Architectural Engineering As A Profession Report o

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ISSN 1392-3730 print/ISSN 1822-3605 online

2013 Volume 19(5): 738748




Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Saulėtekio al 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
Received 12 Feb. 2013; accepted 25 Apr. 2013

Abstract. Modern design practice, where an architect works with engineers in a large team, lacks optimisation.
Improvement of collaboration between the professions of architecture (A) and structural engineering (SE) would
result in more efficient structures. Collaboration can be improved by professionals who have training and/or
experience in both professions. The fact is proved by the professionals that either were separately trained in each
field, or had integrated training in both fields, or successfully practised on the borderline between A and E. The
concept of architectural engineering (AE) appeared in the late nineteenth century, and the profession has
increasingly been developing from that time on. The Aim of the research is to develop a competence model (CM)
for an AE professional, and scientifically substantiate the subject matter of the undergraduate AE programme. The
Scope of the study is the analysis of collaboration issues relating to the civil engineering (CE) and A professions,
studies on the development of CM, and development of the study programme curriculum. The authors developed a
CM for an AE professional containing essential competences and courses of the curriculum for training of the
modern professional proficient in the development of architectural and structural design projects.
Keywords: architectural engineering; competence model; architecture; structural engineering; interdisciplinary
undergraduate study programme.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Parasonis, J.; Jodko, A. 2013. Architectural engineering as a
profession: report on research leading to a curriculum revision, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 19(5):

Introduction (attitude, personal characteristics, features). The

competences presented in this study include common
Modern practice of building construction has under-
and professional sub-competences. Competences are
gone significant changes in terms of design and delivery
of construction projects. Structures contain a large acquired within a family, at education institutions of
number of specific and complex architectural and all levels, and throughout a professional career. This
engineering  structural, technological  solutions. research focuses on competences and professional
Structure and function are inseparable parts of the skills in the form of theoretical knowledge and
building design. Therefore, design and construction of practical experience. As employers are usually search-
structures has to be undertaken by professionals who ing for specialists with specific skills, certain practical
possess knowledge and experience in both fields, that is skills are essential (e.g. ability to work with specific
architecture and engineering. The benefit of interdisci- software). To some extent, graduates of different
plinary programmes can be substantiated by the schools have different skill sets and this is a valuable
following aspects: interdisciplinary CE programmes factor giving some distinction to each individual
majoring in A, double degree programmes in A and school. However, in the process of module develop-
E (SE) programmes; and programmess of interdiscipli- ment, the aim of study programmes is to provide
narity presented by building sciences and a number of graduates with a particular skill set in order to meet
other sciences. the needs and requirements of a particular profession.
Competence may be synonymous with certain All professions have similar common competences,
skills and knowledge required for success in a cetain which ensure the demand of graduates on the labour
profession. All professions are composites of knowl- market. These common competences form the basis
edge, skills (experience, ability, capability), and behaviour for professional competences. Until now, there has

Corresponding author: Josifas Parasonis


738 Copyright ª 2013 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2013, 19(5): 738748 739

been no research either on the Competence Model (CM) (RBs) (1) on CMs and methodology for their devel-
for an AE professional, or the methodology of its opment [57 RBs (the 1st group of RBs)], and (2) on
development. A substantiated CM is essential for devel- the subject matter, aims of the professions, their
opment of necessary educational modules and courses. essential skills and knowledge, study programme
The draft of the undergraduate AE study pro- disciplines, and regulations [18 RBs (the 2nd group
gramme presents both conceptual and actual devel- of RBs)]. Up to now, there has been no common
opment, a new teaching and learning framework to solution for a universal CM structure that could
meet the curriculum design challenges, and complies sufficiently present competencies of various profes-
with the Regulations. sions. The structure and subject matter of CMs are
presented in Tables 1 and 2, and Figure 1 of this study,
based on the analysis of the 1st group of RBs. Next, the
analysis of the 2nd group of RBs was undertaken in
Comparative analysis was undertaken for evaluation order to develop the subject matter of the CM for an AE
of AE study programmes. The CM was developed professional. Cluster, data, content, case study analysis,
following the analysis of relevant reference books text analytics, action research methods and personal

Table 1. Analysis of essential competences of Architecture and Technology (denoted in the

Table as ‘Arch’ and ‘Tech’) sciences

Note: Columns: 113. Number of the RB containing A or Technology related CM (presented below);
14. Science branch of the RB presented below; 15. Competence; 16. Number of times the competence
was mentioned in the RB. Following is the list of RBs (presented in Columns 113) containing
Architecture CM: AACA (2003), AACA (2012), ARB (2012), AIA (2006), Career-Banding for
Employees (2008), Council for the Built Environment (2011), Dresden University of Applied Sciences
(2012), Florida Agricultural and Technical University (2007), RIAI (2009), University of Sydney
(2012), UNC Charlotte Course Catalogs (20122013), Virginia Jobs (2012), University of Copenhagen
(2012). Following is the list of RBs (presented in Columns 113) containing Technology CM: Career-
Banding for Employees (2008), Goel (2006), ASCE (2008), Council for the Built Environment (2011),
Steghuis et al. (2005), Uhlenbrook and de Jong (2012).
740 J. Parasonis, A. Jodko Architectural engineering as a profession . . .

Table 2. Correlation of the proposed AE programme curriculum with the proposed CM for an
AE professional

experience were elaborated during the study. Following 1. Collaboration between architecture and engineering
acronyms are used in the article: architecture (A),
No separation between the fields of Architecture (A)
structural engineering (SE), architectural engineering and Engineering (E) existed until the mid-eighteenth
(AE), competence model (CM), civil engineering (CE), century, which emerged with establishment of engi-
reference books (RBs), Vilnius Gediminas Technical neering schools. Since then, the relationship between
University (VGTU), university (U). these two professions has evolved from their complete
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2013, 19(5): 738748 741

Fig. 1. Number of CMs that mention particular competences. Essential competences/competence groups (X-axis); number of
times mentioned (Y-axis)

separation in the nineteenth century to the intense Both professions have a number of things in common,
collaboration of today (Larena 2006). Interaction and a number of common courses in their study
between the professions can be characterised by three programmes. In some designs, the structure of a
forms: separate activity, interpenetration of both building is the main aesthetical accent, often termed
fields, and close collaboration. ‘structural art’.
During the entire process of building project There are architects who have good capacities in
development, an architect seems to be in a position structural engineering and engineers who have good
similar to an orchestra conductor and composer. In knowledge of architecture. There have been or are
times of urgency and war, engineering becomes pre- professionals that graduated from one, both, or
dominant; while in times of peace, plenty, luxury, and integrated programmes (Dieste, Nervi, Candela, Isler,
affluence architecture comes to the fore (Saint 2008). Fuller, Le Ricolais, Otto and others [the authors have
As generic knowledge in engineering (E) is not identified more than 40 prominent professionals in
sufficient for architects to undertake structural calcu- this category]), who acted or are still acting both as
lations, the expertise of engineers becomes indispen- architect and engineer, ignoring professional demarca-
sable. Even an annual course on building structures is tions and blurring the professional borders. In the
insufficient for an architect to design the structure of collaboration and search for a successful design, the
even a small building. If architects were to work disciplines have actually merged into one another.
without engineers, erroneous and unsound results Both professionals are essential for modern
could follow. Furthermore, engineers make a consid- construction projects. All possible factors  functional
erable input into modern construction in terms of needs of clients, regulatory impacts, technological
finance and technology. As buildings become more advances, the use of new materials, innovations in
complex, the technical part of the design has devolved methods and techniques, computerisation of design
more and more upon the multidiscipline engineers and construction and and so on  promote a more
(Urban Realm 2011). Even if architectural solutions intense dialogue and collaboration to bring the two
suggested by engineers were ‘utilitarian and/or ugly’, professions closer together. An architect and an
people would still live in durable, safe and healthy engineer need each other in order to develop some-
buildings. thing that neither could produce alone. The necessity
Over the period of 200 years, construction of intense collaboration is proved by: (1) development
professionals, differing only in title and performing of the fields, its meaning, perception, and practice;
the same services, eventually began to perform differ- (2) training, practice issues, and current trends of
ent services in the same project (Saint 2008). Services A, E, and architectural engineering (AE); (3) differ-
of engineers and architects participating in projects ences in the training and practice of A and structural
ranged from ‘minimal architectural advice whatso- engineering (SE) (Jodko 2012); (4) presence of the
ever’, through to ‘architect as an artist’ with the interdisciplinary CE study programmes majoring in
engineer as a helpmate or servant (Holgate 1992). A, and double degree in A & civil engineering (CE) or
742 J. Parasonis, A. Jodko Architectural engineering as a profession . . .

A & SE study programmes; (5) pro arguments for the AE study programme is to provide graduates with
meaningfulness of interdisciplinary study are pre- knowledge, skills and experience to perform both
sented by various sciences, fields of human activity architectural and structural design of the project.
and the construction science itself. The perception of AE by the authors is based on
Similar to the mediaeval master builder role, it is a comparative analysis of the subject matter of the
proposed that architectural and structural engineering undergraduate AE programme (Jodko, Parasonis
responsibilities should no longer be strictly separated, 2012), and analysis of AE training and practice issues.
but rather collaboratively integrated (Herr et al. 2012). The analysis presents a comparison of 33 AE under-
The division between the A and E that took place in graduate study programmes considering a number of
the nineteenth century has proved to be wrong for the aspects. Block C (specialisation courses or the adja-
design and construction process. The lack of intense cent study branch courses of the study programme)
collaboration hinders the development of advanced courses in the analysis were divided into A and E
structural and technological construction projects. courses. Results of the analysis show that the VGTU
AE study programme is among the programmes that
2. Architectural engineering have the greatest balance of A and E course relative
Architectural engineering (AE) is a profession that credit values in block C. There are only 7 AE
focuses on close interaction between architecture (A) programmes in the world that have a bias of up to
and engineering (E) throughout the building develop- 5% into either side. Following are the universities and
ment process. Failure to ensure intense collaboration their relative credit values for architectural courses:
between the professions and resolve tasks in an North Carolina University (U)  45.95; Chung-Ang U 
integrated way may result in a danger that a number 46.15; VGTU  47.14; Hanyang U  47.37; Penn
of tools would remain unused. The design of a State U  50.00; Drexel U  52.34; Oklahoma State
structure is an output of architectural tasks, the U  54.93.
structural system of a building, selection and calcula-
tions of the structural model, its engineering systems, 3. Competence model
technical and economic efficiency. The essence of
architectural and engineering design is the search for Development of the architectural engineering (AE)
an optimal structural solution based on architectural study programme and curriculum design at VGTU in
function (and aesthetics). The training of AE profes- 2000 was based on the analysis of subject matter of the
sionals (as they are perceived by the authors of this undergraduate architecture (A) and civil engineering
paper) helps to diminish the increasing gap between A (CE) [structural engineering (SE)] study programmes
and E, and guarantees better quality of construction of that time. The study programme was empirically
projects. An AE professional, both an architect and updated a number of times. The further research is
engineer, is obliged to act as the leader of a project aimed at revision of the VGTU undergraduate AE
team due to the greatest possessed knowledge neces- study programme. In order to develop scientifically
sary to perceive and produce architectural and en- substantiated subject matter for the study programme,
gineering design. a competence model (CM) had to be developed for an
Today, there are more than 60 AE university AE professional, comprising the essential knowledge
study programmes of various degree combinations and skills of an architect and structural engineer. In
around the world. The undergraduate AE study order to develop the CM, in addition to personal
programme at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University experience, an analysis was made of a number of
(VGTU) was established in 2000. Training of AE reference books (RBs) on CM structure and subject
professionals in Lithuania is based on National matter of various science branches; study cycle
Regulations (Common Requirements for the Educa- description (Descriptor of Study Cycles 2011); studies
tional Field of Technological Science 2005), and aims and regulations on the essential competences of and
to retain sufficient balance and close collaboration services provided by an architect and structural
between the fields of architecture and structural engineer; differences in the training and practice of
engineering in the study programme. A and SE (Jodko 2012); needs of the professions.
The A study programme emphasises design and
artistic approach with support from E knowledge,
3.1. Structure of the competence model
concentrates on the functional/spatial layout and
aesthetical aspects of buildings. The AE study pro- Data from 57 reference books (RBs) on the compe-
gramme contains E instruction and orientation, tence models (CMs) of 8 sciences or types were
emphasises E systems and aspects of the building analysed, including: Technology (13 RBs), Architec-
design and the construction process. The study ture (13 RBs), Sociology (7 RBs), Humanities (2 RBs),
programme combines scientific and pragmatic aspects Biomedicine (1 RBs) science branch competence
and is based on a calculated approach. The aim of the models, methodologies on CM development (10 RBs),
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2013, 19(5): 738748 743

graduate competences (8 RBs), employee competences In some cases, competences depicted in Figure 1
(2 RBs). and Table 2 are generic competences (e.g. personal,
The RBs reveal different structure of the CMs, communication  information, etc.), in other cases 
quantity of competences and sub-competences. sub-competences (e.g. management, professional prac-
There are 11 CMs that present 2 to 4 competences tice, etc.), and yet other cases  skills or knowledge of
with 7 to 41 sub-competences. There are 46 CMs a particular competence (e.g. architectural drawing,
with 3 to 38 competences without further division. information technology (IT) literacy, etc.) of a
Among the above mentioned 46 CMs, there are proposed CM.
18 with 3 to 4 competences containing 3 or more Skills and knowledge included in the CM were
concepts explaining the competence. Other 28 CMs collected mostly from the 2nd group of RBs. These RBs
present 3 to 38 competences without further descrip- discuss the desired skill set for architects and structural
tion. For instance, architecture CMs contain 3 to engineers, and issues related to the training and practice
12 competences and one CM contains 2 competences of the professions. RBs include: several articles focusing
and 11 sub-competences; there are two Technology on the competences of the architect (Oklahoma State
science CMs containing 3 and 4 competences with University 2010; AIA 2011; Architectural Engineering
sub-competences, and other CMs contain 4 to 2013; North Carolina State University 2013), IT
16 competences. architect (Cutolo 2009), engineer (Uttarakhand Board
Various competences found in other researches of Technical Education 2009), structural engineer
are included in the competences of the CM proposed (Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscien-
in this study [presented below in the chapter 3.2.]. In tists of British Columbia 2011; Graduate Structural
the proposed CM, competences (Fig. 1) No. 1, 6, 14 Engineer Responsibilities and Duties 2012), and archi-
and 20 are included into the 1st competence; tectural engineer (California Polytechnic State Univer-
competences No. 3 and 13 are included in the 2nd sity 2012; Missouri University of Science and
competence; competences No. 2 and 15 are included Technology 2012; North Carolina State University
in the 3rd competence; competences No. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 2013). Other studies focus on architectural practice
10, 11, 16, 17, 18 and 19 are included in the 4th issues (Prince-Ramus 2009; Friedman 2010), the history
competence; and competence No. 12 is included in of architecture (Bransford et al. 2000), engineering
the 5th competency. Competencies that were men- practice issues, engineering education (Mitcham 2009;
tioned only in a few RBs were added to other Fries et al. 2010; Rangel, Gabriel 2010), and the
related competences forming competence groups collaboration between architects and engineers (Char-
separately recognisable by slashes between the con- leson, Pirie 2009). All of the above-mentioned studies
cepts. Figure 1 presents 21 competences/competence also present the common competences of an architec-
groups. tural engineering (AE) professional.
As the research is focused on an interdisciplinary The competence model (CM) of an AE profes-
AE study programme, CMs related to A and Technol- sional proposed by the authors contains 5 compe-
ogy (Tech) sciences were analysed, and the compe- tences (personal, sociallegal, communication
tences mentioned in them were presented in Table 1. information, professional activity, and research com-
Twenty-seven overall competences [14 of them in A petences) and 20 sub-competences (Table 2). The CM
competence models (CMs)] were identified, and includes: professional sub-competences of an AE
the same 11 competences were mentioned in CMs of professional; common sub-competences inherent to
both A and Tech sciences. The competences were members of all building professions; basic and
mentioned in CMs from 1 to 13 times. generic (contrary to professional) sub-competences
depicting knowledge and skills common to all indivi-
duals. The subject matter of chapters ‘A’ and ‘SE’
3.2. Competence model for the architectural engineering
represents separate particular competences of both
Once the 1st group of reference books (RBs) was All competences, except for the Professional
analysed, authors of the study developed the compe- Activity, represent both Generic and Common/ Pro-
tency model (CM) for the architectural engineering fessional sub-competences. Except for the Project
(AE) professional. Due to the fact that various Development, Planning, Analysis, and Design sub-
researchers mentioned similar competences as essen- competences representing separate competences for
tial, these competences were included in the proposed both professions; the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th compe-
CM. These CMs influenced the structure, and labels tences represent skills and knowledge essential to both
of the competences and sub-competences. The pro- (A and SE) professions. First three competences can
posed CM for an AE professional complies with the be used by any building profession in the relevant CM.
requirements, specific skills and knowledge listed in The fact that the grouping of knowledge and skills in
the study cycle description. the competences is provisory should be kept in mind,
744 J. Parasonis, A. Jodko Architectural engineering as a profession . . .

because a number of skills and areas of knowledge can project documentation. Visual presentation, CAD,
belong to one or another competence. BIM. Creative imagination; depict ideas, conceptual
The following is the proposed CM. diagrams in drawings and reports; principles of techni-
cal plans, and scale model production; design techni-
1. Personal competence: ques, tools (using e.g. Auto Cad, SketchUp, STAAD,
Basic. Physical, mental and moral health; efficient Revit, etc.); video animation; testing, calculation soft-
completion of assignments; personal and professional ware; computer simulations of structures.
motivation. Self-development. Self-development, its
trends; evaluation of personal or joint activities; 4. Professional activity competence:
responsibility, autonomy, perseverance. Analytical Professional practice
skills. Working consistently at an abstract level; analy- Common: history of the profession, trends; dis-
tical approach, critical thinking; problem simulation, ciplines within a profession; sustainable professional
alternatives assessment, solution proposals; insight, the activities; professional ethics; determining specific
ability to see the ‘big picture’. Continuous Professional project issues at the time of the initial agreement.
Development (CPD): generic: planning, commitment Specialisation. Expertise/focus on a particular profes-
to and participation in continuous professional educa- sional area (e.g. architecture, engineering, construc-
tion; technical and non-technical skills development tion, facility management, models, simulations, and
throughout the career. Professional. A. & SE. Fulfil training), for further practice/research.
CPD requirements in countries where they are speci- Technical knowledge
fied; attend conferences on various profession-related A & SE. Mathematics, mechanics, applied and
subjects. engineering sciences; system components; building
construction, and maintenance tools and equipment;
2. Sociallegal competence: production of various goods, and services.
Social Project analysis, development, planning, and design
Common. Evolution and trends of nature, so- A & SE. Design and renovation; design climates;
ciety, business environment; non-professional sustain- consider requirements for function, strength, form,
able intercultural and interdisciplinary areas economy, budget restraints, resources, environment,
(academic, recreational, creative); preservation of technology; site analysis, geotechnical issues, provi-
national culture. Teamwork. Methods, organisation sional structures; feasibility, building performance
of, participation in governmental organisations, inter- optimisation: energy auditing, advanced computa-
disciplinary activities; teamwork climate/morale; con- tional modelling; specifications of equipment, con-
flicting parties reconciliation; consideration of the struction, and maintenance of structures.
environmental effects of activities. A. Architectural design, programming/planning
Legal and development; creative imagination, and psychol-
Generic. Human rights, laws, governmental reg- ogy; determine the client needs; evaluate, translate
ulations; strategies for the protection of people, data. building requirements and design solutions proposed
Professional. A & SE. Industry, governmental and by consulting design professionals. SE. Design struc-
public contracts on project-related matters; work in tural components and systems; ability to design these
compliance with all health, safety, and legal codes and for different materials; develop and interpret shop
regulations; analysis of regulations. fabrication documents; perform, evaluate, organise,
review, and ensure accuracy and completeness in all
3. Communicationinformation competence: structural design calculations; dynamic effects evalua-
Communication tion; assess extreme loads; develop structural design
Generic. Knowledge of native and foreign lan- standards for projects; structural material specifications
guage; business writing; comprehension of informa- and recommendations; prepare demolition documents.
tion presented; public speaking; mastery of Construction materials and techniques
negotiation. Professional. Professional language; pro- A & SE. Knowledge of substructure to super-
vision of information to public bodies, clients, structure construction techniques and equipment,
co-workers; persuasively articulated services, technol- maintenance operations; manufacturing processes,
ogies, and their business value to customers; preparing their properties, laboratory/field testing, and costs of
documents and explaining projects. construction materials.
Information Inspection
Generic. Documentation, communication tools, A & SE. Inspection and review of construction
computer hardware and software; develop new progress and structural design; common defects,
programmes for special purposes. Professional. A & alterations and remedial works; shop drawings and
SE: documentation. Contract documents, reporting, other submittals review for conformance with contract
business letters, work-related documents, technical documents.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2013, 19(5): 738748 745

Management oped by building sciences; knowledge of state

Generic. management, leadership experience, of the art technologies, and construction
business strategy, and consulting; marketing, produc- investment process development;
tion methods, coordination, modelling, and resource  theoretical knowledge and experience to apply
allocation; control the level of productivity and the knowledge substantiating efficient archi-
success; Team management. Team building (also dur- tectural and structural solutions, and applying
ing the activity) and supervision; motivating, planning innovative IT tools and methods;
and coordinating the activities of people; time man-  theoretical knowledge and experience to co-
agement, keeping the project within budget and on ordinate design development of all building
schedule; identifying the best people for the job. systems, work in construction industry, over-
Professional. A & SE. Practice/facility/project/labour/ see the construction development, and per-
construction financial management, contract admin- form the project maintenance;
istration; review, analyse and evaluate bids, submitted  ability to become self-directed, independent
tenders, cost estimates, bills of quantities for design, learners by the time of graduation, to update
materials; writing and managing contracts, procure- their professional knowledge;
ment processes.  apply in their practical activities achievements
Customer and personal service of science and technology, complying with the
Organising consumer and personal services; requirements of the construction industry
assessing customer needs and satisfaction, proposing profession;
solutions; sales ability.  personal, social, special skills in order to train
efficient professionals for design and construc-
5. Research competence: tion companies, governmental institutions;
Common. Conduct research, have a scientific ability to conduct and apply research.
investigative attitude; make hypotheses, simulate pro- Graduates of the programme practicing structural
cesses and events; submit articles to scientific journals engineering will be skilled to deal with architectural
and magazines, write books, and make conference issues, and those practicing architecture will be skilled
presentations; innovate in the selected research area; to deal with engineering issues. Training of such
identify, analyse, evaluate and objectively organise professionals presumes both the improvement of the
information and results. project quality, and the increase in the speed of project
As the programme includes the courses dedicated
4. Draft of the undergraduate architectural engineering to other building systems needed for the overall
study programme functional structure, graduates of the programme,
Considering the competence model (CM) for an after gaining some experience, would be capable of
architectural engineering (AE) professional presented leading a project team in a more professional manner
above, the draft of Vilnius Gediminas Technical Uni- rather than members of other building professions.
versity (VGTU) undergraduate AE programme was The following guiding principles were set for the
developed. According to Reglamentas the programme interdisciplinary programme development: (1) com-
belongs to the civil engineering science branch, and was prehensive coverage of both areas; (2) commonality of
developed in compliance with Reglamentas. This is not background; (3) analysis before synthesis. The follow-
exclusively an empirical study. Authors endeavour to ing contextual variables were kept in mind in the
implement interdisciplinary teaching of the two salient curriculum development: needs of the industry, chal-
lenge in the curriculum, goal achievement, and inter-
fields of the construction industry, and propose a
play of these concepts (Yeung et al. 2012). Authors
carefully formulated curriculum.
summarised valuable points of the programme to-be-
The aim of the programme is to provide gradu-
developed, and used them as a benchmark for working
ates with:
it out.
 fundamental attitude towards overall con-
struction investment process; ability to prove
the benefits of the design concept, conduct
feasibility studies based on the training in Most courses of the undergraduate engineering pro-
architectural and engineering disciplines; gramme of VGTU are stipulated by Descriptor of
 ability to integrate design of all building Study Cycles (2011); they are divided into block A
systems into the project; ability to commu- (General University), block B [courses of Technologi-
nicate with different professionals and society cal Science Branch (core of the study programme)],
in performing professional services; and block C (specialisation courses or the adjacent
 integrated knowledge of architecture (A) and study branch courses of the study programme).
civil engineering (CE (structural (SE) devel- Descriptor of Study Cycles (2011) prescribes a
746 J. Parasonis, A. Jodko Architectural engineering as a profession . . .

compulsory number of ECTS (European Credit Opinions of practicing employers and pro-
Transfer and Accumulation System) credits for each fessionals (professionals of this type rarely present
block courses: 15 for block A, 165 for block B and 65 their opinions in highly ranked scientific journals)
for block C. The programme is modularised, and would be valuable in regard to the skills of the
individual modules address the criteria of Common graduates, emphasising the skills that have been
requirements for the educational field of Technologi- poorly developed, and those that the graduates lack
cal Science (2005). Thus, the programme includes 56 completely. The great number of competences pre-
prescribed modules (7 in each semester) (linked into sented proves that a professional cannot acquire all
the course groups presented in Table 2), and several necessary skills at a university, and that lifelong
zero credit courses. learning is more of a necessity than an option.
In the process of programme development and An attained compliance of the proposed curri-
deciding on what to teach, authors listed courses culum with Reglamentas is presented in the study.
essential for the training of particular skills/knowledge The results can be of benefit for the development of
presented in competence model (CM) for an AE the interdisciplinary programme, and also for bridging
professional. Underlying factors when choosing the gap between the professions. However, the gap
courses of the proposed study programme were the would disappear if the training in both professions
analyses of: requirements of national regulations; was integrated.
skill-set defined by the CM for an AE professional; The appearance and development of architectur-
curricula of 33 undergraduate AE programmes cur- al engineering (AE) in the construction field has been
rently present around the globe (Jodko, Parasonis stimulated by the need to optimise construction
2012); curricula of 11 A and 11 CE undergraduate project development, and improve the sometimes-
programmes of five continents; relevant educational inefficient collaboration between an architect and a
objectives; needs of the professions; personal experi- structural engineer. The essential AE professional
skills and knowledge, which compose the proposed
Suggestions made by other authors (Mitcham
competence model (CM) presented in this paper, are
2009; Rangel, Gabriel 2010) in the studies on educa-
based on the analysis of the professional practice of
tion methodologies, curriculum design and assessment
architects and structural engineers, and on the analysis
were considered.
of the competence models for professionals in various
Considering national regulations, it was impor-
science branches.
tant to choose not only what is best to teach, but also
The literature analysis reveals that CMs of
in what order. When organising the courses in the
various science branches have many things in com-
curriculum, such factors as course duration, and such
mon (Fig. 1). The proposed CM for an AE pro-
aspects as concrete to abstract, whole to part, simple
fessional could be the foundation for development of
to complex, were considered. For instance, courses in
the programme are introduced starting from basic and AE undergraduate study programmes. In the process
generic and progressing to specialise (the reason why of programme development, the following things
basic speciality history and theory courses are being that have not been discussed in this research should
taught during the first year); several curriculum (e.g. be kept in mind: sequence of courses, duration
mathematics, architectural and structural design) and interaction of the courses, training methods,
courses are organised in complexity levels. and application of efficient competency evaluation
The results will help CM developers, academic
Discussion and conclusions and other researchers, to bridge the gap between
The research presents the first competence model essential skills and curriculum, as well as the gap
(CM) for the architectural engineering (AE) profes- between the professions, and will become a spring-
sional and courses necessary for training required board for improving AE CM. The proposed CM
competences. The proposed CM may serve as a tool presents the required skill set of an AE professional,
for defining the skills and knowledge of programme and serves as a foundation for the development of the
graduates, and as a tool for choosing the programme curriculum for an undergraduate AE study pro-
modules. The proposed CM suggests implementing a gramme. The CM presents succinct skill-set for an
broad variety of study courses considering their AE professional. This is due to the fact that curricu-
duration and the number of subjects. The structure lum of an undergraduate AE programme can contain
of the proposed CM could be used in CM develop- a limited quantity of courses, and not all skills of AE
ment for other professions. Only the subject matter of professional can be acquired at the university.
professional sub-competences and the subject matter The paper presented essential courses/course
of the 4th competence would differ depending on the groups of the proposed study programme curriculum
profession. for training in the competences linked with the CM.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2013, 19(5): 738748 747

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Josifas PARASONIS. Professor, Doctor Habil. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), Sauletekio al. 11,
Vilnius, Lithuania. PhD, Vilnius Civil Engineering Institute (VISI, now VGTU, 1973). Doctor Habil (technical
sciences, NIIZB, Moscow, 1992). Professor, VGTU (1994). Head of Department of Architectural Engineering.
Author of over 170 publications (research results and study guides). Research interests: reliability of structures and
buildings; energy efficient and resource saving buildings, architecture and engineering interaction.
Andrej JODKO. PhD student in Architectural Engineering at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. His principle
research interests have focused on the interaction of architecture and engineering and the functional construction of
buildings, as well as issues in architectural engineering education, which he has explored in his articles that have
been published in various Lithuanian architecture journals. Prior to his PhD studies, he worked at a number of
architecture firms in Lithuania.

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