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MEETING 05: AGENDA ( 5P M SA M E ET IN G R OO M WE D, OC T 13 T H, 2 01 0)

1. Approve Agenda
2. Short Updates (8min)
(New items only, if discussion is needed ask to be added later in the agenda. 2min max)
a. Co-Presidents Mats + Arif
b. VP Internal Janelle
c. VP External Ryan
d. VP Finance and Administration Krista
e. Social Director Kyle
f. Academic Director Glen
g. Communications Director Shane
h. Committees/Clubs/Chapters (2min)

3. Logo Discussion and Decision (5min)

4. Next Year’s Budget + Fee Protocol (20min)

5. Directional Documents (10min)

6. Reports (5min)

7. Other Items of Discussion (10min)

8. Adjourn

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