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I. When did Science began? According to Lee Pearly (1990).

conscious analysis of our way of thinking is the start
Science has had a profound impact on human
of science” it simply means that science start when
life and to the whole world, every living things and
we start using our minds by thinking and developing
non-living things in this world is part of the science
something unusual. Like the ancient Greeks, Chinese
even the galaxy has been conquered by science. But
and Mesopotamian they discovered that a plant can
what if is there is no science, they did not discover
be used as a paper and it is the papyrus. They
the fire, the water, electricity and many more did you
discover it by being familiar with the things living
see your life just like the human exist before 10000
around and they explore.
B.C.E creeping where ever they want and eating raw
meat, insects or just about whatever gets picked up The Therefore, I conclude that the ascertained and
somewhere and just die it’s just like living as if dead. inventions in ancient times, the 6th century to be
specific is can be classified as a product of science
Science is valued by society because the
because it is done utilizing observation out of
application of scientific knowledge helps to satisfy
curiosity. nonetheless, The Greek ancient who
basic human needs and improve living standards.
discovered papyrus, poppy seeds, also the use of a
Science is also part of our daily lives, from taking a
compass. The Greek ancients who recognized such
bath, transformation using phone and comprehending
things are not considered as a scientist but we can be
the daily whether report. The science’s greatest
called as philosophers but the science has begun in
contribution to this world is medicine over the years;
the 6th century when people started to take some
many lives have been saved by science.
actions about what is happening around them.
We all know that science is very important to
II. If science requires scientific method, can
our life but when is science begun? But before that
we consider all the previous body of
let’s we need to know first what really science is.
knowledge as science?
Science is come from the Latin word scientia which
means “knowledge or knowing”. The goal of science If science requires scientific method, then all of the
is to answer all types questions or events in this previous body of knowledge should have a scientific
world. Some other people believe that science is method for it to be considering as science.
begun when the human being exist in this world
Science, as define by the previous module, is a
because of a lot discoveries but in my opinion the
systematized body of knowledge based on facts and it
discoveries and science are difference, because
would only be considered as systematized if it
discovery is only recognizing something that already
follows the scientific method or process. It only
exists for the first time, that nobody has found before
means that a body of knowledge would only be
and not to explain why that things happen, just like
considered as science if it follows scientific process
the discovery of the fire they just discover fire but
that were mainly observations and raising of
they did not know how fire formed and they have no
questions, exploring of results, and creating of new
idea why when they scratched the stone it creates fire.
Science is the intellectual and practical activity
encompassing the systematic study of the structure Agriculture, on that time frame, became the stable
and behaviour of the physical and natural world source of food for the human beings.
through observation, experiment and collecting the For the agriculture to become stable as their source of
facts. Science is a knowledge covering general truths food, they need to be familiar with the seasons.
especially as obtained and tested through scientific
method. The definition itself of science stated If it is a body of knowledge can we considered it as a
systematic study which means is a pursuit of science? - No, because it doesn’t follows the
knowledge that is methodical: carried on by using scientific method.
step by step procedure that would be scientific Previous body of knowledge could pertain to the time
method. before the scientific method was invented; it only
means that all of the previous body of knowledge is
not a science because science requires scientific laws are about to describe and predict but
method. not to explain, what they did is they are just
describing. The example for this one is the
Which came first: Science or Technology?
discoveries of Greek philosophers, the
Technology is knowledge put into practical use to solve papyrus and poppy seeds.
problems or invent useful tools.Science and
Second one is, the empirical law confirmation about the theory
technology are complementary to each other. The
is direct because it is by means of observable terms
ancient humans developed technologies to survive in
and to be followed by the confirmation of the
earth through different raw materials and tools. They
theoretical term is indirect because it relies on
didn't understand the science behind those things. No
empirical laws derived from theory.
research was conducted.
However, having said that the empirical laws confirmations
Technology comes first before science since man first
are derived from is theory it doesn’t mean that theory
discovered tires, whether it be stone or wood were
comes first, it’s just a cycle, a theory will never grow
used by early civilization long before science was
up into law, though the development of one often
studied. The ancient human beings developed
triggers progress on the other.
imperfect tools like grinding stone, sticks, clubs,
stone knife, etc. Even though they lack scientificScientific knowledge begins with brilliant ideas., usually by
reasoning, they managed to apply scientific means of questioning and when it is answered, it is
knowledge like wedge, inclined plane, friction, etc to tested to be valid explanation to the observes natural
fabricate ancient tools. Therefore, technology came phenomena, and it is considered as a new knowledge
first. and it will be include in the existing body of scientific
III. What makes a scientific law a law? What
makes a scientific theory a theory? Which “What makes a scientific law, a law?”
came first, law or a theory?
Scientific Law:
The thing that makes scientific theory a theory is its ability to
> Is a statement based on repeated experimental observations
predict new empirical laws by theoretical postulates
that describes some phenomenon of nature.
combined with correspondence rules that join
theoretical and observational terms. > Tends to describes the natural phenomena

Similarities and differences of the scientific laws and Theory > Is a description of an observed phenomenon but it doesn’t
provide any explanation on why and how is happens.
Scientific Law
Now that we understand what scientific law is and scientific
Empirical Law .Statements expressing regularities.
theory then let’s finds out, which came first, law or a
Direct observations or observable. Explain facts
theory? If we based on foregoing information I will
already know. Predicts facts not yet known.
conclude that the law came first because of course
Similarities- Both Scientific. Both explains and predicts. being scientist you need to see or observe first the
phenomena to get an explanation, how do you
Scientific Theory
explain how phenomenon occur if you have not seen
Theoretical Law. Laws about entities like molecules, them or the phenomena first and if you don’t have
atoms, electromagnetic field and such. Non- basis then on which you will base study, it’s just like
observable. Helps explain empirical laws. Makes it solving the problem that you don’t know. Most of the
possible to predict new empirical laws scientist discover first the scientific law before the
scientific for example Isaac Newton of how he
 I stand for the law comes first, the reason(s)
discover gravity, Newton discovered the gravity
is that before, when they are no real scientist
while lying under an apple tree and thinking about
and scientific method, Ancients philosophers
the forces of nature, he observed an apple from
provided a descriptions of things but without
branch to the ground just because of this scenario he
explaining it. As the details shown before,
become curious about why apple fall to the ground, In addition, the way Kuhn discusses the
while observing and conducting experiment then he scientific revolution, that he believes as a
realized that some force must be acting on falling epistemological paradigm shift, also discusses how it
objects likes apples because otherwise they would not led to scientific progress. For Kuhn, scientific
start moving from. Newton called this force “gravity” progress falls into phases as follows:
and determined that gravitational forces exist
The pre-paradigmatic stage or the emergence of
between all objects, based on this scenario the
paradigm or a standard perception within a field
scientific law is that every time you drop an apple it
will fall to the ground and the theory is the Emergence of the normal science from the paradigm
explanation of why the apple falls to the ground, the through puzzle solving and such
cause falling apple is the gravity. Then, the emergence of anomalies and crisis because
IV. What enables paradigm shift? How could of insufficient explanation of the old paradigm
this result from the interaction of science Finally, Scientific Revolution or the occurrence of
and technology in society? paradigm shift because the old paradigm was
Paradigm is a universally accepted specific replaced by the new paradigm
theoretical orientation, worldviews, or standard And so on....
perception for scientific practice, within a field of
study. Once paradigm is established, through an Based on that scientific process or phases of science,
agreement of most scientist within that field, then retrieving the old paradigm even if it was already
those working within which, following the set replaced with a new one is not applicable. It is
standard, could now start with the puzzle-solving, because , as to the statement of Kuhn, old
collecting of data, making calculations and such, that measurements and manipulations (from the old
is what Kuhn calls “normal science.” paradigm) became irrelevant and were change by
others. Also, the new establish paradigm provides a
Also, according to Kuhn, normal science led to fruitful platform for future researches but not for the
the recognition of anomalies and to crises. Those past researches.
anomalies arise because some scientist that
researches about something, same with the other For a better understanding of paradigm shift, an
scientist within that field, with some of them that uses example is indicated below:
a more advanced material or technology, interpreted Around late 1600, scientist, specifically astronomers,
the research differently and, or, the results on their or viewed a certain celestial body as a star- the first
research cannot be explained by the same paradigm paradigm or theory 1.
or there’s a lack of explanation from the previous
paradigm. Those unexplained results or anomalies According to Kuhn, after several years, when
piled up that led to the crisis. From these arising Herschel studied that considered star, he have seen
anomalies that led to crisis, a new perception and that that, considered star, has an apparent disk-size
interpretation rose that, explains those anomalies, that is unusual for stars- the anomaly.
eventually led to an another paradigm, this is what After his discovery, Herschel says that he had seen a
Kuhn calls “paradigm shift.” new comet and continue to study it from a cometary
Paradigm shift is the transition or replication of orbit point of view- a new paradigm.
the old paradigm to a new and more acceptable But, several months of studying the orbit of what he
paradigm. One could say that that transition is a considered as a comet does not foot the cometary
paradigm shift, if an old paradigm was replaced by a orbit- anomaly arise.
new one, make possible because of the rise of
Lexell, then, suggested that the considered comet was
anomalies leading to crises that also rose because of
probably revolving on a planetary orbit, hence, it is a
seeing the familiar objects in a different light with, in
planet that what we called a Uranus now- new
a way, the use of a more advance technology for that
• When the suggestions of Lexell have already been Heliocentric Model, that has a different concept with
accepted, some more discoveries take place- Ptolemy’s Geocentric Model
paradigm shift occurs.
From the development of the lenses, toward the end
, How could this result from the interaction of science of Middle Ages, to the invention of first telescope,
and technology? Galileo have constructed his own telescope and make
improvements on it over the time.
There results of paradigm shifting would be fruitful
in the body of Science,technology and also in In Conclusion, paradigm shift’s consequences are
philosophy because this results is filtered by many science and technology. Those consequences stated
scientist and it is improved and developed in a more above shows the progress and change in science and
useful way, that any one of us can use in our future technology after it undergo a change in basic
studies but the disadvantage of this is that it is based concepts and experimental practices. Furthermore,
on the perceptions of the previous scientist, we all those changes in science and technology did a great
have different perception when it come in a certain improvement in the society and environment,
thing . Its hard to classify who Is saying the truth developing them more and did a significant change
behind of one question is a million ideas and it will for the better.
depend on you, if you will adapt an idea from others
2. In general, development of the country is strongly
or you will conduct your own study and contradict
connected with the growth of the development in
others .
science and technology. These tree words,
V. How did Science and Technology affected development, science and technology, always go
the society and environment? together and are very necessary for people and their
better living. We can say that our life depends on new
1. Another development in the Renaissance Period is
inventions and scientific creations. As science and
the progress of Science. Further researches, were
technology changes people life to a very great extent.
made, new discoveries, and improvement or changes
of past sciences to the sciences of this period. Alongside with many advantages, some people
Following are the examples of science progress: also consider science and technology to be harmful
for humans. The deal is that it is also used for some
- Observation of the natural satellite’s, or moon as we
destructive purposes. Scientifically created weapons
all knew, motion around the Jupiter by Galileo
like atom or hydrogen bombs are able to destroy the
- Scientific Method of Francis Bacon whole world in just few minutes. Some people also
From those discoveries and changes of science, think that it is not environmentally friendly to use all
it became a great help for the society in discovering the advantages of scientific progresses. People should
more of what is to discover and been a great help of just learn how to use everything in a proper way.
an improvement. In conclusion, it must be admitted that science
Those progresses in science and technology and technologies can lead human civilization to
were possible because of paradigm shift. Paradigm perfection in living. At the same time, everything
Shift, define as a concept, in which a fundamental should be done in wise perspectives and to some
change in basic concept and experimental practices of extents, not to harm and destroy the world. Earth has
scientific discipline (from the lesson today). To fully sound for those, who listen.
understand the concept of paradigm shift that results VI. Can we say that Paradigm Shift depends
to science and technology, an example is presented on the scientific thinking of society? Or the
below: transformation of scientific thinking depends on
- The observation of Galileo of the motion of the the Paradigm Shift? Is it a product of necessity, or
natural satellites of Jupiter around it, supporting the a product of curiosity? How could this result to
Earth-Moon system in Copernican system. –This the manifestation of each premise?
discovery supports the claims of Copernicus from his
With the figure or illustration above we could say the World War II as a response to the atrocities, and
that Paradigm Shift depends on the Society with the Code of Ethics of the Australian Chemical Institute,
following premises: concerns with the proper conduct toward the clients,
employers and the general public. Now, in
- Paradigm Shift is the changed in worldview as the
determining whether a science is right or wrong, the
old theory was replaced by another theory.
ground or guide that would be used is the formulated
- The worldview came from the Society. ethical code. But, in having this ethical code, it must
- That worldview from the society is the collection of be assured that it is under constant review and
selected theories, laws, ideas, and such. processes of updating it as science changes and new
ethical problem may appear.
- From that worldview, it also encompasses those
anomalies and crises that are needed for Paradigm In conclusion, in establishing whether a science is
Shift to happen. right or wrong an ethical code must be made, to
where the ethical issues arise, and because science is
- With those anomalies present in the worldview from constantly changing, the formulated ethical code
the Society, the necessity to solve or do something must also be under constant review and processes of
about those anomalies would now enter the picture. updating it.
- That necessity is what enables Paradigm Shift to 2. The Tuskegee project considers as unethical
happen from the Society. human experiment experimentation, this is the human
With those indicated premises above it only explains experimentation that violates the principles of
that Paradigm Shift depends on Society that came up medical ethics. Such practices have included denying
with the worldview that encompasses those collection patients the right to informed consent, using
of selected theories, laws, ideas, as well as anomalies pseudoscientific frameworks such as race science,
and crises that let the necessity to solve those and torturing people under the guise of research. Nazi
anomalies in the picture, enabling Paradigm Shift to Germany performed human experimentation on large
happen from the Society. numbers of prisoners (including children), largely
Jews from across Europe, but also Romani, Sinti,
VII. What makes science good or bad? ethnic Poles, Soviet POWs, homosexuals and
1. At the start of the chapter ‘The Rights and Wrongs of disabled Germans. Prisoners were forced into
Science’, it states that Science had a bad press for participating; they did not willingly volunteer and no
the past decades. It is because more and more consent was given for the procedures. Typically, the
scientists have been accused of behaving badly as experiments resulted in death, trauma, illness,
they have been mistreating their human or animal shortening of life, disfigurement, or permanent
subjects and falsifying their findings. Because of disability, and as such are considered as examples of
this, some of those works have been questionable medical torture since the participants had to endure
whether it can be called science at all. But, how mass amounts of pain. Over three-fourths of the
would someone be able to determine if a science or subjects eventually died from complications of
sciences is good or bad, or if it is right or wrong? syphilis. Many of those who survived became blind
Lastly, explanations about ethical codes of and crippled. The experiment was conducted without
science were the discussed in the latter part of the the benefit of patients' informed consent. Some of
chapter. It first discourse that scientist and some scientist commits a mistake or crimes for the success
people have been aware of the problems with the of their scientific study and inventions. Not only
ethics of science but what should be done about it human has experienced the unethical experiment,
was asked and using the consciences of the people also the animals but unlike to the human, animals
will not work, the reason why an Ethical Code was they cannot defend themselves from scientific
formulated to spell out what was acceptable and experiment and they have no idea what is experiment.
unacceptable conduct in science. Some of these The harm that the experiment will cause is the result
ethical codes are The Nuremberg Code, created after of multiplying together: the moral value of an
experimental animal, the number of animals suffering
in the experiment and the negative value of the harm Studying the History of Science and
done to each animal. The harmful use of animals in Technology in the Philippines gave fruitful
experiments is not only cruel but also often information on how does science and technology
ineffective. Animals do not get many of the human develop in Philippines, what makes it possible, and
diseases that people do, such as major types of heart how did it prosper in a long period of time. But,
disease, many types of cancer, HIV, Parkinson's taking a look again to the development that happened
disease, or schizophrenia. Some of the scientist did to the science and technology in the Philippines, it
not care how their experiments affect to the human or only shows that it only develop by means of
animals, what matters are their science experiment surviving and the adaptation from the colonization of
and inventions. Spaniards and Americans and did not even undergo a
development because of Paradigm Shift. The
Scientific ethics calls for honesty and integrity
development of science and technology from those
in all stages of scientific practice, from reporting
reasons is not sufficient to say that Philippines had
results regardless to properly attributing
also undergone Paradigm Shift. Paradigm Shift as a
collaborators. This system of ethics guides the
concept, in which a fundamental change in basic
practice of science, from data collection to
concept and experimental practices of scientific
publication and beyond. As in other professions, the
discipline, with this as a restriction to say that a
scientific ethic is deeply integrated into the way
situation had gone through Paradigm Shift, it became
scientists work, and they are aware that the reliability
a very evident guide to conclude that paradigm shift
of their work and scientific knowledge in general
did not happen in the Philippines. In order to
depends upon adhering to that ethic. Many of the
understand this clearly, examples were indicated
ethical principles in science relate to the production
of unbiased scientific knowledge, which is critical
when others try to build upon or extend research In the Pre-colonial Period, the science and technology
findings. The open publication of data, peer review, of the Philippines is only for the means of their
replication, and collaboration required by the survival that time. They were not able to establish
scientific ethic all help to keep science moving some of their technologies because it did not even
forward by validating research findings and surpass the one with those who surrounds them.
confirming or raising questions about results.
When the Spaniards came to the Philippines and took
Some of cases show the consequences of using over the place, those developments in the country as
science and how the scientist deal to use of science. well as in the science and technology became
The human decides whether the science is bad or possible because of what the Spaniards brought with
good, if it is has positive effect to them they view it them. In short, they only replicated those and adapt to
as good but if it negative effects them, they will the newly modernized environment.
regard a science invention or scientific thinking as
It goes the same to when the Americans came into the
bad. As we observed of some cases that have been
mention the science becomes bad and good its
dependent on how human used it and how does Then, when the country already had its independence,
science affect the society and environment, the they only pushed thru the concern and support for the
example of this is the case of the Tuskegee project, development of science and technology.
the intention of human experiment is good but the In Conclusion, Science and Technology in the
human experiment become unethical because the way Philippines undergoes development through survival,
of conducting experiment. The scientist violates adaptation, and some other factors. But, those
human rights, prisoners or human subject were forced developments did not happen because Paradigm Shift
into participating; they did not willingly volunteer had gone through the country.
and no consent was given for the procedures.
A. Did Paradigm Shift also happen in the
Philippines? If yes, how? If no, why?

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