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[ research report ]


Hip Strengthening Prior to Functional

Exercises Reduces Pain Sooner Than
Quadriceps Strengthening in Females
With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome:
A Randomized Clinical Trial
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atellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a common source of athletic women (4:1).18
knee pain in the physically active population. Women have Despite being deemed
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

a multifactorial condi-
a higher prevalence of PFPS than their male counterparts
tion with no single cure,
(2:1), with an even higher incidence within the population for PFPS is commonly at-
tributed to muscular
dysfunction, for which
TTSTUDY DESIGN: Randomized clinical trial. abductors, external rotators, and knee extensors.
conservative rehabilita-
TTOBJECTIVES: To determine if females with A mixed-model analysis of variance was used to
tion is the treatment of
determine group differences over time.
patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) who perform
hip strengthening prior to functional exercises TTRESULTS: After 4 weeks, there was less mean choice.19,23,35,45,46
demonstrate greater improvements than females  SD pain in the hip group (2.4  2.0) than in the Historically, PFPS has been linked
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

who perform quadriceps strengthening prior to the quad group (4.1  2.5) (P = .035). From baseline to impairments of the quadriceps mus-
same functional exercises. to 8 weeks, the hip group demonstrated a 21% cle.27,33,35,45 Countless studies have cited
TTBACKGROUND: Although PFPS has previously
increase (P<.001) in hip abductor strength, while quadriceps strength deficits, imbalances,
that remained unchanged in the quad group. All
been attributed to quadriceps dysfunction, more and timing errors as the source of PFPS.
participants demonstrated improved subjective
recent research has linked this condition to impair- But more recent research regarding PFPS
function (P<.006), objective function (P<.001),
ment of the hip musculature. Lower extremity has focused on strength deficits of the
and hip external rotator strength (P = .004) from
strengthening has been deemed an effective in-
baseline to testing at 8 weeks. proximal hip musculature as a contribu-
tervention. However, research has often examined
weight-bearing exercises, making it unclear if TTCONCLUSION: Both rehabilitation approaches tor to this disorder. Several authors have
increased strength in the hip, quadriceps, or both improved function and reduced pain. For patients reported that females with PFPS dem-
is beneficial. with PFPS, initial hip strengthening may allow an onstrate weaknesses of the hip external
earlier dissipation of pain than exercises focused
TTMETHODS: Thirty-three females with PFPS per- on the quadriceps.
rotators and hip abductors.11,17,26,30,31,36,37
formed either initial hip strengthening (hip group) During functional activities, especially
or initial quadriceps strengthening (quad group) TTLEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapy, level 2b–.
single-leg activities, the hip muscles pre-
for 4 weeks, prior to 4 weeks of a similar program J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2011;41(8):560-570.
Epub 7 June 2011. doi:10.2519/jospt.2011.3499 vent hip adduction and internal rotation,
of functional weight-bearing exercises. Self-report-
TTKEY WORDS: anterior knee pain, clinical trial,
which may result in dysfunctional lower
ed pain, function, and functional strength were
measured. Isometric strength was assessed for hip kinetic chain, knee rehabilitation extremity joint alignment and can lead to
the development of PFPS.20

Athletic Trainer, Boston University, Boston, MA. 2Doctoral candidate, Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. 3Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation Sciences,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. 4Professor, Family and Community Medicine and Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. 5Associate
Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. This study was conducted at the University of Kentucky Musculoskeletal
Laboratory. At the time of study, Ms Dolak was pursuing an MS in Kinesiology and Health Promotion under the mentorship of Dr Uhl. An Osternig Master’s Research Grant from
the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Research and Education Foundation was used to fund a portion of this study. The protocol for this study was approved by the University
of Kentucky Institutional Review Board, and the study was registered as a clinical trial with the National Institute of Health (number NCT00445224). Address correspondence to
Kimberly Dolak, Boston University Athletic Training Services, Case Center, 285 Babcock Street, Boston, MA 02215. E-mail:

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participants needed to exhibit or report
TABLE 1 Participant Characteristics (1) anterior or retropatellar knee pain
during at least 2 of the activities of stair
climbing, hopping, running, squatting,
Hip Group (n = 17) Quad Group (n = 16) P Value
kneeling, and prolonged sitting, (2) an
Age, y 25  5 26  6 .57
insidious onset of symptoms not related
Height, m 1.66  0.08 1.66  0.08 .95
to trauma, (3) pain with compression of
BMI, kg/m2 24  4 27  6 .13
the patella, and (4) pain on palpation
Duration of symptoms, mo 36  34 27  34 .48
of patellar facets.7 Participants were ex-
*Values are mean  SD, except where otherwise indicated.
cluded if they had (1) symptoms present
for less than 1 month, (2) self-reported
Quadriceps strengthening exercises would result in a greater reduction of other knee pathology, such as cartilage
have been repeatedly demonstrated to symptoms and better preparation for injury or ligamentous tear, (3) a history
be an effective intervention for individu- functional exercises than would initial of knee surgery within the last year, (4)
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als with PFPS.7,12-15,22,39,40,42 However, few quadriceps strengthening. a self-reported history of patella disloca-
of these studies evaluated the efficacy of tions or subluxations, and (5) any other
isolated quadriceps strengthening. Many METHODS concurrent significant injury affecting
published rehabilitation protocols target the lower-extremity.7 All individuals who

functional exercises in a weight-bearing he study design was that of a met these criteria and were willing to
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

position, which requires a contribution randomized clinical trial. Partici- participate in the study read and signed
of both hip and quadriceps musculature. pants were randomly assigned to a a consent/assent form approved by the
Despite this, many review and concept hip strengthening program (hip group) University of Kentucky Institutional Re-
articles continue to highlight quadriceps or a quadriceps strengthening program view Board. Participants were asked to
strengthening as an important interven- (quad group) for 4 weeks. Both groups refrain from taking any prescription or
tion for patients with PFPS.3,23,44 Limited were then combined into a functional over-the-counter pain medication within
research on the efficacy of isolated hip exercise strengthening group for the sub- 24 hours of all testing visits.
strengthening has provided evidence sequent 4 weeks. No placebo treatments
of improvements in pain, function, and were used. Prior to initiation of the study, Instrumentation
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

strength in this population.31,34 group allocation for each participant was Primary Outcome Measures Self-report
The presence of multiple effective in- made with a random-number generator questionnaires were completed using a
terventions creates a dilemma for clini- in Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corpora- visual analog scale (VAS) and the Lower
cians treating patients with PFPS. It is tion, Redwood, WA). This concealed as- Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS), both
unclear whether initial hip or quadriceps signment and minimized selection bias of which have previously been reported as
strengthening will better prepare patients for investigators. reliable for assessing perceived pain and
for more functional lower extremity exer- function, respectively, in patients diag-
cises, particularly if functional activities Participants nosed with PFPS.2,16,43 On the VAS, par-
cannot be initiated immediately or are Fifty-eight women with knee pain were ticipants were asked to indicate the worst
not initially tolerated in some patients. considered from a sample of convenience pain experienced in the previous week.
Despite the growing evidence suggest- for this study. Thirty-three women with On a similarly worded VAS, a minimally
ing the importance of hip strength in the PFPS, between 16 and 35 years of age, clinically important change of 2 cm has
rehabilitation of PFPS, few, if any, ran- agreed to participate and met the inclu- been previously reported,16 and on the
domized clinical trials have attempted sion criteria for the study. Participants’ LEFS a minimally clinically detectable
to compare the benefit of isolated hip to characteristics are presented in TABLE 1. change of 8 points has been reported.43
isolated quadriceps strengthening prior Seventeen women were assigned to the Secondary Outcome Measures Isometric
to weight bearing or functional exercises. hip group, 9 with bilateral and 8 with strength measures were taken for the hip
Therefore, the purpose of this study was unilateral symptoms, and 16 women were abductors (HABD), hip external rotators
to compare the effects of hip strengthen- assigned to the quad group, 7 with bilat- (HER), and knee extensors (KE) using a
ing to quadriceps strengthening prior to eral and 9 with unilateral symptoms. A handheld dynamometer (HHD) (JTech
weight-bearing exercises in the treatment certified athletic trainer associated with Commander PowerTrack II Muscle Dy-
of females with PFPS. We hypothesized the study evaluated all participants for namometer; OPS Medical, LLC, Pasa-
that a rehabilitation program initially the presence or absence of inclusion cri- dena, MD). For HABD strength testing,
focused on isolated hip strengthening teria. The inclusion criteria were that participants were in sidelying, with the

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[ research report ]

FIGURE 1. Hip abductors strength testing.

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Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

FIGURE 4. Step-down test. The right lower limb is involved. One repetition consists of starting in position (A),
touching the heel to the floor with uninvolved limb (B), and returning to the starting position (A).

dial malleolus (FIGURE 2). For KE strength convert all strength values into a measure
testing, participants were seated with the of torque.
test limb in 0° hip rotation and 60° knee Functional strength was assessed
FIGURE 2. Hip external rotators strength testing. flexion. The HHD was placed 2.5 cm using a step-down task that mimicked
proximal to the medial malleolus (FIGURE stepping down stairs, which has previ-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

3). For all strength testing, the partici- ously been established as reliable in the
pants’ limb was secured to the test table PFPS population.29 Standing with the
with a nylon strap. Participants were in- test extremity on a 20-cm (standard
structed to produce a maximal voluntary height) step, participants were instruct-
isometric contraction. They completed ed to lower their body enough to touch
1 practice before beginning test trials, the heel of the opposite lower extremity
and each test trial lasted 7 seconds, with on the floor in front of the step, then to
1 minute of rest between trials. During return the knee to full extension. This se-
test trials, participants were instructed to quence constituted 1 repetition. Partici-
build strength gradually over the first 2 pants were permitted to lightly contact
seconds to generate a maximum contrac- the investigator’s hand to prevent loss
tion for the last 5 seconds.4 A metronome, of balance. The number of repetitions
set to 60 beats per minute, was used to correctly completed in 30 seconds was
FIGURE 3. Knee extensors strength testing.
standardize the second counts. The order counted (FIGURE 4).29
of muscle testing was counterbalanced to
nontested limb in contact with the table. minimize any potential fatigue bias. Testing Procedures
The test limb was supported by a pil- The distances from the greater tro- The affected lower extremity of each par-
low in 0° hip abduction and 0° hip and chanter to the lateral femoral condyle ticipant was used for data collection. For
knee flexion. The HHD was placed over and from the lateral knee joint line to the participants with bilateral symptoms, the
the lateral femoral condyle (FIGURE 1). lateral malleolus were measured. These limb reported to be the most painful dur-
For HER strength testing, participants measurements were completed to estab- ing initial testing was used throughout all
were seated with the test limb in 0° hip lish the perpendicular distance from the testing sessions. Following administra-
rotation and 90° knee flexion. The HHD HHD and the hip and knee joints, re- tion of the questionnaires, participants
was placed 2.5 cm proximal to the me- spectively. This information was used to warmed up on a stationary bicycle er-

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Fifty-eight women with knee pain Twenty-five women did not meet
were considered for this study. inclusion criteria or chose not
to participate.

Thirty-three women consented and

underwent baseline assessment
(strength, pain, step-down test,
LEFS) and were randomly

The hip group (n = 17) performed hip The quad group (n = 16) performed
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abduction, external rotation quadriceps strengthening for

strengthening for 4 weeks, with 4 weeks, with weekly supervised
weekly supervised sessions. sessions.
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Three women did not complete this Hip group (n = 14) and quad group Three women did not complete this
phase. Two removed themselves (n = 13) reevaluated using same phase. Two removed themselves
from the study due to time testing procedures as baseline. for unknown reasons and 1 was
constraints and 1 withdrew withdrawn by investigators for
because of injuries sustained increased pain.
during an unrelated motor vehicle
accident. Hip group (n = 14) and quad group
(n = 13) performed weight-bearing
exercises for 4 weeks with weekly
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

supervised sessions.

One woman (hip group) did not Hip group (n = 13) and quad group
complete this phase due to time (n = 13) were reevaluated using the
constraints. same testing procedure as that
used at baseline.

FIGURE 5. Flow chart for enrollment and testing procedures.

gometer at submaximal speed for at least women were taught and supervised on log to document home exercise compli-
3 minutes in a pain-free range of motion. the first phase of rehabilitation, based on ance and medication use. Participants
The order of testing was counterbalanced their assignment to either the hip group performed rehabilitation exercises 1 day
to prevent any bias associated with fa- or quad group. Both groups received a week with an investigator and 2 days
tigue. Individuals were retested for all the same flexibility exercises. A seated a week at home, for a total of 3 exercise
measures at the completion of the fourth hamstring stretch, standing quadriceps sessions each week.
and eighth weeks. The researcher respon- stretch, and standing wall stretch for the Individuals were progressed through
sible for setup and testing was blinded to triceps surae were performed throughout rehabilitation exercises individually per
participants’ group assignment during the 8-week program. Flexibility exercises exercise protocol. In addition, minor ad-
the initial testing session. were performed 3 times for 30 seconds justments were made to individual pro-
each, prior to strengthening exercises. tocols based on improvement, changes in
Rehabilitation Program All women received an exercise DVD/ pain and swelling, as well as the partici-
Following the initial testing session, all CD, instruction booklet, and exercise pants’ ability to maintain postural control

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[ research report ]
therapeutic exercise literature for specif-
Reliability Data for Isometric  
TABLE 2 ically targeting one of either the hip or
Strength Testing
quadriceps musculature while minimal-
ly activating the other.8,25,28 Participants
Testing Measure ICC ICC (95% CI) SEM
were progressed through the initial phase
HABD isometric strength, Nm 0.94 0.60, 0.99 5.4
of rehabilitation with the goal of perform-
HER isometric strength, Nm 0.79 –0.30, 0.97 2.3
ing exercises against a resistance equal to
KE isometric strength, Nm 0.95 0.67, 0.99 6.9
7% of their bodyweight (APPENDIX).
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HABD, hip abductors; HER, hip external rotators; ICC, intra-
class correlation coefficient; KE, knee extensors; SEM, standard error of measurement.
After completing the fourth week
of rehabilitation and retesting, women
from both groups were instructed on the
second phase of rehabilitative exercises.
Descriptive Statistics of All Dependent
This phase focused on functional weight-
TABLE 3 Variables Measured Through the Course  
bearing resistance exercises and balance
of the Study*
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(APPENDIX). Participants continued to per-

form rehabilitation exercises, following
Hip Group (n = 17) Quad Group (n = 16)
the same routine for 4 additional weeks.
VAS (0-10)
After completing the eighth week of re-
Baseline 4.6  2.5 4.2  2.3
habilitation, participants were retested
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

4 wk 2.4  2.0 4.1  2.5

for the final time. FIGURE 5 details partici-
8 wk 2.4  2.8 2.6  2.0
pants’ progression through the study.
3 mo† 2.1  2.5 2.4  2.3
LEFS (0-80)
Data Processing
Baseline 59  12 54  12
We expressed hip abductor strength in
4 wk 67  11 59  14
units of torque by multiplying the force
8 wk 70  10 65  13
recorded on the HHD by the distance
3 mo† 70  10 67  11
from the greater trochanter to the lateral
Step-down test, n
femoral condyle. We expressed external
Baseline 15  5 14  8
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

rotator and knee extensor strength in

4 wk 17  5 17  7
units of torque by multiplying the force
8 wk 19  5 20  6
HABD strength‡
recorded on the HHD by the distance
Baseline 5.2  1.5 5.7  2.2
from the lateral femoral condyle to the
4 wk 6.2  1.1 5.5  1.9
lateral malleolus. The average torque
8 wk 6.6  0.9 6.2  1.8
from 3 trials having a coefficient of varia-
HER strength‡
tion less than 10% was then normalized to
Baseline 2.1  0.7 2.1  1.0
participant height and weight: [(torque
4 wk 2.5  0.7 2.2  0.8
in Nm/body weight in N) × (participant
8 wk 2.7  0.7 2.2  0.7
height in m × 100)]. The normalization
KE strength‡ procedure resulted in strength being
Baseline 6.1  2.6 6.3  2.1 expressed without units, and allowed
4 wk 6.8  1.9 6.1  1.9 for comparison across all participants,
8 wk 7.0  1.4 6.6  1.9 without bias for height, weight, or limb
Abbreviations: HABD, hip abductors; HER, hip external rotators; KE, knee extensors; LEFS, lower
length.5,21 These values were used for sta-
extremity functional scale; VAS, visual analog scale. tistical analysis.
*Values are mean  SD.

Change in number of participants, as all participants did not return a complete follow-up question-
naire at 3 months ( for VAS: hip group, n = 14; quad group, n = 11; for LEFS: hip group, n = 12; quad
Statistical Analysis
group, n = 10). All data were analyzed based on intention

Average torque normalized to participant height and weight: [(torque in Nm/body weight in N) × to treat, with the last available measure
(participant height in m × 100)].
moved forward.1 One-way analyses of
variance (ANOVAs) were used to deter-
during the exercise.41 All changes were exercise program. Therapeutic exercises mine if group differences were present at
kept within the guidelines of the outlined for the first 4 weeks were chosen from the baseline for age, height, body mass index

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(BMI), and symptom duration. Data to
calculate intraclass correlation coeffi-
cients (ICCs) for between-day reliability
of isometric strength testing were collect-
ed on 2 occasions, 1 week apart, during
pilot testing. These data were collected
on 6 asymptomatic women, 21 to 24 years
of age. Standard error of measurement
(SEM) was used to determine precision.

VAS Scores, cm
To determine group differences over
time, separate 2-way ANOVAs were 4.6
performed to analyze VAS scores, LEFS 4.1
4.0 4.2
scores, number of repetitions for the
step-down task, and isometric strength
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of HABD, HER, and KE. Each model in- 2.6
cluded 1 between-subject factor (group, 2.4
with 2 levels: hip and quad) and 1 within- 2.0

subject factor (time, with 3 levels: base-

line, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks). All data were 1.0
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

analyzed at an alpha level of .05. Signifi-

cant differences from the ANOVA were 0.0

further examined using a Bonferroni Baseline 4 wk 8 wk

post hoc analysis, with alpha level cor-
Hip group Quad group
rected for multiple comparisons of less
than .05. All statistical analyses were run
FIGURE 6. Mean pain on visual analog scale (VAS) scores for women in the hip and quad strengthening groups.
using SPSS Version 17 (Chicago, IL), and Error bars are standard deviations. *Significant time-by-group interaction (P = .035), indicating a significant
outcome data presented as mean  SD. difference between groups at 4 weeks. In addition, pain scores at 4 and 8 weeks were significantly lower than
baseline scores in the hip group (P = .001 and P = .003); in the quad group, pain scores were significantly lower
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

RESULTS than at baseline at 8 weeks (P = .028) but not at 4 weeks (P = .88).

wenty-six of the 33 women com- (FIGURE 6). In addition, pain scores at 4 late the assumption of homogeneity
pleted the study (hip group, n = 13; and 8 weeks were significantly lower by Maulchy’s sphericity test; therefore,
quad group, n = 13). Four partici- than baseline scores in the hip group (P a Greenhouse-Geisser correction was
pants from the hip group and 3 from the = .001 and P = .003, respectively), and used. There was no significant difference
quad group did not complete the study pain scores for the quad group signifi- between groups at baseline. Step-down
(FIGURE 5). No significant between-group cantly lower from baseline at 8 weeks (P scores significantly improved over the
differences for age, height, body mass in- = .028) but not at 4 weeks (P = .88). course of rehabilitation, regardless of
dex, or symptom duration were found at There was no significant time-by- group membership (P<.001). Mean step-
baseline (TABLE 1). ICCs with 95% confi- group interaction (P = .65) for the LEFS down scores for all participants were 15
dence intervals and SEMs for isometric scores. However, LEFS scores signifi-  6 at baseline, which significantly im-
strength testing were found to be accept- cantly improved over time, regardless of proved to 17  6 at 4 weeks (P = .006),
able (TABLE 2). TABLE 3 presents descriptive the protocol performed by the participant and again to 19  5 at 8 weeks (P<.001).
statistics for all dependent variables. (P<.001). A Bonferroni post hoc analysis HABD strength demonstrated a sig-
demonstrated a significant improvement nificant time-by-group interaction (P =
Primary Outcome Measures from baseline (56.5  12.2) to 4 weeks .041). A Bonferroni post hoc analysis re-
A significant time-by-group interaction (63  12.7) (P = .006). At 8 weeks, the vealed that the hip group demonstrated
was present for knee pain (P = .04). A LEFS scores of all participants com- a significant increase in strength from
Bonferonni post hoc analysis compar- bined (67.6  11.5), again, significantly baseline (5.2  1.5) to 8 weeks (6.6  0.9)
ing the 2 protocols at each time point improved (P = .006). (P = .001), while the quad group did not
revealed that the hip group (2.4  2.0) (baseline, 5.7  2.2; 8 weeks, 6.2  1.8;
had significantly less pain than the quad Secondary Outcome Measures P = .9) (FIGURE 7). There was no signifi-
group (4.1  2.5) at week 4 (P = .035) The step-down data were found to vio- cant group-by-time interaction for HER

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[ research report ]
strength (P = .06); however, there was a 9
main effect for time, indicating that HER
strength had increased over the 8-week 8
program for both groups (P = .004). A
Bonferroni post hoc analysis revealed
only a significant increase from baseline
(2.1  0.8) to the 8-week assessment (2.5
 0.7) (P = .012). KE strength did not 6

demonstrate a significant time-by-group

interaction (P = .39), and no main effect 5
was found between groups (P = .6) or
across time (P = .12). 4

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he purpose of this study was to
compare initial hip strengthening 2

to initial quadriceps strengthening

in the treatment of females with PFPS. 1
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

It was hypothesized that rehabilita-

tion initially focusing on isolated hip
strengthening would result in less pain, Hip Group Quad Group
more strength and function, and bet-
ter preparation for functional exercises Baseline 4 wk 8 wk
than initial quadriceps strengthening.
While both groups experienced similar FIGURE 7. Mean percent strength values for hip abductors. Error bars are standard deviations. *Significant
difference between baseline and 8 weeks for the hip group (P<.001).
overall increased strength and function,
the hip group reported less pain than
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

the quad group after the first 4 weeks of sive force and pressure during exercises.33 creases following rehabilitative interven-
rehabilitation. This theory is further supported by tions have ranged between 1 and 8 cm
the decreased pain experienced by the on the VAS.7,15,31 Additionally, a previous
Primary Outcome Measures quad group between weeks 4 and 8, when study on the reliability and responsive-
Although both groups reported reduced isolated quad exercises were replaced by ness of VAS scores in individuals with
pain by the end of the intervention, we a comprehensive lower extremity exer- PFPS identified a minimal clinically im-
believe that the decrease of pain at 4 cise program. Pain in the quad group de- portant difference of 1.5 to 2.0 cm, which
weeks in the hip group, contrasted by creased by approximately 37% between would indicate that the change seen in
lack of change in the quad group, was weeks 4 and 8. While the initial exercises the current study is clinically relevant.16
most significant. Performing isolated hip isolated the quadriceps muscles, the sec- Coupled with the previous research on
exercises allowed participants in the hip ondary group of exercises tended to em- VAS scores following rehabilitative inter-
group to strengthen the affected hip mus- phasize cocontraction of the musculature vention, it is important to note that pain is
culature, while simultaneously decreas- around the knee. Research has found the a purely subjective measure. Participants
ing pain at the patellofemoral joint, in vastus medialis to be more active during were asked to rate their worst pain in the
preparation for functional exercises. Af- an isometric quadriceps contraction with previous week, forcing them to compare
ter 4 weeks of rehabilitation, VAS scores a straight leg raise than during a bilateral their pain to an abstract maximum, not
in the hip group lowered by approxi- squat or single-leg stance.6 to a previous pain experience. Although
mately 43%, while the quad group scores The mean decrease in VAS scores for the VAS has been deemed a reliable mea-
differed by less than 3%. We believe that both groups at 8 weeks, although statis- sure of pain symptoms and is widely used
initiating PFPS rehabilitation with isolat- tically significant, did not exceed 2 cm, in PFPS literature, its use in linear stud-
ed quadriceps exercise might have either which is commonly considered clinically ies of patients with chronic pain may be
promoted existing poor knee extensor important.16 Previous research has found less reliable.9 We did see a decrement in
muscle function or further irritated patel- a wide range in VAS scores following pain overall. However, the wording of our
lofemoral joint structures through exces- rehabilitation intervention. Positive de- VAS question, which asked participants

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testing, while both groups demonstrated
Comparison of Hip Abductor (HABD)  
increased HER strength at the same
TABLE 4 and External Rotator (HER) Strength  
testing point. KE strength showed no
in Similar Studies*
improvements across the course of the
intervention. When both hip and quad
Baseline PFPS 8 wk Healthy Controls
groups were combined, baseline values
for hip torque during HABD and HER
Current Study 23.5  8.1 … 28.4  6.5 …
were 5.4  1.9 and 2.1  0.8, respec-
Ireland et al26 … 23.3  6.9 … 31.4  6.2
tively. These values are very similar to
Robinson and Nee38 … 16.0  8.0 … 22.0  3.0
previously reported strength in patients
with PFPS (4.6 and 2.2, respectively).5
Current Study 8.7  3.4 … 10.4  3.2 …
Our postintervention strength values at
Ireland et al26 … 10.8  4.0 … 16.8  5.5
8 weeks for HABD and HER (6.4  1.4
Robinson and Nee38 … 16.0  6.0 … 23.0  4.0
and 2.5  0.8, respectively) were again
Abbreviations: HABD, hip abductors; HER, hip external rotators; PFPS, patellofemoral
Downloaded from at on May 27, 2020. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

pain syndrome. similar to values reported for a healthy

*Values are mean  SD percentage of body weight. cohort (6.5 and 3.2, respectively).5 Be-
cause we used a relatively unique means
to rate their pain at its worst, could have pants had returned to normal functional of reporting torque that controlled for
revealed episodic pain changes rather strength levels. individual variance due to height and
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

than overall improvement. We attribute these gains in function to weight, we additionally converted our
We found significant improvements in the strengthening protocols performed by strength measures for isometric HABD
LEFS scores as a measure of participants’ participants. During the initial 4 weeks of and HER into a percentage of body-
self-reported function. After 8 weeks of rehabilitation, exercises were designed to weight for further comparison to studies
rehabilitation, the mean LEFS scores of strengthen only the target muscle group that did not use these corrections (TABLE
all participants improved 12 points, sur- of either the hip or quadriceps. These 4).26,38 At the conclusion of this interven-
passing the 8-point minimal detectable initial strength protocols were integral to tion, hip strength values for women in
change suggested in previous research. 36 improvements in function because they this study were approaching those re-
The LEFS has been used to determine targeted the musculature most active ported for healthy women.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

self-reported improvements in func- during the step-down task. The lack of KE strength gains is inter-
tion following therapeutic intervention Both groups continued to make im- esting, especially when contrasted with
for patients with PFPS. In one study,22 provements during the functional exer- the observed gains in HABD and HER
participants completed 1 of 2 four-week cises performed between weeks 4 and 8. strength. One possible cause of the steady
interventions for PFPS focused on either This is attributed to the introduction of knee extensor strength could be due to
just quadriceps exercises or a combina- a lateral step-down into the participants’ pain preventing adequate muscular acti-
tion of hip and quadriceps exercises. exercise routines. The lateral step-down vation. Patients with patellofemoral pain
The authors reported improvement of was intentionally chosen over its ante- have been shown to demonstrate de-
between 9 and 16 points on the LEFS, rior counterpart for rehabilitation due to creased quadriceps muscular activation.24
which is similar to the changes we found. a decrease in forces placed on the patel-
lofemoral joint.10 Additionally, the lateral Limitations
Secondary Outcome Measures step-down requires less knee flexion and One limitation of the present study was
Both initial hip and quad strengthening balance, while still challenging the glu- the varying amounts of patellofemo-
led to increased function over the entire teal musculature.32 We also believed that ral pain observed in the study sample.
intervention, as measured by repetitions the lateral step-down task would not cre- Participants in this study represented a
in a 30-second step-down task. Previ- ate as large a potential learning effect as wide spectrum of limitation, with some
ous research assessed reliability of this if the anterior-step down test had been experiencing symptoms only after in-
measure and reported an average of 18 utilized as a rehabilitative tool and also a tense activity and some experiencing
repetitions in a healthy population and testing method. severe symptoms with activities of daily
14 in a PFPS population.25 Our numbers HABD and HER strength values ap- living. However, this factor could also
were very similar, with participants per- proached normal strength values with the be regarded as increasing the external
forming an average of 15  7 repetitions exercise protocols utilized in this study. validity of the study, because clinicians
at baseline and 21  5 repetitions after Women in the hip group demonstrated regularly work with patients who expe-
rehabilitation, indicating that our partici- increased HABD strength at the 8-week rience varying degrees of impairment.

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[ research report ]
Despite this, we believe that these differ- mal musculature as a key element in the mometry from adults aged 20 to 79 years. Arch
rehabilitation of females with PFPS. t
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ences between participants might have
5. Bolgla LA, Malone TR, Umberger BR, Uhl TL. Hip
contributed to high data variation and strength and hip and knee kinematics during
decreased our ability to detect differences KEY POINTS stair descent in females with and without patel-
between groups. Another limitation was FINDINGS: Females with PFPS who per- lofemoral pain syndrome. J Orthop Sports Phys
Ther. 2008;38:12-18.
that we chose to tailor our participants’ formed initial hip strengthening prior
strengthening progression to a specific to starting a functional weight-bearing 6. Bolgla LA, Shaffer SW, Malone TR. Vastus
percentage of body weight, rather than a exercise program demonstrated more medialis activation during knee extension exer-
percentage of the maximal force gener- decreased pain after 4 weeks and in- cises: evidence for exercise prescription. J Sport
Rehabil. 2008;17:1-10.
ated at baseline testing. This was a de- creased hip strength after 8 weeks of re- 7. Boling MC, Bolgla LA, Mattacola CG, Uhl TL,
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attempted to simulate a clinical scenario initial quadriceps strengthening. rehabilitation program for patients diagnosed
in which baseline isometric strength IMPLICATION: The use of isolated hip with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Arch Phys
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data might not be available. Blinding of strengthening in the first weeks of reha- org/10.1016/j.apmr.2006.07.264
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the investigators after initial testing was bilitation for patients with PFPS may be 8. Brody L, Hall C. Therapeutic Exercise: Moving
a further limitation of the study. Testers a more clinically efficient approach to Toward Function. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott
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9. Carlsson AM. Assessment of chronic pain. I. As-
assignment after baseline testing, mostly in the early stages of rehabilitation. pects of the reliability and validity of the visual
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Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

ercise sessions supervised. Additionally, the study, and follow-up was limited to 10. Chinkulprasert C, Vachalathiti R, Powers CM.
Patellofemoral joint forces and stress during
the exercises performed during the first 8 weeks, which represented the end of
forward step-up, lateral step-up, and forward
4 weeks of rehabilitation by the quad the intervention. step-down exercises. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther.
group might be regarded as antiquated 2011;41:241-248.
and, therefore, also a limitation. Howev- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors would like jospt.2011.3408
11. Cichanowski H, Schmitt J, Johnson RJ, Niemuth
er, the investigators felt that these exer- to thank the National Athletic Trainers’ Asso-
PE. Hip strength in collegiate female athletes
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group, while minimizing activation of the for funding a portion of this study through the 2007;39:1227-1232.
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further research in this area that would also like to thank University of Kentucky
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Week Hip Group Exercises Quad Group Exercises Duration
Week 1 Sidelying combination hip abduction and Quad sets 3 sets of 10 repetitions
external rotation
Standing hip abduction Short-arc quads 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Seated hip external rotation Straight leg raises 3 sets of 10 repetitions

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[ research report ]

Week Hip Group Exercises Quad Group Exercises Duration

Week 2 Standing hip abduction with 3% body weight Short arc quads with 3% body weight 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Sidelying hip abduction with 3% body weight Straight leg raises with 3% body weight 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Seated hip external rotation with 3% body weight Terminal knee extensions with 3% body weight 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Week 3 Sidelying hip abduction with 5% body weight Short-arc quads with 5% body weight 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Seated hip external rotation with 5% body weight Straight leg raises with 5% body weight 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Quadruped hydrant (combined hip abduction and Terminal knee extensions with 5% body weight 3 sets of 10 repetitions
external rotation)
Week 4 Sidelying hip abduction with 7% body weight Short-arc quads with 7% body weight 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Seated hip external rotation with 7% body weight Straight leg raises with 7% body weight 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Quadruped hydrant with 3% body weight Terminal knee extensions with 7% body weight 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Downloaded from at on May 27, 2020. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

Both Groups
Week 5 Single-leg balance with front pull 3 sets of 30 seconds
Wall slides with resistance 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Lateral step-downs off a 10-cm step 3 sets of 10 repetitions
2-leg calf raises 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Week 6 Single-leg balance with diagonal pull 3 sets of 30 seconds

Single-leg mini-squats 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Lateral step-downs off a 15.25-cm step 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Single-leg calf raises 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Week 7 Single-leg standing on Airex pad 3 sets of 30 seconds
Lunges to a 20.3-cm step 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Lateral step-downs off a 15.25-cm step with resistance 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Single-leg calf raises off a step 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Week 8 Single-leg standing on Airex pad with diagonal pull 3 sets of 30 seconds
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Lunges to a 10-cm step 3 sets of 10 repetitions

Lateral step-downs off a 20.3-cm step 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Single-leg calf raises on Airex pad 3 sets of 10 repetitions

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JOSPT’s instructions to authors are available at by clicking
“AUTHOR TOOLS & INSTRUCTIONS” in the upper right-hand column of the
home page, or by visiting “INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS”, located in the site’s
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41-08 Dolak.indd 570 8/16/2011 1:44:54 PM

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