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Chapter 2

Material Removal

BDA 30502
Manufacturing - Technology

 Technology - the application of science to provide

society and its members with those things that are
needed or desired
 Technology provides the products that help our
society and its members live better
 What do these products have in common?
 They are all manufactured
 Manufacturing is the essential factor that makes
technology possible

Classification of manufacturing processes

Products in Various Stages of Life Cycle
Material Removal Process
(Metal Machining Process)

2.1 Theory of Metal Cutting

overview, theory of chip formation, force &
merchant equation, power & energy, cutting

2.2 Machining Operations and Machine Tools

turning, drilling, milling, machine centers,
cutting tool technology

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Material Removal Processes

 It is shaping operations, it remove material from a

starting workpart so the remaining part has the
desired geometry
 Divided into three main groups:
1) Machining – material removal by a sharp cutting
tool, e.g., turning, milling, drilling
2) Abrasive processes – material removal by hard,
abrasive particles, e.g., grinding
3) Non-traditional processes - various energy forms
other than sharp cutting tool to remove material

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Why Machining is Important?

 Variety of work materials can be machined

 Most frequently used to cut metals

 Variety of part shapes and special geometric

features possible, such as:
 Screw threads

 Accurate round holes

 Very straight edges and surfaces

 Good dimensional accuracy and surface finish

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Disadvantages with Machining

 Wasteful of material
 Chips generated in machining are wasted material,
at least in the unit operation
 Time consuming
 A machining operation generally takes more time
to shape a given part than alternative shaping
processes, such as casting, powder metallurgy, or

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Machining in Manufacturing Sequence

 Generally performed after other manufacturing

processes, such as casting, forging, and bar drawing
 Other processes create the general shape of the
starting workpart
 Machining provides the final shape, dimensions,
finish, and special geometric details that other
processes cannot create

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Nomenclature of single point tool

BDA 3052 Manufacturing

Seven elements of single-point tool geometry; and
(b) the tool signature convention that defines the
seven elements.

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Orthogonal Cutting Model

Simplified 2-D model of machining that

describes the mechanics of machining
fairly accurate

Figure 21.6 Orthogonal cutting: (a) as a three-dimensional process.

BDA 30502 Manufacturing
Orthogonal and Oblique cutting

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Assumptions in orthogonal cutting
(Merchant theory)
1) The tool is perfectly sharp and no contact along
clearance face.
2) The shear surface is a plane extending upward from the
cutting edge.
3) The cutting edge is a straight line, extending
perpendicular to the direction of motion and generates
a plane surface as the work moves past it.
4) The chip does not flow to either side.
5) The depth of cut is constant.
6) Width of the tool is greater than the work piece.
7) The work moves relative to the tool with uniform
8) A continuous chip is produced with no built up edge.
Assumptions in orthogonal cutting
(Merchant theory)
9) Chip is assume to shear continuously across plane AB
on which the shear stress reaches the value of shear
flow stress.
10) Width of chip is remains equal to the width of the work
piece. i.e. Plane strain conditions exist.
11) The shear and normal stresses along shear plane and
tool are uniform.

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Assumptions in Oblique cutting
1) The cutting edge is inclined at angle with the normal
direction of the tool travel.
2) The cutting edge may or may not clear the width of the
work piece.
3) The chip flows on the tool face making an angle with the
normal cutting edge. The chip flows side ways in a long
4) Three components of the forces acting on the tool
5) Maximum chip thickness may not occur at middle.
6) It acts on larger area and thus tool life is more.

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Difference between orthogonal and
oblique cutting
Orthogonal cutting Oblique cutting
The cutting edge of the tool is The cutting edge is inclined at angle with
perpendicular to the direction of the tool the normal direction of the tool travel.
The cutting edge clears the width of the The cutting edge may or may not clear the
work piece on either ends. width of the work piece.
The chip flows over the tool. The chip coils The chip flows on the tool face making an
in tight. angle with the normal cutting edge. The
chip flows side ways in a long curl
Only two components of the cutting force Three components of the forces acting on
acting on the tool. the tool.
Maximum chip thickness occurs at the Maximum chip thickness may not occur at
middle. middle.
For the given feed rate and DOC, the force It acts on larger area and thus tool life is
which act or shears the metal acts on a more.
smaller area and therefore, the heat
developed per unit area due to friction
along the tool work interface is less and
the tool life is less.

 Cutting action involves shear deformation of

work material to form a chip
 As chip is removed, new surface is exposed

(a) A cross-sectional view of the machining process, (b) tool with

negative rake angle; compare with positive rake angle in (a).
BDA 30502 Manufacturing
Cutting Process in Turning

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Cutting Process in Turning

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Relationship between chip thickness,
rake angle and shear plane angle

l s sin  sin 
r 
l s cos(   ) cos(   )
BDA 30502 Manufacturing
Chip Thickness Ratio
r 

where r = chip thickness ratio; to = thickness of the chip

prior to chip formation; and tc = chip thickness after

 Chip thickness after cut always greater than

before, so chip ratio always less than 1.0

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Shear Strain in Chip Formation

Shear strain during chip formation: (a) chip formation depicted as a series of
parallel plates sliding relative to each other, (b) one of the plates isolated to
show shear strain, and (c) shear strain triangle used to derive strain equation.

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Shear Strain

Shear strain in machining can be computed

from the following equation, based on the
preceding parallel plate model:
  

 = tan( - ) + cot 

where  = shear strain,  = shear plane angle, and  =

rake angle of cutting tool
BDA 30502 Manufacturing
Example of Problem 1

In a machining operation that approximates orthogonal

cutting, the cutting tool has a rake angle = 10. The chip
Thickness before the cut to = 0.50 mm and the chip
thickness after the cut tc = 1.125 mm. Calculate the shear
plane angle and the shear strain in the operation.

Answer :  = 25.4
 = 2.386

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Example of Problem 2

In an orthogonal cutting operation, the tool has a rake

angle = 15. The chip thickness before the cut = 0.30
mm and the cut yields a deformed chip thickness = 0.65
mm. Calculate (a) the shear plane angle and (b) the
shear strain for the operation.

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Chip Formation

More realistic view of chip formation, showing shear zone rather than
shear plane. Also shown is the secondary shear zone resulting from
tool-chip friction.
BDA 30502 Manufacturing
Four Basic Types of Chip in Machining

1. Discontinuous chip
2. Continuous chip
3. Continuous chip with Built-up Edge (BUE)
4. Serrated chip

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

1. Discontinuous Chip

 Brittle work
 Low cutting
 Large feed and
depth of cut
 High tool-chip

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2. Continuous Chip

 Ductile work
 High cutting speeds
 Small feeds and
 Sharp cutting edge
 Low tool-chip

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Continuous with BUE

 Ductile materials
 Low-to-medium
cutting speeds
 Tool-chip friction
causes portions of
chip to adhere to
rake face
 BUE forms, then
breaks off, cyclically
BDA 30502 Manufacturing
Serrated Chip

 Semicontinuous -
saw-tooth appearance
 Cyclical chip forms
with alternating high
shear strain then low
shear strain
 Associated with
metals at high cutting
speeds Figure 21.9 (d) serrated.

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Effect of Higher Shear Plane Angle

 Higher shear plane angle means smaller shear

plane which means lower shear force, cutting
forces, power, and temperature

Effect of shear plane angle  : (a) higher  with a resulting lower shear
plane area; (b) smaller  with a corresponding larger shear plane
area. Note that the rake angle is larger in (a), which tends to increase
shear angle according to the Merchant equation
BDA 30502 Manufacturing
Forces Acting on Chip

 Friction force F and Normal force to friction N

 Shear force Fs and Normal force to shear Fn

Forces in metal cutting: (a)

forces acting on the chip in
orthogonal cutting

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Resultant Forces

 Vector addition of F and N = resultant R

 Vector addition of Fs and Fn = resultant R‘’
 Forces acting on the chip must be in balance:
 R‘’ must be equal in magnitude to R

 R’ must be opposite in direction to R

 R’ must be collinear with R

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Cutting Forces

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Cutting Forces

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Cutting Forces

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Coefficient of Friction

Coefficient of friction between tool and chip:

  -(1)

Friction angle related to coefficient of friction

as follows:

  tan  -(2)

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Shear Stress

Shear stress acting along the shear plane:

S -(3)
where As = area of the shear plane

t ow
As  -(4)
sin 
Shear stress = shear strength of work material during cutting

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Cutting Force and Thrust Force

 F, N, Fs, and Fn cannot be directly measured

 Forces acting on the tool that can be measured:
 Cutting force Fc and Thrust force Ft

Forces in metal
cutting: (b) forces
acting on the tool that
can be measured

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Merchant’s circle diagram

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Merchant’s circle diagram

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Forces in Metal Cutting

 Equations can be derived to relate the forces that

cannot be measured to the forces that can be
F = Fc sin  + Ft cos  (5)
N = Fc cos  - Ft sin  (6)
Fs = Fc cos  - Ft sin  (7)
Fn = Fc sin  + Ft cos  (8)
 Based on these calculated force, shear stress and
coefficient of friction can be determined

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Example of Problem 3

Cutting force = 1559 N

Thrust force = 1271 N
Width of cutting = 3 mm
Rake angle = 10
Shear plane angle = 25.4
Original Thickness = 0.5 mm
Determine the shear strength of the work

shear stress, S / shear strength,  = 247 N/mm2

BDA 3052 Manufacturing

Forces in Metal Cutting

 From equation 3, the force diagram (Merchant ‘s Circle

Diagram), can be used to derived the following equations:

Sto w cos(   ) Fs cos(   )

Fc  
sin  cos(     ) cos(     )

Sto w sin(    ) Fs sin(    )

Ft  
sin  cos(     ) cos(     )

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

The Merchant Equation

 From equation 3, 4 and 7, Merchant Equation for shear

stress can be expressed as,

Fc cos  Ft sin 
 
(to / sin  )

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

The Merchant Equation

 Of all the possible angles at which shear deformation

can occur, the work material will select a shear plane
angle  that minimizes energy, given by

 
  45  
 2 2
Derived by Eugene Merchant
 Based on orthogonal cutting, but validity extends to
3-D machining

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

What the Merchant Equation Tells Us

 
  45  
2 2
 To increase shear plane angle
 Increase the rake angle

 Reduce the friction angle (or coefficient of


BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Power and Energy Relationships

 A machining operation requires power

 The power to perform machining can be computed

Pc = Fc 

where Pc = cutting power (Nm/s); Fc = cutting force

(N); and  = cutting speed (m/min)

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Power and Energy Relationships

 In U.S. customary units, power is traditional

expressed as horsepower

HPc = Fc/33,000

where HPc = cutting horsepower, hp

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Power and Energy Relationships

 Gross power to operate the machine tool Pg or HPg

is given by

Pc HPc
Pg  or HPg 

where E = mechanical efficiency of machine tool

 Typical E for machine tools  90%

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Unit Power in Machining

 Useful to convert power into power per unit volume

rate of metal cut
 Called unit power, Pu or unit horsepower, HPu

Pc HPc
PU  or HPu 

where MRR = material removal rate (mm3/s)

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Specific Energy in Machining

Unit power is also known as the specific energy U

Pc Fc v Fc
U  Pu   
MRR vto w to w

Units for specific energy are typically N-m/mm3 or J/mm3

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Cutting Temperature

 Approximately 98% of the energy in machining is

converted into heat
 This can cause temperatures to be very high at the
 The remaining energy (about 2%) is retained as
elastic energy in the chip

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Cutting Temperature is Important
High cutting temperatures
1. Reduce tool life

2. Produce hot chips that pose safety hazards to the

machine operator
3. Can cause inaccuracies in part dimensions due to
thermal expansion of work material

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Cutting Temperature

 Analytical method derived by Nathan Cook

from dimensional analysis using experimental
data for various work materials
0.4U  vt o 
T   
C  K 

where T = temperature rise at tool-chip interface; U =

specific energy; v = cutting speed; to = chip thickness
before cut; C = volumetric specific heat of work
material; K = thermal diffusivity of work material

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Example Problem 6

Cutting speed = 100 m/min

Chip original thickness = 0.5 mm
Thermal diffusivity = 50 mm2/s
Specific Energy = 1.038
Volumetric specific heat work material = 3 x10-3 J/mm3

Find the mean temperature rise at the tool-chip


BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Cutting Temperature

 Experimental methods can be used to measure

temperatures in machining
 Most frequently used technique is the tool-chip
 Using this method, Ken Trigger determined the
speed-temperature relationship to be of the form:
T = K vm
where T = measured tool-chip interface
temperature, and v = cutting speed
K and m depend on the cutting conditions and work

BDA 30502 Manufacturing


A material removal process in which a sharp cutting

tool is used to mechanically cut away material so
that the desired part geometry remains
 Most common application: to shape metal parts
 Most versatile of all manufacturing processes in its
capability to produce a diversity of part geometries
and geometric features with high precision and
 Casting can also produce a variety of shapes, but
it lacks the precision and accuracy of machining
Classification of Machined Parts

 Rotational - cylindrical or disk-like shape

 Nonrotational (also called prismatic) -
block-like or plate-like

Machined parts are classified as: (a) rotational, or (b) nonrotational,

shown here by block and flat parts.
Machining Operations and Part
Each machining operation produces a
characteristic part geometry due to two
1. Relative motions between tool and workpart

• Generating – part geometry determined by

feed trajectory of cutting tool
2. Shape of the cutting tool

• Forming – part geometry is created by the

shape of the cutting tool
Generating Shape

Figure 22.2 Generating shape: (a) straight turning, (b) taper turning, (c)
contour turning, (d) plain milling, (e) profile milling.
Forming to Create Shape

Forming to create shape: (a) form turning, (b) drilling, and (c) broaching.
Forming and Generating

Combination of forming and generating to create shape: (a) thread

cutting on a lathe, and (b) slot milling.
Single point cutting tool removes material from a
rotating workpiece to generate a cylinder
 Performed on a machine tool called a lathe

 Variations of turning performed on a lathe:

 Facing

 Contour turning

 Chamfering

 Cutoff

 Threading

Turning operation.
Turning Operation
Close-up view of a
turning operation on
steel using a titanium
nitride coated carbide
cutting insert (photo
courtesy of Kennametal

Tool is fed
radially inward
Contour Turning

 Instead of feeding tool

parallel to axis of
rotation, tool follows a
contour that is other
than straight, thus
creating a contoured

 Cutting edge cuts an angle on the corner of the

cylinder, forming a "chamfer"

 Tool is fed radially into rotating work at some

location to cut off end of part

 Tool is fed radially into rotating work at some

location to cut off end of part

 Pointed form tool is fed linearly across surface of

rotating workpart parallel to axis of rotation at a
large feed rate, thus creating threads
Cutting Conditions in Turning - 1

The rotational speed in turning related to the desired cutting

speed at the surface of the cylindrical workpiece by the

N 
N = rotational speed, rev/min;  = cutting speed, m/min,
And Do = original diameter of the part, m.
Cutting Conditions in Turning - 2

The change in diameter is determined by the depth of cut,


Do – Df = 2d

Do = original diameter, mm; Df = final diameter, mm

d = depth of cut
Cutting Conditions in Turning - 3

The feed in turning is generally expressed in mm/rev. This

feed can be converted to linear travel rate in mm/min by the

fr = Nf

fr = feed rate, mm/min; f = feed mm/rev

Cutting Conditions in Turning - 4

The time to machine from one end of a cylindrical workpart

to the other is given by:

Tm = L/fr

Tm = time of actual machining, minutes; and L = length of

the cylindrical workpart, mm
Cutting Conditions in Turning - 5

The volumetric rate of material removal rate can be most

conveniently determined by the following equation:

MRR = vfd
Where v=π·Davg·N
and Davg=(Do-Df)/2

MRR = material removal rate, mm3/min, f = feed, mm

Cutting Conditions in Turning
Problem 1

A cylindrical workpart 200 mm in diameter

and 700 mm long is to be turned in an
engine lathe. Cutting conditions are as
follows: cutting speed is 2.30 m/s, feed is
0.32 mm/rev, and depth of cut is 1.80
Determine (a) cutting time, and (b)
metal removal rate.
Cutting Conditions in Turning
Problem 1

A cylindrical workpart 200 mm in diameter

and 700 mm long is to be turned in an
engine lathe. Cutting conditions are as
follows: cutting speed is 2.30 m/s, feed is
0.32 mm/rev, and depth of cut is 1.80
Determine (a) cutting time, and (b)
metal removal rate.
Cutting Conditions in Turning
Problem 2

A work materials are to be turned to final size of

175 mm length having diameter of 60 mm.
Total length of the work material is 300 mm. A
single point tool having a certain degree of rake
angle is used. The work material rotates at 1400
RPM. The feed is 0.35 mm / revolution.
Final size of the work material is 51 mm.

1. Cutting velocity,
2. Time taken to machine to the length of 55 mm,
3. Total Material removal rate to get 51 mm diameter.
Machining operation in which work is fed past a
rotating tool with multiple cutting edges
 Axis of tool rotation is perpendicular to feed

 Creates a planar surface

 Other geometries possible either by cutter

path or shape
 Other factors and terms:

 Interrupted cutting operation

 Cutting tool called a milling cutter, cutting

edges called "teeth"
 Machine tool called a milling machine
Peripheral Milling vs. Face Milling

 Peripheral milling
 Cutter axis parallel to surface being machined

 Cutting edges on outside periphery of cutter

 Face milling
 Cutter axis perpendicular to surface being milled

 Cutting edges on both the end and outside

periphery of the cutter

1) Up milling is also referred to as conventional

milling. The direction of the cutter rotation
opposes the feed motion. For example, if the
cutter rotates clockwise , the workpiece is fed
to the right in up milling.

2) Down milling is also referred to as climb

milling. The direction of cutter rotation is
same as the feed motion. For example, if the
cutter rotates counterclockwise , the
workpiece is fed to the right in down milling
Slab Milling

 Basic form of peripheral milling in which the

cutter width extends beyond the workpiece on
both sides

 Width of cutter is less than workpiece width,

creating a slot in the work
Conventional Face Milling

Cutter overhangs work

on both sides
Profile Milling

Form of end milling in

which the outside
periphery of a flat
part is cut
Pocket Milling

 Another form
of end milling
used to mill
pockets into
flat parts
Surface Contouring

 Ball-nose cutter
fed back and forth
across work along
a curvilinear path
at close intervals
to create a three
surface form
End Milling

 Cutter diameter is
less than work
width, so a slot is
cut into part
Machining Centers
Highly automated machine tool can perform
multiple machining operations under CNC
control in one setup with minimal human
 Typical operations are milling and drilling

 Three, four, or five axes

 Other features:

 Automatic tool-changing

 Pallet shuttles

 Automatic workpart positioning

Milling Operation

High speed face

milling using
indexable inserts
(photo courtesy
of Kennametal
Cutting Conditions in Milling - 1

The cutting speed is determined at the

outside diameter of a milling cutter.

N 
N = rotational speed, rev/min;  = cutting speed,
And Do = outside diameter of a milling cutter,mm.
Cutting Conditions in Milling - 2

The feed, f in milling is usually given as a feed per cutter

tooth; called the chip load, it represents the size of the chip
formed by each cutting edge.

fr = Nnt f

fr = feed rate, mm/min; N = spindle speed, rev/min; nt =

number of teeth on the cutter; f = chip load in mm/tooth
Cutting Conditions in Milling - 2

The feed, f in milling is usually given as a feed per cutter

tooth; called the chip load, it represents the size of the chip
formed by each cutting edge.

fr = Nnt f

fr = feed rate, mm/min; N = spindle speed, rev/min; nt =

number of teeth on the cutter; f = chip load in mm/tooth
Cutting Conditions in Milling - 3

The material removal rate,

MRR = wdfr

w = width; d = depth of cut; fr = feed rate, mm/min;

Peripheral Milling
Cutting Conditions in Milling - 4

Approach distance A, to reach full cutter depth given by:

A d (D  d )

d = depth of cut, mm, and D = diameter of the milling cutter,

Cutting Conditions in Milling - 5

The time to mill the workiece Tm is


L A
Tm 
Face Milling – cutter is centered
Cutting Conditions in Milling - 6

Where A and O are each to half the cutter


A = O = D/2

D= cutter diameter, mm
Face Milling – cutter is offset
Cutting Conditions in Milling - 7

Where A and O are each to half the cutter


A  O  w( D  w)
w= width of the cut, mm
Cutting Conditions in Milling - 8

The time to mill the workpiece in face

milling,Tm is therefore;

L  2A
Tm 
Cutting Conditions in Milling
Problem 1
A peripheral milling operation is performed
on the top surface of a rectangular
workpart which is 400 mm long by 60 mm
wide. The milling cutter, which is 80 mm in
diameter and has five teeth, overhangs the
width of the part on both sides. The cutting
speed is 70 m/min, the chip load is 0.25
mm/tooth, and the depth of cut is 5.0 mm.
Determine (a) the time to make one pass
across the surface, and (b) the maximum
material removal rate during the cut.
Cutting Conditions in Milling
Problem 2
A face milling operation is performed to finish
the top surface of a steel rectangular work
piece 350 mm long by 55 mm wide. The milling
cutter has four teeth (cemented carbide inserts)
and a 85 mm diameter. Cutting conditions are:
v = 600 m/min, f = 0.35 mm / tooth, and d =
3.5 mm.
a) the time to make one pass across the surface.
b) the metal removal rate during the cut.

 Creates a round
hole in a workpart
 Compare to boring
which can only
enlarge an existing
 Cutting tool called a
drill or drill bit
 Machine tool: drill
Through Holes vs. Blind Holes

Through-holes - drill exits opposite side of work

Blind-holes – does not exit work opposite side

Two hole types: (a) through-hole, and (b) blind hole.


 Used to slightly
enlarge a hole,
provide better
tolerance on
diameter, and
improve surface

 Used to provide
internal screw
threads on an
existing hole
 Tool called a tap

 Provides a stepped
hole, in which a
larger diameter
follows smaller
diameter partially
into the hole
Cutting Conditions in Drilling - 1

Letting N represent the spindle rev/min,

N 
 = cutting speed, m/min; D = the drill
Cutting Conditions in Drilling - 2

Feed can be converted to feed rate using the the same

equation as for turning:

fr = Nf

fr = feed rate, mm/min; N = spindle speed, rev/min; f = feed

in drilling, mm/rev
Cutting Conditions in Drilling - 3

The time to drill through holes;

Tm 

Tm= machining time, min; t = work thickness,

mm; fr = feed rate, mm/min
Cutting Conditions in Drilling - 4

The allowance is given by;

 
A  0.5D tan  90  
 2

A = approach allowance, mm;  = drill point angle

Cutting Conditions in Drilling - 5

The time to drill blind holes;

Tm 

Tm= machining time, min; d = hole depth,

mm; fr = feed rate, mm/min
Cutting Conditions in Drilling
Problem 1
A drilling operation is to be performed with a
12.7 mm diameter twist drill in a steel
workpart. The hole is a blind hole at a depth of
60 mm and the point angle is 118. The cutting
speed is 25 m/min and the feed is 0.30
(a) the cutting time to complete the drilling
operation, and
(b) metal removal rate during the operation,
after the drill bit reaches full diameter.

1. Tool Life
2. Tool Materials
3. Tool Geometry
4. Cutting Fluids
Cutting Tool Technology

Two principal aspects:

1. Tool material

2. Tool geometry
Three Modes of Tool Failure

1. Fracture failure
 Cutting force becomes excessive and/or
dynamic, leading to brittle fracture
2. Temperature failure
 Cutting temperature is too high for the tool
3. Gradual wear
 Gradual wearing of the cutting tool
Preferred Mode: Gradual Wear

 Fracture and temperature failures are premature

 Gradual wear is preferred because it leads to the
longest possible use of the tool
 Gradual wear occurs at two locations on a tool:
 Crater wear – occurs on top rake face

 Flank wear – occurs on flank (side of tool)

Tool Wear

Figure 23.1 Diagram of worn cutting tool, showing the principal

locations and types of wear that occur.
Figure 23.2 Crater wear,
(above), and flank wear (right) on
a cemented carbide tool, as seen
through a toolmaker's
microscope (photos by K. C.
Keefe, Manufacturing Technology
Lab, Lehigh University).
Taylor Tool Life Equation

Relationship is credited to F. W. Taylor

vT n  C

where v = cutting speed; T = tool life; and n and C are

parameters that depend on feed, depth of cut, work
material, tooling material, and the tool life criterion
 n is the slope of the plot
 C is the intercept on the speed axis at one minute
tool life
Tool Life Criteria in Production

1. Complete failure of cutting edge

2. Visual inspection of flank wear (or crater wear)
by the machine operator
3. Fingernail test across cutting edge
4. Changes in sound emitted from operation
5. Chips become ribbon-like, stringy, and difficult
to dispose of
6. Degradation of surface finish
7. Increased power
8. Workpiece count
9. Cumulative cutting time
Tool Materials

 Tool failure modes identify the important properties

that a tool material should possess:
 Toughness - to avoid fracture failure

 Hot hardness - ability to retain hardness at high

 Wear resistance - hardness is the most important
property to resist abrasive wear
 Two tests were conducted to determine the relationship between
cutting speed and tool life. In the first test, a cutting speed of 350
m/min results a tool life of 45 minutes. In the second test, a cutting
speed, a cutting speed of 250 m/min which results a tool life 75
 Using Taylor’s equation, calculate the following:
 i) Constant n and C and
 (ii) If the life of tool to be extended to 55 minutes, what will be
cutting speed tool?

BDA 30502 Manufacturing


 A carbide tool with mild steel workpiece was

found to give life of 2 hours while cutting at
 50 m/min. Compute the tool life if the same
tool is used at a speed of 25% higher than
previous one. Also determine the value of
cutting speed if the tool is required to have
tool life of 3 hours. Assume n= 0.27

BDA 30502 Manufacturing


 A 10 mm hole is to be made in a 25 mm thick

metal. The drill rotates at 1200 RPM with fee
rate of 0.15 mm/rev. Calculate the time taken
in drilling the hole if the included angle is 118

BDA 3052 Manufacturing

In a machining operation that approximates orthogonal cutting, the
cutting tool has a rake angle = 20. The chip thickness before the cut
to = 0.80 mm and the chip thickness after the cut tc = 1.35 mm.
Calculate the shear plane angle and the shear strain in the operation.

to Fs
r  S  = tan( - ) + cot 
tc As

r cos   
tan     45  
1  r sin As 
t ow 2 2
sin 

BDA 30502 Manufacturing


 1) Determine time processing to

drill through hole
 2) Determine approach distance A in
peripheral milling process
 3) Determine time processing for face

BDA 30502 Manufacturing

Tool life

BDA 30502 Manufacturing


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