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St German’s Church
2 May 2021 - Easter V

John’s Gospel lacks standard parables, but in the seven “I

Am” sayings of Jesus we encounter parables in a new guise. This week:
Exegetes will talk of “symbol” (a pearl; a mustard seed) and Sun 2: Easter 5
“referent” (the Kingdom of heaven; faith). In the “I Am” 9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
sayings, the symbol varies (one is human; six are not), but
the referent is always the same: it is always Jesus. … The “I 11am Sung Mass (St G)
Am” sayings begin with Jesus, who is the referent (“I am”), Mon 3:
and work their way back to symbols (“the True Vine”), 18:00 Mass (St G)
which help us to understand him. If Jesus is the True Vine,
that means that he stands for fruitfulness, happiness,
Tues 4:
community, and (to believing Christians) communion. 10:00 Mass (St S)
(Cally Hammond, Church Times 8250) 19:00 PCC (St S)
Wed 5:
10:00 Mass (St G)
Parish Notes: 19:00 Faith QI (zoom)
Covid Risks Update - Please continue to adhere to social distancing and so go Thur 5:
straight to their chair and at the end of the service leave orderly. Once outside in 17:45 Mass (St S)
the carpark, catch ups and some fellowship is possible because it is much safer in Fri 6:
No Mass (St S)
terms of infection rates and chances of the coronavirus spreading. We are hopeful
Sat 7:
for some further freedoms to do with worship and singing in the coming weeks.
No Mass (St S)
Ministry Area Update - After mass today by Peter Lovitt.
Sun 8: Easter 6
Prayer for Christian Unity - usually happens in the Octave for unity in January or St Saviour’s:
in and around Pentecost. This year we will pray for Christian Unity from Ascension 9:30 Sung Mass;
to Pentecost whilst combining this with our usual Thy Kingdom Come novena. St German’s:
PCC and AGM - Our AGM will be on Sunday 23 May in church after the 11am mass. 11:00 am Sung Mass
We can only have 30 people in attendance and so booking in will be necessary.
A Quiz Night Saturday 22 May at 18:30 in the hall. Again, booking is essential as
Parish Priest:
maximum numbers will be 30. Booking via Angela, Richard Davey or Fr Phelim. Fr Phelim O’Hare,
Electoral Roll - We need to renew our Electoral Roll which was postponed from last 02922 411229,
year. This new electoral roll will eventually form part of the wider MA electoral roll.
It is crucial this is updated this year as only those on the electoral roll will be able to (Day off - Friday)
vote for wardens etc at the first MA AGM in early 2022. Please see Angela for the Churchwardens:
electoral forms.
Faith QI - meets on Wed 5 May via zoom at 7pm. Each time we explore a different Peter Lovitt
topic related to our faith and spirituality. The next topic will be ‘Who’s in Charge? 02920 763754
God, Authority and Power’. Richard Hill
07519 352840
Today’s Hymns: Christ Triumphant, O Jesus I have promised, Firmly I believe,
Breath on me, breath of God, Praise to the Holiest.
Recently Departed - Marion Evans, Joan Kear, Catherine Mary Cooper www.saintgermanwith


Acts 9:26-31 Acts 10:25-26, 34-35,
Ps 22:26-27, 28+30, 44-48 You, Lord, are my
31-32 Ps 98:1, 2-3a, 3b-4 praise in the great
1 John 3:18-24 1 John 4:7-10 assembly. (3vv)
John 15:1-8 John 15:9-17


COLLECT and shall have their fill. GOSPEL

They shall praise the Lord,
those who seek him. A reading from the Holy Gospel
Almighty God, who through your
May their hearts live according to St John.
only-begotten Son Jesus Christ for ever and ever! R/
have overcome death and I am the true vine, and my Father is
opened to us the gate of All the earth shall remember the vine-grower. He removes every
and return to the Lord, branch in me that bears no fruit.
everlasting life: grant that, as by all families of the nations Every branch that bears fruit he
your grace going before us you worship before him; prunes to make it bear more fruit.
put into our minds good desires, They shall worship him, You have already been cleansed by
so by your continual help we all the mighty of the earth; the word that I have spoken to you.
before him shall bow Abide in me as I abide in you. Just
may bring them to good effect; all who go down to the dust. R/ as the branch cannot bear fruit by
through Jesus Christ our risen itself unless it abides in the vine,
Lord,  who is alive and reigns And my soul shall live for him, neither can you unless you abide in
my children serve him. me. I am the vine, you are the
with you, in the unity of the Holy
They shall tell of the Lord branches. Those who abide in me
Spirit, one God, now and for to generations yet to come, and I in them bear much fruit,
ever. Amen. declare his faithfulness because apart from me you can do
to peoples yet unborn: nothing. Whoever does not abide in
‘These things the Lord has done.’ R/ me is thrown away like a branch and
  withers; such branches are gathered,
FIRST READING Psalm 22 thrown into the fire, and burned. If
A reading from the book of Acts. you abide in me, and my words
abide in you, ask for whatever you
When Saul got to Jerusalem he tried to SECOND READING wish, and it will be done for you. My
join the disciples, but they were all Father is glorified by this, that you
afraid of him: they could not believe he The Second Reading is from the first bear much fruit and become my
was really a disciple. Barnabas, however, letter of John. disciples.
took charge of him, introduced him to
the apostles, and explained how the My children, our love is not to be just This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Lord had appeared to Saul and spoken words or mere talk, but something real John 15
to him on his journey, and how he had and active; only by this can we be
preached boldly at Damascus in the certain that we are children of the truth
name of Jesus. Saul now started to go and be able to quieten our conscience in THE REGINA CAELI
round with them in Jerusalem, his presence, whatever accusations it
preaching fearlessly in the name of the may raise against us, because God is Joy to thee, O Queen of Heaven,
Lord. But after he had spoken to the greater than our conscience and he alleluia!
Hellenists, and argued with them, they knows everything. He who thou wast meet to bear
became determined to kill him. When My dear people, if we cannot be alleluia!
the brothers knew, they took him to condemned by our own conscience, we As he promised, hath arisen,
Caesarea, and sent him off from there to need not be afraid in God’s presence, alleluia!
Tarsus. and whatever we ask him, we shall Pour for us to him thy prayer,
  The churches throughout Judaea, receive, because we keep his alleluia!
Galilee and Samaria were now left in commandments and live the kind of life
peace, building themselves up, living in that he wants. His commandments are Rejoice and be glad,
the fear of the Lord, and filled with the these: that we believe in the name of his O virgin Mary, alleluia!
consolation of the Holy Spirit. Son Jesus Christ and that we love one
another as he told us to. Whoever keeps R./ For the Lord has risen indeed,
This is the word of the Lord. his commandments lives in God and God alleluia!
Acts 9 lives in him. We know that he lives in us
by the Spirit that he has given us. Let us pray,
O God, by the resurrection of your on,
This is the word of the Lord. our Lord Jesus Christ, you have brought
RESPONSORIAL PSALM 1 Jn 3 joy to the whole world: Granth that, by
the help of his mother, the ivrigin Mary,
we may obtain the joys of everlasting
You, Lord, are my praise in the
great assembly.
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: life; through Christ the Lord. Amen.
Alleluia, alleluia!
My vows I will pay Make your home in me, as I make mine
before those who fear him. in you. Whoever remains in me bears
The poor shall eat fruit in plenty. Alleluia!

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