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Company Overview:
Happiest Minds Technologies is a digital transformation, infrastructure, security and prod-
uct engineering services company.It has capabilities to provide end-to-end solutions in
digital space. It offers digital business, product engineering, infra management and security
services. It supports the customers in innovating new ways to interact with their clients
which makes them more efficient, responsive and engaging. It offers solutions across the
spectrum of various digital technologies such as RPA, SDN/NFV, big data and advanced ana-
lytics, IoT, cloud, BPM and security. Company is headquartered in Bangalore, India and has
its operations in the US, UK, Canada, Singapore and Australia.

Objects of the Issue:

The object of the offer is to harness the benefits of listing the equity shares on the
exchanges. The net proceeds from the issue will be utilised for:
a) Meet long term working capital requirement (INR 1bn)
b) General corporate purposes
Investment Rationale:
Improved key account relationships and obtained new accounts
Company focuses significantly on understanding the behaviour, preference and trends of its customers
through research and a consultation process. This gives them a differentiated perspective theythey bring to
the client engagements. Company continuously expands its relations with existing customers by supporting
them in solving new problems and become more engaging and agile.Its tally of client accounts with mini-
mum spend p.a. of USD 1mn, USD 5mn and USD 10mn has grown in the last 3 fiscals and they aim to continue
to grow the key client relations. Strengthening of its relations with existing customers will remain a core
strategy as they continue to leverage knowledge of emerging technology and expertise in order to get incre-
mental growth in its business.

Improving existing partnerships and entered into new tie-ups with Independent software
Company’s focus on software product development for such ISVs has shaped key aspects of its service offer-
ings as well as its culture of software engineering excellence, enabling them to expand its services into other
industry verticals. To increase the efficiency of the software development process, company has created
proprietary software development lifecycle processes, applications and tools. Company’s aim is to be a
market leader in providing high-quality software engineering services for global ISVs and upcoming tech-
nology companies. They will continue to develop new solutions jointly with its partner ISVs, which will help
them in getting a greenfield customer base. This will aid the company in cross selling and upselling to newer
customers. They have already created multiple innovative solution accelerators on the Azure platform like
Connected Field Service Accelerator (IoT devices are connected with cloud technologies), external facing
chatbots available on websites for customer interaction, data lake and streaming analytics platform and
prediction models.

Financial Analysis:
Company’s revenue grew at a CAGR of 23% over FY18-20. EBITDA grew by 77%YoY to INR 971mn in FY20.
EBITDA margins expanded by 460bps to 13.9% in FY20. Company’s EBITDA loss was INR 186mn in FY18.
Company’s PAT grew multi-fold by 405% YoY to INR 717mn in FY20. In 1QFY21, Company’s
Revenue/EBITDA/PAT stood at INR 1,770mn/INR 379mn/INR 502mn respectively. EBITDA margins stood at
21.4% in 1QFY21. Company’s operating cash flow has been positive in all the recent fiscals. OCF stood at INR
1,122mn in FY20 (INR 576mn in FY19). Recent Gross Debt/Equity stood at 0.3x. RoCE/RoE stood at
26.3%/27.0% respectively in FY20. Happiest Technologies has shown significant improvement in its finan-
cial performance over the recent fiscals, and we believe this trajectory will continue given the strong
focus on growth strategy of the company.

Outlook and Valuation:

Happiest Minds Technologies repeat business (revenue from current customers) has steadily grown and con-
tributed a significant portion of its revenue from contracts with customers over the fiscals which highlights
a high degree of customer stickiness. Company has 148 active customers. Over the fiscals and currently
during the ongoing spread of Covid-19, they have successfully implemented its business continuity plans
including to achieve agile work-from-home practices to ensure connectivity across the group. Company is
valued at P/E of 34.5x based on diluted EPS of FY20 as compared to industry average of 26.9x. Albeit based
on positive sentiments around the IT industry and new technologies, we believe this would be a good
opportunity for investors. Therefore, we advise “SUBSCRIBE” to this IPO
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