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Group:Cyndel, Jake, and Elizabeth

PBL Assessment Description

Driving Question: What is dangerous in our world today? What might go so wrong that our

world would change drastically?

The purpose of our PBL is to encourage students to make connections between fictional

dystopian novels and real world problems that can result in a dystopian society. Our assessment

will have multiple components that make up 1000 points total and are submitted at varying

points as this unit progresses. Students will be given a detailed rubric as the unit begins so they

have a clear idea of evaluation.

The first aspect of our assessment is a group website. This collaborative work will be

completed first and is worth 300 points. Students will post all other assessments on this site. The

homepage is dedicated to collaborative work, and specialized tabs (by student’s name or alias)

are for posting individual work. After completing the website, students will work together to

create an infographic that properly depicts the dystopian society they have imagined for their

project. The infographic will be worth 140 points. Students are encouraged to each choose an

aspect of dystopian society that they will research. For example, one student in the group may

choose to focus on technology in a dystopian society while another student may choose to

explore the environment. This way, students are able to complete unique individual assignments

when needed as well as combine their topics for collaborative work.

Students will be working together throughout this unit but will also be assessed

individually on some components. Each student will complete a descriptive narrative. This

assignment will involve each student taking on the persona someone living in the imagined
dystopian society the group has created. Students will be asked to add logs to this narrative

continuously throughout the unit with checkpoints in place. Students may choose the format of

their narrative (short story, diary log, podcast, etc.) that will be worth 140 points total. Each

student will complete a research analysis of at least 250 words in MLA format using at least

seven credible sources of information to include in their works cited pages. This analysis will be

worth 140 points. Students will each create their own TED talk video that outlines their chosen

societal problem that needs attention. Students are expected to post their problem statement as

well as their TED talk script on the group’s website for approval prior to creating their video.

Students are expected to be dressed professionally for the video and to include photo visuals.

This TED talk creation will be posted on the group website and will be worth 140 points. After

having submitted the TED talk video, students will create a fictional newspaper article that based

on the prediction of what will happen if the student’s chosen societal problem is not addressed.


● Group website: 300 points

● Group infographic: 140 points

● Personal narrative: 140 points

● Research analysis: 140 points

● TED talk video: 140 points

● Newspaper article: 140 points

Total: 1000 points

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