2010-2011 (EngSoc) Meeting 03 (Minutes) - September 29, 2010

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MEETING 03: MINUTES ( 5P M L IB3 04 WE D, SE PT 2 9 T H , 201 0)

Attendance: Janelle, Kyle, Arif, Ryan, Mats, Glen, Krista, Shane, Colin

1. Meetings and Robert’s Rules (5min) Mats

2. Updates and Discussion (20min+)
a. Co-President Arif
b. VP Internal Janelle
c. VP External Ryan
d. VP Finance and Administration Krista
e. Social Director Kyle
f. Academic Director Glen
g. Communications Director Shane

3. ToDo (5min)
a. Next Meeting
Roberts Rules – Mats discussing...

- Motion – Approve pending chair positions, Mats started, Arif seconds, Approved
o Colin – Concrete Toboggan
o Karl – Eng Sports
o Glen – Build Competition
o Rafal – Space and Aviation Club
o Janelle and Sam – WIE
o Akshay - ASME
o Conor – National Engineering Month
o Shane – Street Team

Arif – AGM, social events - help needed, ensure schedule things that aren’t just drinking, need two
events (ie. Clubbing and bowling), strategic planning (next meeting)

Kyle – plan something for late November, committee chair meeting

Shane – start 1st year council and wants to work with Kyle; logo – understands issues and putting in
atom, done Friday by 3 pm; social media – changed facebook from group to page, raise advertisements
of “I like Eng Soc”, same functionality so that we can send out mass messages to people who “like” the
page, get statistics (ie. Daily likes count); Newsletter – more professional, zoom in on pictures; wants to
create Eng Soc website – use SA website for main site, wants a domain, wants to start Eng Soc store, Arif
– need website for students to register for AGM, want to be able to pick up swag at Tuck Shop, Janelle –
Tuck Shop may be complicated, one day a month you can come pick your stuff up, table set up, always do
pre-order sales, Ryan – do something other than credit card, perhaps Pay Pal but there may be
administrative fees associated with this; Twitter – Eng Soc mobile, get announcements and updates
directly to your phone; Folder in Communications drop box folder – submit communication, “dig” a
website, make communication request – title, date/time, message, picture/video/attachment
possibilities, check off which forms of media you would like it present on

Mats – wants main contact for swag – Janelle in charge; Movember – certain amount of money that we
want to donate, Janelle – donate whatever we raised less what we spent, school is raising money as a
whole, Ryan – CFES is donating

Arif – compensate half of swag for execs, name and position with eng soc on it, $15 for execs

Janelle – using t-shirt for sizing (size M), look at compensating hoodies (avg. $30-$40); AGM planning
meeting yesterday, decided that we would host it June 3rd, 4th, 5th, time conflicts are only in UB2080, 8
from every school, approximately 150 people, theatre downtown for nice dinner and speakers, starting
with social events, sent in request to ESSCO to approve weekend, residing in res, $80/night with 4
people/room, buffer floor, meeting with CU advertising on Monday morning at 9am for breakfast for
corporate sponsorship and selling ad space, job fair to bring in industry fair, Market Ad for conference
and handbook, budget roughly $30 000, special request funding goes to SA committee; Handbook – half
printed, will be done soon, CU made $2200, printing only costs $800; WIE starting shortly
Glen – class reps this week, 20 people selected so far; offering to help with any events; let him know info
so that he can pass it on to class reps; 1st build competition, only 2 teams competed, meeting on Friday to
start planning one in October; planning IEC now to submit form to SA

Ryan – Tour of ACE, sign up on website and providing a drink ticket; E4TW distributed, writing
competition now on; PEO SC registration due Monday; Generals game ($16-$18)

Krista – send Kelly an email about how much is in other account

Group Discussion – jumpsuits, pilsner glasses, tumbler glasses, shot glasses

- Use BCC to ensure emails are not listed if people are not comfortable with it, keep emails short
and make more personal

Mats – working on class reps, and internal communication

Janelle – Eng Bowl, walked over to a park and had balls, Frisbees, soccer, played all kinds of games,
Carleton had 60 people show up

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