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oroumrorinv sono
growth environ mental problems

boosts creativitylinnovation .

Ieads to debt
ploymentl self employment exploitation ( labovr)

- -

cost reduetion health problems ( over consemptionlladiction)

- .

diversity of
prodvetslgoods negative com petition between countries


From the moment we enter a

shopping Center , everything is care fuly design ed
to make
boy things ,
and that a
good thing right ? Well yes and no
, , .

As I see it a consumar
society increases economia growth as well as employment As .

we live in a
digital world , productos are more auaiable an so is consumerismo Having more
Industries have to
productos on the market means that come up with in novative
goods to make

people boy from their Stone .

Neverthe less too much producto owaiable to purchase may cause a long term addiction

shopping inIn .

strong ly believe
addition I that over
consemption is the cause of
exploitation poor countries making people
work for less than
, 1$ por day and providing
sanitary conditions for the workers Finally it destro ys all resovrces avaiable in our plan et
, .

TO sum up I feel that , bvying goods is part of our life but we should do it in a
minimal waste bas is
by instead of using plastia bags use reusable bags wear second hand do the
, , ,

and it
you really need to boy something view making sure it comes from a sustainable
pany .

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