Tpack Template Creating Fall20

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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Content Knowledge

Subject Visual Art

Grade Level Kindergarten

Learning K.12 The student will identify and use the following in works of art:
Objective a) Color—red, blue, yellow, green, orange, violet, brown, black, white.
b) Line—straight/curved, thick/thin, long/short, up/down/across.
c) Shape—circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval.
d) Texture—visual, tactile.
e) Pattern—occurring naturally, made by people.
Pedagogy Planning

Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:

In this activity, my students are going to use Buncee to create a poster depicting all of their
favorite things. .

Activity The student will be introduced to the different forms of what constitutes a work
of art. Colors, lines, shape, texture, and pattern will be introduced and define as
pertains to creating a work of art. The teacher will then read to the class a book
entitled, Shape by Shape. By Susan MacDonald. After the reading the students
will be given worksheets that help them match pictures of objects(shapes) to
their corresponding colors. For the at home project, the student with the help of
their parents will help them create a poster using shapes, colors, textures, and
patterns that were learned in class to create a collage of all their favorite things.

The web
at home project should
used include theBuncee

Web 2.0 The 2.0 tool being is Buncee. is available through

Technology, and can be accessed through the use of an IPAD, IPHONE,
SAMSUNG, and Microsoft tablets.
Link to the
product you
pretending to
be a student

Mobile App Name: Buncee

Option Price: Free with an option to upgrade
App Store: Google Play Store, and Microsoft App Store

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