Articulate For CSS 2022: Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar

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An initiative by CSSExamDesk.


Articulate for CSS 2022

April 2021 (Volume - 8)

Hot Topics inside —

1. Pakistan, RCEP and an integrating Asia
2. Pakistan position in the geo-strategic game
3. China versus India: Divergent Strategic Concepts
4. Islamophobia in Europe & EU’s legal framework
5. Covid-19 vaccine - Developed & developing nations
6. The 2021 Global Gender Gap Report & Pakistan
7. China-USA conflict : The military-industrial complex

8. The Inequality Quagmire — more fear & less hope

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar

Covid-19 vaccine - will have more control over the developing countries.
Developed & developing nations This will be a doomsday scenario for those countries
After a year of misery and distress inflicted by the that fail to vaccinate their population. On the other
devastating Covid-19 pandemic, countries around the hand, developed countries such as New Zealand,
globe are striving hard to get Covid-19 vaccines to Canada, the USA, and the UK are vaccinating their
curb the spread of this deadly pandemic, prevent population at a rapid pace. These countries have also
further casualties and revive economies. This is made placed a travel ban on the entry of immigrants from
possible by the introduction of a vaccine that has, the developing countries of the world. It all indicates
without any doubt, reduced the risk of transmission the beginning of a new world in which vaccine
of Covid-19. In fact, vaccinating the population is the nationalism will overturn globalization.
only way forward to restrict the spread of Covid-19. Vaccines should be public goods The world can
However, the phenomenon of vaccine nationalism never be a peaceful place without an equal and
has rung alarm bells for the developing nations of this justifiable supply and availability of the Covid-19
world, as the availability of vaccines remains vaccine. The countries that have the capacity to
questionable for these countries. produce vaccines are taking orders from the highest
According to a report published in Bloomberg bidder only. It means that poor nations have no
equality, the world’s wealthiest countries are getting chance to win an opportunity of getting doses of
vaccinated twenty-five times faster. Economies with Covid-19 vaccine for their population. This all
the highest incomes have 40% of the world’s requires serious introspection and the world
vaccinations, but just 11% of the global population. community must devise some strategy to address this
Rich nations are vaccinating one person every second growing concern of the developing nations. Parity in
while the majority of the poorest nations are yet to vaccine distribution is the only way forward.
give a single dose. Countries making up the Treating vaccines as public goods rather than
least-wealthy 11% have gotten just 1.6% of Covid-19 market commodities is the way to improve vaccine
vaccines administered so far, according to an analysis equity. This may involve scaling up existing
of data collected by the Bloomberg Vaccine Tracker. vaccination distribution programs, developing new
Developing countries in danger? The clouds of ones, and temporarily waiving vaccine patent
uncertainty loom over the developing countries as the protections. This is the time to act fast keeping in
availability of vaccines for the developing countries view the mutating nature of Covid-19, or the world
seems an insurmountable target. Just like other may encounter more lockdowns, more travel
diseases such as Polio, Malaria, and Dengue, restrictions, and more inequality among the
Covid-19 may survive for years to come and its developed and the developing nations. (Global
mutating character makes it the most lethal disease Village Space, 24 April 2021)
humans have ever confronted with. This is horrifying
considering the capacity of the developing nations to Islamophobia in Europe & EU’s legal framework
get rid of such pandemics. Having said that, Islamophobia is the negative representation of
developing countries are still fighting to deal with the irrational hostility, fear, or hatred of Islam, Muslims,
decades’ old viruses and without an immediate and Islamic culture, and active discrimination against
supply of the statCovid-19 vaccine, the future of these groups or individuals within them. Today,
many developing nations looks bleak. Islamophobia in Europe manifests itself through
Moreover, according to an estimate, at current individual attitudes and behaviours, and the policies
global vaccination rates, it will take 4.6 years to and practices of organizations and institutions. Many
achieve worldwide herd immunity against COVID-19. European states have a tendency to prefer the
This lengthy time gap will likely allow variants of the freedom of speech over religious freedom. Against
virus to develop and spread, potentially rendering this backdrop, Pakistan has justifiably asked the
current vaccines ineffective. It will increase European Union to deter Islamophobia through
inequality, poverty, and joblessness all over the globe. meaningful legislation. A horrendous rise of
It will also widen the chasm between the developed Islamophobia in Europe: According to the

and the developing countries. Not only this, but it March-2021 report published by the United Nations
will also decide trade and political relations among Rights Council (UNHCR), ’’suspicion,
the countries. It may also lead towards the formation discrimination and outright hatred towards Muslims
of a new world order in which developed countries has risen to epidemic proportions”. : Conversely to

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the urge of multiculturalism manifested in the the Muslim culture. The credo of the European
European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the Convention on Human Rights? The European
rise of Islmophobia in the West is evident of the fact Convention on Human Rights protects the right to
that Professor Samuel Huntington’s theory of hold religious or other beliefs People with a wide
civilizational clash holds leverage in Europe. Sadly, range of different faiths have brought cases to the
in a climate of rapidly expanding diversity in Europe, European Court of Human Rights Judgments from
Muslim minorities have been portrayed as the Strasbourg court have protected people’s right to
non-belonging and wanting to separate themselves practice their religion, and the right of organisations
from the rest of society. Government policies have to operate without government interference. At
failed to ensure equal rights for all, forcing European level, the Council of Europe swiftly
significant sections of Muslim minorities to face followed the United Nations in developing its
unemployment, poverty, and limited civic and protection of individuals’ right to freedom of religion
political participation, all of which aggravate and belief, set out in the 1950 European Convention
discrimination. There isn’t a single country in Europe on Human Rights, specifically Article 9, which grants
where Islamophobic attacks are not on the rise. freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and
France saw a 52% increase from 2017 to 2018; in Article 14, which prohibits discrimination based on,
Austria it was 74%. And in the same year, seven inter alia, religion and opinions. Article 9 – Freedom
pig’s heads were left threateningly around Dutch of thought, conscience and religion: 1. Everyone has
mosques. The current rise of Islamophobia in the right to freedom of thought, conscience and
Europe can be gauged by the 2017 EU Minorities and religion; this right includes freedom to change his
Discrimination Survey found that on average one in religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in
three Muslim respondents faced discrimination and community with others and in public or private, to
prejudice, and 27 percent experienced a racist crime. manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching,
Also, Islamophobia seriously impacts women in practice and observance. 2. Freedom to manifest
day to day life, as is highlighted in recent research by one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such
the European Network Against Racism. EU’s double limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary
standard approach on religious freedom: Undeniably, in a democratic society in the interests of public
for the last 70 years, the European community law safety, for the protection of public order, health or
(acquis communautaire) is much active about morals, or for the protection of the rights and
antisemitism, whereas, on 16 March 2021 in a freedoms of others.
conversation with the President of Central Council of EU’s legal framework on Xenophobia/
Jewish Communities in Finland, Yaron Nadbornik, Islamophobia? Objectively, the EU values are those
the European Commission Coordinator on of equality, freedom and respect for human rights.
Combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Freedom of religion and belief has significant
Katharina von Schnurbein, addressed the question of protections in the EU and under the international
safety and ways to safeguard Jewish life in Europe. legal framework. It is important to view the EU
Today, the European Union shows profound measures aimed at addressing racism and xenophobia
concern regarding the protection of the Jewish rights in the context of the broader EU legislative
(the Holocaust laws in the European community law) framework. Instruments aimed at supporting victims
— while at the same time demonstrating its callous of crime and antidiscrimination measures are of
disregard to the Islamic values or the fundamental particular relevance in this respect. These include
traditions of the Muslims– is a glaring example of the Directive 2012/29/EU 5 (Victims’ Support Directive)
European hypocrisy in terms of social equality, and the EU’s equality and anti-discrimination
harmony and justice guaranteed to the European legislation (e.g. Directive 2000/43/EC6 (the Racial
Muslim community by the European Convention on Equality Directive)). In 2018, the European
Human Rights. Yet hardly deniable is the fact that the Commission took the initiative to appoint a religious
EU should ever ignore the feelings of discomfiture coordinator on anti-Muslim hatred. This has been a
–of the Muslim community at large—regarding the key opportunity to re-assess this role and ensure the

blasphemous move against the Holy Prophet coordinator has a clear human rights based mandate
Muhammad (peace be upon him) as some extremist and meaningful resources to tackle racism and
European writers in Norway, Denmark, Netherlands discrimination against Muslim communities in
and France demonstrated their disdain for Islam and Europe, which have been lacking so far.

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Nevertheless, , the role of religion in the human International Convention on the Elimination of All
rights arena is sometimes perceived as challenging, Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) which
since some religious actors and some secular human outlaws dissemination of ideas of racial superiority,
rights actors may not see eye-to-eye in some areas. hate speech, and incitement to racial hatred. This
This existing ideological gap requires a congenial convention makes it obligatory for states to punish
balancing through novel legislation in the EU those responsible. And yet, both the Venice
parliament. Despite the commendable role played Commission and the Parliamentary Assembly of the
by numerous European organizations combating Council of Europe in 2007-2010 recommended
Islamophobia in Europe , particularly, Center for abolishing the offences of blasphemy and of insult to
Danish Muslim Relations, Denmark religious feelings, in view of Articles 10 (freedom of
(CEDAR);Collective against Islamophobia and expression) and 9 (freedom of thought, conscience
Discrimination, The Netherlands (CTID);Collective and religion) of the ECHR, which are also mirrored
against Islamophobia in Belgium (CCIB); and in Articles 11 and 10 of the EU Charter of
Collective against Islamophobia in France, France Fundamental Right, Article 20(2) of the ICCPR
(CCIF, the challenge to deter Islamophobia remains stipulates that ‘any advocacy of national, racial or
unaddressed because of the passive role of the religious hatred that constitutes incitement to
European institutions—the European Parliament, the discrimination, hostility or violence shall be
European Commission and European Council (the prohibited by law’.
intergovernmental and transnational hubs of the The Human Rights Committee (HRC) which
European law reforms). EU institutions, the European monitors the implementation of ICCPR, has produced
Parliament, the European Commission, the European voluminous jurisprudence on the interpretation of the
Council, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the rules of law relating to human rights and fundamental
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) all need to freedoms under the Covenant. It has endorsed the
adopt a mitigating approach on Blasphemy and judgment in Faurisson vs France that “restrictions
Islamophobia. The horizontal and transnational may be permitted on statements which are of a nature
application of the Blasphemy laws can be an as to raise or strengthen anti-Semitic feelings in order
instrumental measure in this regard. to uphold the Jewish communities’ right to be
Freedom of expression is not absolute: William protected from religious hatred. Such restrictions also
Shakespeare said, “Conversation should be pleasant derive support from principles reflected in Article
without scurrility, witty without affectation, free 20(2) of the Covenant…” The exercise of the right to
without indecency, learned without conceitedness, freedom of expression carries with it special duties
novel without falsehood.” Is the world going to be a and responsibilities…’’
better place if all speech or communication conforms In the early 2010s, the OIC began revising the
to this standard? Freedom of expression is a instrument and introduced the OIC Declaration on
fundamental international human right. It is Human Rights (ODHR) almost a decade later. The
intrinsically valuable and necessary for the healthy document was scheduled to be approved at the
functioning of democracy and civil society. Although organization’s Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM)
freedom of expression is fundamental, it is not meeting in April 2020. However, this was cancelled
absolute. Article 19 of the ICCPR allows for due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the
restrictions on freedom of expression that are ODHR better reflects principles rooted in
necessary to protect the rights or reputations of others, international human rights law, it falls short on issues
national security, public order, public health, or related to family values, freedom of speech, and
public morals. Any such restriction must be provided political participation. EU states versus Blasphemy
for by law and be proportionate. The literature on laws: A blasphemy law is a law prohibiting
freedom of expression as an international human blasphemy, where blasphemy is the act of insulting or
right tends to focus on cases and jurisprudence, with showing contempt or lack of reverence to a deity, or
some attention paid to the roles of international sacred things, or toward something considered sacred
human rights institutions. or inviolable. In 2019, the Parliamentary Assembly of

The past and the present Danish, Dutch and the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a resolution,
French crafted caricatures are patently an expression which declared that the Cairo Declaration and Sharia
of hate against the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Islam. in general are incompatible with the European
Intrinsically, these caricatures violate the Convention on Human Rights. In addition, the

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resolution asked three Council of Europe members policy is to defend democracy and freedom globally;
(Albania, Azerbaijan, and Turkey) — all a part of the and a vital element of Brussels’ external policy is to
OIC — to distance themselves from the Muslim promote its soft power approach–ensuring a more
world’s instrument. In the proceeding vote, Turkey peaceful and stable world without cultural ghettos. In
and Azerbaijan’s delegations rejected the resolution this context, the EU policymakers should take drastic
while Albania’s did not participate. In Western measures to curb Islamophobia in Europe. Pakistan’s
Europe, many countries retain blasphemy and related current demand that the European Union should
laws. While in some countries they are never criminalise Islamophobia seems highly justified since
enforced, there have been prosecutions in recent the European community law seeks a pragmatic
years in Austria, Finland, Germany, Greece, balance between the International Human Rights Law
Switzerland, and Turkey. States also criminalize and itself. The very adoption of the resolution (on the
blasphemous acts through the enforcement of other OIC recommendation ) by the UNGA in December,
criminal laws, such as apostasy laws, anti-conversion 2020 is a part of Pakistan’s diplomatic efforts inter
laws, incitement to religious hatred laws (also often alia for raising awareness about Islamophobia and
referred to as “hate speech” laws), anti-Semitism countering the defamation of sacred religious
laws, and even anti-witchcraft laws. Not counting personalities and symbols”. (Daily Times, April 23,
repealed laws, researchers identified 84 countries 2021)
across the globe with criminal blasphemy laws on the
books as of 2020.16. ‘’Islamophobia as a form of Pakistan position in the geo-strategic game
racism against Muslim people is not only manifested In the post-Cold war era, while the US emerged as
in the labor market, education, public sphere, global the only world’s only superpower, Russia had quickly
war against terrorism, or the global economy, but consolidated its position as a leading military power.
also in the epistemological battleground about the While China focused on economic development
definition of the priorities in the world today” based on reforms initiated in 1979 — it also started
(Grosfoguel and Mielants 2006). building economic and technological ties with the US
Obviously, Islamophobia is a poster child of the and the EU. Since 2001, the US has been fighting the
post-Cold War ideology to reorient a new Islamic global War on Terror in Afghanistan while also
threat posed to the western world and bring about a managing its military interventions in the civil war
renewed purpose and crafting of the European and conflicts in the Middle East. Meanwhile, China’s
American self. Islamophobia, or the threat of Islam is economic advancement has been gathering rapid pace.
a geopolitical ingredient postulated in “Clash of Hence, as of 2020, China was fast on it way to
Civilizations” thesis—affirming the Western becoming a global economic and technological hub,
self-identify in the post -Cold War era. second only to the US. Also, China has resolved its
What the EU needs to do? European democracies major border dispute with Russia and signed
have never needed a strong human rights institution agreements of strategic partnership and major oil and
more than now. At a time when the European parties gas pipelines deals with Moscow. China has also
using blatant islamophobic rhetoric have come to developed voluminous investment and trade relations
power in a number of EU member states, the Muslim with Japan, India, and South Korea. Since 2014,
world needs a clear signal from EU policy makers China has signed heavy infrastructure-related
that they are committed to ensuring equality and investment agreements with the CARs (Central Asian
inclusion for all members of European society. Given Republics), ASEAN (Association of South East
the exigencies entailed by the cultural, political, Asian Nations), South Asia, the Middle East, African
social and legal imperatives, it is incumbent upon the countries as well as Iran and Europe.
European Union to legally protect the rights and the In 2014, China inked the CPEC (China-Pakistan
religious sentiments of the Muslim community Economic Corridor) agreement with Pakistan, the
(which shares a major part in retranslating the cornerstone of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
European dream) beyond the rhetoric of any mega-project. Recently, China has vowed to build
geopolitical propaganda against the Muslims. close politico-economic relations with the Gulf

While religious freedom is the civilized world’s countries and recently signed a 25-year strategic
first freedom, it also is a core human right that partnership agreement of with Iran, involving the
international law and the European Treaty recognize; import of oil and gas and the construction of major
a necessary component of the European foreign infrastructure projects.

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From 2000-2020, whereas Russia had region, while the US has ignored it during talks with
strengthened its oil- and gas-supported economy, it the Taliban the world’s media condemned New
had also resisted EU and NATO eastward expansion, Delhi’s unilateral annexation of Occupied Kashmir in
including the tilt towards the CARs, and defended its August 2019 and the UNSC permanent members
interests in the Middle East, particularly in Syria asked India to resolve the Kashmir dispute with
through military intervention. Simultaneously, Russia Pakistan through talks. As President Biden has
has developed good relations with China, India, announced on September 11, 2021 as the final date
Pakistan and also with EU countries by signing gas for complete and unconditional US and NATO troop
pipeline construction deals with Germany and withdrawal, to facilitate this and retain American
Eastern European countries, as well as with Turkey influence in Afghanistan in the future — US
and Iran. While fighting in Afghanistan, whereas, the Secretary of State Blinken has spoken to COAS, Gen
US, in the initial years, praised Pakistan’s Qamar Javed Bajwa to seek Pakistan’s assistance.
performance as a non-NATO ally, later it repeatedly Russia’s foreign minister also visited Pakistan at the
asked the country to do more. Perceiving India as its beginning of April to strengthen bilateral ties despite
strategic ally for the 21st century to contain China’s India’s opposition. Also, based on China’s recent
rise, Washington welcomed India’s economic consolidation of relations with Saudi Arabia, the
investment in Afghanistan, which New Delhi UAE and Iran, and Biden’s decision to rejoin the
exploited to sponsor terrorism in Pakistan. 2015 Iran nuclear deal, Saudi Arabia and the UAE
To secure Indian support against China, the US are seeking to further strengthen their relations with
entered into the Indo-US Civil Nuclear Agreement, Pakistan. Indeed, the Saudi crown prince has already
which came into force in 2008. Later in 2010, came invited Prime Minister Imran Khan to visit Saudi
the broad spectrum strategic partnership pact. India Arabia and Pakistan-UAE foreign ministers have
also became a part of the US Indo-Pacific strategy recently met frequently. The above discussed
and was declared a close defence partner of the US. geopolitical and economic scenario, suggests that
When President Trump declared China an enemy Pakistan has the following foreign policy options to
country in 2020, India also joined the QUAD Group advance its relations with various countries without
(alongside the US, Japan and Australia), a potential any major constraints. Pakistan should endeavour to
anti-China military alliance. But, despite these make intra-Afghan dialogue a success to stabilise
agreements with the US, India has also maintained its Afghanistan and connect CPEC with the CARS.
strategic partnership with Russia as well as heavy While Pakistan should further cement its
trade relations with China. In the meantime, Pakistan CPEC-based strategic partnership with China, it
consolidated relations with China, Turkey, the Gulf should also build economic, technological and
countries, Iran, Russia and the CARs. In 2014, while defence relations with Russia. Pakistan should also
Pakistan signed the CPEC agreement with China, it advance its economic and defence ties with Turkey,
also signed a gas pipeline construction deal with Gulf countries, Iran, Egypt, CARs, SAARC countries,
Russia. Pakistan also continued to further strengthen Malaysia and Indonesia. At the same time, as the US
its economic and defence relations with the US and and EU need Pakistan for peace and future influence
EU powers. In 2020, Pakistan facilitated the in Afghanistan and the Muslim world, Islamabad
US-Taliban talks, to end the stalemated and long should also strengthen s economic and defence
Afghan war. This culminated in the US and the relations with these countries as well as Japan and
Taliban signing an agreement on February 20, 2020; South Korea. And, Pakistan should also be ready to
under which US troops would withdraw from develop good relations even with India, provided that
Afghanistan by 1 May 202, though this deadline has it reverse its policy in -held Kashmir and is willing to
since been pushed forward. Seeing the Taliban’s resolve the Kashmir dispute, through a dialogue with
resilience in fighting the war and their ability to Pakistan, based on the UNSC resolutions on Kashmir.
defeat ISIS — Iran, Pakistan, the CARs, Russia and (Daily Times, April 24, 2021)
China also accepted the group as major stakeholder
in Afghanistan and the broader region.

In view of Pakistan’s expertise and success in

fighting terrorism, Iran, the CARs and Russia have
also started strengthening their relations with
Pakistan. And due to India’s negative role in the

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China versus India: Divergent Strategic Concepts Long before, China had stopped considering India as
China and India got independence within one year of a competitor, lest a rival. China would overtake
each other. India managed to get what it wanted from United States as the world’s largest economy by 2028,
the outgoing British Empire, except one-third of well before the earlier estimates. China’s defense
Kashmir which was liberated by the locals with the spending has been steadily rising and in 2021 would
help of Pakistani Lashkars. On other hand, mainland cross over 200 billion USD, which is nearly 7% more
China was deprived of Macao, Hong Kong, and than the previous year. Most importantly, China’s
Taiwan. Moreover, India got Arunachal Pradesh also preparations are for the future challenges, because it
which is claimed by China. But where do they stand is not militarily occupied on any large front. China’s
after over seven decades since independence vis a vis venture in Ladakh with India is hardly considered a
each other in terms of stature, development, and military engagement in its larger canvass. India, on
prosperity. Reason: Divergent Strategic Concepts. the other hand, is permanently engaged with Pakistan
India adopted the strategy of confrontation with militarily along its 3320 km long border from
Pakistan to snatch that one-third part of Kashmir Siachen to Sir Creek. India must understand that it
which was not with India, concurrently denied the cannot cow down Pakistan in any sector in land
rights of self-determination to that two-third part of warfare, and in the air warfare, Indian Air Force is
Kashmir which it had occupied by force. For the aware of Pakistan Air Force’s professional mastery.
purpose, India had wars, conflicts, and crises with Limited vision of successive Indian leaders has cost
Pakistan, but could not achieve its stated objectives. India a legitimate leadership role in South Asia and
China, on the other hand, decided to wait for an Indian Ocean region. Soon after independence, India
opportune time to regain its lost territories through should have resolved its disputes with Pakistan and
peaceful rise. Today, Macao and Hong Kong are part concentrated on its development to challenge for
of China, under ‘One Country-Two Systems’ and it leadership role in the region. Instead of fighting wars
believes that one day Taiwan and Arunachal Pradesh with Pakistan, India should have challenged China’s
will also be part of mainland China, without going to rise. Now and in any foreseeable future, India can
war with any of its adversaries. only beat China in population figures. India does not
India’s strategy of confrontation with its five have much time now. If India wants to regain its lost
times smaller neighbour has pulled it down to the glory, it must resolve all its disputes with Pakistan,
status of a mediocre state, which had at one time including J&K, only then it will be able to
aspired to be a regional power with eyes on the status concentrate on its rise as a regional power.
of a global power in future. Indian Ocean was to be My idea of hybrid peace is perhaps more suited
its zone of influence and Pakistan would be to India than any other state in the region. However,
converted into a pliant state, as has been the case with my Indian friends take my quest for peace as a sign
Bangladesh and other smaller states in the South of weakness and therefore do not pay due attention to
Asian region. Shining India, and Rising India my advice. I have no issue with India continuing with
narratives developed some two decades ago are being the strategy of confrontation with Pakistan and
questioned by sane Indian elements because the remain a mediocre state and maintaining itself at a
hardline Hindutva philosophy adopted by India’s BJP level far below its true potential. However, I must say
government has pushed it back from a secular state to ‘Well Done China’ for following Sun Tzu’s dictum
a Hindu state. India spent billions of dollars in its of ‘winning the war without fighting.’ I must also say
hybrid over on Pakistan in last 15 years, as revealed ‘Well Played Pakistan for keeping India Engaged and
by European Union’s DisInfoLab through Indian giving a Free Hit to China.’ (Daily Times, April 26,
Chronicles. Today, India is vying for a meaningful 2021)
role in Afghanistan so that it can keep Pakistan
encircled and hence under pressure with the help of China-USA conflict and role of military-industrial
outgoing US and NATO. However, India is failing in complex
its efforts because Afghans understand that their President Trump came into power by championing
problem can best be solved by regional states and not the anti-China rhetoric. Trump administration

the extra-regional powers. launched a multifaceted war to squeeze and contain

China, despite disputes with its neighbouring China. They used all tools including human rights,
countries over South China Sea, is marching on its democracy and debt trap to achieve the objective.
path of peaceful rise to the status of a global power. Hong Kong and Xinjian were targeted, and a

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malevolent campaign was run. The sane voices time many think tanks and media outlets become the
started to raise concerns, even within USA. They tool to serve the purpose of military-industrial
warned the conflict between two biggest powers will complex. Although, some think tanks or media
have negative consequences for everyone. In this outlets are still adhering to original philosophy, but
backdrop the election of Mr. Biden as president of the complex has created enroot through funding.
USA was cherished. World was expecting that They are also creating their own think tanks and
President Biden will try to mend the patches and media outlets. They are trying to turn think tanks and
smoothen the relation and rational behavior will lead media into lobbying agents. They engage think tanks
the way instead of anti-China rhetoric. The statement and media to achieve the objectives; 1) create noise
by President Biden that his administration will focus through advocacy campaigns and 2) for lobbying
on extreme competition, gave a hope and created a with the parliaments and ruling elite.
wave of positivity. Alaska meeting was announced Second, the complex works with the political
which was seen as a step to mend the relationship. leadership and help them to achieve their political
Unfortunately, Alaska meeting could not deliver goals. They generously support their favorite
according to the expectation rather it further candidates and pour donation at one name or other.
deepened the differences. Obama doctrine is back in There is no secret that money plays a determinantal
the business. President Bident went one step ahead role in USA election and analysis shows that
and also adopted the elements of Trump doctrine. candidates with more money has better probability to
Hence, the Biden administration doctrine is being win. The big business groups and empires capitalize
dubbed as Trump-Obama Plus doctrine. It is trying to on the opportunity and negotiate good deals with
create a new hysteria by using its own logic and future rulers. The complex works with the favorite
parameters. The new administration is clearly parliamentarians and urge them to carry the message
posturing to ensure that China does not surpass the of complex and try to negotiate the desired deals.
United States and remains a junior partner. The Third, military-industrial complex itself comes into
campaign is getting stronger and USA is urging its action. They keep backdoor linkages with multiple
allies to be part of it. In this context, one wonders; stakeholders including the military, business
why Republican and Democratic parties are community and other interest groups by presenting
unanimous to oppose China, rather they are trying to them what they need. The biggest incentive is being
present themselves as greatest opponent of China. offered in the form of the generous financial support
One of the plausible answers is, the influence of and safe havens for money through the shell
military-industrial complex of USA. The complex companies. They create linkages which are not under
has been ruling the world through hegemony in the the control of political government. The linkages are
fields of economy, technology and power structure. being used to pressurize the governments, if
They have captured the political, societal, economic governments resist the pressure, then they use allies
and power spheres by weaving a nexus of influence. to topple government. It is being done in a systematic
The complex look at China as a threat to their way. First, the government which does not fall in line
hegemony and is doing everything to undermine is targeted at the name of democracy and human
China. Hence, it is necessary for China to understand rights etc. Second, a smear campaign is being run to
the industrial-military complex and its modus of isolate the government. Third, economic sanctions
operandi which is very complicated and deep rooted. are applied. Fourth and final step is to topple the
The complex has engaged a good number of actors government by force. Libya, Iraq Afghanistan etc. are
and devised the role for each actor and for themselves classic examples on this front in recent times. The
in a sequential manner. First layer of actions is practice is going on for a long time and the complex
dominated by three players, think tanks, media and always get the results by one way or other. The
political actors. The history of think tanks and media famous book, “Confession of Economic Hitman”
tells us that they came into being to be voice of strengthen the argument. Although, the complex has
voiceless and act as watch dog on the behalf of the a history to win but it has damaged the “American
common citizens. There is no second opinion that Dream”. It has resulted in many problems but the

think tanks and media played a positive role in most prominent one is in-equality. COVID-19 further
highlighting the issues of common people and also highlighted the deep-rooted issues in USA. Instead of
contributed on the fronts of environment, climate learning from the past, now the complex is trying to
change, poverty etc. However, with the passage of apply the same strategy on China. Although, it is not

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new and is going on since the inception of country, material of the roof, and 45 percent of the households
but in recent times it has got accelerated. The first use wood/sticks as fuel used for cooking. Other than
intervention in China was at the name of democracy this, 15.92 percent of the households experience
and human right in 1989. They pushed people to moderate or severe food insecurity, and 2.37 percent
topple the government, but China sustained the shock of the households experience severe food insecurity.
and controlled the riots. In modern days Hong Kong There is another example from PDHS 2017-18,
is new home of democracy conspiracy. Xinjiang which shows disparity in the country; the percent
human right and genocide are new recruits to distribution of the de jure population in the lowest
pressurize the China. However, the most prominent quintile in Punjab is 11.4, similarly it is 36.3 in Sindh,
action of the complex is harsh and baseless campaign 16.9 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 28.8 in Balochistan,
against the economic interventions and technology 0.4 in ICT Islamabad and 51.3 percent in FATA
companies of China like Belt and Route Initiative, respectively. Not everyone in Pakistan can afford
Huawei etc. They are trying to portray these bottled water for health safety, and it is concerning to
interventions as debt trap or spying trap etc. note that according to the National Nutrition Survey
However, this strategy is not working in the case of 2018, 36.0 percent of households in Pakistan drink
of China. The reasons are simple. First, China has its water contaminated with E.Coli, which can lead to
own system. China measures the democracy by the many bacterial infections. The National Human
indicators of governance and prosperity of people Development Report 2020 has created a ‘Pashum
against Western democracy which hinges on voting. Ratio’, which measures the extent of inequality
Second, State-Owned enterprise are playing a good across the entire population distribution inclusive of
role to support the state. China has struck a good the middle income groups. This ratio equals 0.5 in the
balance between SOEs and private sector. So, the case of Pakistan where 0 implies perfect equality. In
private sector is not in position to help the global the same report, amongst other ratios, the Robin
business. Third, military is one of the organs of the Hood Ratio highlights that to achieve perfect income
Communist Party of China and under strict control of equality in Pakistan, 23 percent of the income of two
Party and State. Thus, it leaves little or no room for richest quintiles must be redistributed among the
complex to build backdoor linkages with military remaining three quintiles. Thus, to achieve significant
which they do usually in other countries. Fourth, success on SDG 10, our policies need to be tailored
China is offering win-win cooperation to world, thus in accordance with the needs of the society. However,
debt trap conspiracy is dying down. However, China for this purpose, our politics should be devoid of any
needs to be careful in future, as the complex will sort of clientelism. Our taxation system is one in
further accelerate its efforts. Thus, China needs to which tax is very conveniently collected but very
take few steps to sustain the future shocks. First, worryingly paid up—this is because of the burden of
maintain the present structure of CPC, governance indirect taxation. Fraudulent activities and loopholes
and balance between private sector and SOEs. in the tax collection are improving the conditions of a
Second, the Party should keep the industry and few at the cost of a million lives. It is a sad yet a very
military under the close observation. Third, China harsh reality that a poor person is forced to pay sales
needs to move from re-active to pro-active mode. tax on necessary commodities when fulfilling basic
Lastly China should recognize that the real opponent needs is already a daily dilemma for them. Tax
is military-industrial complex not the common incentives in the form of exemptions, etc. are also
American or true political workers. Thus, future one of the contributors towards the dearth of
action plans should be developed by keeping in mind provision of public goods for people. Because we all
the military-industrial complex. (Daily Times, April know, direct taxes fund governments and are
15, 2021) progressive. Sales taxes are regressive by nature and
heavy reliance on them exacerbates inequality.
The Inequality Quagmire — more fear and less Moreover, the role of institutional factors in the
hope whole ordeal is not a secret. It is suggested that the
There are some significant facts from the Pakistan government reconsider shifting the IMF debt burden

Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey of onto an already grief-stricken population succumbing
2018-19 which reveal that overall in Pakistan, 28 to the afflictions of coronavirus, and reevaluate the
percent of the households own a one-room house, 23 areas where our current expenditures are consuming a
percent of the households use wood/bamboo for the significant amount of GDP. Even the infrastructure

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development expenditures which somehow end up low-wage households in order to curb the unequitable
benefiting the rich more than the poor in the long run, impact of VAT. It should also be kept in mind that
need to be reevaluated. Progressive taxation should introducing new legislation and policies is not the end
be effectively implemented in the case of direct goal, but rather only a means to the end of eradicating
taxation. Limited taxes on capital gains and the crux inequality in Pakistan. Therefore, strong emphasis
falling on the manufacturing industries needs to be should be placed on efficacious implementation of
corrected by correlating the size of a sector with its these laws and policies. (Daily Times, April 25,
associated levied taxation. 2021)
Land inequality is a major concern, especially
when it comes to poor, women and minorities. Land
inequality enables powerful landowners to suppress The 2021 Global Gender Gap Report & Pakistan
the tenants. Moreover, it is difficult to envisage a The 2021 Global Gender Gap Report disclosed by the
subsistence based, technologically constrained farmer World Economic Forum (WEF) on March 31, 2021
reaping any meaningful benefits except for ensuring has placed Pakistan as the fourth worst country in the
mere survival. Therefore, our land reforms need to be world in gender parity. The report put Pakistan at 153
revisited with everyone being given equal out of 156 countries due to its gloomy performance in
opportunities. Digitization of land records is a step in bridging the gender gap, which currently stands at
the right direction, but it is just one of a step. 55.6 percent. The fact is that the persistent gap
Moreover, investment in human capital is much between women and men in their access to resources
needed as technology is already replacing manpower, and opportunities is a social and economic challenge.
and machine learning and artificial intelligence is This gap not only weakens the quality of women’s
becoming a major trend. If our population is not life but also poses a substantial threat to the
equipped with the modern tools, how can we compete long-term development and well-being of nations that
with the demands of the future? We are a slave to do not fully exploit the potential of one half of their
digital sovereignty in the current time, and it is human resources; this compromises the competitive
especially disheartening to note the technical divide potential of such countries. Shockingly, Pakistan’s
between students who could, or could not afford position on the gender gap index has been stagnant as
electronic devices to attend online classes, as the country has not made any progress in improving
highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Although in the gender gap. The 2006 Global Gender Gap report
the past, there were schemes to eradicate the digital had covered 115 countries that represented around 90
gap such as laptop distribution schemes, there should percent of the world population and ranked Pakistan
be more policies geared towards digital literacy in an at 112, the fourth worst country in the world. In the
attempt to stop perpetuating inequalities. Furthermore, 2021 report, out of 156 countries, Pakistan is
social protection schemes such as BISP, Bait ul Mall positioned at 152 in economic participation and
and Ehsaas should be continued to provide a cushion opportunity, 144 in educational attainment,153 in
against glaring inequalities. Inequality and income health and survival, and 98 in political empowerment.
disparity are some of the significant issues which However, in the 2006 report, out of 115 countries, the
presently ail Pakistan. The country is home to one of country was placed at 112 in economic participation
the worst examples of a socio-economic divide. and opportunity, 110 in educational attainment, 112
Article 25 of the Constitution of Pakistan states that in health and survival, and 37 in political
all citizens are equal before the law. However, this empowerment. After going through the two reports,
formal equality has not served us well in the past. it is concluded that even after the passage of fifteen
The government needs to introduce more affirmative years no improvement in Pakistan’s rankings in all
action programs and quota systems to eradicate, or at the four sub-indexes has taken place. However, the
least mitigate, the atrocious effects of inequality; country’s ranking in political empowerment has
however, that should be preceded by measures taken deteriorated. The ranking in the sub-index was
to eradicate inequality in the first place. Such comparatively higher in 2006 and is lower in 2021.
measures include good quality public education, a As per the 2021 report, with a woman having been

higher rate of minimum income, and social support head of state, Pakistan stands among the top 33
programs to supplement the income of low-wage countries in the world on this indicator. However,
households. Pakistan also needs to modify its VAT women’s representation as parliamentarians is only
system, and introduce means of VAT refund for 20.2 percent and as ministers stands at 10.7 percent.

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In reality, women’s participation is very low in the in education is a prerequisite to achieving the goal of
country’s politics. According to the CountryMeters gender equality in all the other three sub-indexes.
website, Pakistan’s overall current population as of Education enlightens a person about her/his rights.
Friday, April 9, 2021 stands at 224 million and of the How can a person ignorant of their rights even
total population, men are 50.8 percent and women demand them? Women who have been denied access
make up 49.2 percent. The data released on October 2, to education in the country have been deprived of
2020 by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) their fundamental rights to economic participation
shows that of the overall 115 million registered and opportunity, educational attainment, health and
voters in the country, 51 million are women. survival, and political empowerment. Because such
Unfortunately, Pakistan executes an unfair, wide gender gaps in all the indicators is a serious and
unreasonable and prejudiced model of proportional threatening issue, Pakistan’s concerned authorities
representation for the election of women. The should take immediate and productive initiatives
number of reserved seats for women to a party are aimed at bridging these gaps. (The News, April 14,
allocated in proportion to general seats won, which at 2021)
the moment stands at 17 percent. In this system,
women elected to the reserved seats are neither given Understanding the loopholes in Pakistan’s
any power to influence the decision-making or education system
policy-forming process, nor are they allocated
development funds. The fact is that the lack of Pakistan’s education system is rife with flaws that
women’s representation in the decision-making and inhibit the potentials of creativity and analytical
policymaking process is the main factor responsible thinking. Similarly, the defining role of teachers in
for the existence of gender disparity in our economic, the suppression of the elements of analytical
social and cultural life. This is why women’s issues education can not simply be overlooked. The
have been ignored in public policies and programmes. regressive, obsolete, and clumsy attitude of teachers
There is an utmost need to empower women to towards students leads to diminished creativity. In
perform an influential role in decision-making and fact, this is an imminent reason why our system
policy formation in the country. To this end, they desperately fails to produce thinking minds.
need to be provided with political representation Moreover, the constant discouragement of students
directly proportional to women’s registered votes or from their teachers suppresses the progressive and
their votes polled in the elections. analytical buds in them. As part of the system, I often
Pakistan has to raise women’s participation in its confront the regressive behaviors of my teachers. The
male-dominated politics as increased women’s question which baffled me the most: Am I the only
representation will enable them to speak up forcefully student facing the wrath of teachers? The question
and resolutely for their rights on both the provincial compelled me to conduct small-scale educational
and national political platforms. Pakistan’s research in various universities and colleges of the
mainstream political parties – the PTI, the PPP and province of Balochistan. At the end of my research, I
the PML-N – can get the ball rolling for women’s came across a conclusion that “No, I’m not the only
participation in politics. Moreover, women have to be student suffering from the wrath of teachers.” I found
involved in the conventional political and electoral a reasonable number of students who are the victims
process. This will enable them to set-up bilateral of the same thing: the regressive behavior of teachers.
relationships with the common citizens. The 2021 Wittingly or unwittingly most of the teachers try to
report says that the enrollment gender gap in put a veil on students’ natural abilities. During my
Pakistan’s overall education system stands at 13 research, I too encountered many students who were
percent. These gaps become widest at the lower even dragged out of the classes upon asking questions
educational levels – 84.1 percent in primary, 84.7 frequently.
percent in secondary and 87.1 percent in tertiary Teachers hindering progress This is, however, not
levels. Further, only 46.5 percent of women are only a condition of education in Balochistan, almost
literate, 61.6 percent attain primary school education, all provinces paint the same color. Education

34.2 percent attend high school and 8.3 percent seek institutions across the country apply the same
tertiary education. In reality, Pakistani women face a regressive, obsolete, and non-inclusive tools to tape
very dismal and disheartening situation when it off the critical thinking of students. However, the
comes to their schooling. It is a fact that gender parity semester system has further fueled the issue. For

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instance, the practice of harassing students in the defense over education, its downfall becomes
name of marks and papers is prevalent in the inevitable. Finally, progressive and critical education
institutions. Similarly, there are also teachers who is the only way forward to climb the ladder of
endeavor to create an atmosphere in the class which prosperity. We can experience our hollow status in
hardly leaves any space for being creative and critical. the international arena, bypassing education will
As the result, the poor students have no other further leave a drastic impression on the country. It is
alternative but to remain fully obedient by not high time for the so-called upholders of the glory of
questioning the teachers. Beyond the exams and Pakistan to realize the importance of modern
papers, they are bound to think nothing. Thus, education in this era of technological progress. Last
pushing down the probability of progressiveness and but not least, for a bright and shiny future of the
inclusiveness. Apart from the teacher’s rude and country, educational reforms must remain top of
regressive behavior, the burden of assignments, concerns. (Global Village Space, April 21, 2021)
quizzes, and presentations compel them to go for
copying the materials. Simply in such conditions, Understanding Climate change and democracy
there remains no space for students to ask questions. Mass involvement in policymaking over any issue
Most of the teachers consider ‘asking questions’ as works only when the masses constitute an informed
an insulting and derogatory term. Thus, they, as usual, citizenry. Climate change is no exception. A huge
take revenge on such students in marking the papers. portion of the global population doesn’t know much
This is the flaw in the system which discourages about climate change and how its lives and
progressive and analytical aspects of the students. livelihoods are impacted by it, much less what policy
Therefore, such behavior often devoid the pupils of and lifestyle changes are needed to tackle this threat.
their natural talent and abilities. Furthermore, our And the saddest part is: they don’t know that they
education system forces students to gain excellence don’t know this. President Biden has re-entered the
in copying things. Paris Climate agreement after four years of Trump’s
Our obsolete education system If we critically climate denialism. But the world is not convinced
analyze the loopholes of the system, we obviously with America’s rejuvenated urge to watch its carbon
will come to know the inevitable answer of failure of emissions. Not because it was said on a screen but
the whole education system. Certainly today we are because the world is not in the mood to take lectures
having a vast number of graduates but do we have about climate morality from a country with a
good scientists, engineers, or doctors? Of course, the chequered history with clean energy and carbon
answer is no. In contrast, we can’t put the entire emissions. China has been bashed regularly for being
blame on teachers either, because they are the the largest carbon emitter. However, China has made
product of this failed education system, too. a hugely ambitious pledge of becoming “carbon
Unfortunately, we inherited a colonial system that neutral” by 2060. All this effort is being done to
was introduced by the colonial forces for some prevent the Earth from heating above 1.5 degrees
restrictive purpose in the sub-continent. After nearly Celsius from pre-industrial level. Biden’s efforts to
70 years, we are still crawling with an outdated, re-enter the world of science and environmental care
obsolete, and regressive education system. In the long are taken with a grain of salt. And, for good reason.
past of Pakistan, we barely can see any sort of This is not the first time America is re-entering such a
development in the education sectors. In spite of collective effort, but rather the second. Biden, as
injecting ingredients of analytical and critical vice-president, watched in awe as his boss president
education, our conservative regimes used the sector Obama turned America back toward joining climate
as political grounds. talks after his predecessor George W Bush had
What went wrong? The main thing is that rejected the Kyoto Protocol climate treaty of 1997.
policymakers are wide off the mark from even In 2015, president Obama had assured the world
identifying the basic loopholes in the system. Due to that his climate policies would be immune to change
the less amount of budget allocated for education, by a Republican White House. Soon the world
most of the educators left no hopes for the betterment witnessed president Trump yanking America out of

of the system. Moreover, the trajectory of the any climate talks in a manner more tailored to earn
country’s history evidently shaped in a way that has viewership, turning Obama’s assurance about his
perpetuated a sense of security rather than an climate policy defying death by the Republicans into
education state. When a state patronizes and prefers a bad joke globally. The strict lockdown imposed in

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Wuhan to control the virus spread and the public Pakistan to the world’s largest consumer market. And
misunderstanding about climate change in America the more ambitious of us thought that it would be
drive home further the simple yet unpopular fact that Pakistan’s gateway to global value chains, finally
democratic societies full of misinformed citizenry are redefining the country’s industrial capabilities. Six
a threat to survival. The US has been oscillating like years after CPEC launch, however, these dreams
a pendulum between climate acceptance and remain unrealised. Although at least three SEZs are
denialism. The Republican leadership likes to equate under development and CPFTA-II has been signed,
the loss of fossil fuel exploitation with job losses and we still have to witness large-scale relocation of
the tearing down of American economy and society. industries from China. This lack of progress can be
They are backed up by those heavily invested in oil attributed to our snail-paced bureaucracy, the
drilling and fossil fuel burning. To keep the oil and pandemic, Pakistan’s own economic crisis and recent
greenbacks flowing, a very sophisticated propaganda changes in our foreign policy. But while Pakistan is
campaign has been in place for decades in the service reconfiguring its approach towards CPEC, the world
of denying climate science. The Green New Deal has has not been standing still.
clearly outlined a remarkable plan for transitioning On November 15, 2020, 15 countries — 10 ASEAN
from fossil fuel to clean energy, without affecting job members as well as Japan, New Zealand, Australia,
growth or sending tremors across the wider economy. South Korea and China — signed the Regional
However, every effort is being made by the fossil Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
fuel industry, which is very powerful, to question the agreement. RCEP encompasses 29% of world’s GDP,
efficacy of the plan. Lo and behold, the masses march 27% of global trade and one-third of world
in lockstep with the propaganda narrative. population. This mega-regional partnership is
Democracy in America was eroded heavily for expected to bring East Asia together in terms of trade
the sake of self defence especially after 9/11. Civil and economic cooperation like never before. In
liberties were violated. Americans have been heavily particular, the unified rule of origin under RCEP
lied to. There has been no privacy in any form of would mean that products manufactured as per the
communication. The massive dragnet of RCEP-originating criteria will be able to move freely
communication and data collection would make within the bloc, with only a single certificate of origin,
Stalin and Hitler fringe. Edward Snowden showed us. significantly reducing time, complications and costs
That was no stuff of conspiracy theory. It is quite real of managing regional value chains (RVC). This will
and I have no doubt, it still happens. If the cherished make these countries more integrated and competitive,
democracy was traded for safety, why can’t there be in turn attracting more investment. But as East Asia
a déjà vu all over again? Only this time against a will reap the benefits of this deep trade integration,
much larger and severe threat. Climate change what will be its implications for Pakistan?
shames terrorism and any other threat humanity has With RCEP countries becoming more
faced. Climate change is coming for all of us. It will competitive, Pakistan’s relative market access to
spare nobody. The rich may buy some extra time. these countries, especially China, could suffer,
They will go down too. Let’s make defence greater leading to loss of exports to regional competitors.
than democracy again. (Published in The Express Considering that almost one-sixth of our exports are
Tribune, April 25th, 2021). destined for RCEP countries, such erosion could be
significant. Moreover, as RCEP members become
Pakistan, RCEP and an integrating Asia more attractive for investment on the back of
Only a few years ago when CPEC was launched, it improved competitiveness, Pakistan will become
was hoped that it would usher in a new era of relatively less attractive for FDI. Pakistan’s FDI
industrial cooperation between Pakistan and China. inflows have been declining after CPEC
The special economic zones (SEZs) would provide infrastructure investments have dried up and this
the well-needed state-of-the-art industrial could take a further toll over the next few years. Most
infrastructure, with world-class regulatory importantly, in the longer run, as the world is
environment, hosting industries from China and organising itself into new trade blocs, Pakistan could

beyond, promising technology transfer and industrial be isolated and lose out on the longer-term benefits of
upgradation. The second phase of China-Pakistan trade integration. But with new challenges also come
Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA-II) was supposed to new opportunities. The RVC under RCEP will still
provide the much-needed preferential access for have opportunities for other countries to plug in. The

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threshold for regional value content under RCEP is
40%, which means that there would be space to have
60% content from elsewhere and still qualify for
duty-free treatment within the bloc, which could
provide a gateway for Pakistan to plug into these
strengthened RVC. Furthermore, RCEP will be open
for accession by any country and will therefore
provide an opportunity to Pakistan to join, especially
with China’s support. If Pakistan chooses to join
RCEP, it could be a new start for the country towards
embracing trade integration and putting an end to
inward looking protectionist policies. But in order to
benefit from RCEP, first we have to become more
competitive, which is easier said than done.
RCEP offers both a glass half full and a glass
half empty for Pakistan. It depends on us how we
choose to look at it. But closing our eyes to these
transformational changes around us are no more an
option. (The Express Tribune, April 27, 2021).

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