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Student Checklist P1 Conservation and dissipation of energy

Conservation and dissipation of energy

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8
I can state some examples of energy stores. I can describe a wide range of energy I can describe the nature of energy stores
stores in different contexts. in detail including the relationship
between objects.
P 1.1 Changes in I can state the processes that can transfer I can describe changes in energy stores in I can explain factors that affect the size of
energy stores energy from one store to another. terms of the process that causes the changes in energy stores.
I can identify changes in some energy stores I can use quantitative descriptions of I can represent energy changes
using simple systems. changes in energy stores. graphically, accounting for changes in
all stores.
I can state that energy is conserved in any I can apply the law of conservation of I can apply the law of conservation of
transfer. energy in straightforward situations. energy to explain why forces cause
heating effects.
P1.2 Conservation of I can state that energy is dissipated (is no I can describe changes in energy stores I can describe closed systems and the
energy longer useful) when it heats the environment. explaining why energy ceases to be useful. changes to energy stores within them
using the principle of conservation of
I can investigate the energy transfers in a I can describe the energy changes in a I can evaluate in detail experiments to
pendulum and bungee. range of experiments and account for investigate energy changes.
energy dissipation to the surroundings.

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Student Checklist P1 Conservation and dissipation of energy

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can state that energy is measured in I can describe the action of frictional forces I can use the principle of conservation of
joules (J). on objects and the associated heating effect. energy and forces to explain why objects
become heated by frictional forces.
P1.3 Energy and I can calculate the work done by a force. I can use the equation for work done to I can apply the equation for work done in
work calculate distances or size of forces. a wide range of contexts.
I can measure the work done by a force I can use repeat values to measure the work I can evaluate in detail an experiment to
experimentally. done by a force experimentally. measure work done, explaining why
there is variation in the measurements.
I can state the factors that affect the I can describe the effect of different I can perform calculations using
change in the gravitational potential gravitational field strength on the gravitational rearrangements of the gravitational
energy store of a system. potential energy store changes of a system. potential energy store equations.
P1.4 Gravitational
potential stores I can calculate the gravitational potential I can calculate the gravitational potential I can apply gravitational potential energy
energy store of a system using the energy store of a system using the mass store equations in a wide range of
weight of an object and its height. gravitational field strength, and height. contexts.
I can measure the gravitational potential I can describe energy changes that involve a I can account for all changes of energy
energy store changes in a system with a heating effect as opposed to movement of an during falls or increases in height,
simple practical activity. object. including health effects.
I can state the factors that affect the size I can calculate the kinetic energy store of an I can perform calculations involving the
of a kinetic energy store of an object. object. rearrangement of the kinetic energy
P1.5 Kinetic and I can state the factors that affect the I can calculate the elastic potential energy I can perform calculations involving the
elastic stores elastic potential energy store of a spring. store of a stretched spring. rearrangement of the elastic potential
energy equation.
I can describe energy transfers involving I can investigate the relationship between the I can perform a wide range of
elastic potential energy and kinetic energy stored in a spring and the kinetic calculations involving transfer of energy.
energy stores. energy store of an object launched from
it.from it.

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Student Checklist P1 Conservation and dissipation of energy

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can identify useful and wasted energy in I can analyse energy transfers to identify I can use a wide range of energy stores
simple scenarios. useful and less useful energy transfers. and physical processes to decide on
wasted and useful energy transfers.

P1.6 Energy I can describe energy dissipation in terms of I can describe energy dissipation and how I can apply the concept of energy
dissipation heating the surroundings. this reduces the capacity of a system. dissipation in a wide range of scenarios.

I can measure the frictional force acting on an I can investigate the factors that affect I can evaluate in detail an experiment to
object. frictional forces. measure the frictional forces acting on an
I can describe an efficient transfer as one that I can calculate the efficiency of a range of I can describe design features that can
transfers more energy by a useful process. energy transfers. be used to improve the efficiency of an
energy transfer.
I can state that the efficiency of a simple I can use the law of conservation of energy I can rearrange the efficiency equation to
P1.7 Energy and energy transfer is always less that 100%. to explain why efficiency can never be find input or total output energy.
efficiency greater than 100%.
I can describe the energy transfers carries I can describe the processes that waste I can explain the operation of electrical
out by electrical devices. energy in electrical devices. devices in terms of forces and electric
I can list some electrical appliances. I can rank electrical devices in terms of I can compare electrical devices in terms
their power. of efficiency.

P1.8 Electrical I can survey a range of electrical devices and I can compare mains-powered and battery- I can calculate the efficiency of an
appliances their operation. powered devices. electrical device.

I can calculate the efficiency of a simple I can investigate the efficiency of a motor. I can evaluate in detail an efficiency
energy transfer. investigation to justify conclusions.

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Student Checklist P1 Conservation and dissipation of energy

I can state the unit of power as the watt and I can calculate the energy transferred by I can compare the power ratings of
kilowatt. an electrical device. devices using standard form.

P1.9 Energy and I can, with support, rank electrical appliances I can calculate the efficiency of a device I can apply the efficiency equation in a
power in order of power. from power ratings. range of situations, including
rearrangement of the equation.
I can identify ‘wasted’ and ‘useful’ energy I can find the wasted power of a device. I can combine the electrical power
transfers in electrical devices. equation with other equations to solve
complex problems.

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Student Checklist P2 Energy transfer by heating

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can describe materials as good or poor I can analyse temperature change data to I can explain the different thermal
thermal conductors. compare the thermal conductivity of conductivities of materials using the free
materials. electron and lattice vibration
P2.1 Energy transfer explanations of conduction.
by conduction
I can compare the thermal conductivities of I can describe the changes in the I can evaluate the results of an
materials in simple terms. behaviour of the particles in a material as experiment into thermal conductivity in
the temperature of the material increases. terms of repeatability and reproducibility
of data, and the validity of conclusions
drawn from the data.
I can relate the thermal conductivities of a I can apply understanding of thermal I can justify the choices of material
material to the uses of that material in conductivity in reducing energy involved in insulation or conduction
familiar contexts. dissipation through the choice of using the concept of thermal
appropriate insulating materials. conductivity and other data.
I can describe materials in terms of being I can describe the effects of changing the I can evaluate materials used for
difficult or easy to heat up (increase the factors involved in the equation. transferring energy in terms of their
temperature of). specific heat capacity.
I can state the factors that affect the amount I can calculate the energy required to I can use the specific heat capacity
P2.2 Specific heat of energy required to increase the change the temperature of an object. equation to perform a wide range of
capacity temperature of an object. calculations in unfamiliar contexts.

I can, with some support, measure the I can measure the specific heat capacity I can evaluate in detail the results of an
specific heat capacity of a material. of a material and find a mean value. experiment to measure specific heat

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Student Checklist P2 Energy transfer by heating

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can state some design features used to I can describe how some design I can evaluate in detail design features
prevent energy transfer to the features used to reduce energy used to reduce the rate of energy loss
surroundings in the home. dissipation from a home work. from the home.
P2.3 Heating and
insulating buildings I can calculate the payback time of a I can compare home improvement I can decide on home improvement
simple home improvement feature. features in terms of payback time. features using payback time and savings
beyond the payback time.

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Student Checklist P3 Energy resources

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can identify which fuels are renewable and I can outline the operation of a fossil fuel I can compare energy use from different
which are non-renewable. burning power station. sources and different societies from
available data.
I can identify activities that require large I can outline the operation of a nuclear I can compare fossil fuels and nuclear
P3.1Energy demands energy transfers. power station. fuels in terms of energy provided,
waste, and pollution.
I can state that biofuels are carbon neutral I can explain why biofuels are considered I can discuss some of the problems
whereas fossil fuels are not. carbon neutral. associated with biofuel use and
I can state that wind turbines, wave I can describe the operation of a wind I can compare the operation of
generators, hydroelectric systems, and tidal farm. hydroelectric, wave, and tidal systems in
systems are renewable energy resources. terms of reliability, potential power
I can state some simple advantages or I can describe the operation of a Ioutput, and costs.
can explain in detail the purpose,
P3.2 Energy from
disadvantages of renewable energy hydroelectric system. operation, and advantages of a pumped
wind and water systems. storage system.
I can outline the operation of a renewable I can suggest the most appropriate energy I can justify the choice of an energy
energy source. resource to use in a range of scenarios. resource by using numerical and other
appropriate data.
I can explore the operation of a solar cell. I can compare and contrast the operation I can analyse the power output of a
of solar cells (photovoltaic cells) with solar variety of energy resources.
heating panels.
P3.3 Power from the I can state one difference between solar I can describe the operation of a solar I can calculate the energy provided by a
Sun and the Earth cells and solar heating systems. power tower. solar heating system by using the
increase in water temperature.
I can state that radioactive decay is source I can describe the operation of a I can plan in detail an investigation into
of heating in geothermal systems. geothermal power plant. the factors that affect the power output
of a solar cell.

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Student Checklist P3 Energy resources

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can list some environmental problems I can describe the effects of acid rain and I can evaluate methods of reducing
associated with burning fossil fuels. climate change. damage caused by waste products of
fossil fuels and nuclear fuels.
P3.4 Energy and the
environment I can identify the waste products of fossil I can describe techniques to reduce the I can discuss in detail the problems
fuels and nuclear fuel. harmful products of burning fossil fuels. associated with nuclear accidents and
the public perception of nuclear safety.
I can state simple advantages and I can compare a wide range of energy I can evaluate the suitability of an
disadvantages of a variety of renewable resources in terms of advantages and energy resource for a range of
energy resources. disadvantages. scenarios, taking into account a wide
range of factors.

I can rank the start-up times of various power I can use base load and start-up time data I can use capital and operational costs of
stations. to explain why some power stations are in energy resources to evaluate their
P3.5 Big energy constant operation whereas others may be usefulness.
switched on and off.
I can compare some of the advantages and I can compare energy resources in terms I can form persuasive arguments for or
disadvantages of various energy resources. of capital and operational costs. against a variety of energy resources.

I can discuss the construction of a power I can debate the construction of a power I can debate the construction of a power
plant in the local area in simple terms by plant in the local area by using a wide plant in local area by using a wide range
using information provided. range of information, much of which is of information, much of which is
provided. independently researched.

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Student Checklist P4 Electric circuits

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can identify circuit components from their I can describe the operation of a variable I can explain the nature of an electric
symbols. resistor and a diode and their effects on current in wires in terms of electron
current. behaviour.
P4.1 Current and
charge I can draw and interpret simple circuit I can calculate the charge transferred by I can perform a range of calculations,
diagrams. a steady current in a given time. including rearrangement of the equation

I can construct a simple electrical circuit. I can construct an electrical circuit and I can measure the current in a circuit
accurately measure the current. accurately and use it to calculate the
rate of flow of electrons.
I can state that resistance restricts the size I can calculate the potential difference. I can describe potential difference in
of a current in a circuit. terms of work done per unit charge.

P4.2 Potential
difference and I can state Ohm’s law and describe its I can calculate the resistance of a I can rearrange equations for resistance
resistance conditions. component. and potential difference.

I can measure the current and potential I can measure the effect of changing the I can investigate a variety of factors
difference in a circuit to determined the length of a wire on its resistance in a that may affect the resistance of a
resistance. controlled experiment. metal wire, such as the current
through it, length, cross-sectional area,
and metal used.

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Student Checklist P4 Electric circuits

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

P4.3 Component I can identify the key characteristics of I can describe the resistance I can explain the resistance
characteristics electrical devices. characteristics of a filament lamp. characteristics of a filament lamp in
terms of electrons and ion collisions.

I can identify components from simple I–V I can describe the characteristics of I can determine the resistance of a
graphs. diode and light-emitting diode. component based on information
extracted from an I–V graph.
I can state the operation of a diode in I can investigate the resistance I can compare the characteristics of a
simple terms. characteristics of a thermistor and a LDR. variety of electrical components,
describing how the components can be
I can state that the current in any part of a I can find the potential difference across I can explain, in detail, why the current
series circuit is the same. a component in a circuit by using the p.d. in a series circuit is the same at all
rule. points by using the concept of
P4.4 Series circuits conservation of charge (electrons).

I can calculate the potential difference I can calculate the current in a series I can analyse a variety of series circuit
provided by cell combinations. circuit containing more than one resistor. to determine the current through, p.d.
across, and resistance of combinations
of components.

I can calculate the total resistance of two I can investigate the resistance of series I can evaluate in detail the
resistors placed in series. circuits with several components. investigation of series circuits and
explain discrepancies.

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Student Checklist P4 Electric circuits

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can identify parallel sections in circuit I can measure the p.d. across parallel I can analyse parallel circuits in terms of
diagrams. circuits and explain any discrepancies. current loops.

P4.5 Parallel circuits

I can state the effect of adding resistors in I can describe the effect on the I can calculate the current at any point
parallel on the size of the current in a resistance in a circuit of adding a resistor in a circuit.
circuit. in parallel.

I can state that the p.d. across parallel I can investigate the effect of adding I can evaluate in detail an investigation
sections of a circuit is the same. resistors in parallel on the size of the into the effect of adding resistors in
current in a circuit. parallel on a circuit.

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Student Checklist P5 Electricity in the home

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can state that the UK mains supply is a I can describe the characteristics of the I can explain the process of half-wave
high-voltage alternating current supply. UK mains supply. rectification of an a.c. source.

P5.1 Alternating I can state simple differences between a.c. I can compare a.c. traces in terms of I can analyse a.c. traces with an
current and d.c. sources. period and amplitude (voltage). oscilloscope to determine the voltage
and frequency.
I can describe how the trace on an I can operate a cathode ray oscilloscope I can compare and contrast the
oscilloscope changes when the frequency to display an a.c. trace. behaviour of electrons in a wire
or amplitude of the signal is changed. connected to d.c. and a.c. supplies.
I can identify the live, neutral, and earth I can discuss the choices of materials I can explain why it is not necessary for
wires in a three-pin plug. used in cables and plugs in terms of their some appliances to be earthed.
physical and electrical properties.
P5.2 Cables and
plugs I can identify the key components of a I can describe why a short circuit inside a I can explain when there will be a
typical three-pin plug and socket. device presents a hazard. current in the live, neutral, and earth
wires of an appliance.
I can identify simple and obvious hazards in I can identify a variety of electrical I can discuss in detail the hazards
electrical wiring. hazards associated with plugs and associated with poor electrical wiring.
I can state that the power of a device is the I can calculate the power of systems. I can measure and compare the power
amount of energy transferred by it each of electrical devices and explain
second. variations in readings.
P5.3 Electrical
power and potential I can describe the factors that affect the rate I can calculate the power of electrical I can calculate the electrical heating
difference of energy transfer by a current in a circuit. devices. caused by resistance.

I can explain why different fuses are I can select an appropriate fuse for a I can combine a variety of calculations
required electrical devices in simple terms. device. to analyse electrical systems.

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Student Checklist P5 Electricity in the home

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can state that an electric current consists I can calculate the charge transferred by I can perform calculations involving
of a flow of charge (electrons in a wire). a current in a given time. rearrangement of the equations Q = It
and E = VQ.
P5.4 Electrical
currents and energy I can identify the factors that affect the I can calculate the energy transferred by I can explain how energy is conserved
transfer energy transfers in a circuit. a charge passing through a potential in terms of current and p.d. during
difference. energy transfers by an electric current.
I can state that a battery or power supply I can apply the law of conservation of I can use algebra to combine the
provides energy to a current whereas a energy in a circuit. equations Q = It and E = VQ to form the
resistor causes a transfer of energy to the relationships E = VIt and P = IV.

I can describe the factors that affect the I can calculate energy transfer in kilowatt- I can convert between relevant units
cost of using various electrical devices. hours. during calculations of energy transfer.

P5.5 Appliances and

efficiency I can calculate energy transfer in joule. I can convert between efficiencies stated I can analyse the use of a variety of
in percentages and those stated in electrical devices to determine their
decimal forms. costs of operation.
I can state that energy transfer can be I can calculate the power rating of a I can compare a range of electrical
measured in kilowatt-hours. device from the energy transferred and devices in terms of efficiency using
the time of operation. calculations to support any conclusions.

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Student Checklist P6 Molecules and matter

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can describe density as a property of a I can explain why some materials will float I can use the density equation in a wide
material and not a particular object. on water. variety of calculations.
I can state that the density of a material is I can calculate the density of materials. I can use appropriate significant figures
P6.1 Density the mass per unit volume. in final answers when measuring density.
I can calculate the volume of some regular I can measure the density of a solid and a I can evaluate in detail the experimental
shapes and the density of materials, with liquid. measurement of density, accounting for
support. errors in measurements.
I can describe the simple properties of solids, I can describe the arrangement of the I can describe the forces acting between
liquids and gases. particles in a solid, liquid, and gas. particles in a solid, liquid, and gas.
I can name the changes of state. I can explain the behaviour of a material in I can describe the changes in the energy
terms of the arrangement of particles of individual particles during changes of
P6.2 States of matter within it. state.
I can state that there are changes in stores I can describe the changes in behaviour of I can explain in detail why the density of
of energy associated with a material when its the particles in a material during changes a material changes during a change of
temperature is increased. of state. state, using a particle model.
I can state that the melting point of a I can state that the melting and boiling I can describe how the melting and
substance is a temperature at which it points of a pure substance are fixed. boiling points of a substance can be
changes from a solid to a liquid and vice changed.
I can state that the boiling point of a I can use the term ‘latent heat’ to describe I can describe in detail the behaviour of
P6.3 Changes of substance is the temperature at which it the energy gained by a substance during the particles during changes of state.
state changes from a liquid to a gas and vice heating for which there is no change in
versa. temperature.
I can describe the process of melting and I can find the melting or boiling point of a I can evaluate data produced by a
boiling. substance by using a graphical technique. heating experiment to discuss the
reproducibility of the measurement of a
melting point.

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Student Checklist P6 Molecules and matter

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can state that the internal energy of a I can describe how the internal energy of I can use the concepts of kinetic and
system increases as it is heated. an object can be increased by heating. potential energy to explain changes in
internal energy.
P6.4 Internal energy I can identify which changes of state are I can describe how the behaviour of I can describe the changes in the size of
related to increases in internal energy and particles changes as the energy of a intermolecular forces during changes of
which are related to decreases. system increases. state.
I can outline the behaviour of particles in I can describe the energy changes by I can explain in detail why the pressure
solids, liquids, and gases. heating between objects within the same of a gas increases as it is heated.
I can state that heating a material will I can describe the changes in particle I can perform a variety of calculations
increase its internal energy. bonding during changes of state. based on the latent heat equation.

P6.5 Specific latent I can describe energy changes during I can calculate the latent heat of fusion I can combine variety of equations to
heat melting and vaporisation. and latent heat of vaporisation for a solve problems involving heating.
I can measure the latent heat of vaporisation I can measure the latent heat of fusion for I can evaluate the reproducibility of a
for water. water. measurement of latent heat based on
collated data.
I can state that as the temperature of a gas I can describe the behaviour of particles in I can describe the linear relationship
in a sealed container increases, the pressure a gas as the gas is heated. between changes in temperatures and
of the gas increases. pressure for a gas.
P6.6 Gas pressure
and temperature I can describe a gas as consisting of a large I can outline Brownian motion and how I can explain Brownian motion in terms
number of rapidly moving particles. this provides evidence for the particle of particle behaviour and collisions,
nature of matter. relating the speeds of smoke particles
and air molecules.
I can describe pressure as being caused by I can describe the relationship between an I can describe in detail how the
collisions of gas particles with the walls of its increase in the temperature of a fixed relationship between the pressure of a
container. volume of a gas and the increase in gas and its temperature can be
pressure of the gas. investigated.

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Student Checklist P6 Molecules and matter

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Student Checklist P7 Radioactivity

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can name the three types of nuclear I can describe some safety precautions I can describe in detail the decay of an
radiation. used when dealing with radioactive unstable nucleus.
P7.1 Atoms and I can name the three sub-atomic particles I can describe how a Geiger counter can I can explain the similarities and
radiation found in an atom (proton, neutron, and be used to detect radiation. differences between nuclear radiation
electron). and visible light.
I can identify some sources of background I can identify natural and man-made I can describe the relative penetrating
radiation. sources of background radiation. powers of the three types of nuclear
I can identify the Rutherford (nuclear) model I can describe he plum pudding model of I can compare the plum pudding model,
of an atom. the atom. Rutherford model, and Bohr model of
the atom in terms of the evidence for
P7.2 The discovery I can identify the locations of protons, I can describe the evidence provided by Ieach model. how Rutherford and
can explain
of the nucleus neutrons, and electrons in the nuclear the Rutherford scattering experiment. Marsden’s experiment caused a
model. rejection of the plum pudding model.
I can state that electrons can move I can describe the properties of protons, I can describe how the initial evidence
between fixed energy levels within an atom. neutrons, and electrons. for the nuclear model was processed
and how the model came to be
I can identify the mass and atomic number I can calculate the number of neutrons in Iaccepted.
can explain why particles are ejected
by using nuclear notation. an isotope by using nuclear notation. from the nucleus during nuclear decay.

I can identify the type of decay taking place I can describe the differences between I can describe the changes in the
P7.3 Changes in the from a nuclear equation. isotopes. nucleus that occur during nuclear
nucleus decay.
I can describe how isotopes are atoms of I can complete decay equations for alpha I can write full decay equations for
the same element with different mass and beta decay. example nuclear decays.

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Student Checklist P7 Radioactivity

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can rank the three types of nuclear I can describe how the penetrating I can describe in detail how the
radiation in order of their penetrating power. powers of radiation can be measured. thickness of a material being
manufactured can be monitored by
P7.4 More about I can rank the three types of nuclear I can describe the path of radiation types using a beta source.
I can compare the ionisation caused by
alpha, beta, and radiation in order of their range through air. through a magnetic field. different types of nuclear radiation.
gamma radiation
I can state that all three types of nuclear I can describe the process of ionisation. I can evaluate in some detail the risks
radiation are ionising. caused by alpha radiation inside and
outside the human body.
I can state that the activity of a radioactive I can find the ratio of a sample remaining I can compare a physical model of
sample will fall over time. after a given number of half-lives. decay with the decay of nuclei, noting
the limitations of the model.
P7.5 Activity and I can define half-life in simple terms such as I can state that all atoms of a particular I can outline how the age of organic
half-life ‘the time it takes for half of the material to isotope have an identical chance to material can be determined by using
decay’. decay in a fixed time. radioactive dating.
I can find the half-life of a substance from a I can plot a graph showing the decay of a I can calculate the changes in count
graph of count rate (or nuclei remaining) sample and use it to determine half-life. rate or nuclei remaining by using an
against time with support. exponential decay function.

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Student Checklist P8 Forces in balance

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can state that scalars have size I can draw a scale diagram to represent a I can interpret a scale diagram to
(magnitude) without direction. single vector. determine the magnitude and direction
of a vector.
P8.1 Vectors and I can state that vectors have both size I can categorise a wide range of I can translate between vector
Scalars (magnitude) and direction. quantities as either a vector or a scalar. descriptions and vector diagrams and
vice versa using a range of appropriate
I can list some common scalars and I can compare a scalar and a similar I can use a scale diagram to add two
vectors. vector and explain how these quantities or more vectors.
are different.
I can use arrows to represent the directions I can use scale diagrams to represent the I can use appropriate SI prefixes and
of forces. sizes of forces acting on an object. standard form to describe a wide range
of forces.
P8.2 Forces I can give examples of contact and non- I can describe the action of pairs of I can explain the pairs of forces acting
between objects contact forces. forces in a limited range of scenarios. in a wide range of unfamiliar scenarios,
including the nature (contact or non-
contact), direction, and magnitude of
the forces.
I can compare the sizes of forces using the I can investigate the effect of different I can evaluate force measurement
unit newton (N). lubricants on the size of frictional forces. techniques in terms of precision and
I can label a diagram showing several I can draw a scaled diagram of the forces I can draw a scaled free-body force
forces acting on an object. acting in a range of situations using diagram showing forces as vectors and
arrows to represent the forces. find the resultant force vector.
P8.3 Resultant I can calculate a resultant force from two I can calculate resultant force produced I can calculate resultant forces from
forces parallel forces acting in opposite directions. by several forces acting on an object in several forces acting in coplanar
coplanar directions. directions using a range of SI prefixes.
I can state that a non-zero resultant force I can describe the effect of zero and non- I can create a detailed plan to
will cause a change in motion and a zero zero resultant forces on the motion of investigate the factors that affect the
resultant force will not. moving and stationary objects. acceleration of objects acted on by non-
zero resultant force.

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Student Checklist P8 Forces in balance

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can identify the approximate centre of I can describe an experimental technique I can evaluate an experimental
mass of a range of simple shapes. to determine the centre of mass of an technique to determine the centre of
object. mass of an object, identifying the likely
P8.4 Centre of mass I can state that a suspended object will I can explain why a suspended object Isources of error
can apply leading to of
understanding inaccuracy.
the particle
come to rest so that the centre of mass lies comes to rest with the centre of mass model and moments to explain why
below the point of suspension. directly below the point of suspension in objects have a point at which the mass
terms of balanced forces. seems to act.
I can use lines of symmetry to identify the I can compare the stability of objects to I can plan a detailed investigation into
location of the centre of mass. the position of their centre of mass of an the stability of three-dimensional
object, identifying the likely sources of objects.
error leading to inaccuracy.
I can find the resultant of two forces at an I can find the resultant of two forces at
acute angle by drawing a scale diagram. an obtuse angle by drawing a scale
P8.5 The I can describe a system in equilibrium in I can investigate non-parallel forces
parallelogram of which non-parallel forces are acting. acting on a system in equilibrium to
verify the parallelogram of forces.
I can calculate the component of a force I can analyse a wide range of systems
using scale diagrams and ratios. of non-parallel forces using a
parallelogram technique.
I can resolve a single force into wo I can resolve a pair of forces into the
perpendicular components. overall perpendicular components.

P8.6 Resolution of I can determine if an object is in I can determine if an object is in

forces equilibrium by considering the horizontal equilibrium by considering the
and vertical forces. horizontal and vertical components of
I can investigate the effect of increasing Iforces.
can plan a detailed investigation into
the weight of an object on a slope on the the effect of increasing the gradient of
component of the weight acting along the a slope on the component of the
slope. weight acting along the slope.

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Student Checklist P9 Motion

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can state that the gradient of a distance- I can use the gradients of distance-time I can calculate the speed of an object by
time graph represents the speed. graphs to compare the speeds of objects. extracting data from a distance-time
P9.1 Speed and I can estimate typical speeds for walking, I can describe the motion of an object by I can extract data from a distance-time
distance-time graphs running, and cycling. interpreting distance-time graphs. graph to calculate the speed of an
object at various points in its motion.
I can calculate the distance an object at I can calculate the speed of an object and I can perform calculations of speed,
constant speed will travel in a given time. the time taken to travel a given distance, distance, and time which involve
conversion to and from SI base units.
I can describe the difference between I can identify the features of a velocity- I can compare and contrast the
speed and velocity using an appropriate time graph. features of a distance-time,
example. displacement-time, and velocity-time
P9.2 Velocity and graph.
acceleration I can recall he equation relating velocity, I can rearrange the acceleration I can combine equations relating to
acceleration, and time. equations in calculations. velocity and acceleration in multi-step
I can calculate the acceleration of an object I can calculate the change in velocity for I can calculate a new velocity for a
using the change in velocity and time. an object under constant acceleration for moving object that has accelerated for a
a given period of time. given period of time.
I can identify the feature of a velocity-time I can describe sections of velocity-time I can calculate the acceleration of an
graph which represents the acceleration graphs, and compare the acceleration in object from values taken from a
(the gradient), and compare these values. these sections. velocity-time graph.
P9.3 More about I can identify the feature of a velocity-time I can calculate the distance travelled I can calculate the total distance
velocity-time graphs graph which represents the distance using information taken from a velocity- travelled from a multi-phase velocity-
travelled (the area beneath the line), and time graph for one section of motion. time graph.
compare these values.
I can measure the acceleration of an object I can use a series of repeat I can evaluate an experiment into the
as it moves down a ramp. measurements to find an accurate acceleration of an object in term of
measurement of the acceleration of a precision based on the spread of repeat
moving object. e measurements.

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Student Checklist P9 Motion

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can identify speed on a distance-time I can calculate the speed of an object by I can calculate the acceleration of an
graph using change in gradient. extracting data from a distance-time object by extracting data from a
graph. velocity-time graph.
P9.4 Analysing I can identify acceleration on a velocity-time I can use a tangent to determine the I can use the gradient of a velocity-time
motion graphs graph using change in gradient. speed of an object from a distance-time graph to determine the acceleration of
graph. an object.
2 2
I can calculate the distance travelled by an I can use the equation v – u = 2as in I can apply transformations of the
2 2
object at constant velocity using data calculations where the initial or final equation v – u = 2as in calculations
extracted from a graph. velocity is zero. involving change in velocity and
acceleration where both velocities are

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Student Checklist P10 Forces and motion

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can state the factors that will affect the I can describe the effect of changing the I can define the inertial mass of an
acceleration of an object acted on by a mass or the force acting on an object on object in terms of force and
resultant force. the acceleration of that object. acceleration.
P10.1 Force and I can calculate the force required to cause a I can perform calculations involving the I can calculate the acceleration of an
acceleration specified acceleration on a given mass. rearrangement of the F = ma equation. object acted on by several forces.
I can investigate a factor that affects the I can combine separate experimental I can evaluate an experiment by
acceleration of a mass. conclusions to form an overall identifying sources of error and
conclusion. determining uncertainty in the resulting
I can state the difference between the mass I can calculate the weight of objects using I can apply the mathematical
of an object and its weight. their mass and the gravitational field relationship between mass, weight, and
strength. gravitational field strength in a range of
P10.2 Weight and situations.
terminal velocity I can describe the forces acting on an I can apply the concept of balanced I can explain the motion of an object
object falling through a fluid. forces to explain why an object falling falling through a fluid by considering the
through a fluid will reach a terminal forces acting through all phases of
velocity. motions.
I can investigate the motion of an object I can investigate the relationship between I can evaluate the repeatability of an
when it falls. the mass of an object and the terminal experiment by considering the spread of
velocity. the results.
I can state factors which affect the stopping I can categorise factors which affect I can calculate acceleration, mass, and
distance of a car. thinking distance, braking distance and braking force of vehicles.
I can calculate the thinking distance for a I can calculate the braking distance of a I can calculate total stopping distance,
P10.3 Forces and car from the initial speed and reaction time. car. initial speed, reaction time, and
braking acceleration.
I can estimate the relative effects of I can describe the relationship between I can explain the relative effects of
changing factors which affect the stopping speed and both thinking and braking changes of speed on thinking and
distance of cars. distance. stopping distance.

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Student Checklist P10 Forces and motion

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can apply the equation p = mv to find the I can fully describe the motion of objects
momentum, velocity or mass of an object. after an explosion accounting for any
frictional effects.
P10.4 Momentum I can describe how the principle of I can apply principle of conservation of
conservation of momentum can be used momentum to a range of calculations
to find the velocities of objects. involving the velocities of objects.
I can investigate the behaviour of objects I can evaluate the data produced from
during explosions to verify the an investigation and compare this to a
conservation of momentum. theoretical framework.
I can state Hooke’s law. I can explain the limitations of Hooke’s law I can find the spring constant of a
including the limit of proportionally. spring using a graphical technique.
I can calculate the extension of a material I can calculate the force required to cause I can Hooke’s law equation in a wide of
P10.5 Forces and using its length and original length. a given extension in a spring using the situations.
elasticity spring constant.
I can compare materials in terms of elastic I can compare the behaviour of different I can evaluate an investigation into the
and non-elastic behaviour. materials under loads in terms of extension of materials in terms of the
proportional and non-proportional precision of the data.

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Student Checklist P11 Wave properties

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can state that waves can transfer energy I can investigate wave motion through a I can explain the features of a
and information without the transfer of spring model. longitudinal wave in terms of
matter. compressions and rarefactions by using
P11.1 The nature of a particle model.
waves I can identify waves as either transverse or I can compare transverse and I can discuss the features of a
longitudinal. longitudinal waves in terms of direction of transverse wave in terms of particle or
vibration and propagation. field behaviour.
I can identify waves as either mechanical or I can compare electromagnetic and I can compare mechanical waves and
electromagnetic. mechanical waves in terms of the need their particulate nature with
for a medium. electromagnetic waves and their field
I can outline the derivation of the wave I can outline the derivation of the wave oscillations.
I can explain how the wave speed
speed equation. speed equation. equation can be derived from
fundamental principles.
P11.2 The I can calculate the period of a wave from its I can calculate the period of a wave from I can perform calculations involving
properties of waves frequency. its frequency. rearrangements of the period equation
and the wave speed equation.
I can measure the speed of a water wave. I can calculate the wave speed from the I can perform multi-stage calculations
frequency and wavelength. linking period, frequency, wave speed,
and wavelength.
I can describe refraction at a boundary in I can use a wavefront model to explain
terms of wavefronts. refraction and reflection.
I can describe refraction including the I can describe the relationship between
P11.3 Reflection reflected rays. the angle of incidence and angle of
and refraction refraction.
I can explain partial absorption as a I can explain refraction in terms of
decrease in the amplitude of a wave and changes in the speed of waves when
therefore the energy carried. they move between one medium and

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Student Checklist P11 Wave properties

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can measure the speed of a wave in I can measure the speed of a wave in a I can evaluate the sustainability of
water. solid (string).. apparatus for measuring the frequency,
wavelength and speed of waves.
P11.4 More about I can describe how sound waves travel I can describe the effect that changing I can explain why the wavelength of a
waves more quickly in solids than they do in the frequency of a wave has on its wave in a particular medium changes
gases. wavelength in a medium. as the frequency changes with
reference to the wave equation.
I can describe how the sound waves require I can calculate the speed of waves using I can evaluate data from speed of
a medium to travel in. the wave speed equation. sound experiments to discuss the range
of uncertainty.

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Student Checklist P12 Electromagnetic waves

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can state that electromagnetic waves I can describe the relationship between I can apply the wave model of
transfer energy without transferring matter. the energy being transferred by an electromagnetic radiation as a pair of
electromagnetic wave and the frequency electric and magnetic disturbances that
P12.1 The of the wave. do not require a medium for travel.
electromagnetic I can identify the position of EM waves in I can calculate the frequency and the I can use standard form in calculations
spectrum the spectrum in order of wavelength and wavelength of an electromagnetic wave. of wavelength, frequency, and wave
frequency. speed.

I can state that all EM waves travel at the I can explain why the range of I can explain the interactions between
same speed in a vacuum. wavelengths detected by the human eye an electromagnetic wave and matter.
is limited.

I can state that white light is a part of the I can describe how a range of I can determine the wavelength of
EM spectrum and composed of a range of electromagnetic waves are used in a radio waves in air.
frequencies. variety of scenarios.
P12.2 Light,
I can list some simple examples of the uses I can explain why a particular wave is I can describe the interactions between
infrared, of light, microwaves, and radio waves. suited to its application. a range of waves and matter, including
microwaves, and the effect of absorption.
radio waves
I can carry out a practical task to determine I can determine whether the law of I can plan, carry out, and evaluate in
the penetrating power of an electromagnetic reflection applies to a microwave signal. detail an investigation into the
signal. penetrating power of microwaves.

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Student Checklist P12 Electromagnetic waves

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can state that radio waves and I can compare the rate of information I can describe in detail how carrier
microwaves are used in communications transfer through optical fibres and radio waves are used in the transfer of
P12.3 through the atmosphere. signals. information.
Communications I can state that the higher the frequency of I can outline the operation of a mobile I can describe the structure of a radio
a wave, the greater the rate of data transfer phone network and the waves used. communication system, including the
possible. effect of a radio wave on the current in
the receiver.
I can describe the sub-regions of the radio I can discuss the evidence for mobile I can discuss the relationship between
spectrum. phone signals causing damage to wavelength data transmission and
humans. range to explain to explain why
particular frequencies are chosen for
particular transmissions.
I can state that high-frequency EM radiation I can describe the penetrating powers of I can describe in detail the interaction
is ionising. gamma rays, X-rays, and ultraviolet rays. between ionising radiation and inorganic
P12.4 Ultraviolet I can describe the uses and dangers of UV I can compare X-rays and gamma I can compare different regions of the
waves, X-rays, and radiation. radiation in terms of their origin. electromagnetic spectrum in terms of
gamma rays their potential harmfulness.
I can describe the uses and dangers of X- I can describe the ionisation of atoms in I can explain how the process of
rays and gamma radiation. simple terms. ionisation can lead to cell death or
cancer through damage to DNA.
I can state some safety procedures that I can describe the operation of an X-ray I can compare the operation of a CT-
take place during the operation of devices machine. scanner and that of a simple X-ray
that produce ionising radiation. device.
P12.5 X-rays in I can describe the formation of an X-ray I can explain why contrast media can be I can evaluate the doses of ionising
medicine photograph in terms of absorption or used during X-rays. radiation received in a variety of
transmission. occupations or medical treatments.
I can state that X-ray therapy can be used I can describe the factors that affect the I can explain in detail how various
to kill cancerous cells in the body. radiation doses received by people. safety features reduce exposure to
ionising radiation.

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Student Checklist P15 Electromagnetism

Lesson Aiming for 4 Aiming for 6 Aiming for 8

I can state the names of the poles of a I can sketch the shape of a magnetic field I can describe the regions in a magnetic
magnet. around a bar magnet. field where magnetic forces are greatest
P13.1 Magnetic using the idea of field lines.
fields I can describe the interaction of magnetic I can describe how the shape of a I can explain in detail how a magnetism
poles (attraction and repulsion). magnetic field can be investigated. can be induced in some materials.
I can list some magnetic and non-magnetic I can compare the Earth’s magnetic field I can plan in detail how the strength of a
metals. to that of a bar magnet. magnetic field can be investigated.

I can state that the magnetic field produced I can use the corkscrew rule to determine I can determine the polarity of the ends
by a current carrying wire is circular. the direction of the field around a current of a solenoid from the direction of the
P13.2 Magnetic carrying wire. current.
fields of electric I can describe the effect of increasing the I can describe the shape of the field I can sketch the shape of the field
current current on the magnetic field around a wire. produced by a solenoid. surrounding a solenoid relating this to
the direction of the current through the
I can describe the effect of reversing the I can plan a detailed investigation into
direction of the current in the wire. the factors that affect the strength of the
magnetic field around a solenoid.
I can describe the operation of a moving- I can describe and explain in detail the
coil loudspeaker. operation of a d.c. motor.

I can apply Fleming’s left-hand rule to I can perform calculations involving

P13.3 The motor
determine the direction of the force acting rearrangements of the equation F = BIl.
effect on a conductor.
I can calculate the force acting on a I can investigate the factors that affect
conductor when it is placed in a magnetic the rotation of an electric motor.

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