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Teacher Candidates: Ronnie Freeman


Introductory Material:

Date of Lesson: 03/06/2020 Class Time: 10:15-11:47

School Name and Grade: Allatoona High School; 9th grade Technology Use:

Length of Lesson (Time): 90 minutes Number of Students: 25-30

Equipment/Supplies (be complete): 12 posters, 30 markers, 35 red sticky notes, Description of Facility: Inside of Health classroom
computer and internet to show videos, deck of cards

Behavioral/Performance Objectives:

Cognitive: HBO 4. Standard 1 MEH1.12.5 Students will be able to summarize strategies for coping with loss and grief.

Psychomotor: HBO 4. Standard 4. MEH4.12.5:Demonstrate how to effectively ask for assistance to improve personal mental and emotional health.

Affective: HBO 4. Standard 7 MEH7.12.3: Demonstrate healthy mental and emotional health practice and behaviors to improve the health of oneself and others.

National Standards:

Central Focus of Lesson: Mental and Emotional Health. Students will be able to Healthy Behavioral Outcome: HBO 4: Prevent and manage emotional stress and
summarize strategies for coping with loss and grief. anxiety in healthy ways.

National Standards Addressed: GPS Assessed:

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion MEH1.12.5 Students will be able to summarize strategies for coping with loss
and disease prevention to enhance health. and grief.
Standard 4: Students will be able to use interpersonal communication skills to MEH4.12.5:Demonstrate how to effectively ask for assistance to improve
enhance mental and emotional health. personal mental and emotional health.
Standard 7: Students will be able to demonstrate strategies to improve or MEH7.12.3: Demonstrate healthy mental and emotional health practice and
maintain positive mental and emotional health. behaviors to improve the health of oneself and others.

Lesson Considerations:

Prior Academic Knowledge & Prerequisite Skills: Very basic knowledge on managing stress and communicating skills.

Academic Language: Coping, Grief, interpersonal communication

Because you feel like you are going crazy, you are.
There are five stages of grief that follow a linear pattern.
Women grieve more than men.
It is ridiculous to mourn the loss of a pet.
Grief will not change your relationships.

Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including your instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions, student
support, assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could understand them enough to use them. Include
what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Note: the statements and scaffolding questions in red below are
meant to guide your thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in your plant. Delete them before typing your lesson


(Instant/Motivational Activity; Warm-Up & Review; Set Induction)

● Set Induction: Good Morning class! I hope everyone’s day is going good so far. Hopefully you had a hearty breakfast and you are 1 minute

ready to get started with today’s lesson. Today we ill be talking about how to cope with a loss or grief. Can someone explain to
me what it means when I say cope, or grief? Great job. Before we start with the knowledge part of todays lesson lets do a little
10 minutes
● Instant Activity: Graffiti Wall- Pass out to the students in the first row colorful makers. Have them write or draw something that
they believe is their perfect memory. They will draw it on a poster that you have hanging on the wall in the classroom. Once
completed they will pass the marker to the person behind them to the next student. This will continue until everyone has drawn
or wrote something down. After this is completed some of the students that are willing stand up and walk to the graffiti wall to
point to what they wrote or drew and explain why it is a perfect memory for them.


(for each activity)
(Specific and detailed plan to facilitate student learning and skill development)

● Lesson Body: Tell the students that for today’s lesson to be especially respectful with others and let everybody have a chance to 5 minutes
talk. Open up the floor to have students raise their hand if they ever loss someone and talk about who they were. Bring to the
students mind if they ever loss a pet as well.
● Think Pair Share over the causes of loss and grief: Changes in the family, Changes in living conditions, Death of a friend, Death 10 minutes
of a well-known person, tragedies in the news, the end of something special. With each one go in detail using powerpoint and
give students an opportunity to do a think pair share with a partner over an example of each. Once they have talk to their
10 minutes
partner about it have a class discussion about their answer.
● Symptoms of Loss and Grief: Give out red stickies to have students write down what they believe might be possible symptoms
of someone suffering from loss or grief. Write down at least one symptom and then place it on your perfect memory as if how
you would react if that person or memory was taken away. Afterwards go over their answers and possible ones they might have
forgotten like sleep disturbance or outbursts of anger. 6 minutes
● Watch The Grieving Process Coping with Death Video: Have students write down 2 things that
they learned on a sheet of paper. (Tell them this is their attendance for the day) After the video is over go over what they might 3 minutes
have written down, then take up their answers.
● Five Stages of loss and grief: Go over the 5 stages of grief and how these may not go in any particular order. Denial, Anger,
10 minutes
Bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
● Comprehending the 5 stages: Select a situation other than death which causes a person to grieve. Write a paragraph explaining
what a person in the situation experiences based on the 5 stages of grief. 20 minutes
● Coping with a Loss or Grief: Go over with the students that there are many things to do when grieving a loss. Some people turn
to drugs or other unhealthy things, but there are many healthful ways to manage grief. These include talking to a parent,
guardian, mentor, or other trusted adult. Have someone stay by your side for a period of time so you aren’t alone. Separate the
students into groups of 3 by using a deck of cards and give each a poster. They must use the markers to write down a list of

healthful ways to cope with a loss or grief. They are in competition with the other groups. Whoever comes up with the most
number of healthful ways wins! Afterwards give the students your list which consist of other ways they might not have thought
of. Example: Moderate your intake of sugar and caffeine (eat healthy), maintain a healthy sleeping cycle, use breathing
techniques, exercise, etc. Explain to them these don’t help just with loss or grief, but can help with your mental and emotional
health overall. Remember these things can help with anxiety, depression, and stress just like we learned in previous lessons.
5 minutes
● How to Ask for Help: Students bring out a sheet of paper will watch a video on how to ask for help. While watching the students
will write down 2 things that will help them the next time they need help.
● Role Play: Students will get back into their groups of 3 and perform a role play for the class. The situation is as follows: A teen’s 25 minutes
grandmother is terminally ill. The teen tells you they are uncomfortable visiting her because they know she is dying and does not
want to see her. One person will be the grieving teen and ask for help by what they wrote down from the previous video, the
other two students will be providing at least 2 ways to help the grieving teen. The other groups watching the performance must
change their two coping strategies if theirs is taken! Groups may look at the posters that we worked on in class for help. The
teacher will line out the coping strategies if they are mentioned from the posters.

CLOSURE ACTIVITIES (for each activity)
(Wrap Up, Review, Transition)

Thank you all so much for being respectful and participating in today’s lesson. I hope you all learned something and enjoyed the activities 1 minute
that we did today.

Teacher will ask all the students key questions to make sure that they understood the lesson.
● What are some causes for loss and grief outside of someone dying?
● Who can you talk to besides your parents and friends when you are dealing with a loss or grief?
● What are some things you can do to help with your mental and emotional health?
● Participating in a Kahoot activity.
● Participate in another simulated scenario activity.


(Specific and detailed plan to assess student learning and skill development)

How will you know whether students are making progress toward your learning goal(s) and/or how will you assess the extent to which they have met your
goal(s)? Use the chart below to describe and justify at least 2 formal or informal assessment strategies.

Assessment Strategy #1: Alignment with Objectives:

Students will have an informal assessment with the activity called Coping with a This assessment will work on the cognitive aspect of the student’s learning.
loss or Grief. Students here will provide a list of coping strategies that they aligns with:
believe will help with coping with a loss or grief. HBO 4. Standard 1.
MEH1.12.5 Students will be able to summarize strategies for coping with
and grief.
Standard 7
MEH7.12.3: Demonstrate healthy mental and emotional health practice and
behaviors to improve the health of oneself and others.

Evidence of Student Learning:

Once the time is up the students will present their posters to the class and

Student Feedback: The teacher will go over each item and constantly giving
constructive feedback as well as show them a list that he did as well.

Assessment Strategy #2: Alignment with Objectives:

Standard 1
Students will be given a scenario to work on in a role play. Here the students MEH1.12.5 Students will be able to summarize strategies for coping with los
objective is to show how to ask for help and how to provide help to someone and grief.
giving them strategies to use to cope with a loss or grief. Standard 4
MEH4.12.5:Demonstrate how to effectively ask for assistance to improve
personal mental and emotional health.
Standard 7
MEH7.12.3: Demonstrate healthy mental and emotional health practice and
behaviors to improve the health of oneself and others.

Evidence of Student Learning:

Students will perform the role play in front of the teacher and class.

Student Feedback:

The teacher will ask the students how they felt about the role play. What m
it hard or easy.

Note: Add more assessment strategy boxes if needed.


(Specific and detailed plan to modify lessons to meet learning needs of all students)

Building on Personal/Cultural/Community Assets:

This plan linked prior knowledge by comparing and contrasting various real life scenarios to the learning experience. Students who may not know proper way
with coping with a loss or grief will be able to use prior knowledge to cope themselves or help others.

Grouping Strategies:
Students will be grouped by using a deck of card. Take out one of each type and students with the same number or type of card is in the same group.

Planned Supports:
Students will be able to listen to and visually learn through videos. Also, students will learn from peer to peer group work.
Students will be given the English translating software that is provided on the internet.
Above: Give the students harder questions and challenge them.
Below: Give those students more time on activities.
Give them alternate activities such as, easier tools or equipment to handle objects that are being used in an activity. For behavioral issues, make the
activity easier or give them a similar task that may help cure their behavior in the moment.




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