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One way of conceptualizing this product strategy is to think of every major

Apple product category being attached to a rope. The order in which these
products were attached to the rope was determined by the degree to which
technology was made more personal via new workflows and processes for getting
work done. Accordingly, Apple Watch and iPhone were located on the end of the
rope held by Apple management. Meanwhile, Mac desktops were located at the
other end of the rope while iPads and Mac portables were somewhere in the
middle. As Apple management pulled the rope, the Apple Watch and iPhone
received much of the attention while the Mac increasingly resembled dead
weight. Furthermore, over the past two years, we received clues that a major
change was beginning to take hold in Apple’s product strategy. Apple no longer
appears to be relying so much on a pull system when it comes to advancing its
product line. Instead, a push system is being utilized, and every major product
category is being pushed forward simultaneously. The change was designed to
reduce the amount of chaos found at the end of the “rope” that Apple was
pulling. That way, Apple was able to move its entire product category forward at
the same time.
Human Resource Strategy
Apple is well known for its size and revenues. To make innovation-oriented
firm, HR strategies of Apple emphasizes investing human capitals, approval or
disapproval of group members and participation in decision making committing to
team development (Lordkipanidze, 2019). The HR strategies of Apple always seem
to hire a diverse, independent, talented employee who doesn’t need direction.
Apple follows non egalitarian methods which suggest Apple fills 95% of the roles
that are critical to business success through a quality (Vozz, 2017). By knowing the
importance of full-time work execution, Apple has developed a broad and focused
advantages bundle for its corporate representatives with self-awareness
programs. This imprints Apple willingness to be the best tech company in the
world, by allowing great ideas for the company. Most of Apple’s employee is
provided with training once they joined the company. Apple has seen to it that
their Expense Policy inspires employee to perform better than the rest. It
reinforces employee to build self-reliant and skills by their own that periodically
emerges as a big addition to the company. 2.3.5 Research and Development
Increasing by about 2.5 billion from its 2019 total, Apple Company spent a record
18.75 billion U.S. dollars on research and development in its 2020 fiscal year. The
company’s massive research and development budget over the years has led to
the release of various famous products including the iPhone, iPod, MacBook and

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