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MTPC 140: Molecular Biology

and Diagnostics
Senior Instructor
Medical Technology Department
Notre Dame of Marbel University
At the end of the class discussion, the students should be
able to:
a. Define the basic terms associated to polymerase chain
b. Elucidate the working principle of a standard PCR;
c. List and discuss examples of modifications of PCR, and
d. Enumerate the basic applications of PCR in medicine.
Polymerase Chain Reaction
• Developed by Kary Mullis (Nobel Prize in Chemistry)

• Allows amplification of a specific section of DNA from a

DNA template, generating millions of copies of the DNA

• Commonly used in research, forensic, and clinical laboratories

for a wide variety of applications including cloning, mutagenesis,
genotyping, and diagnosis of diseases.

Technique used to amplify an amount of nucleic acid in sample, probe


or signal to detect small amounts of nucleic acid

Target amplification: target sequence (PCR)
Probe amplification: probe bounded to the target (ligase-chain
Signal amplification: signal to detect the target (bDNA and HCA)

14/04/2021 Maverick V. Sustiguer, RMT 4

Workflow in Molecular Biology Laboratory

Sample Nucleic Acid Nucleic Acid

Nucleic Acid
collection and Extraction Detection

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PCR and Molecular Diagnostics
• The evolution of PCR completely transformed
medical diagnosis.
• Variations of PCR methods, such as Reverse
Transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and Real-Time PCR
(qPCR), have been developed to efficiently amplify
and quantitatively analyze DNA or RNA from
biological specimens.
• Novel PCR-based diagnostic tests allow detection
of infectious diseases, genetic variations and
mutations, cancer biomarkers, and blood disorders
with faster turnaround time and vastly improved
sensitivity and accuracy.

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• Thermocycler
Principle of PCR • Amplicon

Annealing Extension/

• Melting • Anneal • DNA polymerase

• Melting temperature • Oligonucleotides
• dsDNA • Primer: determines specificity
• ssDNA • DNA synthesizer
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dsDNA separates into two ssDNA (template)
90-96℃ for In vivo: helicase
20-60 sec In vitro: heat energy *disruption of the hydrogen bonding and
hydrophobic stacking
Primers attach to both template strands (target sequence)
50-70℃ for
ANNEALING/ by binding with complementary bases on 3’ end of region to
20-90 sec
HYBRIDIZATION* be amplified
Temperature has to be lowered: Tm of the primer
Addition of nucleotides to the primers by DNA polymerase
Addition of complementary dNTPs to the template DNA
68-75℃ for
EXTENSION/ Thermus aquaticus: Taq DNA polymerase (1000 bases in 1
10-60 sec
Dependent to DNA polymerase and length of the target DNA
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dsDNA separates into two ssDNA (template)
90-96℃ for In vivo: helicase
20-60 sec In vitro: heat energy *disruption of the hydrogen bonding and
hydrophobic stacking

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Primers attach to both template strands (target sequence)
50-70℃ for
ANNEALING/ by binding with complementary bases on 3’ end of region to
20-90 sec
HYBRIDIZATION* be amplified
Temperature has to be lowered: Tm of the primer

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Addition of nucleotides to the primers by DNA polymerase
Addition of complementary dNTPs to the template DNA
68-75℃ for
EXTENSION/ Thermus aquaticus: Taq DNA polymerase (1000 bases in 1
10-60 sec
Dependent to DNA polymerase and length of the target DNA

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PCR Cycling
1. Initial Denaturation
2. Denaturation
3. Annealing
4. Extension
5. Final Extension

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One-Step RT-PCR: The reverse
• PCR relies on the ability of transcription occurs in the same tube as the PCR
DNA polymerase to amplification.
synthesize a new DNA
Advantages: simple and fast setup, high
strand from a DNA
reproducibility, lower possibility of contamination
• RNA: nucleic acid of
interest (mRNA → cDNA) Two-step RT-PCR: The reverse
*reverse transcription transcription and the PCR amplification occurs in
• Sensitive and commonly separate tubes.
used to detect and quantify Advantages: Multiple PCRs from one RT
messenger RNA reaction, flexibility for primers and PCR
conditions and long-term storage of cDNA
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One-Step RT-PCR Two-Step RT-PCR

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Analysis of PCR Products
• Amplified products are traditionally
detected by gel electrophoresis
after PCR cycling is completed.
• The PCR products resolved on the gel
are visualized by applying a stain such
as ethidium bromide.
• Standard PCR provides only a semi-
quantitative estimation of the
abundance of the PCR product.

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Real-Time PCR or Quantitative PCR (qPCR)
• Variation of PCR developed
to quantitatively determine
the amount of target DNA
or cDNA nucleic acid.
• The same principle of
traditional PCR amplification
is applied
• PCR products are detected at
each cycle in "real-time"
using a thermocycler with
fluorescence detection

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Monitoring DNA Amplification in Real-Time PCR
Utilizes a dye that emits fluorescence when
Fluorescent Dye-
incorporated into dsDNA
Based Detection
SYBR Green I
Utilizes fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide
Fluorescent Probe-
probes to detect specific DNA sequences
Based Detection
Taqman probe and FRET probe

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Quantification of Nucleic Acid by Real-Time PCR
Absolute Quantification Relative Quantification
The amount of the target nucleic acid is The amount of the target nucleic acid is
reported as a copy number or a reported comparative to the abundance of
concentration. another gene.

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No template control - reaction with no DNA template input, which allows
the identification of nucleic acid contamination in the reagents.
No reverse transcriptase control - reaction with no reverse transcriptase
added, which allows detection of specific contaminating DNA in RNA
No amplification control - reaction with no DNA polymerase added,
which allows observation of background fluorescence that is not a result of
PCR amplification.
Used to demonstrate that the PCR conditions, including the primers used,
Positive are suitable for the analysis.
Serial dilutions can be used to generate a standard curve for quantification.

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