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Teacher Candidates: Ronnie Freeman


Introductory Material:

Date of Lesson: 02/14/2020 Class Time: 10:15-11:47

School Name and Grade: Allatoona High School; 9th grade Technology Use: brainPOP, iPads, internet access

Length of Lesson (Time): 90 minutes Number of Students: 25-30

Equipment/Supplies (be complete): Description of Facility: Inside of Health classroom, in the hallway
Internet Access, 25 stress balls, worksheet for brainPOP, Bubble Spider Web
Worksheet, worksheet for daily planner.

Behavioral/Performance Objectives:

Cognitive: HBO 4. Standard 1. MEH1.12.14 Summarize personal stressors at home, in school, and with friends.

Psychomotor: HBO 4. Standard 7. MEH7.12.2 Evaluate personal and emotional health practices that reduce or prevent health risks.

Affective: HBO 4. Standard 7. MEH7.12.2 Evaluate personal and emotional health practices that reduce or prevent health risks.

National Standards:

Central Focus of Lesson: Mental and Emotional Health. Summarize personal Healthy Behavioral Outcome: HBO 4: Prevent and manage emotional stress
stressors at home, school, and with friends. What are some personal and and anxiety in healthy ways.
emotional health practices that you can do to help reduce or prevent stress?

National Standards Addressed: GPS Assessed:

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion MEH1.12.14: Summarize personal stressors at home, in school, and with
and disease prevention to enhance. friends.
Standard 7: Students will be able to demonstrate strategies to improve or MEH7.12.2: Evaluate personal and emotional health practices that reduce or
maintain positive mental and emotional health. prevent health risks.

Lesson Considerations:

Prior Academic Knowledge & Prerequisite Skills: Very basic knowledge on emotional stress. (It is something that deals with mental health)
Academic Language: Stress, Stressors, Analyze, Influence, Distress, Eustress
That the only kind of stress is bad stress (distress)

Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including your instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions, student
support, assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could understand them enough to use them. Include
what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Note: the statements and scaffolding questions in red below are
meant to guide your thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in your plant. Delete them before typing your lesson


(Instant/Motivational Activity; Warm-Up & Review; Set Induction)

● Set Induction: What did we talk about last Friday? Depression; right! What is the difference between feeling down and suffering 3 minutes
from depression disorder? What about getting help? Who can you talk to here at the school about depression? Where are they
located? Great job. Today we will be continuing the topic of mental and emotional health. Today we will focus on stress.
● Instant Activity: Take the students in the hall and have them stand and form circles of about five to eight people. Give each 15 minutes
group one stress ball to begin. Have the first person throw a ball to someone else and remember who they threw it to since
they will be asked to remember and continue the same pattern. Each person throws the ball to someone who has not yet had
the ball. The last person sends it back to the original person who “keeps the ball rolling” a little faster then next time. (Do not
have them throw to the same person twice until all members have gotten it first.) Once they have the pattern down, introduce
another ball—then another and then another. Balls drop, roll, etc., but urge them to pick them up and continue.
● Processing: Head back to the classroom. Have everyone sit down and identify what they can learn from the activity (besides it 3 minutes
being hard to keep all the balls in the air!). What did they learn they had to do to be successful? How many thought of what they
would eat for dinner, etc.? Probably no one. Tell them people are totally in the present. Point out that life is like this activity—
we all juggle many things at one time, and if we are not focused, things get dropped! If we focus too much on the past or
present, the stress balls will pound and bombard us if we are not alert.


(for each activity)

(Specific and detailed plan to facilitate student learning and skill development)
● Students will start off by watching a quick video about stress on brainPOP. While watching students will be answering questions 15 minutes
that go along with the video. Once the video is over the teacher will go over the questions and answers that the students got.
● Next students will create a schedule of what a typical day is for them. Let’s say on a Monday. Worksheets with a schedule will
be handed out and the students will write down what they have planned for each hour. On the side of the planner they will fill 20 minutes
out the top 3 tasks for that day, their to-do list if they have any, and a personal to-do list. The teacher will then ask if the
students have set aside any personal time into their day. The teacher will then hand out the same worksheet except this time
the students will have to fit into their schedule at least 30 minutes total of personal time. This means time away from social
media or interaction with people in general. This can be a time to meditate, do yoga, go to the gym, run, type a blog, or write in
a journal.
● Students will then work on a bubble activity for analyzing what influences the stress in their life. Here the students will fill the
big bubbles in on the top things that causes them stress in their life (or stressors). For instance school. Next the students will 30 minutes
write in the little bubbles the subcategories that go into that stressor in their life. For instance homework, studying, basketball
practice, peer pressure. Next the teacher will go over the difference between eustress and distress, afterwards the students will
color in those categories that causes them eustress in one color and the ones that causes them distress in the other color. Next
the teacher will discuss the difference between the stress being either external or internal. (Something they can change or
something that they cannot). They will put a smiley face next to the internal and a frown next to the external. Once completed
the teacher will go over the stressors, both eustress and distress that the students got and why that may be.
● The next activity will teach the students two ways on how they can relieve stress. They will start off by clearing the desk and
having nothing on it besides a sheet of paper and pencil. Calm music will be played and the students will work on deep 10 minutes
breathing, with the teacher instructing them when to inhale and exhale. Afterwards while the music is still playing the students
will write down anything that comes to mind. They can talk about any topic or if they would like to draw instead they can.
● Students will participate in a review game called Kahoot. This game will go over all the information taught in the lesson and quiz
the students based on information learned. Students will be put into groups of 3-4 and work together to compete with the
other groups in the classroom.
● 3-2-1 Activity. This will be their ticket out the door. At the end of class, students will write down 3 things that they liked about
8 minutes
today’s lesson, name 2 things that they learned from today's lesson, and name 1 thing that they will do the next time they feel
stressed. The teacher will go over each question and answer that the students wrote down.
● For closure, give students time to ask questions if they have any. 4 minutes

2 minutes

CLOSURE ACTIVITIES (for each activity)
(Wrap Up, Review, Transition)
Teacher will ask all the students key questions to make sure that they understood the lesson. 1 minutes
● Have students take part in a “3-2-1”activity based on what they liked, learned, and what they can do next time they feel

● The instructor will ask the students what they have learned about different stressors at home and how they can use what they
learned today in 3-4 years later.
● The instructor will ask the students to summarize what health practices they can use. They will also explain it in a way that
someone who has no knowledge would be able to understand it.

● Participating in another Kahoot activity.
● Participate in a simulated scenario activity.


(Specific and detailed plan to assess student learning and skill development)

How will you know whether students are making progress toward your learning goal(s) and/or how will you assess the extent to which they have met your
goal(s)? Use the chart below to describe and justify at least 2 formal or informal assessment strategies.

Assessment Strategy #1: Alignment with Objectives:

Students will be quizzed based on stress. The type of test assessment that will This assessment will work on the cognitive aspect of the student’s learning. It
be used is a quiz game called Kahoot. The students will be able to participate aligns with:
using ipads and compete against each other using speed and accuracy. The HBO 4. Standard 1. MEH1.12.14 Summarize personal stressors at home, in
students will be trying to get the highest score of correct answers in this school, and with friends.
review game. HBO 4. Standard 7. MEH7.12.2 Evaluate personal and emotional health
practices that reduce or prevent health risks.
Evidence of Student Learning:
Once the game is over, a score from each student will be submitted to the
teacher and the teacher will be able to see how many students got the
answers right or wrong.
Student Feedback: The teacher will be asking students how they felt about
each question and constantly giving constructive feedback on given answers.
Assessment Strategy #2: Alignment with Objectives: The students will be able to check and see what
the causes and effects of stress are through information given through a video.
Students will be given a worksheet with questions that go along with the HBO 4. Standard 7. MEH7.12.2 Evaluate personal and emotional health
BrainPOP video based on stress and how to prevent it or reduce it. Students practices that reduce or prevent health risks.
will be able to work in groups and discuss their findings with other students on
what they have learned.
Evidence of Student Learning:
The teacher will ask the student what they have written and have a group
discussion about the activity.
Student Feedback:
The teacher will ask the students how they felt about each question and
constantly give constructive feedback on given answers.

Note: Add more assessment strategy boxes if needed.


(Specific and detailed plan to modify lessons to meet learning needs of all students)
Building on Personal/Cultural/Community Assets:

This plan linked prior knowledge by comparing and contrasting various real life scenarios to the learning experience. Students who may be struggling with
stressors at home, school, or with friends, will be able to use prior knowledge to help learn even more about the causes and effects of this type of emotional
health issue.
Grouping Strategies:
Students will be grouped randomly by shirt color, shoe color, or eye color.
Students will be grouped using a “1,2,3” count off method.
Planned Supports:
Students will be able to listen to and visually learn through videos. Also, students will learn from peer to peer group work.
Students will be given the English translating software that is provided on the internet.
Above: Give the students harder questions and challenge them.
Below: Give those students more time on activities.
Give them alternate activities such as, easier tools or equipment to handle objects that are being used in an activity. For behavioral issues, make the
activity easier or give them a similar task that may help cure their behavior in the moment.



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