Going Global 02 Worksheet: Virtual Library CIA World Factbook

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Going Global 02 Worksheet

Use this worksheet to note the information you find about your country. This will
help you complete your assessment.
1. 1. Choose a country of North America to research other than the United States.
View the map to help you choose.
Country Name: Bahamas
1. 2. Research your country. Helpful resources include the Virtual Library and the
CIA World Factbook Standard of Living Data
What is the number or rate for each of the following?

Total population  402,225

GDP per capita  30,762.01
Literacy rate  95.6%
Average life expectancy  75.7
Poverty rate  12.5%
 The crime rate in the Bahamas is around
Other data that interest you 40 per 100,000 and the murder rate is a
little over 4 per 100,000
Geography Influence
How has each of the following affected settlement, trade, and government in your

 miles of flat land, and sandy white

Land features
 The beaches which provides one of the
Water features most clearest waters in the world, and a lot
of beautiful coral reefs.
 Warm and cooled by trade winds.
Climate Temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees
 In the Atlantic Ocean, and south east of
the tip of Florida.
 Salt, aragonite, few crops, and seafood,
Natural resources
mainly spiny lobster.
 Tourism and financial services are the
Bahamas main industries.
1. 3. Compare the standard of living of the country you chose with that of the United
States. This should be written in a paragraph of at least three to five sentences.
2. 4. Examine the information you have gathered. Determine whether or not you
recommend this country for your family’s new home. Write down the reasons
you do or do not recommend it in at least three sentences.
3. 5. Create your recommendation to present to your family. You may choose the
format of your presentation. Suggestions include podcast, video, slideshow, and
article. Use what you wrote in this worksheet.
5. Hi family, it’s me, Madi. I know we are all talking about where we should move, and
I just want to let you know we should consider the Bahamas. The total
population of the Bahamas is much lower then the United States. The Bahamas
total population is 402,225 while the United States is 327.2 million! The
poverty rate is quite the same though. In the Bahamas it is 12.5% while in the
United States it is 12.3%. But the GDP per capita in the United Staes is way
higher then the Bahamas. Th Bahamas GDP per capita is 30,762.01 while the
United States is 59,531.66! This country would be great for our family because
the beaches are incredible with the white sand beaches to one of the most
clearest waters in the world! Also it has a ton of natural resources! For Example,
slat, aragonite, crops, and seafood, mainly spiny lobster. Also the climate in the
Bahamas are awesome! The Bahamas are usually warm and cooled by some
trade winds. The temperature is usually between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
It would also be super easy to transition form the United States to the Bahamas
because both of the official languages is English. So I believe the Bahamas is
the perfect country for use to move to.

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