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TPACK- Technological, Pedagogy, TPACK

Content and Knowledge was first

TPACK- TPACK stands for content, University
Pedagogy, and Technology with all by Punya
these combined can help educators Mishra and
find a perfect combination with
Matthew J.
technology when teaching lessons.

Parts of TPACK- The TPACK components contain:

TPK,TCK,TK,PCK,PK and CK. These components
will be used in classrooms when it comes time to
finding the appropriate technology to use during
How does the instructor These applications/technologies benefit the
students by interacting on what they have learned in
benefit from it? class on a different platform.
Instructors can benefit from using - Repetition on questions
TPACK, by understanding how to use - Knowing if students understand the knowledge
appropriate technology to teach - Making the lessons more fun
lessons in different ways.

What does this mean for the educational

TPACK impacts the educational experience in so many
ways like, students are more interactive when lessons
are teached, and they have more of a one on one
experience when learning with technology.
Tips for ensuring TPACK:
- Create a learning and sharing culture where
In Conclusion… there are opportunities for staff to develop
their technological skill.
TPACK is very important when it comes to - Run workshops organised as school but
run by colleagues or students who are
the educational setting, it sets up a
already at Mastery or better level, to
foundation for the instructor and student
further support their development.
when it comes to learning lessons and
figuring out the appropriate technology for
the lesson For more information about TPACK…
Check out this article!

This article talks about how TPACK originated

from and how it is used in today’s classroom. The
article also discusses each category and how it
benefits the educator and student’s knowledge.
Each circle (Technology, content, Pedagogy) is one
specific category and when they combine with
each other, different strategies are gained.
However, when all of them (TPACK) are used it is
called the “sweet spot” meaning all the senses of
learning are hit creating appropriate context.

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