Thickness Determination For Spray-Applied Fire Protection Materials

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ollowing The World Trade most common form of insulation for a
Preview! Center disaster, a review of structural steel assembly is a spray-
current design practices has applied fire resistive material. Spray-
commenced with hope that applied fire resistive materials use a
out of the tragedy something binder, generally gypsum or Portland
may be gleaned that could influence cement, that is mixed with insulating
more effective new building designs. materials to form a slurry or mixed at a
Fireproofing is a legitimate area of nozzle and spray-applied. “Cafco
focus. There is little debate that a more 300”, manufactured by Isolatek and
rational approach to fire protection is “Monocote MK-6”, manufactured by
possible than our current reliance on W. R. Grace, are examples of slurry
the prescriptive method using tested based insulating materials. “Blaze
assemblies. Efforts are being expend- Shield”, manufactured by Isolatek, is
ed to formulate a rational approach for an example of a nozzle mixed spray-
evaluating the performance of steel applied insulation.
structures in a fire environment and a The thickness of spray-applied fire
John L. Ruddy is Chief Operating more rational performance based resistive material needed to produce
Officer and Principal, Structural approach to fire protection is certainly the building code dictated duration of
Affiliates International, Inc., on the horizon. Nonetheless, the fire endurance is determined by test-
Nashville, TN. design team is faced with providing ing. Beams supporting slab construc-
fire-safe buildings under current tion representing the construction
guidelines. This paper addresses the intended in the actual building are
method for determining the thickness coated with a specific thickness of
of spray-applied fire resistive material spray-applied fire resistive material
based on the current prescriptive code and tested over a furnace. Since it
approach. would be impractical to test all the
steel sections to be used in the actual
BACKGROUND building along with a full range of
Among the material properties, the spray-applied fire resistive material
yield strength and elastic modulus of thicknesses, procedures have been
construction materials (steel and con- developed that facilitate adjusting the
crete), the properties that influence spray-applied fire resistive material
Socrates A. Ioannides is President, strength and deformation, are reduced thickness used on the tested beam to
Structural Affiliates International, Inc., at elevated temperatures. Therefore, determine the thickness required in
Nashville, TN. insulation is applied to extend the time the real structure. The purpose here is
that steel structures can sustain load at to clarify the correct application of the
elevated temperatures. The time the equation for adjustment of spray-
structural system is required to endure applied fire protection material thick-
a fire is influenced by building area, ness.
height, use and occupancy and is
directed by the applicable building STANDARD FIRE TEST
code. The amount and type of insula- Fire tests are performed in accordance
tion is determined through testing, or with ASTM E-119 [1]. A slab system,
more commonly by referencing exist- the same as anticipated in the building,
ing test data for assemblies similar to is constructed over supporting beams
those intended in the building. above a furnace. The beams are instru-
Insulation can be provided in many mented with thermal couples, protect-
forms including masonry or concrete ed with spray-applied fire resistive
encasement, gypsum board wrap- material and shimmed tight to a
pings, insulation board enclosures, perimeter frame and the assembly
intumescent coatings and spray- placed over the furnace. All assem-
applied fire resistive materials. The blies are tested fully loaded and

Modern Steel Construction • April 2002

restrained against the test frame. BEAM SUBSTITUTION thickness can be determined to assure
However, a single test is used to deter- The beams used in the fire test will sel- that the thermal performance of the
mine two conditions of thermal dom match the steel sections used in substitute beam is equal to that of the
restraint of the structural system, the actual building. However, the tested beam.
restrained and unrestrained. Thermal thickness of spray-applied fire resis- The equation for adjustment of the
restraint is defined as the condition tive material applied to the test beam tested beam protection material thick-
when the surrounding or supporting can be used as a basis for calculating ness is:
structure is capable of resisting sub- the thickness to be used on the substi-
 W2 
stantial thermal expansion throughout tute beam. If the rate of temperature + 0.6
the range of anticipated elevated tem- increase in a substitute beam can be  D2 
T1 =   T2 (1)
peratures. The supports of a thermally confirmed to be equal to or less than
 W1 + 0.6 
unrestrained condition are free to the rate of temperature change in the  D 
rotate and expand. Except in unusual test beam, the performance of the
conditions, steel framed structures are assembly, with a substitute beam, will where
thermally restrained [2]. be as good as or better than the tested W1 = Substitute Beam weight (lbs/ft)
A fire is ignited within the furnace assembly. D1 = Substitute Beam perimeter
and controlled to follow a standard The rate of temperature change in a exposed to fire (in.)
time temperature relationship (stan- body is a function of its mass and the W2 = Test Beam weight (lbs/ft)
dard fire). The fire is continued and the area of its surface exposed to the tem- D2 = Test Beam perimeter exposed to
thermal couple readings are recorded. perature difference. Therefore, a factor fire (in.)
The time when either the average steel influencing a steel member’s fire T1 = Required thickness of spray-
temperature reaches 1100°F or any one resistance is W/D where: W = the applied fire resistive material (in.)
location reaches 1300°F is recorded. weight per unit length of the member T2 = Tested thickness of spray-
This time establishes the unrestrained and D = the perimeter of the member applied fire resistive material (in.)
assembly and unrestrained beam rat- exposed to the temperature differen- A minimum thickness of /8 in.
ing as long as the temperature on the tial. The larger the value of W/D, the must be maintained and since the basis
non-fired side has not been raised slower the rate of temperature change. for beam substitution is thermal per-
more than 250°F or cotton balls on the Thus, if the steel section to be substi- formance, the substitution equation is
non-fire side have not ignited. The tuted for the tested section has a larger only applicable to the unrestrained
standard fire is continued and a second W/D than the W/D of the tested beam a beam rating which is established based
time recorded when any one of the fol- reduced thickness of spray-applied fire on temperature rise.
lowing conditions occurs; the load can resistive material can be used and the Assemblies tested by Underwriters
no longer be supported, the tempera- substituted beam will gain heat at a Laboratories Inc. are reported in the
ture on the non-fired side has raised rate less than or equal to that of the test UL Fire Resistance Directory [4].
more than 250°F or cotton balls on the beam. Floor-ceiling assemblies with spray-
non-fire side have ignited. If this sec- If the W/D ratio of the substitute applied fire resistive material protec-
ond time exceeds twice the unre- beam is less than the W/D of the tested tion are designated D700-999. The ref-
strained time then twice the unre- beam, an increase in the fire protection erenced assembly must represent the
strained time is recorded as the
restrained assembly rating otherwise
the second time is recorded as the
restrained assembly rating. A provi-
sion in establishing the restrained rat-
ing of an assembly is that the tempera-
ture limits (1100°F and 1300°F) not be
exceeded at one-half the restrained rat-
ing time or one hour whichever is
greater. Therefore, for the case of a
one-hour fire resistance rating, the
spray-applied fire resistive material
thickness is independent of a
restrained or unrestrained rating.
The plot of temperature versus time
depicted in Figure 1 is a simplified
graphic of the application of ASTM
E119 in determining the fire resistance
rating for restrained and unrestrained

Figure 1

April 2002 • Modern Steel Construction

Figure 2

intended construction and the details not be used in the structure. The UL weight concrete thickness over 2 in.
of the slab construction are important, designations tabulated in Figure 2 rep- composite deck as confirmed by the
not only to model the slab’s resistance resent systems that do not rely on the table in Figure 5 that is taken from UL
to heat transfer, but also to appropri- ceiling for fire resistance and among designation D902. Also, steel form
ately model the dissipation of heat these the UL designations D902 and units from 11/2 in. to 41/2 in.deep are
away from the beam. Several UL test- D925 are commonly referenced. These included in this tested assembly.
ed assemblies are indicated in Figure 2. designations are for assemblies that do Therefore, the 2 in. deep composite
Each of these designations can be ref- not require spray-applied fire resistive deck is covered by this UL designation.
erenced to provide 1, 1 ½, 2, and 3 hour material on the deck. Excerpts from The deck can be phosphatized
fire resistance ratings depending on the Fire Resistance Directory for D902 steel/painted since the configuration
the slab construction and the thickness are indicated in Figures 3, Figure 5 and is all fluted. The deck must be a mini-
and type of fire protection. If compos- Figure 6 and will be used to illustrate mum of 22 gage. The heat dissipation
ite beams are used in the test, either the determination of the spray-applied provided by the slab is influenced by
composite or non-composite beams fire resistive material. its mass. Thus changes in unit weight
may be used in the actual structure. of the concrete have an influence on
However, if non-composite beams are EXAMPLE 1 the rating. The fire resistance can be
used in the test, composite beams can- Consider a building structured using met with concrete having a unit weight
30’-0” × 30’-0” bays having a floor of between 107 and 116 pcf.
plate of 180’ × 120’. Floor beams are The table in Figure 6 is from the UL
W16×26 spaced 7’-6” on center and Directory designation D902 listing is
designed to act compositely with the for a fiber-based spray-applied fire
floor slab. The interior girders are resistive material which is applied by
W21×44 composite beams. Lateral sta- introducing fiber and water at the
bility is achieved using perimeter spray nozzle during application.
moment frames and the spandrel There are several unrestrained
members are W24×55 with moment beam ratings for each restrained
connections to the perimeter columns. assembly rating. A 31/4 in. LW concrete
The slab is constructed using a 3¼ in. fill over composite deck will provide a
of lightweight concrete (107-116 pcf) 2 hour fire resistance rating for a
over 2 in. deep composite deck. The restrained assembly with 3/8 in. of
construction is type 1B as defined by spray-applied fire resistive material on
the International Building Code IBC the W8×28 test beam. The unre-
[3] and the floor system is required to strained beam rating with 3/8 in. of
have a 2-hour fire resistance rating. spray-applied fire resistive material
A 2-hour restrained assembly rating provides a 1-hour unrestrained beam
Figure 3 can be achieved with a 3 ¼ in. light- rating. A 2-hour unrestrained beam

Modern Steel Construction • April 2002

rating can be achieved with 1 in. of Floor Construction:
31/4 L.W. concrete over
spray-applied material on the test
2” all fluted composite
beam and a 3-hour unrestrained beam metal deck
rating can be achieved with 19/16 in.
spray-applied material on the test
beam. The restrained assembly rating
remains at 2 hours in spite of the
increase in beam protection from 3/8 in.
to 19/16 in. for the all fluted deck condi-
tion. However, a 1 hour unrestrained
beam rating is an acceptable compo-
nent of a 2-hour restrained assembly
rating with 3/8 in. of spray-applied fire
resistive material on the W8×28 test Figure 4
A 2-hour fire resistance assembly
rating with lightweight concrete has an
associated 1-hour unrestrained beam
rating with a 3/8 in. thickness of spray-
applied fire-resistive material applied
to the W8×28 test beam. The W/D ratio
for the W8×28 is 0.80. The required
material thickness for the W16×26,
W21×44 and W24×55 are calculated as

W16×26 W/D = 0.55

 0.80 + 0.6 
T1 =  0.375
 0.55 + 0.6 
= 0.457 use 1

W21×44 W/D = 0.73

 0.80 + 0.6 
T1 =  0.375
 0.73 + 0.6  Figure 5
= 0.395 use 7
16 "
W21×44 7/16” floor construction of the beam only
W24×55 W/D = 0.82
0.438”× 4.94 sf/ft × 30 ft × 3 design must have a lower capacity for
 0.80 + 0.6  = 194.51 board ft heat dissipation than the heat dissipa-
T1 =  0.375
 0.82 + 0.6 
W24×55 3/8” tion of the slab in the assembly. If the
0.375”× 5.54 sf/ft × 30 ft × 2 slab used in the beam only test had a
= 0.356 use 3
8" ( minimum) = 124.65 board ft higher capacity for heat dissipation,
Total = 1,252.76 board ft this substitute beam would have less
The approximate quantity of spray-
thermal input than the assembly test.
applied fire resistive material required
1,252.76/3,600 = 0.35 board ft/ft2 A lower capacity for heat dissipation
for the horizontal steel framing can be
will result if the slab over the beam
calculated considering a 30’ length (1
BEAM ONLY TESTS only test has a lower unit weight
bay) by 120’ width (4 bays) of the
In addition to assembly tests, beams and/or a reduced volume per unit
building. In that 3,600 ft2 section there
alone can be tested under ASTM E119. area. The beam only tests are general-
are sixteen W16×26 beams, three
Test results from the beam only test ly tested with reduced slab thickness
W21×44 girders and two W24×55 span-
cannot be used independently but are and lightweight concrete to satisfy this
valuable when used with an assembly lower capacity for heat dissipation
test. The beam only tests are conduct- requirement.
ed over a furnace with a slab so that The beam only test is valuable
the beam will be subjected to heat when beam elements in an assembly
Sprayed Material Quantity
input that is at least as severe as the are required to have a greater rating
W16×26 1/2”
heat input felt by a beam in an assem- than the assembly. The UL Directory
0.50” × 3.89 sf/ft × 30 ft × 16
bly test. To meet that objective, the designate the beam only tests as Series
= 933.60 board ft

April 2002 • Modern Steel Construction

N for floor conditions and Series S for capacity for heat dissipation criteria ple for comparison purposes. An alter-
roof conditions. In order to use the considering the 31/4 in. lightweight nate approach is demonstrated in
beam only test with an assembly test, slab that is part of the D902 assembly. Example 3.
restrictions are imposed: The spray-applied material in the The spray-applied fire resistance
1. The floor or roof construction of beam-only test is the same as the material thickness applied to the
the beam-only design must have spray-applied material in the assembly W8×28 test beam for a 3-hour unre-
a lower capacity for heat dissipa- test. Therefore, this beam-only test can strained beam rating under UL N823 is
tion than the floor or roof con- be used to determine the protection 15/8 in. Therefore, the following
struction of the assembly. required to make the structural frame adjustments for the structural frame
2. The spray-applied material of the comply with a 3-hour rating in an members apply:
beam-only test must be the same assembly having a 2-hour rating.
as the spray-applied material of The test beam in both conditions is W16×26 W/D = 0.55
the assembly test. a W8×28 and 11/4 in. of spray-applied
The UL listing N823 beam-only test material will produce a 3-hour  0.80 + 0.6 
T1 =  1.625
meeting this criteria for substitution in restrained beam rating. The W/D of  0.55 + 0.6 
the UL D902 assembly test is indicated the test beam is 0.80. The spray-
= 1.98 use 2"
in Figure 7. applied fire resistive material thickness
requirements for members that have W21×44 W/D = 0.73
EXAMPLE 2 W/D ratios varying that of the test
Again consider the construction beam can be determined using the  0.80 + 0.6 
T1 =  1.625
depicted in Figure 4 but requiring a beam substitution equation.  0.73 + 0.6 
Type 1A construction classification as The substitution equation is limited
defined by IBC. Under Type 1A con- to adjustments to unrestrained beam = 1.71 use 1 3 4 "
struction, the structural assembly is ratings only. Unlike the assembly tests W24×55 W/D = 0.82
required to provide a 2-hour fire resist- that confirm a beam with a lower
ance rating and the structural frame is unrestrained rating is adequate to  0.80 + 0.6 
T1 =  1.625
required to provide a 3-hour fire resist- maintain the higher assembly rating,  0.82 + 0.6 
ance rating. The structural frame is no analogous data is reported in the
defined as the columns and girders, beam only test. A conservative = 1.60 use 1 5 8 "
beams, trusses and spandrels having approach is to simply use the thickness The approximate quantity of spray-
direct connection to the columns. of the unrestrained beam. The unre- applied fire resistive material required
The 21/2 in. concrete slab with a strained spray-applied fire resistive for the horizontal steel framing for IBC
density of 102 pcf satisfies the lower material thickness is used in this exam- Type 1A construction is summarized

Sprayed Material Quantity
W16×26 (Filler Beam) 1/2”

0.50” × 3.89 ft2/ft × 30 ft × 12

= 700.20 board ft
W16×26 (Structural Frame) 2”
2.00”× 3.89 ft2/ft × 30 ft × 4
= 933.60 board ft
W21×44 (Structural Frame) 13/4”
1.75”× 4.94 ft2/ft × 30 ft × 3
= 778.05 board ft
W24×55 (Structural Frame) 15/8”
1.625”× 5.54 ft2/ft × 30 ft × 2
= 540.15 board ft
Total = 2,952.00 board ft

2,952.00/3,600 = 0.82 board ft/ft2

The beam substitution equation is

restricted to determining the fireproof-
ing thickness for substitution beams
based on the unrestrained beam thick-
ness since the equation is temperature
related and the unrestrained beam rat-
ing is based on temperature. When
Figure 6 applying the equation to determining

Modern Steel Construction • April 2002

fireproofing thickness in a restrained = 700.20 board feet board ft/ft2. The fiber spray-applied
assembly, the procedure is rational. W16×26 (Structural Frame) 11/16” fire resistive material represented by
The spray-applied material thickness 1.56”× 3.89 ft2/ft × 30 ft × 4 UL D902 has an in-place cost in the
for unrestrained beam rating (e.g. 1- = 728.21 board feet range of $0.57 to $0.85 per board foot.
hour) associated with the restrained W21×44 (Structural Frame) 13/4” Thus, an unnecessary cost of between
assembly rating (e.g. 2-hours) is the T2 1.25”× 4.94 ft2/ft × 30 ft × 3 $0.20 and $0.30 per ft2 of building area
parameter in Equation (1). The appli- = 555.75 board feet is incurred by the taking the conserva-
cation is not as straightforward when W24×55 (Structural Frame) 11/4” tive approach.
applying the beam only design. 1.375”× 5.54 ft2/ft × 30 ft × 2
Example 2 applies the beam only = 457.05 board feet REFERENCES
design but the spray-applied material Total = 2441.21 board ft [1] American Society for Testing and Materials
thickness associated with a 3-hour (ASTM) (2000), “Standard Test Methods for Fire
Testing of Building Construction and Materials”,
unrestrained beam was used. The 2,441.21/3,600 = 0.68 board ft/ft2 Specification No. E 119-00, West Conshohocken,
spray-applied material thickness is Pennsylvania.
that associated with an unrestrained CONCLUSION [2] Gewain, R.G., Troup, E.W.J., “Restrained Fire
Resistance Ratings in Structural Steel
beam in spite of the restrained beam The procedure demonstrated in Buildings”, Engineering Journal, Vol. 38, No.2,
condition. Example 1 is the correct process for American Institute of Steel Construction,
Chicago, IL, 2001.
determining the spray-applied fire
EXAMPLE 3 resistive material thickness when a [3] “International
International Code Council, Inc. (IBC) (2000),
Building Code, 2000”, Falls Chu
An argument can be made that the higher rating on the beams in the rch, Virginia.
more appropriate approach in this case assembly is not required. The proce- [4] Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) (2000),
of a restrained beam having a higher dure demonstrated in Example 3 is “Fire Resistance Directory, Volume 1, 2000”,
Northbrook, Illinois.
hourly rating than the assembly would appropriate when substituting
be to use the thickness associated with beams with a higher rating in an
the restrained beam. Example 3 takes assembly with a lesser rating.
this approach. This example is a Using data from existing UL
reevaluation of the thickness deter- tests to determine the correct
mined in Example 2 but using the thickness of spray-applied fire
spray-applied material thickness asso- resistive material requires the
ciated with a restrained beam. The correct assessment of thermal
W24×55 member has a W/D greater restraint (RESTRAINED) and a
than the test beam and the 11/4 in. basic understanding of ASTM
spray-applied fire resistive material E119 test procedures. The data
thickness applies. Calculation of the reported in a single UL test may
spray-applied material thickness for include variations in slab thick-
the other members follows: ness, differing deck depths, light-
weight and normal weight con-
W16×26 W/D = 0.55 crete, fluted and/or cellular deck,
etc. Then, thickness data is pro-
 0.80 + 0.6 
T1 =  1.25 vided for multiple fire durations
 0.55 + 0.6  and differing conditions of
= 1.52 use 1 9 16" restraint for both the assembly
and the test beam. The sheer vol-
W21×44 W/D = 0.73 ume of information available
makes the calculation of the cor-
 0.80 + 0.6  rect thickness of spray-applied
T1 =  1.25
 0.73 + 0.6  fire resistive material complex. A
frequent response to dealing with
= 1.32 use 1 3 8 " the complexity is to take a conser-
vative approach and assume the
W24×55 W/D = 0.82 assembly to be thermally unre-
strained and to use the spray-
 0.80 + 0.6 
T1 =  1.25 applied fire resistive material
 0.82 + 0.6  thickness associated with an
= 1.23 use 1 1 4 " unrestrained beam. If this exces-
sive approach were used in
Example 1 above, a two hour
EXAMPLE 3 SUMMARY rated assembly with two-hour
Sprayed Material Quantity beams, the spray-applied fire
W16×26 (Filler Beam) 1/2” resistive material would increase
0.50” × 3.89 ft2/ft × 30 ft × 12 from 0.35 board ft/ft2 to 0.70 Figure 7

April 2002 • Modern Steel Construction

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