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Diode Rectification

Carino, Vincent Paul C.

Group 2


We decide of how a diode is utilized Half wave

rectifier and a full wave rectifier circuit. We
confirm it by using the oscilloscope and multi-
meter. First we set-up the power supply to the
circuit board at that point associate the oscilloscope.
We came up an AC current in the info and DC
current to the yield. At that point we get the
Voltage, RMS, Peak Voltage, and Average Voltage
in both yield and info.


•Anode - the positively charged electrode

by which the electrons leave a device.

•Cathode - the negatively charged electrode On the off chance that there's a bridge rectifier
by which electrons enter an electrical device. where all the diode associated, at that point we
will have a Full-Wave Rectification.
•Rectification - conversion of alternating
current to a pulsating direct current

•Full Wave Rectification - conversion of ac

to dc using both half cycles of the ac voltage.

•Half Wave Rectification - conversion of ac

to dc using only half cycles of the ac voltage.


We analyze how an Alternating Current

proselyte to Direct Current by utilizing a diode.
The appropriate responses is in the diode
circuit. "The way toward getting unidirectional
flows and voltages from substituting flows and
voltages is called amendment." (Bird, 2014). It is important to change over those high
The least complex technique for changing over voltage substituting current into the usable
is the Half-Wave Rectification. direct current.
 3-1 / Full-wave diode bridge

At First, We adjusted the power source to

positive-negative 15Vdc but the circuit board
limits only up to 11Vdc. In this step, we didn’t
turned on the power source. Second, we located
POWER SUPPLY FILTER and connected it to In this step, we determined the alteration of the
the GENERATOR BUFFER as shown below: input voltage that the diode is under test
forward biased

We set up the material needed, oscilloscope,
multi-meter, power supply and circuit block.
We first test the oscilloscope whether it’s
functioning or reading the input terminal. And
then we test the Figure 1 and Figure 2.

Figure 1. Half-wave diode circuit 1

Third, we setup the oscilloscope channels 1

and 2 for value indicated in the manual using
X10 probes. We connected the channel 1 to the
GENERATOR BUFFER and connected the
channel 2 across the secondary terminals of T1.
We measured the voltage readings displayed in
channel 1 and we determined if it’s a step-down
or step-up voltage relationship. Fourth,
referring to the figure below, we ensured that
the common lead of the test probe is at the
negative terminal of the bridge circuit.

Using the X10 probe on oscilloscope, we

adjusted the output of the external sine wave
generator signal. The position test waveform is Figure 1. Half-wave diode circuit 2
indicated by the figure below:
We are able to see the anticipated yield of the
Figure 1 and Figure 2 and Half-wave of the AC
current. At that point we determined the voltage
peak to peak, RMS and so forth. same
methodology to full-wave.
We discovered that a diode is an entirely
Figure 3. Full-wave diode circuit adaptable electronic gadget as it could likewise
be utilized during the time spent amendment.
Knowing the standards of biasing is important
to comprehend the correction procedure. There
are two yield we get, a half-wave rectifier and
full-wave rectifier. The distinctions is that the
full-wave rectifier is utilized as a scaffold
rectifier association where every one of the 4
diode associated one another.



Retrieved from:
The result of our computed and measured
experiment are shown below: ormPackages/path_2/43_the_fullwave_rectifier

Bird, J. (2014). Eletrical and Electronic Principles and Technology. New York: Routledge .

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