for IPL_Cricket_2015 table with attributes team_name,
number_of_matches_played, number_of_matches_won, number_of_matches_lost and
i) Design a PHP application with three forms for insertion, updation and display of
match statistics.
Perform insertion of initial team information in the table.
ii) Perform an updation of number of matches played, won, lost and points for a given
iii) Perform selection and display of match statistics for a specified team.

7. Design a form as given below using different form elements and perform the validation
on the following fields:
i) Phone number should contain digits only and restricted to ten digits.
iii) Number and Name should not be null.
On submit, the form details should be displayed in a separate web page using PERL script.

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