Question Answer Planning Karyn Leino

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Question & Answer Planning Sheet

Tell me about yourself.

I have been in the customer service industry for the past 26 years. I have worked with families
one on one, working with their needs and concerns. Working in the medical field is a calling that
I have had for several years, and the challenge that goes along with it is the opportunity to
connect with people. In my last job, I formed several customer relationships resulting in
significant longevity.

My real strength is my attention to detail. I pride myself on my reputation for following through
and meeting deadlines. When I commit to doing something, I make sure it gets done and on time.

What I am looking for now is a company that values customer relations, where I can join a strong
team and positively impact the patients and staff.

Why did you leave your last position, or why are you leaving your current
I’m looking for an opportunity to leverage my skills and experience while also balancing time
with family and friends. I believe we perform our best when we have a healthy balance
between work and life.

What are your long-term goals?

You’re looking for someone with advanced computer skills and medical knowledge. Being able
to apply my computer skills and medical knowledge and build upon them is essential to me, and
there seem to be opportunities to do that here.”

I look forward to growing with the company and making a significant contribution to the

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

My strength is my flexibility to handle change. As an administrator at my last job, I was able to
turn around a negative working environment and develop a very supportive team. As far as
weaknesses, I feel that my management skills could be stronger, and I constantly work to improve

What is your salary range expectation?

My salary expectation is between $32,000 and $41,600, which is the average salary for a candidate
with my level of experience in this city. However, I am flexible and willing to discuss.

Why should we hire you?

My experience accurately scheduling staff and clients has been one of my strengths for over 15 years. I
understand that you require a highly organized candidate with acute attention to detail. I successfully
handled schedules for over 10 employees and for 40 children in my previous job weekly. I’m confident in
using my organizational skills to bring efficiency and order to your company.

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How do you handle stress?
I can stay calm when I focus on the bigger picture and break down my projects into smaller tasks. I
always start by asking myself, “What is the ultimate goal I’m trying to achieve?” From there, I make a list
of immediate and long-term action items with achievable but ambitious deadlines. Even if the big project
is due tomorrow, I ask myself, ‘What’s something I can tackle in the next 30 minutes?’ Before I know it,
I’ve made significant progress, and that impossible project doesn’t seem so impossible.

What is your greatest accomplishment?

I am a wife and mother and went back to college while working full-time. This was a demanding
schedule to work; I, however, am managing and maintaining an A average.

What does customer service mean to you?

In my experience, good customer service involves taking responsibility when something goes wrong and
doing what you can to make it right. Customer service is placing yourself in others' shoes, treating others
as you would want to be treated.

How do you work under pressure?

Throughout my career, I’ve discovered how to embrace working under pressure. I find that routine can
make us complacent, so I try to look for challenges that push me to grow.

What is your dream job?

My dream job would be a leadership position where the other team members are active participants and
communication happens daily.
I love seeing a project through to the end and celebrating everyone’s hard work.

How do you handle conflict at work?

I learned that you don’t always know what others are experiencing or thinking, and by keeping that in
mind, I can better navigate conflict and be more helpful and supportive.
Keeping your judgment and feelings at bay and listening to all involved will also keep conflict out of the

Questions and Topics to avoid

 What is your age?
 Are you married?
 Do you have a family?
Any personal question is inappropriate and should be avoided during the interview.

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