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Nível 2 (Fast Finishers) | Módulo 2

Class: Date:

Ficha extra de Vocabulário


1 Label the pictures with the correct means of transport.

1. plane / helicopter 4. taxi / car

2. ship / boat 5. train / bus

3. motorbike / bicycle 6. tram / cable car



© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Flash 6.o ano

Nível 2 (Fast Finishers) | Módulo 2

Class: Date:

2 Match the warnings (1-4) to the correct signs (A-D).



3 Circle the correct answer.

You can buy ...

1. at a __________________ . 4. at a __________________ .

2. at a __________________ . 5. at a __________________ .

3. at a __________________ . 6. at a __________________ .

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Flash 6.o ano

Ficha extra de Gramática


1 Complete the table.

Adjectives Comparative form Adjectives Comparative form

1. fast _________________ than 5. thin _________________ than
2. big _________________ than 6. easy _________________ than
3. beautiful _________________ than 7. cold _________________ than
4. heavy _________________ than 8. exciting _________________ than

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.
1 Jamie’s is the ______________ (popular) restaurant in town.
2 The hospital is the ___________________ (big) building in the city.
3 The bus is the ___________________ (cheap) way to see the city.
4 Macy’s café has got the ______________ (good) chocolate cake in the world.

3 Look at the table and complete the sentences.

1. a) The helicopter tour is
boat bus helicopter
____________________ than the boat tour.
tour tour tour
b) The bus tour is the
1 early 15 pm 9 am 11 am
____________________ tour of all.
2. a) The helicopter tour is not as 2 long
___________________ as the bus tour.
3 expensive ££ £ £££
b) The boat tour is the
____________________ tour of all. 4 interesting   

3. a) The bus tour is not as ____________________

as the boat tour.
b) The helicopter tour is the ____________________ tour of all.
4. a) The helicopter tour is ____________________ than the boat tour.
b) The bus tour is the ____________________ tour of all.
London by taxi FOLLOW
Rebecca Lord@hermajestyrebecca – 15:45 – 25 Oct
Hello everybody! I’m so excited to be in London. It’s my first time here and I
want to visit as many sights as I can. My family and I are in a taxi right now. It’s
the best way to see London when you don’t have much time. It’s great because
32 FOLLOWING the driver knows all of the best places to visit and the fastest way to get there.
It is expensive, but it’s Ficha
worth it.extra de Leitura
#London by taxi

1 Read the tweet and circle the correct answer.

Simon Parker@SPark20807 – 15:45 – 25 Oct

A taxi tour is OK when you don’t have much time to see London. But my
favourite way to see the city is by helicopter. It’s even faster than a taxi tour
and it’s more exciting too. The views from up there are really amazing.
However, it is more expensive than a taxi tour. #London by taxi

1. Rebecca is visiting _______________________ .

2. She thinks that a taxi tour is the _______________________ way to see the city.
3. Simon’s favourite way to see London is in a _______________________ .
4. The views from up in the sky are _______________________ .

2 Mark the sentences R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn’t say).

1. Rebecca is visiting the city for the first time.

2. Taxi tours cost over £50.

3. Simon doesn’t like taxi tours.

4. Simon thinks a helicopter tour is more exciting than a taxi tour.

3 Answer the questions.

1. Who is Rebecca with? __________________________________________________________

2. Why is she in a taxi? ___________________________________________________________
3. What does Simon think of taxi tours? _____________________________________________
4. What is the most expensive way to see the city? ______________________________________
Ficha extra de Escrita

1Read the article and fill in the table.

Port Fairy – One of Australia’s

top destinations
Port Fairy is a small fishing village in Victoria,
Australia. In the village, there are beautiful cottages
and historic buildings. There are also lots of shops,
restaurants and cafés for you to visit. While you’re
there, you can get around the village by bike or on foot. You
can also take a boat tour and enjoy the sights and wildlife of
the Victoria region.

Name & place ______________________________ , ______________________________

Location ______________________________ , ______________________________
______________________________ , __________________________ ,
What there is ______________________________ , , _________________________ and

Transport _________________ , _________________ or _________________

2Write an article with the information in the box.

Adare – a Beautiful Irish Village

Adare is ___________________________________
Adare – a Beautiful Irish Village Name: Adare
Adare is a beautiful village in __________________, Location: Limerick, Ireland
____________________. What there is: nice cottages,
In the village there are nice __________________, parks, shops, museums,
___________, ________, ___________, _______ . Name: Adare
cafés and restaurants
Location: Limerick, Ireland
and __________________ for you to visit.
While you’re there, you can get around the village by Transport: (getting around)
What there is: nice cottages,
___________, ___________, _____________ or on bike, car, taxi, on foot
parks, shops, museums, cafés
___________. and restaurants

Transport: (getting around)

bike, car, taxi, on foot
Ficha extra de Compreensão e Interação/Produção Oral

1 Listen to the dialogue and complete it with the missing words or phrases.
Ticket agent: Hello! How can I help you?
Mr Travis: Hi. I would like three tickets to 1) _________________ , please.
Ticket agent: OK. There’s a fast train that leaves at 10:30 or slow trains that leave every
2) _______________ hours.
Mr Travis: OK. Can I have three tickets for the 3) _______________ train, then?
Ticket agent: That’s three tickets for the 10:30 train to Oxford, right?
Mr Travis: Yes, please.
Ticket agent: Single or return?
Mr Travis: 4) _______________ , please. How much are the tickets?
Ticket agent: Just a moment. … They’re £30 per person, so that’s £90 in total, please.
Mr Travis: Great. Can I pay 5) _______________?
Ticket agent: Sure. Here are your tickets. Have a nice journey.
Mr Travis: Thank you.

2 Complete the dialogue with the information in the box. Then, act it out with your partner.
Hello! How can I help you? Hi. I would like 1) ________
_______________, please.
OK. There’s a fast train that
leaves at 2) ________or slow
OK. Can I have 4) _______
trains that leave every 3) _______
_________________, then?

Tickets to
to Blackpool
That’s 5) _____________
_______________, right? Yes, please.
6) _____________, please.
Single or return? How much are the tickets? Fast
Fast train:
train: 7:45
Slow train:
train: every
every 44 hours
Just a moment. … They’re
7) £___ per person, so Great. Can I pay 9) _______
that’s 8) £___ in total, ______________________? Prices:
please. Single:
Single: £54

Sure. Here are your tickets. Return: £100

Return: £100
Thank you.
Have a nice journey.

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