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Prepared by:

Muhammad Hamza Hashmi

Role of sports in development of society:

Influence Of Sports On Human Society:

Sports has a special space in the human society as it teaches us to make a difference in life
on a daily basis. Integrity & morality are the lessons which one learn by incorporating sports
in life.  Sports teaches many important values which can reshape the foundation of human
society. By participating in sports, one learn that there are no barriers in terms of social,
political and ethnic aspects. Sports plays a crucial role in individual level also as it encourage
them to stay overall active.
Sports helps the society to foster a mindset that no matter what one can always conquer
over any hurdle by having a positive approach towards it. Sports is great way of showing the
society that socio-economic status of a person doesn’t define anyone, their compassion
defines them. Sports also plays a crucial role in uplifting a nation’s economy. The world of
sports plays a significant role in building a healthier society by bringing people from all walks
of life together.

Influence Of Sports On Human Society

Sports has a special space in the human society as it teaches us to make a difference in life on a daily
basis. Integrity & morality are the lessons which one learn by incorporating sports in life.  Sports
teaches many important values which can reshape the foundation of human society. By participating
in sports, one learn that there are no barriers in terms of social, political and ethnic aspects. Sports
plays a crucial role in individual level also as it encourage them to stay overall active.

Sports helps the society to foster a mindset that no matter what one can always conquer over any
hurdle by having a positive approach towards it. Sports is great way of showing the society that
socio-economic status of a person doesn’t define anyone, their compassion defines them. Sports
also plays a crucial role in uplifting a nation’s economy. The world of sports plays a significant role in
building a healthier society by bringing people from all walks of life together.

Here are a few ways with which sports influence human society:

Sports promote a culture of fitness

Sports play a crucial in influencing people’s lives as it helps in promoting a culture of fitness. People
who participate in sports events have good health & bodily strength to be able to perform accurately
which also inspires other people to follow the culture of fitness. Sports encourages an active &
healthy lifestyle.

Sports abolish social differences

Sport is a great tool to abolish social differences as people from all walks of life are treated equally.
No matter whether the player is rich or poor, everyone receives equal treatment & equal
opportunities to perform. Regardless of social differences, the spectators sit together while watching
the game and enjoy it.

Sports promotes community relations

Sports is a great way of promoting community relations. Professional athletes have community-
relation department which implies that they often perform services for the welfare of the
community. They raise campaigns and funds to help needy people.

Sports encourage healthy socialization

Healthy socialization is good for the mental health of a person. When a person is involved in sports
activities then he has a more outgoing personality which provides him with ample opportunities to
develop healthy socialization with others.

Improve self-perception:

People who participate in sports have better self-perception than the people who don’t play sports.
The physical benefit of sport is somehow interrelated with its psychological benefits. People
engaged in sports activities have good physical fitness which is why they feel better about their body

Reduces stress:

Participation in sports activity helps in reducing stress level as when you keep yourself engaged in
any physical activity then your body releases endorphins chemical which makes you feel good. It also
helps your body to manage pain & make you feel powerful.

Role of sports in development of individual personality:

Boost confidence
People who participate in sports have higher energy levels with which they easily carry out
their day to day work. Athletic people are more efficient at their work which results in
boosting their confidence level.
Calms the mind
People who are engaged in sports in sports activities have calm state of mind as sports help
in channelizing their mental energy and helps in soothing their mind. The calmer the mind,
more efficient would be his emotional & mental well-being will be.
Improve concentration
Children who are active in both sports and academics have better concentration skills. To
excel in the world of sports, one needs to put all his efforts to focus their mind entirely on the
subject matter which result in improving concentration skills.

Physical activities and sports play an important role in the development of personality of an
individual. These activities help in shaping up the personality of an individual such as:

Physical appearance:
One of the primary aspects of one's personality is his physical appearance. Both boys and girls are
much concerned about how they look. Physical activities are conducive to the growth and
development of physique. Workouts in gym are becoming a must for all the youngsters of today.
This develops their outer personality which creates a good impression.

Social interactions:
Physical activities and sports provide opportunities of interaction between athletes coming from
different regions, speaking different languages, having different castes and religions. This helps an
individual to develop multi dimensional personality. Moral values through sports is responsible for
development of sound and ideal character, a very essential attribute of personality.

Analytic thinking:
This mental exercise enhances the intellectual abilities of the participants and broadens their
mental horizon. It is well said that physique is of no use if not governed by analytical thinking,
analyzing and interpreting new situations.

Disciplined and assertive:

In sports one learns to make sincere efforts, which reflect positively in the development of an
individual's personality. Code of discipline is fundamental in learning of any physical activity and
effective participation in sports.

Well balanced individual:

Physical activities also provide recreation which go a long way in producing a perfectly happy,
satisfied and balanced individual having a pleasing and energetic personality, zest for life
experiences. Physical activities and sports are the basic needs of human beings which help in the
development of a well balanced personality.

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