Mittal School of Business: Anna Jose Reg No: 12009809

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Course No. HRM 511

Course Title: Training and Development
Name of the faculty: Dr Shikha Goyal
Class: MBA
Trimester: 3
Section: Q8E20

Submitted By
Anna Jose
Reg No: 12009809


In this assignment we are try to study the concept and to understand its practical approach
and explore the concept of need assessment in different levels of management. As per the
rubrics the training need assessment of 5 different profiles in the middle level management in
5 different organizations were analysed. The analysis is done with help of Google forms. This
medium is opted as there were restrictions imposed by the Government of Kerala due to the
severe spread of Covid-19.


Comparing the five responses taken from the middle level employees in the retail sector, it
can be observed that all the five firms had a process for identifying future training and
professional development needs

Figure 1

Among the four out of five, the future training and professional development needs are
assessed by the human resources department alone. Two firms had assessment done by the
line managers (fig.1)


Majority of this assessment plan was established for 12 months and rest 18 months (Fig.2).


As it can be observed in the above figure the training needs were reviewed monthly in the
period from one assessment to the next. 2 out of the 5 firms had training needs reviewed
every six months.

All the firms had these processes documented or recorded.

Figure 4.

Four out of five respondents were confident that the existing process will meet their future
training/professional development needs and aspirations (fig.4). Only one respondent had a
negative review. He commented that the training frequency was less and motivation level
from higher ups was not helping. The response to the effectiveness of the process used to
identify the training and professional development needs had a similar response with only
one employee having a negative review.

Figure 5.

Three out of the five employees stated that their identified training and professional
development needs were completely met. One had the opinion that they were partially met
and 1 had the opinion that they were not met at all. (fig.5). The unsatisfied employees stated
that they felt there existed a skill gap and they were still lacking competitive edge.

Figure 6

The respondents selected geographical location, lack of managerial support, length of

training, personal circumstances as the factors that prevent them from meeting or achieving
their training/professional development needs. One of the respondents marked the
unavailability of proper training.

As a response to improvements needed in the training needs process used within the
respective organisation the respondents made suggestions such as constant upskilling,
individual interviews, customised training for each individual, career development focus,
frequent training sections, improvised content, more exposure to real life scenarios etc.

Figure 7

Most of the respondents think that training on future career development will be most
beneficial to their wider professional development. Team building and leadership skills were
also selected by multiple respondents. (fig 7)


Analysing the responses from the five middle level employees it can be observed that the
training calendar should be able to create a culture of personal development and learning in
the organisation. It should be able to manage the upskilling process of the employees and
should keep employees informed of the upcoming trainings. The respondents are in need of
training at an individual level. Skill training for personal development is the key focus of all
of the respondents.

Key pointers for the training calendar:

The following table shows the key focus of the possible training calendar:

Level of training Individual level

Venue Inhouse/ nearby geographical area
Training frequency Monthly
Trainer Subject experts/ industry specialist
Mode of training Classroom/ Coaching &Mentoring

1. Level of training required: Here the five respondents can be observed in a way that it
can be said they are in need of training at an individual level.
2. Time frame: The training requirements differs for each of these employees. Some lean
towards generic skills like communication skills and motivation skills, while others focus
on employee specific skills. Each of these skill development needs a manhour of at least 6
months. Thus, the organisations should go for monthly training sessions and quarterly
refresher training with 18 months action plan. This time frame is decided considering the
fact that there will be industry specific training that every employee has to attend to. So
both of these should not result in clash.
3. Identifying the trainers: Most of the skill set that the employees wanted to learn was
outside their present job profile. If they are to be provided training on these areas
professional trainers from outside or industry experts needs to be appointed as trainers.
4. Budget: These training sessions are very expensive. Some of the areas opted by the
employees does not align with the requirements and goals of the organisation. It may put
financial burden on the organisation. So only skill set which will contribute to the
organisation along with the employees needed to be prioritised and budget need to be
allocated for them. To reduce the financial burden, trainings can be conducted within the
office premises, companies can hire local trainers or develop in house trainers.

5. Mode of training: Classroom training, Coaching and Mentoring are the most effective
ways of training these candidates. As they are looking for professional and personal
development such modes of training will be more effective.

Classroom Training Coaching and Mentoring

Employees can fully focus on training Customised to employee’s needs
Being trained by an expert Improves working relationships
Interactive session Improves Coordination
Tailored Training program Improves productivity


The data were collected using sending questionnaire made with google forms. The
questionnaire and the link to the forms are given below:


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