Essay Writing

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SCHOLARSHIP ESSAYS In the era of technology please let your idea be wrong not

grammar because this will make the person reading your

essays question your linguistic ability or think you don’t take
the application seriously. Where you are compared to
thousands of other applicants, don’t be found lacking on
something so easily avoidable.


It’s all about telling a story. Sharing a specific example of how
you completed a major task or project you were assigned, or
succeeded when presented with an obstacle, allows a
Winning essays start with understanding the personal listener/reader to visualize how you work by contextualizing
statement questions and answering them CONVINCINGLY. your experiences and skills. It demonstrates your ability to
Both the writing (use of English) and the content should be produce results and provides a concrete image for the
near perfect given the amount of excellent candidates out listener/reader to remember you. We recommend you create
there that will be equally contesting. Therefore, your essays examples using the following Situation Task Action Result
must demonstrate (STAR model) for each of your key accomplishments, as well
 Passion as your transferable skills and personal qualities. These
 Guts examples can be a fundamental part of developing a good
 Insight and essay and therefore are worth spending some time on.
 Impact
We shall talk about these in details later
It's also good never to be in a hurry to submit. It will do you
well to have someone read, correct, edit and vet your essays
before submitting. From my experience, it is better to submit 1
– 2 weeks to deadline and not too early. This is because you
get ideas every day. You can also use online sites to check for
grammar and other mistakes but don’t save your work online
as this will be considered to be plagiarized. The following are
some of the online links you can use to edit your work:
 Situation
 Explain the situation that you were in. This should be a short
 description, it could be: ‘during degree’ or ‘whilst working’.

Task everything you can find on writing winning essays. You see the
You need to briefly explain what it is that you had to do, and difference between the winners and those yet to win is simply
what the success criteria was. If you were working as a group WORDS! Not just words, but how they combine them to paint
explain what the overall task of the group was but be clear a beautiful collage. It is first word smith or word mastery before
about your own role. it has anything to do with profile. Mind you the essays are a
limiting step to progressing to the next step of the Chevening
Action application process.
This is the most substantial part (around 50-70%) of any
example and you need to include: For career plan essays, the STAR approach is usually not
 What you did. applicable, use the SMART approach:
 Why you did it.
 How you did it.
 What skills you used.

There is little point in explaining the situation, task and action if
the reader is left wondering whether what you did made any
difference. So be prepared to explain:
 What happened as a result of the actions you took?
 What you would do differently or improve?
 What impact the result had overall on the team task?

 Use an example that is up to date and relevant.
 Talk about action that you took not just a whole team.
 In the action part of the example cover the skill and
qualities that are being sought.
 Try to use an example with a positive outcome.
 Be concise.
 Give at least 2 clear examples.
 Include figures, percentages etc in your example
especially the results part, but don’t exaggerate.
You must let your desire for a scholarship, any particular one,
overwhelm you even before the application cycle draws near.
It should drive much of the things you read or research on
social media or scholarship groups. E.g reading much of

The letters (SMART) have been explained above, so let us Attainable and Realistic....i will talk of these together as they
take each in turn with an example that a friend of mine (Taty are entwined. Here we mean are your goals too large and
from Mozambique) gave last year (2017): sweeping to the extent they are physically impossible given
resources or foreseen resources i.e. you cannot make claims
Specific... "I want to end hunger" is a broad and vague to single handedly end hunger for instance but you can
statement not a specific one....I want to contribute to hunger breakdown your contributing towards the cause of HUNGER
reduction by engaging in rural extension/development REDUCTION by tackling a SPECIFIC ASPECT of the problem
financing/input acquisition (or whatever route...these are alone (improbable) but more likely as part of an organization in
hypotheticals) to increase farmer outputs as farmers constitute a particular role therein which is why sometimes it's best to
X% of whatever nation, community etc. Notice how there is a discuss what you will do in relation to your organization,
how to a specific statement. It's not Miss Universe where you immediate community etc rather than speak for the entire
can say "world peace and not qualify it. country or sector. Attainability also has to do with coherence
Measurable....a goal should be measurable and how it is e.g. i cannot say that I will cure cancer and yet have not
measured should be clear in your goal statement e.g. in the engaged in prior research for a considerable amount of time to
be respectable and the one year masters cannot magically
example above farmer output is a physically measurable thing
equip me to become a miracle worker. Yes you are studying to
that is implicit in its measurability and i can choose to or not
elaborate....e.g. With my background in production of x, plus progress but there should be a realistic link between prior and
my masters in y upon returning these skills can help me impart future skills acquired through masters in attaining your goal.
the knowledge to increase farmer output of x crop (let’s say a Time bound (also linked to realistic a bit) as in how much
staple) from current level of say 40 tons per hectare to the 100 time? By when? Set time lines? "I will lose 20kgs weight" is
tons being achieved by more developed nations (say U.K just a statement. No one can hold you to that. Do you mean in
where you are going to study)...this can further be qualified in 1 year or in 10years? The timeframe of your goal gives a
a number of ways....will the output translate to more income? realistic measure to an outsider whether it is doable or not. Are
Will that income translate to poverty reduction? Reduced food you claiming to improve sugar cane yields across an estate in
insecurity index? Reduced malnutrition? Longer life only one year? You will be laughed at. So your claim must be
expectancy? Lower infant mortality? Happiness....notice how time specific. I will lose 20kg in one year tells someone
all the latter are quantitative but happiness is qualitative so a something they may support and believe you. I will lose 20kg
measure doesn’t need to be a number always. In some cases in one week with no lipp, no one will buy this.
you can quantify e.g. increase or decrease by xyz percentage
but in some fields you can’t put a number to things.

If you want to become an art director, your time-bound goals  Research the course you are applying for, so that you
might look like: can explain why you want to study it. If you are
• Five-year goal: "Get hired as an art director." applying for more than one course, do not use the
• One-year goal: "Land my first paid graphic design gig." same statement for all applications.
• Six-month goal: "Graduate from my undergraduate
Bachelor of Visual Communications degree." What should be the Structure?
• One-month goal: "Find a graphic designer to intern Use a tight structure in your personal statement and make
with." sure each paragraph logically follows on from the one
• One-week goal: “Pull together a graphic design before. Your personal statement must:
portfolio of all my work so far."  have an eye-catching and interesting introduction, and
Breaking down your macro goal into time-bound micro goals an engaging middle part and conclusion
will help you stick to the plan, make the most of your time and  have an introduction that acts as a framework for the
keep you on track to achieve your overall career plan. Follow rest of your statement, with the main part of your
this link and this link for further examples. statement detailing your interests, experience and
Chronology as relates to career goals. The same way you  Be between 250 and 500 words but can be longer
depending on the university’s requirements.
don’t lose weight overnight is the same way your career is not
 Have short sentences of no more than 25-30 words.
going to come to fruition overnight. You have an end goal?  Use headings (if you wish) to break up the content -
Great. How will you get there? You have a short term goal? for example, 'Why this university?' 'Why this subject?'
Great. Does it end there? Make it clear what you will do in the 'Ability', 'Personal experience' and 'Career aspirations'.
first two years after graduating and where you expect it to lead
you and how in 5 years and 10 years i.e. achieving your stated What should be the content?
SMART goals. Generally, include this in your essay:
 Why you are applying for the course - any skills or
NOW UNIVERSITY PERSONAL/MOTIVATIONAL competencies you envisage the course will offer you?
STATEMENTS:  Any specific course modules you're interested in/any
particular research areas you will want to focus whilst
These are usually written for admission purposes. Please do doing your master's?
read the university website's instructions about it and answer  Any particular tutor/lecturer you admire and want to
every question asked or cover every area needed. A good model your life in that way? Why that/those particular
personal statement can mean the difference between getting lecturers?
an offer and being rejected. Your personal statement should  Your past academic, social, professional, economic
show the reader that you are the right person for the experience relevant to the course? This may show your
course.You need to: passion or ability to overcome challenges in a new
 carefully read the information required of you

environment and also your ability to complete the Don't: 'I was inspired by the University's world-
course. renowned researchers and world-leading facilities.'
 Why that particular university? Do: 'I was inspired to study Animal Biology because of
 Your career plan - immediate and long term. the ground breaking work into the behaviour of bees
 Explain any gaps in your CV and any low marks in any that is being led by Sussex Professor Francis Ratnieks.
particular area. I follow the work of the University of Sussex Laboratory
of Apiculture and Social Insects and would be proud to
These cover nearly every personal or motivation statement study in such a renowned department and contribute to
that the UK universities require. These are not cast in stone its highly ranked research.'
though, they are subject to modifications. Whereas most  Proofread your statement and ask a friend or relative to
traditional universities don't place emphasis on why the read it.
university, the upcoming ones may place greater emphasis
there. So you need to tailor your essay accordingly. If you're HOW TO CUT DOWN AN ESSAY TO REACH THE WORD
applying for a subject that is in a different field to your LIMIT.
undergraduate degree, tell them why you have decided to
change your direction of study. Think about:  Choose your best examples
 how you will bring fresh insight to your new course as a Some people might have more than 10 examples but
result of your undergraduate degree due to the word limit, you just have to give a few
 the reasons for deciding to change your field of study examples: 1, 2, 3 or 4 depending on which ones you
 How changing your direction of study will help you with are comfortable with. You have to choose your best of
your future career. the best examples that you have.
 Come up with your first Draft
What should be the Language? You will find it difficult if you are going to write an essay
Your tone should be positive and enthusiastic. It should show for the first time and expect it to be 500 words. Start by
your willingness to learn and persuade the reader that you first pouring your heart into your laptop or paper.
have what it takes to succeed on one of the courses. You Whatever you are using, even if it’s 20000 words, first
should: write everything you want to say, read and then when
 Use fresh and exciting language to make your you finish, read through you will discover that some
application stand out, and use engaging opening things are irrelevant. Some things can be written in a
paragraphs better way, begin to remove some things, leaving what
 Use accurate grammar, punctuation and spelling you need.
 Use clear language in short sentences and avoid  Write your essays when your mind is rested (fresh).
extravagant claims When you are too tired, you won't think properly, if you
 Avoid using generic terms and talk specifically about don't have an option, then work at night but utilize
the course. Example: weekends and early mornings. Ensure that you look at

your essays when your mind is fresh. You will see a with our village chairman over the matter. So look out
difference and you will change some things. for verbs and replace them if possible. Instead of I
 Write your work in a Chronological order became use I was selected, I was appointed = 3 words
Your work should not be scattered, for example, you but Being appointed = 2words. My leadership skills
can start by saying; I work in a market. As a marketer I started when I was in high school when I was chosen
sell vegetables, tomatoes and fruits. I am also a to be a head-girl = 18 words can be “My first leadership
counselor. I ensure that my patients recover from role was in high school, as a head girl’ = 12 words or
depression and other related things. In the market, I during my high school days, I was selected as the head
was selected as the head marketer because I always girl. There are many ways of killing the rat so are the
got there in time and made sure my fellow marketers ways of shortening it. So ensure that you look out for
had space to sell their products. Please let your work irrelevant things. You will want to mention each and
be in order. Have an introduction, main body and every detail, but it's not going to all fit. Be brief but
conclusion for your essays. detailed and clear.
 Don’t start defining  Get to the point
Or quoting or even explaining general stuff that will eat This will save you some words and enable you put
your space. Minimize on using quotes by famous more examples in your essay.
people. Unless it's extremely short and applies to your
example. No explaining e.g one who is a leader makes FURTHER TIPS ON ESSAY WRITING:
sure the team mates are motivated, he/she finds The scholar’s journey writers have compiled a list of common
solutions etc. Please this stuff should not be in your errors. Here is a compiled list of common errors from their
essay. Unless the question asks you to write about website that applicants often make when writing their
who you think a leader is, instead personalize it and scholarship or admission essays. As usual, the emphasis is
say ; as the president of ABC, I made sure I motivated Chevening Scholarship, although this is applicable to other
my teammates. Furthermore, I came up with effective essay types. Ask yourself whether you are making one of
solutions that were implemented and ABC happened, these mistakes as you tackle your essays. Avoiding these
Personalise your essay as much as possible, let them essay traps could improve your chance of being selected.
talk about you and not the leader but the leader in you.
 Remove verbs and replace them with other words 1. Not Understanding the Essay Prompts: Make sure
This one is important. A verb is a doing word. For you understand the essay prompts. Ask someone who
example; I came to discover that Evelyn likes chocolate has mastery of the English language if you don’t. Do
can be replaced with; I discovered Evelyn likes not set your own questions. If asked to write about your
chocolate. I then went to talk to the chairman of our leadership potential and influence, do not start off
village can be; I liaised with the village chairman. In listing your academic exploits or writing a thesis on the
fact use good academic professional words if possible, bad governance in Nigeria and how you’re the chosen
I negotiated with the village chairman, I collaborated ‘messiah’. Chevening, for example, is a scholarship
with the village chairman or I had successful meetings that is significantly tied to leadership, so essays that

ask about network impact ought to show team 4. Using Informal Writing Style: This will depict you as
leadership instead of focusing on how the entire human very unserious. Avoid them. Writing stuff like: hey bro,
race is your friend. ain’t, legit, ur, lol, I wanna, I’m gonna, using slangs,
2. Essay Overload Syndrome: This means writing using shorthand, spelling errors, not observing
everything that comes to mind and forcing them into standard line and paragraph spacing, using local
your essays. Writing your essays without first drafting language or vernacular, using too many slashes and
an outline will ensure that you create a disjointed and hyphen etc. These are all red buttons. No assessor
lack-luster essays. Use the STARS model already may read through on sighting these. Your application is
elucidated to structure the outline before tackling any simply dropped in the trash even if the essay content is
essay. Allow the essay prompts to guide you, as you as qualitative as a Pulitzer award winning novel.
do this. 5. Selfishness: Concentrating too much on what the
3. Generic and Vague Writings: Example, “I am a great scholarship can do for you and not what you can do for
leader…I am a fantastic organizer…I am a creative the scholarship sponsors, or for your home country.
strategist and an excellent time manager”. What For Chevening, too much usage of “I” can be a very
exactly do you mean by these adjectives? Anybody good thing, as the emphasis is you. Nonetheless, for
can say just that! Show, don’t tell. Demonstrate that some other platforms, too many “I’s” can make you
you’re a great leader, not by writing so, but by citing come across as arrogant; balance your individual
specific examples of what you did, the challenges you accomplishment with your team involvement.
overcame, in what circumstances, and what you learnt, 6. Going Back Too Far: Using accomplishments from
and the impact you had. Genericity will increase your ages back, for instance, during high school, especially
chances of producing boring and ineffective essays. Be after you have been working for 10 years, may not
highly specific. State the place, the time, the people come across as compelling. If you have to go back that
involved, quote the numbers affected and mention the far, it is important to make sure the example is major
obstacles surmounted. Generic essays are written and has special relevance in shaping who you have
without a clear message and they are boring and become as a leader.
worse of all, annoying. You can never go wrong being 7. Using Clichés, Common Wisdom, Sermonizing,
over-specific, but you’re already wrong being generic. and Stating the Obvious: The selection panel knows
Word of caution: Where you think the assessor may what conventional wisdom says. They care about what
not believe the statistics you quote (e.g. if you did a you personally think or believe not what Socrates said
project that benefited 5000 people and feel the about leadership.
assessor is not likely to believe your accomplishment), 8. Overusing Quotes: Quotes indeed have a place in the
it is best you play down the stats, and say, “over a essays, but think long and hard before using up
hundred persons benefited”. This way, you are still precious space to quote some Greek poet or business
specific but moderate. This is better than the leader. The assessors are interested in your original
vagueness of saying, ‘my project benefited many thoughts, not those of a dead philosopher.

9. Not Answering the Question: Do not set your own you open up and share personal (appropriate) stories
questions. If the question asks for leadership impact, that give the assessors insight into who you are and
be sure to tell a story that clearly depicts you as a what matters to you. Concentrating all your essays on
leader. If the question asks for career plan, give your professional life misses the chance to show the
examples of SMART goals you hope to attain rather full range of your personality, motivations and
than why you’re changing your career pathway. Don’t character.
beat about the bush. You will only annoy the 14. Trying to Be Remarkable/Creative: Sometimes, less
Assessors. is best. Plastic essays can always be detected by
10. Not Being Memorable: Choose clear and relevant expert psychologists after 3minutes. I’m not against
stories that are in sync with the Scholarship Brand. creativity but ensure that your creativity resonates with
Unusual stories or a different take on a common topic the Scholarship’s theme and that it comes off well
can be interesting and capture the mindshare of the instead of appearing like a scam.
Selection Committee. Again, do not lie! Do not invent 15. Repetition: It is necessary to bring up different stories
stories. Write your ordinary story in a great way. Liars to show the expanse of your personality, experience,
are sooner or later found out! Originality and passion and perspective. Citing the same example recurrently
are the most important strategies to creating memory. will suggest that you have a dwarfed experience-base.
11. Writing Too Many Essays at the same Time: Avoid 16. Too Many Advisers/Editors: Too many chef spoil the
writing multiple essays for different schools and broth. Beware of the too-many-cooks syndrome.
scholarships at once. Tackle the essays one Getting feedback from someone well acquainted with
school/scholarship platform at a time and complete you, especially if that person is a good writer could be
them before working on another school’s essays. More helpful, but it’s a disaster to have your twenty friends,
so, do not underestimate how much time and work are your entire family, and every other Dick and Harry
needed to develop a winning application. Give yourself review your essays. This will produce a tasteless and
at least one month to complete the essays and add incoherent application. In my opinion, 3 proof-
another month or two for reviews. There is a reason readers/contributors suffices: An alumnus or current
the Chevening application window is that lengthy. scholar, an academic in your chosen field and
Submitting too early will not earn you any additional someone who knows you very well on a personal level.
points. 17. Rush Hour Syndrome: Do not wait till the last
12. Inappropriate Usage of Humor: Don’t be funny for moments to begin your applications. True, some have
the sake of being funny. This will question your sense won the award by simply starting the application and
of judgment. Your essay is serious business, and not submitting on the same and final day, but you are not
playing time. Trying too hard to sound funny will not some people, and you may not have their graces.
win you any friends on the Selection Panel. Humor if Proper preparation prevents poor performance. Don’t
ever used, should be subtle. be in a rush to complete your application. Rather, focus
13. Being Too Stiff/Over-formal: This is the opposite of on producing excellent applications. The best
the inappropriate humor mistake. It is expedient that

applications are a result of intense introspection, focus,  Don't be in a hurry to submit.
and multiple revisions.  Make your sentences shorter and clear.
18. Plagiarism: Plagiarize to your own peril. Most serious  Use synonyms to contract phrases and save words.
scholarship or grants commissions have got apps  Maximize the word-count (do not exceed).
which enable them to screen for plagiarism. If your  Check your stuff for grammar and punctuation errors.
work gets assessed as 60% plagiarized, your  Make your paragraphs proportionate (not one too
prognosis is already poor. Plagiarism involves short, and the others disproportionately too long.
interposition, poor citation, failure to use quotation Above all relate your course choices and career plans
marks where they should be, invalid citation, to Chevening priority and DFID goals (a lot of persons
paraphrasing, sentence plagiarism, multiple-source forget this). We will talk about this later in detail.
plagiarism, paragraph and whole document plagiarism  Importantly too, do not rely on Chevening alone, seek
etc. Plagiarism is a whole topic on its own, that I shall other funding platforms. We will post other
write about sometime if heaven permits. It is the reason opportunities later.
why many essays as ‘wow’ as they were, could not be
selected, having failed the originality test. Some of you
may have templates or have seen winning essays *Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are those
online, use them to glean wisdom only as to style and of the author and editors’ experiences and do not reflect
coherence. Any ideas you catch therefrom must be that of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and
developed in your own words and in the context of your its partner organizations.
own experience. Plagiarize to your own peril.


 Your essays are excellent if they have followed the  The scholar journey website.
STARS model for your leadership and networking.  Google
They're excellent if the career plan followed the  Notes by previous scholars.
SMART model and if the course choices showed clarity
of purpose as well as evidence of research.
 This year there will be loads of fantastic essays. Final
deciding factor for all the good essays submitted may Issue Date: 24/06/2018
therefore rely on clarity and the level of evidence
produced. There, cite the links to the important stuff Compiled by # certified
you've done, name the personalities, name the group,
name the blogs, state the certifications and awards
 Combine quantitative and qualitative evidences.
 Be needle-point specific.

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