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Simulation Modeling of a Fleet of Remote-

Controlled/Automatic Load-Haul-Dump
Vehicles in Underground Mines
Nick Vagenas
School of Engineering
Laurentian University
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

In the last
few years, a concept for 1. Introduction
automating Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) During the past few years, the concept of integrating
vehicles has stimulated considerable interest automation and teleoperation on Load-Haul-Dump
in the world mining industry. In this (LHD) machines (Figure 1) has attracted considerable
concept, the tramming and dumping interest in the international mining community. In
operations of an LHD should be automatic. this concept, the transport (tramming) and dumping
During loading, an operator from a control operations of an LHD should be automatic. During
room fills the bucket of a vehicle via remote- loading, an operator from a control room fills the
control aided by a television system. The bucket of a vehicle via remote-control aided by a
television system; see Figure 2. Using such a Remote-
application of such a Remote-controlled/ controlled/Automatic LHD (RAL) system, several
Automatic LHD (RAL) system in
advantages can be foreseen, e.g., better utilization of
underground hard rock mines exhibits some the vehicles, a better working environment for the
operational and traffic control characteristics operators, and better transport control [1, 2].
that have not been studied previously in At present, the general practice in most of the
mining (e.g., vehicle motion in bidirectional mines is one LHD machine to operate in a limited
lane segments). This paper presents a transport area with little or no traffic interference
discrete-event simulation model developed from other vehicles. This practice is applied mainly
for studying and evaluating the operation of for safety reasons since the vehicles operate in
tunnels with a width that prohibits two-way traffic.
a fleet of RALs. This model integrates Even though LHD machines have been used for
graphical modeling and presentation of several decades in mining, the utilization of a fleet of
RAL transport layouts with animation of
RALs exhibits a number of operational and traffic
the motion of vehicles during simulation.
control characteristics that have not been studied
The model is used to evaluate the capacity of
previously in mining. These characteristics may be
a future fleet of RALs which can operate in described as follows:
a typical transport layout at the LKAB
Vehicle motion in bidirectional lane-lane ents
Swedish iron ore mine in Kiruna.
(vehicles can move in either direction, but if two or
Keywords: Underground hard rock more vehicles are moving in opposite directions
mines, LHD vehicles, automation, inside a bidirectional lane segment, they will collide);

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Figure 1. A diesel LHD

Figure 2. The concept of a Remote-controlled /Automatic LHD (RAL) system

(An ore pass is a dumping point)
Absence of sidings for avoiding bidirectional conflicts; · An algorithm that will find the shortest allowable
Operation of vehicles in
a route restricted network path by time from origin to destination (using
since mining transport layouts generally offer a Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm [4]);
very limited number of alternative routes for the ~
An algorithm that will check when a vehicle
movement of a vehicle to a destination; must slow down due to the presence of another
Stochastic nature of an RAL system due to human slower vehicle
moving in the same direction;
involvement in the loading operation. · An for
algorithm solving bidirectional conflicts;
For the efficient operation of a fleet of RALs, a · An algorithm for crossing a traffic zone (e.g., an
dispatch and traffic control procedure that can resolve intersection);
conflicts among vehicles due to the traffic conditions · An algorithm that will select a destination for an
in a transport layout and plan collision-free routes RAL under dispatch consideration (e.g., selection
has been developed and discussed in detail in [1] and of a destination based on the minimum travel time
[3]. This dispatch procedure consists of the following in the network).


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To test the dispatch procedure and model the (c) Given mining transport layout, how many

operation of a fleet of RALs, a discrete-event simula- operators are necessary for loading and for
tion model has been developed. With this model, efficient operation of a fleet of RALs ?
called PROFITIS Version 2.0 [3], it is possible for a The above problems are concerned mainly with the
system planner to alter several operational character- effects of mining transport layouts on the perfor-
istics of an RAL system and study the behavior and mance of an RAL system. Other problems can also be
performance of the system. This model possesses the considered, as for instance, the problem related to the
following general features: effect of utilizing electric RALs powered by trailing
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) to create and cables, due to the limited cable length of the electric
display graphs of RAL transport layouts; LHD and the precautions taken for preventing the
vehicle from crossing over the cable. A detailed
· Graphical animation to animate the motion of
vehicles during a simulation run and display discussion can be found in [3].
the events executed; In general, an RAL system is not a fully automatic
. Text output simulation for fast execution of a system since teleoperation of the loading activity
simulation run, displaying only the final text requires human involvement. The number of opera-
tors, coffee and lunch breaks, as well as shift changes
output information.
may therefore affect the performance of a fleet of
At present, most of the work on LHD automation is RALs. In general, it is not always feasible to find an
only hardware oriented (e.g., selection of navigation optimal system performance that can satisfy all the
techniques and choice of data communication various operating conditions in a mine. The develop-
systems). It focuses on the development of prototype ment and utilization of a simulation model that
vehicles. None of this work is concerned with traffic
provides a system planner with an opportunity to
management and simulation modelling of a fleet of alter the operational characteristics of an RAL system
vehicles. In general, the currently applied practice is and experiment with alternative operational policies
the utilization of a single vehicle in a limited area can be a powerful and useful tool. It is also possible
containing a few loading and dumping points. to apply stochastic mathematical models using other
On the other hand, the manufacturing industry has
operations research techniques (e.g., queuing net-
experienced a dramatic growth in Automated work theory) instead of simulation.
Guided Vehicles (AGV) technology. Work in traffic
management and modelling of industrial AGV 3. Rules, Constraints, and Assumptions Used
systems has been described in the literature; see, for in the Construction of the Simulation Model
example, [5-9]. This research, however, is mostly 3.1 Introduction
applicable to AGV systems in which unidirectional
or two-way unidirectional guidepaths are usually PROFITIS Version 2.0 is a discrete-event simulation
considered. model programmed in Turbo Pascal. The variables of
In unidirectional lane segments, vehicles can move the model change at a discrete set of points in time.
in one direction only. Using a two-way unidirectional The state of the model can be altered by events
lane segment, vehicles moving in opposite directions scheduled to occur in future time. A simulation clock
never collide. In general, there are major differences is used to keep track of events and the current value
between underground mining and other industries of time as the simulation proceeds.
with regard to automation of vehicle-based systems; The occurrence of an event causes the execution of
for a discussion, see [3]. logics for changing the status of the model variables,
updates the simulation time, and collects statistics of
2. The Problem Statement interest.
The simulation time is far smaller than the actual
In this paper, problems concerning the utilization of
a fleet of RALs in an underground mining transpor- operating time (a six hour operating time (shift)
of an RAL system takes less than 100 seconds of
tation network will be discussed. The problems
simulation time on an IBM compatible 486-66 MHz
considered are the following:
Given a mining transport layout, how many
computer). The event scheduling algorithm used in
(a) the model for advancing the simulation clock is based
RALs are required to handle a given volume of on the variable time increment method in which
production? simulation time is advanced by the amount necessary
(b) Given a mining transport layout, how many RALs to cause the next most imminent event to take place.
can operate simultaneously without creating Three principal groups of input to the model can be
traffic saturation? identified:


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Mining transport layout configuration (location of 3.2 Traffic Considerations in the Simulation Model
loading points, dumping points, distances, traffic In the simulation model, vehicles move from seg-
zone specifications, direction of pathways, etc.); ment to segment until they arrive at their destination.
In the selection of any routes in a layout, it must be
· Transport system production specifications (ore
remembered that LHD machines cannot turn en route
qualities at loading and dumping points, number
of operators for the teleoperation of the loading and that the bucket of the vehicles must, of course,
activity, shift durations, and lunch breaks); always be presented to both the loading and dump-
· Vehicle specifications (length, speeds, safety ing points; for more details, see [3]. Dijkstra’s shortest
distances, breakdown characteristics, number of path algorithm is used to find the shortest path from
an origin to a destination; see [3] and [4]. A vehicle in
operating and stand-by vehicles, loading and the model can be in either of the following states:
dumping times, and bucket volume). operating, on stand-by, or at the repair station for
Some input data is stochastic in nature, e.g., service. During operation, an RAL can perform the
loading times. For the representation of this data, following activities:
one of six probability distributions may be selected

by the user, namely the exponential, normal, lognor- (a) Pick up its load at a loading point;
mal, Poisson, Weibull, and uniform distributions. (b) Move along a segment;
The mining transport layout or, more specifically, (c) Cross a traffic zone;
the RAL guidepath layout, is modeled as a collection
(d) Dump its load at a dumping point.
of nodes and segments. Nodes are control locations
on the guidepath at which an RAL can stop. Nodes
During motion, the activities of the vehicles may be
described as follows.
include not only the repair station, loading, and
· Before entry to a segment, the vehicle checks the
dumping points, but also points where the paths
traffic conditions in the segment. If it is allowed to
merge, diverge, or cross (traffic nodes). Segments
represent the aisles on which vehicles can move. A enter, the RAL then begins to move in the segment.
segment is a directed section of the guidepath between · Move along a segment: When a vehicle enters a
two adjacent control locations. A segment is always segment its movement is regulated by the traffic
drawn as a straight line. Consequently, curves are conditions in this segment. z

represented as a sequence of straight segments. · End of a segment: When reaching the end of a :

Positions within the layout are identified by using a

segment, a vehicle may be in one of the following
rectangular cartesian-coordinate system. For every locations:
node, a point location is given in terms of (x, y) At a dumping point: The dumping event is
coordinates. Generally, modeling and crleation of the (a)
executed. The overall dispatch and traffic
guidepath rely on well-known CAD graphics tech- control procedure is then called to determine
niques, [10]. the next route of the RAL to a loading point.
Several performance outputs are gathered during a
simulation. In general, the output information deals (b) At a loading point: The loading event is
with the following items: executed. If an operator is not available to
· Vehicle statistics (e.g., utilization, operating times, teleoperate the loading activity, the vehicle
waits at thisloading point until an operator
blocking times due to traffic congestion, service becomes available. Here, the performance of an
times, and number of breakdowns); RAL system is related to the number of available
· Traffic zone statistics (e.g., number of vehicles
operators for supervision of loading. After the
passed through a traffic zone and occupation times loading activity is completed, the dispatch
in a zone); control procedure is called to determine the
· RAL system performance statistics (e.g., production next route of the RAL to a dumping point.
achieved and loading and waiting times at the At a non-traffic node: The vehicle will check if
loading points). it can enter the next segment and, if so, it
The model does not deal with the dynamics of begins to move in this segment.
vehicle motion. It does not simulate motor propul- At a traffic node entering a traffic zone: The
sion mechanisms and the dynamics of an RAL during vehicle checks the status of this traffic zone. If
motion. It considers the motion of vehicles only in the zone is free, the vehicle enters the zone and
discrete time intervals. starts to move in the next segment. Otherwise,
the RAL stops at the traffic node (entering the
zone) until the zone will be free.


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(e) At a traffic node leaving a traffic zone: The · Every possible route from a loading point to a
vehicle begins to move to the next segment. dumping point and vice versa must contain only
one vertex defined as a loading point and only one
3.3Constraints for Network Design in the Simulation Model vertex defined as a dumping point.
The following are considered by the simulation · The ore quality for each loading and dumping
model for the design of an RAL network. point must be specified as input data in the model.
· Each path traveled by a vehicle is composed of a · A trafficzone consists of a maximum of six non-
number of segments. Each segment is a section of unidirectional segments and four traffic nodes, as
the guidepath between two adjacent nodes. shown in the following illustration (Figure 4).
· A node is a control location on the
guidepath at
which anRAL can stop and/or perform loading
or dumping activities.
· Each segment can be either of the following types:
unidirectional, two-way unidirectional, or
· Three safety distances are considered.
(a) Safety distance between stopped vehicles.
(b) Safety braking distance between vehicles in
moving in the same direction.
(c) Safety distance between a stationary (stopped)
vehicle in a given segment and the node of the
end of this segment to which the vehicle
motion is directed. The point in this segment at
which the vehicle stops is called the check
point for the node. This safety distance must be Figure 4. Traffic zone with four traffic nodes

sufficiently large to prevent collision between
the stationary vehicle at the node and another
vehicle crossing the node. This situation is Another example of a traffic zone having three traffic
illustrated in Figure 3. nodes is shown in Figure 5.
· The minimum length of a segment is at least equal · No vehicle is allowed to wait inside a traffic zone
to the length of a vehicle plus twice the safety because the zone will be blocked. The vehicle
distance between a stopped vehicle at a check point length prohibits any vehicle waiting inside the
and its associated node. zone considered.
· One vehicle at a time crosses a traffic zone.

· Traffic zones are not overlaid. They do not share

their traffic nodes. Traffic zones are used to prevent
collisions at intersections and merge points. If two
or more RALs arrive at a zone simultaneously or
are waiting at the
entry points of this zone, a traffic
rule canbe used to determine which vehicle will
cross the zone first and to supervise the traffic

movement in this zone. In this research, three

traffic rules are applied: The First In First Out
(FIFO), the Last In First Out (LIFO), and the
Loaded vehicle First (LF). In FIFO cases, the
vehicle that arrives first at a traffic zone can cross
Figure 3. Illustration of the safety distance between a
the traffic zone first. The LIFO rule represents the
stationary vehicle at the check point of a segment and the
next node N at the end of this segment opposite situation of FIFO. When the LF rule is
applied loaded RALs have priority, and these may
enter a traffic zone first. The most commonly
applied traffic rule in this work is the FIFO rule.


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· If two vehicles have stopped one after the other in
the network (for instance in a segment or
due to a breakdown of a vehicle in front of them),
then, when the first vehicle starts to move, the
motion of the second vehicle will be made to
comply with one of the two following rules.
Case A. The second vehicle will move at the same

speed the first vehicle if and only if the

second vehicle can travel faster or at the
same speed as the first RAL.

Case B. It will move at its

predetermined (input)
speed in that
specific segment if and
only if the second RAL is slower than the
first vehicle. This rule is also valid for more
than two vehicles in the queue. An example
is given in Figure 6. In this figure, vehicles
Figure 5. Traffic zone with three traffic nodes Vl, V2, V3, and V4wait to enter and travel
A detailed discussion of traffic rules and their
along segment (1 - 2).
characteristics can be found in the literature [11]. In
PROFITIS, it is possible to apply different traffic rules
in different traffic zones for the same transport layout.
Thus, a system planner can evaluate the effects of
combining various rules for different traffic zones.
3.4 Basic Rules for Vehicle Motion in the Simulation Model
Each vehicle has the capacity for only one load, and
a load is transported by only one vehicle.

· Vehicles cannot pass each other on the same

segment headed in the same direction.

· Vehicles cannot turn en route.
· The bucket of a vehicle must always be presented
to both the loading and dumping points.

· Empty vehicles are not kept idle while the

transportation system is operating.
· One vehicle at a time loads at a loading point or Figure 6. An example of a possible traffic situation
dumps at a dumping point.
· All input speeds for the vehicles are those that
comply with our rule described above (for
reasons of collision avoidance), the actual speeds of
comply with the manufacturer’s specifications. The these vehicles in segment (1 2) will be: -

input speeds of a vehicle moving on sequential

segments should change gradually from segment Vi will travel through segment (1 2) at 10 km/h. -

to segment according to the acceleration or V2will travel through segment (1 2) at 5 km/h -

deceleration of the vehicle. (Case B).

· Fuelling and vehicle inspection are assumed to be V3will travel through segment (1 2) at 4 km/h -

performed before the start of a shift or at (Case B).

the end. Vehicles are parked at the repair station
V4will travel through segment (1 2) at 4 km/h -

(node R) in the network. The dispatch algorithm (Case A).

controls the motion of the vehicles from/to the
repair station. This station is assumed to be always 3.5 Assumptions for Simulation Events in the Simulation
accessible by humans. Model
An RAL system is basically semi-automatic since
humans are engaged in the teleoperation of the


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loading activity. The model can simulate the effect of The current version of the model assumes that when
coffee breaks, lunch breaks, and shift changes on the an RAL is broken down then the system’s operation
performance of an RAL system. The following logics is halted and maintenance personnel will remove the
are implemented in the occurrence of these events: vehicle from the guidepath and the system will then
resume operation. The overall traffic and dispatch
Coffee break and shift change events: Whenever these controller is informed of the vehicle breakdown and
events occur operators are not available for the
time duration of a break or a shift change. On
takes appropriate action to ensure safe motion of the
completion of one of these events, operators become remaining vehicles in the system. In the meantime, a
available for supervision of a loading operation. stand-by vehicle is requested for operation from the
Lunch break event: The model can simulate two types repair station. If there is a stand-by RAL, this vehicle
commences operation immediately. The RAL system
of lunch breaks:
otherwise operates with fewer vehicles until a broken
· Two lunch break periods for two groups of operators; RAL is repaired and returned to operation.
· One lunch break period for all operators Whenever a breakdown occurs, the RAL system is
simultaneously. shut off mainly for safety reasons and also to reduce
Whenever two lunch breaks for two groups is to be traffic congestion. In future versions of PROFITIS, it
considered, the model sets the operators of the first might be possible to send unmanned towing vehicles
group as non-available until their lunch break is supervised by the same overall traffic controller in
finished. The second group of operators then com- the transport area. In such cases, the towing vehicles
mences their lunch break. The operators belonging to could avoid collision with the operating RALs, reach
the first group are now available for the loading the broken vehicle and remove it from the transport
area. Another type of interruption that might occur is
activity. When the lunch break of the second group
of operators is over, then these operators are also related to obstacle avoidance during vehicle motion.
available for supervision of loading activities. In underground mines it is possible that a boulder
In the case when one lunch break is taken by all might fall in the path of an oncoming RAL. These
operators simultaneously, the procedures applied are interruptions are not simulated in the current version
the same as those for coffee break or shift change of the model; however, they can easily be modeled as
events. An important assumption is introduced to discrete events (e.g., like vehicle breakdown events).
model the events described above: When this event occurs for a given vehicle, the
a coffee or a lunch break or a shift change occurs
segment occupied by this moving vehicle must be
blocked. No other RAL can enter this segment. With
during a loading activity, the operator involved in the current state of technology, obstacle avoidance is
the activity will not leave until this activity is completed.
considered as a rather complicated task for imple-
Many researchers who model the traffic and dispatch mentation on automatic RALs. It is therefore expected
control of AGV transport systems do not consider that prototype RALs will be equipped with hardware
vehicle breakdowns in their models; see, for example, and software for obstacle detection and later with
[7, 8,12,13]. In mining, equipment servicing and technology for obstacle avoidance.
maintenance costs form a significant portion of the
mine’s total operating costs. In this model, vehicle 4. A Case Study
breakdowns are modelled. Whenever a breakdown
4.1 Introduction
occurs, however, the procedures taken by mining
A case study will now be discussed in this paper. It is
staff must be assumed, since an RAL system has not
concerned with the possible future utilization of a
yet been employed in the mines. For RAL break- fleet of RALs in a mining transport layout in the
downs, the following assumptions are therefore
made: Swedish iron ore underground mine of LKAB at
Kiruna. At present, manually operated electric LHDs,
· It is forbidden for humans to enter a layout where the Toro 500E vehicles manufactured by ARA Inc.,
an RAL system is operating;
Finland, are used in the Kiruna mine. The transport
· Since RAL system is a new concept, it is
layout used for the case study consists of three
expected thatsimple maintenance policies will be loading points and two dumping points as shown in
applied whenever vehicle breakdowns occur; Figure 7. Five traffic zones have been created for
· In the current version of PROFITIS, it is assumed this layout. All road segments are of the bidirectional
that specially developed automatic towing vehicles type. The RALs are assumed to transport material
are not available for the removal of a defective RAL from the loading points and dump it at the two
from the network. dumping points (or ore passes). It is also assumed that


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the RALs resemble conventional Toro 500E LHDs may be simulated as accurately as possible:
presently used in the Kiruna mine with respect to the (a) The average speed of an RAL is approximately
vehicle length (10.6 m) and bucket load (15 tons). the same as the average speed of a conventional
The production figures are expressed as Total Tons LHD of comparable size; i

Dumped (TTD) per six hour shift. Input data for the (b) The time for the loading operation of an RAL
transport layout of Figure 7 is based on records from should not exceed that of a conventional LHD of
the Kiruna mine. In this case study, an attempt is
made to investigate the following problems: comparable size by more than 30%;
(c) The time for the dumping operation of an RAL
· Given the transport layout of Figure 7, how many
should not exceed that of a conventional LHD of
RALs can operate simultaneously until traffic
saturation is reached? comparable size by more than 30%.
· Given the transport layout of Figure 7 and a fleet of Assumption (b) is taken into consideration since an
RALs, how many operators are necessary to
RAL is anew/prototype system and thus time is
supervise the loading operation of RALs for required by the operators to familiarize themselves
with and take full advantage of the RAL system’s
efficient operation of the RAL system in a given
time period? capabilities. Early experimentation with RAL systems
have indicated that the above mentioned assump-
The most interesting measures of performance in tions are appropriate, see [14]. The case study pre-
this case study are the following: sented in this section does not deal with the eco-
· Total production achieved (per six hour shift); nomic aspects of installing and operating an RAL
· Vehicle waiting times at loading points; system. The general input data related to the trans-
· Vehicle waiting and blocking times. port layout of Figure 7 are shown in Table 1.
For convenience, the following definitions are used.
· The Total Travel Time of a vehicle while traveling
Empty (TTTE) is the total time that a vehicle spends
traveling from dumping points to loading points.
· The Average Travel Time of all vehicles while
traveling Empty (ATTE) is

where n is the total number of vehicles.

· The Total Travel Time of a vehicle while traveling
Loaded(TTTL) is the total time that a vehicle spends

traveling from loading points to dumping points.

· The Average Travel Time of all vehicles while
Figure 7. A transport layout in the Kiruna mine, generated traveling Loaded (ATTL) is
by PROFITIS Version 2.0 with graphical representation of
the road network of an RAL system (T denotes a traffic
node, D denotes a dumping point, R denotes a repair
station and L denotes a loading point). All road segments
are bidirectional.
where n is the total number of vehicles.
4.2 Input Data and Definitions of Relevant Performance -
The Total Blocking Time (TBT) of a vehicle is the
Measures total time that a vehicle stops at intersections or is
Since an RAL system is not yet available, assump- blocked by another vehicle due to traffic conditions
tions must be made about the speed in the network in the network.
and the loading and dumping times of the vehicles The
with respect to conventional LHDs. These assump-
Average Blocking Time (ABT) of all vehicles is
tions and reasons for their adoption have been
discussed elsewhere [14]. These assumptions are .

selected so that the operation of a future RAL system


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Table 1. Input data for the RAL vehicles

Loading time: 36 - 60 seconds, Uniform probability distribution

Dumping time: 18 - 30 seconds, Uniform probability distribution
Bucket load: 14-15 tons, Uniform probability distribution
Average speed in the network: 10 km/h
Length of a vehicle: 10.6 m (same as a conventional TORO 500 E)
Effective working time in a shift is 6 hours
Traffic rule applied in the traffic zones is First In First Out (FIFO)
In Figure 7:

where n is the total number of vehicles.

The Traffic Factor (TF) of a vehicle (TF) is defined
where k is the total number of loading points visited.
Simulation output analysis of the case study is
based on the method of independent replications;
The Average Traffic Factor (ATF) of all vehicles is
see [15].
defined as
4.2.1 Case Study Results. In this case study, we
evaluate the performance of a fleet of RALs by
increasing the number of vehicles until traffic satura-
tion is reached. In the layout of Figure 7, it is possible
to operate two vehicles simultaneously without
where n is the total number of vehicles. traffic interaction (by sending each vehicle to a
different loading and dumping point). Since one of
The Waiting Time (WT) at a loading point is the
the purposes of this particular case study is to
average time that vehicles spend waiting to be evaluate the effects of traffic interference among
loaded by an operator.
vehicles, then the first two vehicles are set to run
The Average Waiting Time (AWT) at all loading between the same loading and dumping points
points is (loading point 27 and dumping point 24 in Figure 7).


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Table 2. Output from 10 simulation runs (95% confidence interval)
Simulation time (hours) : 6.0 (One shift)

ATTE is Average Travel Time of Empty vehicles in hours

ATTL is Average Travel Time of Loaded vehicles in hours
ABT is Average Blocking Time of vehicles in hours
ATF is Average Traffic Factor of vehicles in %
AWT is Average Waiting Time at loading points in minutes
TTD is Total Tons Dumped in tons


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This also indicates that, thanks to automation, it is typical values of the traffic factor for AGVs range
possible to operate two vehicles between the same between 85% and 100% [10]. From the above discus-
loading and dumping points, a situation not cur- sion, we may draw the following conclusions for this
rently possible for manually driven LHDs due to case study.
safety precautions. We also vary the number of ~
The effect on production of using more than one

operators for the loading activity from one to three. operator for the teleoperation of the loading
The transport layout in Figure 7 includes three loading is substantial.
activity not
points. The maximum number of operators needed is ~
The increase in production is due mainly to the use
three. The output from ten repeated runs using
of additional vehicles in the layout of Figure 7.
different random number seeds and 95% confidence
limits, is shown in Table 2. The value of the t distribu- Capital investment and operating costs of the
vehicles therefore become very important when we
tion with (10-1) degrees of freedom, which produces a
wish to evaluate the economic feasibility of installing
95% confidence interval, is t(100-95)/2 = 2.26 [15].
an RAL system with several vehicles in simultaneous
The dispatch procedure manages to supervise a
maximum of five RALs in the layout of Figure 7. operation.
Traffic saturation is reached with six RALs. This is
The dispatch procedure can supervise a maximum
of five vehicles before traffic saturation is reached.
mainly due to the lack of available loading points
and the short cycle times of the vehicles (cycle time = ~
The traffic factor of vehicles in the system, even
loading time + transport time loaded + dumping with five RALs, is considered to be acceptable;
time + transport time empty). Since the dispatch AWT is less than 17% of the total operating time,
procedure cannot send the sixth vehicle to a loading with ATF ranging between 73% and 87%.
point, then the waiting time for the sixth vehicle It is interesting to mention that recently reported
increases rapidly. Furthermore, the short cycle times results and benefits from a demonstration of
of the other vehicles eliminate the chances of the
teleoperation of two automatic LHDs by one operator
sixth RAL finding a feasible route to a loading point. on the surface by INCO Limited, a mining company
The production varies from 2543 tons/shift for two in Canada, see [2], indicate agreement with the
RALs with one operator to 5945 tons/shift for five conclusions reported in this paper. Baiden and
vehicles and three operators. Thus, by adding three Henderson in [2] reported an expected increase in
vehicles to a fleet of two RALs and using three
productivity gains (in tons/person-shift) by a factor
operators instead of one for the loading activity, the of 2.4 in the case of teleoperation of five automatic
production is increased by a factor of 2.34. Five RALs LHDs from the surface by one operator instead of
with one operator, however, produce only 6% less
teleoperation of two automatic LHDs by one opera-
than five vehicles with three operators. tor. This simulation study indicates (see Table 2) that
Furthermore, by studying the results presented in an increase in the production by a factor of 2.2 is
Table 2, it can be seen that there is no significant
possible when we are operating five RALs with one
contribution to the production if the number of
operator (5608 tons/shift) instead of two RALs with
operators is increased from two to three for all one operator (2543 tons/shift).
simulation runs. This is true, since the maximum
average waiting time for all cases in Table 2 does not 5. Conclusions
exceed 0.28 minutes < 17 seconds (Table 2, the case of
This paper discusses simulation modelling of a fleet
five RALs with one operator). Waiting times at
of remote-controlled/automatic LHDs in under-
loading points of less than 17 seconds are very short
and will not affect the production significantly. ground mining. A discrete-event simulation model
Interesting results are also related to the Average (PROFITIS Version 2.0) has been developed for
this purpose. This model integrates graphical model-
Blocking Time (ABT) of the vehicles. The ABT varies
from 0.81 hours 49 minutes to 1.08 hours 65
= = ling and presentation of RAL transport layouts, as
well as animation of vehicles during simulation. The
minutes as shown in Table 2. Thus, on average, for
one hour from a total of six operating hours, the
application environment of the model corresponds to
that found in a real underground transport layout
vehicles are blocked less than 17% (1/6 hours) of
the total operating time. This is better illustrated if consisting of several loading points and dumping
the Average Traffic Factor (ATF) is used. The ATF points (ore passes). The simulation model is applied
to evaluate the capacity of a future RAL system in a
varies from 73% to 87% according to Table 2. These
values are quite satisfactory if we consider that these typical transport layout at the LKAB Swedish iron
ore mine in Kiruna.
vehicles are running in a network with bidirectional
road segments. In the manufacturing industry,


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