CSTP 5 Pritchett 12

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CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the Explores the use of Decides on the purpose Develops and adapts the range Demonstrates purposeful use
purposes and different types of pre- for assessment and of appropriate assessments to of a wide range of
characteristics of assessment, formative skills to be assessed to address questions about assessments to support
formative and and summative select appropriately students’ learning needs and differentiated student
summative assessments. matches pre-, formative progress. learning needs and reflect
5.1 Applying assessments. and summative progress.
knowledge of the Begins to identify assessments. Integrates a variety of
purposes, specific characteristics characteristics into assessments Draws flexibility from a
characteristics, and of assessments that Selects assessments to allow students with a range of repertoire of appropriate
uses of different yield different types of based on clear learning needs to demonstrate assessment options and
types of information about understanding of the what they know. characteristics to maximize
assessments student preparedness, purposes and student demonstration of
progress, and characteristics of 07/13/2020 knowledge.
proficiency. assessments to support
student learning. 12/06/20

Progress monitoring (checking Evidence: Diagnostic Testing
for understanding) are a part of
each lesson (during and at the I use Quill's diagnostic
end) as well as larger lesson assessment  to assess my
sequences. students understanding of
Language Foundational
Both formative and summative Common Core skills. After
assessment is purposefully they take the test, I analyze
incorporated with each standard their percentages in each
taught as well as within the category as well as look at the
writing process. individual activity
recommendations to create
Student assessment data is personalized activity packs for
reviewed and used to identify each student to work on as an
individual academic strengths extension activity. It also
and growth areas in order to informs my planning process.
inform instruction. In addition, If I see a majority of students
student feedback is provided to are struggling in a particular
the student on each assignment area, I focus my lessons on
to show student specific and addressing those standards. 
manageable ways to improve
learning. Evidence: Rubrics & Multiple
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Writing assessments are Opportunities and Choice to

analyzed to identify areas that Demonstrate Learning
need adjustment in instruction
both individually and as a class. I create rubrics  that align with
Common Core standards
07/13/2020 and are shared at the
beginning of every lesson
sequence. I have adapted a
type of standards-based
grading system. 85% of their
total grade are standard
grades. Students are given
multiple opportunities to
demonstrate proficiency of
each standard. When the
student improves their score,
the original score is replaced
with their highest score in that
standard. In this way, the
grades are a more accurate
reflection of understanding.
Students keep a chart to see
their progress in each standard
through their multiple

When assessing a standard,

students are assessed
multiple times and provided
multiple ways (written, oral,
creating, etc.) to demonstrate
mastery through a variety of
digital assessment tools. This
is especially notable in skills
labs, where students
demonstrate understanding
several times through online
games, online quizzes (Quizlet
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

and Microsoft forms), free-
write responses, and peer-
teaching (Flip Grid).

Use data from required Explores collecting Collects a variety of Designs and integrates an Infuses assessments
assessments to assess additional data using formal and informal assessment plan that provides strategically and
student learning. supplemental assessment data on formal and informal assessment systematically throughout
assessments. student learning. data on student learning. instruction to collect ongoing
Follows required assessment data appropriate
5.2 Collecting and
processes for data Make adjustments in Uses analysis of a Uses data analysis of a broad for the range of learner needs.
analysis and draws planning for single variety of data to range of assessments to provide
assessment data
conclusions about lessons or sequence of inform planning and comprehensive information to Uses results of ongoing data
from a variety of
student learning lessons based on differentiation of guide planning and analysis to plan and
sources to inform
analysis of assessment instruction. differentiation of instruction. differentiate instruction for
data. maximum academic success.

Multiple sources of information Evidence: Breaking down
are utilized in guiding student standards
progress toward meeting
learning goals (essays, Throughout a lesson sequence,
assessments, student responses, several check point
anecdotal records/notes, assessments are given to
performance tasks, standardized students to inform, make
tests, observations, student adjustments, and differentiate
work analysis, student in instruction as well as help
portfolios, etc.). students be able to
demonstrate a complex
Students are assessed at the end standard. For example, to
of the lesson orally or with an teach W.1 (argumentative
“exit ticket” to inform planning writing) to my students, they
of the next lesson. start by preparing for an
informal debate. They don't
07/13/2020 have to demonstrate all 5
aspects of W.1 yet, but they
do need to show
understanding of certain
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

aspects: introducing a claim,

use appropriate supporting
evidence, and addressing the
opposing claim. After the
debate, they take a survey  that
asks them to evaluate
themselves based on the
rubric, create a personal goal
for achieving the W.1
standard, and express which
writing workshop they feel
they need the most help in.
This helps me plan the next
phase when students move on
to formal argumentative
writing. Here they will learn
about the structure and how it
compares to informative
writing (their previous unit).
Based on their W.1 scores
from the debate, students are
assigned to writing workshops
that correlate to their
needs. Each writing
workshops address each part
of the W.1 standard in more
depth, while I model and
"think-aloud". This portion of
the lesson they will be re-
applying strategies that have
already been taught to them
(previewing a text,
"wondering", skim-reading,
dot-jot notes, etc.), while
learning the rest of the W.1
standard (creating a 3-part
thesis, text structure,
organizing evidence logically,
using accurate, credible
sources, addressing opposing
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

stances, and creating cohesion

with words / clauses).
Students then start their
argumentative writing

I use Microsoft forms for

formative and cumulative
assessments, which allows me
to collect and analyze data
easier and use this data to
inform instruction.

Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors a Reviews and monitors a broad Facilitates collaborative work
available assessment additional assessment variety of data on range of data individually and and fosters colleagues ability
data as required by site data individually and student learning with colleagues to analyze to identify and address causes
5.3 Reviewing data, and district processes. with colleagues and individually and with student thinking and identify for achievement patterns and
both individually identifies learning colleagues to identify underlying causes for trends. trends.
and with colleagues, needs of individual trends and patterns
to monitor student students. among groups of 07/13/2020
learning students.

CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Info from MAP testing (some
portions comparable to CELDT
test) is used to plan appropriate
instruction and activities for
ELLs (identify strengths and
areas of growth, lexile / reading
level, proficiency level, etc. and
create a plan of action with the
student that includes short and
long term goals; also use the
data to plan purposeful
grouping). This test is taken
twice a year, and the data is
revalued each time and
discussed with curriculum
coordinator and other
secondary meetings.

The class data is also applied in

the same way as above to create
purposeful grouping, inform
instruction, and identify
standards that need more focus.
This is reevaluated halfway
through the year.


Reflection surveys are given to

students at the end of each
instructional unit, which is used
to inform future instruction and
determine if re-teaching needs
to take place. Diagnostic tests
also occur at the beginning of a
unit to gauge where students are
at in their learning in order to
identify what prior knowledge
and skills are already there.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating


Teacher Leader
Standard: Domain
2: Accessing and Using
Research to Improve Practice
and Student Learning

Domain 2b: Facilitates the

analysis of student learning data,
collaborative interpretation of
results, and application of
findings to improve teaching and

Level of
Development:  Applying (A) -
a level of practice in which the
teacher is able to provide
independent instruction and
easily applies what s/he has
learned about educational

Date: April 2021

Evidence: 7th & 8th grade exit


At the end of 8th grade, students

take this reading and writing exit
exam  aligned to our school's
standards. The middle school
English teachers get together
and evaluate each students exam
based on this  shared rubric  and
determine whether they have
met grade-level standards or not.
How a student performs along
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

on this exam (along with other

data), determines whether or not
they will be required to take two
English classes instead of one in
their freshman year. This data is
also used to identify trends and
gaps in learning and to drive our
conversation in how to better
address these learning needs
earlier on.

I conduct a similar exam at the

end of 7th grade (see it here )
that is modeled after the 8th
grade exam and pass this
information on to the 8th grade
teachers so they already have an
understanding of the strengths
and weaknesses of the upcoming
class. See the 7th grade exam

5.4 Using Uses data from Uses data from Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of data to set Reflects on data continuously
assessment data to assessments provided available assessments assessment data to set learning goals for content and to make ongoing refinements
establish learning by site and district to to establish content- student learning goals academic language that are to learning goals for content
goals and to plan, set learning goals for based learning goals for for content and integrated across content and academic language for the
differentiate, and the class. class and individual academic language. standards for individuals and fill range of students.
modify instruction students in single groups.
lessons or sequences of Uses data systematically to
Plans instruction using lessons. Plans differentiated Plans differentiated instruction refine planning, differentiate
available curriculum lessons and targeted to meet individual and instruction, and make ongoing
guidelines. Plans adjustments in modifications to group learning needs. adjustments to match the
instruction to address instruction to meet evolving learning needs of
learning needs of students’ diverse Modifies lessons during individuals and groups.
individual students. learning needs. instruction based on informal
assessments. 05/01/2021

CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Entry level assessment data is Evidence: Analyzing a variety
used to determine appropriate of assessments using digital
learning goals for all students, tools
which are communicated to
each student. I analyze data from diagnostic
tests, checks for
Learning goals are differentiated understanding, and cumulative
based on entry level assessment assessments with the use of
for each individual (info from different digital tools to
MAP testing for each student is inform instruction and
compiled in a data chart and personalize learning. An
used to inform instruction). example is the use
of quill.org  to assess students
Learning goals are updated understanding of grammar and
frequently based on assessment assign them personalized
of student progress (evaluation packs aligned to state
of work). standards for learning based
on their performance in the
Students are purposefully assessments. See example
grouped for targeted instruction, here . I also use this data to
based on class data. identify standards that need
most attention in whole group
07/13/2020 instruction. Another example
12/06/20 is using Microsoft forms for
formative and summative
checks. Microsoft forms
makes it visually easy
to analyze class data so that I
can identify areas that I need
to re-teach or focus on more
while teaching a unit of
study. See example here .

CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Informs students about Begins to encourage Models and scaffolds Implements structures for Provides systematic
learning objectives, students to establish student self-assessment students to self-assess and set opportunities for student self-
outcomes, and learning goals through and goal setting learning goals related to content, assessment, goal setting, and
summative assessment single lessons or processes for learning academic language, and progress monitoring.
results. Recognizes the sequence of lessons content and academic individual skills.
5.5 Involving all
need for individual that include goal setting language development. Develops students’ meta-
students in self-
learning goals. exercises. Integrates student self- cognitive skills for analyzing
assessment, goal-
Guides students to assessment, goal setting, and progress and refining goals
setting, and
Monitors progress Provides students with monitor and reflect on progress monitoring across the towards high levels of
using available tools for opportunities in single progress on a regular curriculum. academic achievement.
recording. lessons or sequence of basis.
lessons to monitor their 07/13/2020 12/06/20
own progress toward
class or individual 05/01/2021
Learning goals are set each Evidence: Self-Assessment 
semester with each individual
student, based on suggested At the end of each lesson
areas of growth from data as sequence, students take a self-
well as student-led suggestions. assessment of their
performance and
Students self-assess their work, understanding of the learning
especially in the writing process objectives / standards. This is
with the use of graphic used in conjunction with
organizers, checklists, and creating their S.M.A.R.T.
routine questions. goals for improvement. The
purpose is for students to
Students are provided clear learn how to be self-reflective
goals from the beginning and as well as used as a tool in
performance criteria through monitoring their progress.
the use of rubrics, which are
explained/discussed 12/06/20
Students monitor their
Different examples of student progress on PBL units by
work or model examples are conducting frequent self-
provided to help students reflection surveys and
understand the level of meeting with their mentor to
achievement expected. discuss their progress, making
adjustment to goals when
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Self and peer assessments are
conducted in the writing process 05/01/2021
and in performances (speeches,
presentations, Socratic
seminars, etc.) to give students a
variety of different feedback and
provide students with practical
ways to improve.

Students develop a portfolio to

show their progress and share
with family through student-led
conferences (PTS).

Detailed feedback regarding

strengths and areas for growth
are given with every
assignment. Rubrics are utilized
with all larger assessments.

Revision of work is something

modeled and reiterated
throughout the year in various
forms to help students improve.

Uses available Explores use of Uses technology to Integrates a variety of Use a wide range of
technologies to record additional technologies design and implement technologies into the technologies to design,
assessments, determine to implement assessments, record development, implementation, implement, and analyze
proficiency levels, and individual assessments, and analyze results, and analysis of assessments, and assessments and provides for
5.6 Using available
make required record results, and communicate about communication of student an in depth and ongoing
technologies to
communications about communicate with student learning with learning to all audiences. communication regarding
assist in
student learning. administration, administration, student learning to all
colleagues, and families colleagues, families, and audiences.
analysis, and
about student learning. students. Ensure that
communication of
communications are 07/13/2020
student learning
received by those who
lack access to 12/06/20
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

ISTE Standard 6b:  Educator Academic progress is
as Facilitator:  Manage the use communicated to students
of technology and student and families weekly through
learning strategies in digital grade postings on Plus Portals
platforms, virtual environments, (electronic grading program).
hands-on makerspaces or in the
field. Written comments on
individual pieces of student
Level of work is always provided.
Development: INTEGRATING
- Integrates knowledge and Achievement assessment
skills. Demonstrates integrated information is shared and
knowledge and skills from wide discussed with both students
range of resources across and parents to set learning
standards. Continuously goals, identify areas of growth
implements technology- and strength, etc.
enhanced teacher/learning.
Mid-term progress reports
Evidence: Backchannel  and quarter report cards are
given to both students and
Students work collaboratively, parents along with written
engage in discussion and peer- feedback.
teach / evaluate one another
through backchannel methods Rubric levels are provided for
such as Microsoft Teams, assessments.
Padlet, Flip Grid, and Canvas. 
Parent, teacher, student (PTS)
 book club discussion on conferences are held each
Teams semester.

 book club activities on Additional family methods of

Padlet communication include notes
 peer evaluation on Flip Grid about positive events or
 peer revision on Canvas progress, e-mail
correspondence, access to
12/06/20 electronic grading program
(Plus Portals), school website,
Facebook page, and weekly
school email updates and
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating


SLG (standards and learning

goals) charts and goals are
filled out by students and
shared with both students and
their parents at the end of
each quarter.


UPDATED Level of
Development for ISTE
Standard 6b: Educator as
Facilitator:  Manage the use of
technology and student
learning strategies in digital
platforms, virtual
environments, hands-on
makerspaces or in the field.

INNOVATING - Contributes
to knowledge-base through
design of technology-
enhanced teaching/learning.
Continuously implements
innovative technology-
enhanced teaching and

Date: April 2021

Evidence: Additional
digital tools for
communication and learning

Padlet (AP World

History example
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

1 and example 2)

EdPuzzle / Youtube (create

my own videos - example )

Mind maps (Miro  - student

example )

Book Creator ( student sample

page  in his audio book)


5.7 Using Provides students with Provides students with Provides students with Integrates the ongoing sharing Facilitates students’
assessment feedback through additional feedback clear and timely of comprehensible feedback to leadership in seeking and
information to assessed work and based on formative information about students from formal and using ongoing
share timely and required summative assessments from strengths, needs, and informal assessments in ways comprehensible
comprehensible assessments. single lessons or strategies for improving that support increased learning. communications about
feedback with sequence of lessons. academic achievement. individual student progress
students and their Notifies families of Seeks to provide Communicates regularly with and ways to provide and
families student proficiencies, feedback in ways that Provides opportunities families to share a range of monitor support.
challenges, and students understand. for comprehensible and assessment information that is
behavior issues through timely two-way comprehensible and responsive 05/01/2021
school mandated Communicates with communications with to individual student and family
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

procedures. families about student families to share needs.
progress, strengths, and student assessments,
needs at reporting progress, raise issues 07/13/2020
periods. Contacts and/or concerns, and 12/06/20
families as needs arise guide family support.
regarding struggling
students or behavior
Goals are clearly communicated Evidence: Passion Project
in the beginning of the year at
Open House and This project-based learning
reevaluated/reiterated at each experience takes place
PTS meeting. throughout the semester, with
different benchmark
Class learning goals and assessments each quarter.
expectations are sent home to
parents, not just students. Students take on a leadership
role in monitoring their
All homework and classwork progress in several ways: 
instructions and resources are
posted online for both students
 meeting with a
and parents to access.
mentor monthly  and
reporting back what
Goals are written on both was accomplished
midterm progress reports and
 check-in
report cards.
individual meetings w
ith the teacher to
Parents receive periodic emails share progress.
about student progress, areas of Students also create
growth, and learning goals. their own rubric  with
teacher guidance.
IEPs are discussed by the  students provide
teacher, parents, and school frequent check-ins  on
psychologist, and at times, bi- their progress
annual meetings occur.  set goals for the
 create a personalized
12/06/20 schedule  to manage
their time and set
ISTE Standard 4d:  Educator benchmark objectives
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

as Collaborator:  Dedicate time  take
to collaborate with colleagues periodic reflection
and students to improve surveys   to identify
practice, discover and share areas needing
resources and ideas, and solve improvement or help
problems  work with parents in
staying on-track and
Level of communicating with
Development: INTEGRATING the teacher their
- Integrates knowledge and progress and needs
skills. Demonstrates integrated
knowledge and skills from wide ISTE Standard 4d:  Educator
range of resources across as Collaborator:  Dedicate
standards. Continuously time to collaborate with
implements technology- colleagues and students to
enhanced teacher/learning. improve practice, discover and
share resources and ideas, and
Evidence: Parent survey solve problems

At the beginning of the year, I UPDATED Level of

have parents fill out a survey, Development:
with options of English, INNOVATING - Contributes
Portuguese, and Korean (since to knowledge-base through
those are the 3 main languages design of technology-
of my students), to hear their enhanced teaching/learning.
perspectives on their child's Continuously implements
learning needs, strengths, areas innovative technology-
needing growth, and what they enhanced teaching and
want/need from me as their learning. 
child's teacher. This helps me in
planning Evidence: Collaboration with
differentiated instruction as well Portuguese teacher in
as getting to know my students bilingual multimedia project-
and their families better. I do a based learning published and
similar survey for the students, shared with online
which also includes their community.
learning goals. In addition, I
conduct a periodic survey to choice board  for digital
check in with the students and to multimedia poetry project
find ways to improve my
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

teaching practice.

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