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Placement test - English

Choose the most suitable word or phrase:

1. How did Sheila …. to the news of her award?

A) react B) answer C) confess

2. The union and the management are in … over working conditions.

A) advance B) trouble C) dispute

3. There are roadworks at Junction 63 and long …. are expected.

A) delays B) halts C) intervals

4. When I have some free time I tend to do nothing …… laze about.

A) only B) but C) and

5. In my teacher’s opinion it was not …… for such a poor boy as John to be a good

A) good B) thrilling C) possible

6. It was very kind …… you to give up so much of your time.

A) of B) for C) with

7. Don’t worry about lunch. I’ll….to it.

A) succeed B) apply C) see

8. Nothing …. the ordinary ever happens here.

A) from B) out of C) about

9. After running up the stairs I was quite …. breath.

A) out of B) from C) without

10. At the end of the match the players were …. exhausted.

A) solely B) extremely C) softly

11. Next year I hope to…… my dream of climbing Mont Blanc.

A) complete B) fulfill C) realize

12. No sooner had we left the house, … it started snowing.

A) and B) than C) when

13. I was running low on petrol so I started looking for a gas ….

A) station B) garage C) stop

14. They …… for more than three hours when they finally saw the chalet.

A. were climbing B. climbed C. had been climbing

15. Pauline managed to win the car rally at the first ……

A) attempt B) try C) rate

16. I’ll take this tie. It’s …. the thing I’m looking for.

A) just B) quiet C) sheer

17. Helen’s new boyfriend is not …. what I expected.

A) at all B) just C) absolutely

18. Your boss seems to be the one who is …. fault in this case.

A) at B) under C) with

19. The trouble with Jean is that she is …. with sport!

A) obsessed B) packed C) matched

20. Robert is completely …. in his new book on photography

A) absorbed B) interested C) disappointed

21. …… you should do first is make a list of all the things you have to do.

A) That B) What C) As

22. When I inquired about my tasks for the day, I was given a …….

A) schedule B) agenda C) itinerary

23. Because of the storm, several cars, ... owners had parked under the trees, were

A) whose B) of which C) whom

24. The only means of …. to the station is through a dark subway.

A) arrival B) admission C) access

25. Pauline and Helen … on our staying for lunch.

A) congratulated B) insisted C) decided

26. You … be older than me but this doesn’t mean you are cleverer.

A) could B) may C) ought to

27. I … like your new shoes. Where did you buy them?

A) would B) do C) only

28. After its engine failed, the small boat…. with the current.

A) waved B) tossed C) drifted

29. I reckon Martin is… of a nervous breakdown.

A) in charge B) on the verge C) indicative

30. Last week some robbers …... into the British Museum

A) broked B) breaked C) broke

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