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An initiative by CSSExamDesk.


Articulate for CSS 2022

April 2021 (Volume - 6)
Compiled & Edited by Aamir Mahar

Hot Topics inside:

1. Heart of Asia conference - 2021
2. Pakistan’s sustainable economic growth
3. Pakistan's stand in peace diplomacy
4. The new great game in Indo- Pacific
5. Provincial status for Gilgit Baltistan
6. Indo-Pak Peace initiative & Kashmir case
7. CAATSA & India's S-400 missiles deal
8. US revisiting relations with Iran
9. Russia's South Asian Strategy
10. Natanz nuclear plant attack
Heart of Asia conference - 2021 government launched in 2011 with the main
Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi was in objective “Istanbul Process on regional security
Dushanbe for a two days Heart of Asia and cooperation for secure and stable
Ministerial Conference hosted by Tajikistan. The Afghanistan”. The major aim of this initiative is
theme of the conference was “Strengthening to build regional consensus on resolving the
Consensus for Peace and Development”. This regional challenges through increasing economic,
was the 9th Ministerial Meeting Conference in political and security cooperation hence building
the regional dialogue series held in order to build on the connectivity amongst the countries. There
regional response to the peace and development. are fourteen participating regional countries with
The conference was held at a critical time when 16 supporting countries and 12 regional and
the US promise of withdrawing its forces loomed international organization supporting and
close where the allies are still grappling with the participating this important initiative. The main
threat that the ‘they might miss the deadline” as goal of this process is to strengthen peace,
acknowledged by the US President. On the other stability, security and development in
hand Afghan government is grappling with the Afghanistan and beyond. This Conference has
emerging threat of Taliban and wave of violence become one of the highly active and engaging
unleashing across the country. It is happening at regional alliance for peacebuilding in
the moment in the history of the region when Afghanistan. The focused areas of the
there is an urgent need for strong regional consultation of this initiative is political dialogue
consensus for peace and development in and consultation, implementation of the
Afghanistan. Afghanistan has been a lynchpin to confidence building measures and building
the regional peace and stability also considered cooperation amongst the regional organizations
as the Heart of Asia due to its strategic and initiatives. There is a defecto secretariat has
geopolitical and geo-economics significance on been created for this entire process in the
the Silk Road. Before Heart of Asia Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of
Conference-Istanbul Process, on March 18, Afghanistan where the Director General of the
Russian Federation hosted an important Regional Cooperation in the Ministry looks after
discussion on Afghanistan where the talks were the entire coordination.
held between Afghan government and the There are three main areas of cooperation in
Taliban in Moscow. These talks were held in the Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process. First is the forum
backdrop of the negotiations between Afghan is used to have political consultations creating a
government and the Taliban that have stalled in regional consensus and synergies. These
Doha while on 16th April, Turkey will be consultations have the potential to foster
holding a peace conference inviting stakeholders understanding to bring Afghanistan and its
to ceasefire and settling the power sharing neighborhood in the Heart of Asia region to make
agreement in the war torn country. All of these work for peace and development. Second
regional initiatives are meant to complement the important focused areas is to build Confidence
ongoing intra-Afghan peace negotiators going on Building Measures (CBMs) among the leading
in Doha. In Dushanbe, Foreign Minister of countries. There are eight CBMs led by countries
Pakistan has made his official statement during at the forum. First is counter terrorism led by
the conference where he has highlighted the Afghanistan, Turkey and UAE, second counter
important role played by Pakistan contributing narcotics led by Azerbaijan and Russia, third is
towards the Afghanistan peace and stability. On disaster management and environment protection
the sidelines, he has also met with his led by Kazakhstan and Pakistan, fourth is culture
counterparts from Tajikistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan and education led by Iran, fifth is regional
and other countries. infrastructure led by Azerbaijan and
The Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process is a joint Turkmenistan, sixth CBM is trade commerce and
initiative by Afghanistan and Turkish investment opportunities led by India, seventh

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agriculture development led by Pakistan and which is again according to the fact that how the
Uzbekistan, eighth is women empowerment. two side would agree but this should be
Each CBM has a desk at the responsible Director meaningful inclusion of women, ethnic and
General office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs minority groups in Afghanistan. It is expected
of Afghanistan. There is a comprehensive that President Ghani will discuss this proposal
mechanism follow up process ongoing helping to during the upcoming conference in Turkey.
build the momentum and materialize the It is important to note that the support from
opportunities. The over process has four main the regional and international partners is
decision making bodies. Highest level is significant in helping restore peace in
Ministerial Conference, then Senior Officials Afghanistan especially this ministerial meeting
Meetings, third is Ambassadorial Meetings and held in Dushanbe is offering a much needed
Regional Technical Groups. These bodies take momentum to build a consensus. This ministerial
the actions in a cohesive manner to take the meeting has also send a strong message of
vision and mission of the entire initiative togetherness and commitment from regional and
forward. international stakeholders that there should be
Initiatives like Heart of Asia- Istanbul Afghan led and Afghan owned end to the conflict.
Process are complementing the entire regional There was a sense of urgency in the entire
support for building lasting peace in the region. conversations as the conflict has been nearly
In the conference Afghan President proposed a three decades long especially as there will be 20
three step process for the making, building and years of anniversary of War on Terror and 9/11
sustaining peace in Afghanistan while also attacks this year. It is also pertinent to note that
highlighting the importance of Afghan led and this 9th meeting has also sent clear message to
owned peace process. During the conference his expect a steady progress on the political
idea was that the process should be in a phase settlement and both side’s especially Afghan
wise where he anticipated that in the first phase government and the Taliban should engage with
the negotiated political settlement with the each other through serious and meaningful
Afghan Taliban endorsed by the Loya Jirga- dialogue. This will not be happening if there will
grand traditional assembly of influential Afghans. not be any compromises from not only both sides
According to President Ghani, this will also but global community. There is a strong need for
include the much needed ceasefire including the all the parties to build peace by not resorting to
reaching an agreement to form “a government of violence in Afghanistan as only innocent people
peacebuilding with the framework of the are the victims of these power games. We are at a
constitution with a time bound mandate juncture where there is a high hopes for peace in
culminating in an internationally supervised and Afghanistan after nearly four decades of war,
monitored presidential elections”. This phase will destruction. All of the regional countries in the
lead towards the phase of national reconciliation, neighborhood of Afghanistan need to play their
reintegration of combatants and refugees, helping constructive and positive role to help Afghan led
the country to define Afghan led and owned new and Afghan owned peace. (Daily Times, April 10,
governance, security and development priorities. 2021)
It is important to note here that the idea of
forming a transitional government differs with Pakistan’s sustainable economic growth
what the current Afghan constitution emphasis Pakistan’s economic growth is dependent on
which is unacceptable to Afghan Taliban. The its exports by earning foreign income to finance
formation of this kind of government also differs imports, service debt, stabilize its currency and to
with the fact to have elections as the base to overcome the persistent problem of the balance
transfer power. On the other hand US, one of the of payment deficit. In addition to being
important stakeholder in Afghan peace process, competitive, a country’s exports should be in line
put emphasis on forming a “peace government” with market trends and quality, and be certified

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on internationally acceptable standards. In the fiscal year 2020-21, and there is a lot of
Pakistan, the investments required to bolster potential to grow more and explore avenues
Pakistan’s exports are short in supply. Pakistan’s to enhance software export. India’s
non-conducive investment environment stems information technology and back-office
from uncertainty. Volatility of output growth is sector will grow by 7.7% in fiscal 2020 to
an indicator of the unpredictability of demand USD 191 billion, with exports touching USD
and volatility of inflation is an indicator of 147 billion. There is no shortage of talent in
macroeconomic uncertainty. These indicators Pakistan. With minimal efforts and support
have been found to adversely impact investments, from the government, Pakistan’s IT sector
especially private investments. The Tax, can expand to contribute USD 1 billion
Investment and Exports (T.I.E) nexus is essential annually. The Trade Development Authority
for guaranteeing the desired level of growth in an of Pakistan (TDAP) should note this
economy. T.I.E. as a percentage of GDP has fast-changing reality and leverage artificial
declined substantially in Pakistan in recent years intelligence and big data to help exporters
and has thus negatively impacted growth. Lack of harness the potential of online marketing
investment is one of the core reasons why platforms (World Bank).
Pakistan’s growth in exports has been negative 2. Improving export competitiveness in the
over a 10-year period. Other reasons include global market essential for increasing
higher tariff structure, erratic growth trends, low Pakistan’s exports: Exports are a victim of
penetration in global markets, lack of protectionist tendencies which incentivize
infrastructure and technological advancement. production for the domestic market rather
Furthermore, exports are also handicapped by than global markets. A paradigm shift to
government’s irrational policies and complex provide incentives to industries to move their
incentives offered to industry. Other competing production from low value to high value
Asian countries have managed growth by products is needed. For instance, global ratio
pursuing export led growth strategies with high for MMF to Cotton is 70:30, whereas,
savings and investment rates, specializing in Pakistan’s composition ratio is 30:70 owing
areas of competitive advantage, and resulting in to lack of prioritization or incentivization by
rapid industrialization. The questions is: how can the government. Reforms to address this
Pakistan increase exports for sustainable issue will exponentially enhance export
economic growth? potential. Moreover, one key measure to
1. Difficult times demand innovative thinking, make exports competitive is to ease import
and out-of-the-box solutions: Pakistan needs restrictions. For instance, anti-dumping duty
to capitalize on exportable services and on Polyester Staple Fiber (PSF) will hurt the
products requiring minimal infrastructure and industry by increasing cost of raw materials,
investments. For example, there is a growing rendering exports uncompetitive.
global demand for software and IT solutions. 3. Empowering SMEs: The Pakistani economy
It is easier to establish a software house than comprises almost 3.3 million Small and
to set up a manufacturing unit. Analysts Medium Enterprises. These may comprise
predict global Software Engineering Market (amongst many other variants) service
to develop at an 11.72% CAGR between providers, manufacturing units and startups.
2016 – 2022. We accredit the vigorous SMEs make up over 30% of Pakistan’s GDP
growth of the software market to the growing and approximately 25% of generating exports.
demand for automation from different We need policies that empower SMEs and
industries to enhance their program allow them to reach their true potential.
manufacturing processes and design quality. Offering access to finance, easily available
Pakistan’s IT exports increased by 44% to subsidized credit, lower interest rates on
USD 379 million during the first quarter of loans, LTFF for purchase/import of

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machinery and skills training/development Entrepreneurship creates a virtuous cycle of
programmes can be a reasonable starting prosperity as the people not only get
point to unleash SME’s potential. Public employed themselves and create value for the
procurement can potentially achieve society and the economy, but also promote
outstanding economic and social benefits by employment opportunities.
ensuring government supply chains include 7. Establish a cell in Ministry of Commerce
SMEs. Benefits range from creation of Cell Focusing on Export-Related Issues of
skilled jobs, increased domestic tax revenue, Services: Experts on trade needs to be hired
to more robust domestic economic growth. for policy formulation. A public-private
Well-designed public procurement policies partnership can be mutually beneficial in
also have the potential to catalyze technical developing reforms/policy/frameworks that
development, increasing trade margins, and can holistically focus on exports; diversity of
overall productivity. products, prioritizing services sector,
4. Improving the Duty Drawback Schemes: We implementation of simple, easy to
can improve standard duty drawback comprehend, schemes and incentives.
schemes by (a) making them accessible also Moreover, the Cell organizes structured trade
to indirect exporters and extending them to missions to specific markets which allow
imported inputs used in production of businesses to meet with buyers and attend
exported final products; (b) eliminating duty relevant events.
pre-payment for exporting firms in order to 8. Performance Linked and Time Bound Export
reduce credit requirements Subsidies: Export subsidies, where given,
5. Simplifying Regulations: The government must be linked to the performance of the
should simplify regulation related to exports; recipient firms and be automatically
cumbersome bureaucratic procedures withdrawn when thresholds are crossed. This
negatively affect new exporters. At the same requires advancement is technology to
time, governments should improve develop and deploy frameworks and systems
information collection and dissemination to fully mechanize transactions improving
about foreign markets and requirements for the overall efficacy. The systems will be
exporting. efficient and transparent and most
6. Entrepreneurship and Workforce importantly, simple, concise and clear. (Read
Development: Improve the productivity and this complete report on:
technological content of domestic goods, and
provide incentives to nurturing innovation, Pakistan's stand in peace diplomacy
making Pakistani products globally For the readers of international relations, it
competitive. For that to happen, we need remains the stark fact that is not only the UN
comprehensive focus on nurturing peacekeeping mission where Pakistan has been
entrepreneurship. A UNDP National Human keeping an epoch- making record but also in the
Development Report has highlighted skilled domain of international peace diplomacy,
unemployment level of 20% (college Pakistan has set a historical record as a peace
graduates) in Pakistan. Unemployment levels mediator. Recently, Dr Henry Kissinger, the
remain high, with the ‘educated’ constituting former US Secretary of State boldly admitted
a large proportion of the unemployed Pakistan’s role in felicitating the US-China peace
population. With this state of employment, dialogue during the peak of the Cold war period.
Pakistan cannot reap the economic returns This confession was made during a high-level
required for economic growth. The ease of webinar event organized by China’s State
doing business in Pakistan must be Council in Beijing last month. As a harbinger of
prioritized to encourage innovation for better global Peace, Pakistan seeks harmony and peace
quality diverse products and services. among nations. Remembering the US-China

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tensions during the Cold war, Dr Kissinger pristine principles of promoting peace and
recounted how the first message from China was prosperity, fighting hunger and disease,
in the form of a handwritten note, which was promoting literacy and helping nations in
personally dictated to him in the White House by times of natural or man-made disasters. Its
the then Pakistan Ambassador in Washington, commitment to the UN system can be gauged
Agha Hilaly. Speaking next after Dr Kissinger, from the fact that Pakistan has been elected
Senator Mushahid Hussain, representing Pakistan, seven times as a member of the Security
said that this historic breakthrough in China-US Council and has been a leading contributor to
relations became possible due to the UN peacekeeping contingents. Pakistani
‘indispensable role of Pakistan. Pakistan enjoyed missions in New York and Geneva have been
the trust of both China and the United States, consistently active at the multilateral level.
when then President, Richard Nixon, had 3. Pakistan’s role in the OIC: Pakistan’s peace
tremendous affection and goodwill for Pakistan. diplomacy remained proactive to use the OIC
While peering in through the diplomatic history, forum to resolve tensions among the Muslim
one can logically argue that with the timely and states. Pakistan played a leading role in
befitting interventions of Pakistan’s diplomats in enabling the PLO to get observer status at the
the situation of international conflicts, the peace UN, and likewise, Islamabad used the OIC
trajectory evolved in diffusing the intensity of forum to echo the rights of Kashmiris. With
conflict –as evidenced from a multifaceted Pakistan’s support, the OIC decided to
Pakistan’s role in lowering the conflict intensity appoint its own Contact Group on Kashmir.
in Muslim word—despite a conceptual Pakistan successfully played a role during the
delineation between ‘cold’ and ‘hot’ wars. In Iran-Iraq war while it remained neutral in the
almost six key areas, the role of Pakistan peace Yemen conflict, Pakistan always sustained a
diplomacy has been pivotal in both the Cold war diplomatic approach to diffuse tensions
and the post-Cold war periods. between Washington and Tehran. Pakistan
1. Pakistan peace diplomacy in the Geneva also intermittently utilized peace diplomacy
accord: The year 1988 was a turning point in to diffuse tensions between Riyadh and
world politics. In this year a disastrous Tehran.
decade came to an end that caused much 4. The Afghan war & the Doha Peace Accord:
bloodshed and destruction in Afghanistan It goes without saying that since 2001, the
and threatened the security of Pakistan. world has witnessed Pakistan’s proverbial
Geneva Accord has a very significant role in role –in the WOT–harnessed by its proud
changing the political scenario of the world. military. The Doha Accord concluded in
It is obvious that Pakistan’s international February last year, is the triumph for
credibility boosted due to the Geneva accord multilateral peace diplomacy. US Defence
and became an important mediator in the Secretary Lloyd J. Austin has praised
world affairs. Pakistan, Soviet Union, Pakistan’s cooperation for peace in
Afghanistan and the US were the participants Afghanistan. While concluding the Doha
of the Geneva accord in which Pakistan Peace Accord , Pakistan gave value to the
played key role in settling the terms to vision of the Afghan Study Group (formed
resolve the Afghan issue. After the Accord, under the auspices of the US Congress)
many changes took place in the relations of recommendation floated at the USIP that say
Pakistan with other participants. that the blue print of the future Afghan state
2. Pakistan peace diplomacy at the UN: Having must be the reflection of—-an Afghan state
joined the world body in September 1947, that exercises sovereignty over its borders
Pakistan attaches great importance to and internal affairs and governs in terms that
international co-operation through this reflect the popular will and
organization. The country fully adheres to its self-determination of the Afghan citizenry

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while managing conflict peacefully through the dialogue table with Pakistan to discuss the
accountable civilian institutions. An Afghan modus vivendi regarding the Kashmir conflict
state that supports and protects minorities, resolution. (Daily Times, April 14, 2021)
women’s rights, the democratic character of
the state, and a free press but that could The new great game in Indo- Pacific
include Taliban figures. Therefore, The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue in common
Washington must avoid making any lull in parlance termed as The Quad consisting of The
the Afghan peace process. US, Australia, Japan and India was joined by
5. The current US-China tensions & Pakistan’s France in a Naval exercise in the Indian Ocean
stance: Like in the past, today, Pakistan which ended on 7thApril. The Indian media
advocated for peaceful relations between opined that the exercise was carried out with “an
Beijing and Washington. A time-tested eye on China”. The Times of India, a mouthpiece
Pakistan-China friendship notwithstanding, of the government more often than not, asserted
Pakistan maintains the urge of rebalancing its that the exercise reflected ‘The growing strategic
relations with both Washington and Beijing. congruence in ensuring a secure and stable
Rather, Pakistan suggests a restraint strategy Indo-Pacific in face of China’s belligerence in
to settle the US-China differences over the the region”. According to media sources, in
trade deal, global warming, human rights, the addition to France some other European countries
South China Sea, Taiwan and the Hong Kong such as Germany and UK have also expressed
issues “We are not in the business of picking their intention to come on board the “Quad
sides. From our prospective, the U.S. is a Chariot”. There are reports that some ASEAN
critical strategic partner. We depend on the Countries including Philippines, Malaysia and
U.S. a lot, the U.S. depends on us a lot,” Dr Vietnam are being vowed to join The Quad to
Moeed Yusuf Pakistan’s NSA recently told make it Quad Plus. Some Chinese analysts have
the Atlantic Council think tank. In the equated Quad Plus to the “Eight Nation Alliance”
ongoing race for global powers’ competition, which refers to troops from the US, the UK,
Islamabad remains highly indifferent. Germany, France, Russia, Japan, Italy, Australia
6. The urge of South Asian peace resolution: and Austria-Hungary that invaded North China in
Today, the South Asian leadership has 1900. Earlier on 12th March, The Quad leaders
expressed a bilateral desire for promoting including the US President Joe Biden, Australian
peaceful relations between India and Pakistan. Prime Minister Scot Morrison, Japanese Prime
Pakistani Army chief General Qamar Javed Minister Yoshihida Suga and the Indian Prime
Bajwa has stressed the imperative of peace Minister Narendra Modi held a virtual Summit
negotiations after the militaries of both — the first summit of The Quad top leaders since
countries last month announced to honour the the founding of the Quadrate — the brainchild of
2003 ceasefire agreement along the LoC, a the former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
disputed border in Kashmir. The PM Imran For President Joe Biden the summit was the first
Khan while responding Modi’s good will top level engagement since taking office as the
letter of March 23rd said, “We are convinced 46th President of the US on 20th January, 2021.
that durable peace and stability in South Asia Although the agenda of the summit was couched
is contingent upon resolving all outstanding in benign language including global collaboration
issues between India and Pakistan in to fight Covid-19 pandemic, cyber space, critical
particular the Jammu and Kashmir dispute’’. technologies, countering terrorism, quality
New Delhi needs to revoke or annul Modi’s infrastructure investment, humanitarian
unjust, illegal and immoral initiative of August 5 assistance and disaster relief, yet the summit
2019– altering the erstwhile status quo in communiqué emphasised the support to rule of
Kashmir. For the sake of regional peace and law, freedom of navigation over flights and
prosperity, the Modi administration must sit on territorial integrity of the regional countries; a

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clear pointer to China which invoked an expected stated position on the United Nations Convention
severe reaction from Beijing. on the Laws of the Sea is that the Convention
The US has an already strong Strategic does not authorise States to carry out in the EEZ
military alliance with Japan and Australia, while and on the Continental Shelf, military exercises
the US and India have concluded strategic or manoeuvres, in particular those involving the
military agreements like COMCASA and BECA use of weapons or explosive, without the consent
which lay foundations for interoperability of the of the coastal state”. The US Navy in its
two armed forces insinuating significant security statement asserted that India’s requirement of a
implications for China — their antagonist in the prior consent for military exercise in its exclusive
Indo-Pacific theatre . Despite Quad summit’s economic zone was in contravention of
eyewash peace agenda, the Malabar Naval international law”.
exercises as well as the last week-concluded quad The unprecedented undiplomatic spate
plus Naval exercise unambiguously suggest that exchanged between the US and Chinese
Quad alliance is heading towards a military Delegations led by their respective top diplomats,
alliance creating a military balance of power the secretary of state Antony J. Blinken and
favourable to the existing super power, that is, Foreign Minister Wang Yi which met in
US and posing serious threats not only to the Honolulu are symptomatic of a growing distrust
emerging superpower, that is, China but also to between the two global superpowers. The
the countries in the South East Asia and South emerging new military alliances are apparently
West Asia. It appears that the Indo Pacific region heading towards New Bipolar World Order
is emerging as a “Global Hot Spot” with serious (NBPWO), with Asia being its kingpin. Pakistan
Geo-Strategic and Geo economic implications for will have to play its diplomatic cards carefully,
the entire Indian Ocean Rim Countries and by continuing to strengthen strategic economic /
beyond. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov who political and military relationship with China,
visited Delhi and Islamabad recently, while while keeping the US constructively engaged in
commenting on the QUAD said, “We discussed Afghanistan, as well as in other mutually
in detail (the) situation of Asia-Pacific. Uncertain beneficial undertakings. (Daily Times, April 13,
processes are happening; The US is pushing 2021)
certain constructs in the region. We are
categorically against new division lines”. His Provincial status for Gilgit Baltistan
referring to “Asia-Pacific rather than Indo-Pacific Pakistan is set to elevate Gilgit Baltistan to
that has lately been coined by the US clearly provincial status. With this single move, Pakistan
outlines Russia’s displeasure for the new anti- will be able to meet at least seven decades old
China alignment led by the US. demand of people of Gilgit-Baltistan to merge
India finds itself on the horns of a dilemma to with main land constitutionally, secure vital
strike a balance between its newly-found geo-strategic route of China Pakistan Economic
strategic partnership with the US within the Corridor and protect tourism, promote economic
framework of QUAD on one hand and on the potential and push farther its water and energy
other hand, maintaining its traditional friendship interests (Bunji & Diamer-Bhasha Dam etc.).
with Russia. Last week, India received the first However, some quarters have raised objections to
shock of the new military tensions in the Indian the move on varying narratives which need to be
ocean when The US Navy Ship John Paul entered addressed. All stake holders including key
the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The political parties have agreed to the proposal of
Indian Ministry of External Affairs issued a press grant of provisional provincial status to the Gilgit
statement saying that “Indian concerns have been Baltistan. This historic decision will meet the
conveyed to the Government of the United States long term aspirations of people and will help
through Diplomatic channels”. The ministry address local concerns and issues of
further elaborated, “The Government of India’s representation, by all means possible. In

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September 2020, the Government of Pakistan similar policy decisions of mainstreaming the
announced its intention to make Gilgit-Baltistan people of the region enabling them to realize the
an interim province that had representation in the full potential of the socio-economic development
parliament. On November 1, 2020, Prime of resource-rich Gilgit- Baltistan. It may be
Minister Imran Khan announced that his mentioned here that in the recently held elections
government would give the provisional in GB, all the political parties’ leadership in their
provincial status to the beautiful region blessed election campaigns promised unequivocally and
with vistas of nature making a tourists’ paradise. eloquently to grant the provincial status to the
The government also issued a new political map region as their first priority. Let us positively
on August 4, 2020, showing the entire state of hope that it will not be cast to the four winds like
Jammu and Kashmir, including Gilgit-Baltistan, other tall promises made to local people in the
as a disputed region awaiting settlement based on past. This may not be delayed anymore, and the
the United Nation Security Council resolution. time is right to address the economic and political
On March 9, 2021, the Gilgit-Baltistan deprivations of the people as per the recent
legislative assembly unanimously adopted a unanimous resolution reflecting the aspirations of
resolution to make the region an interim province the people of Gilgit-Baltistan. Further delay may
of the country. The resolution stated that a bill to be equated as betrayal and this can be simply
amend the constitution of Pakistan to declare unaffordable because of the sensitivity of the
Gilgit-Baltistan a province should be passed region.
keeping in view Pakistan’s principled stance on It is pertinent to note that the key elements of
Kashmir. The happy omen is that the opposition joint resistance on Kashmir have been fully taken
parties have agreed, in principle, to support the into confidence and they already understand that
move to make Gilgit-Baltistan an interim India relies on twisting of facts and manipulation
province. The people of the region want their of fake news. Pakistan political and military
area to be merged into Pakistan and thereby be leadership has raised the issue of Indian illegal,
declared as a separate province. This action will unjust and unconstitutional occupation of Jammu
have no negative implications for the Kashmir and Kashmir on international fora (United Nation
issue as it will be linked to the final settlement of Security Council, UNGA, UNHCR, ICJ, HR
the issued based on Pakistan’s principled stance. organizations etc.) and there is no compromise on
The people of Gilgit-Baltistan would continue to right of self-determination for Kashmiris as
extend their moral support to their Kashmiri envisaged by UN resolutions. Unfortunately, the
brothers at political and diplomatic fora. Pakistan past governments followed a policy of
is only granting provisional provincial status to appeasement with India and put the Kashmir
Gilgit-Baltistan while its stance on United Nation issue at the back burner. That confused and weak
Security Council resolutions on Kashmir remains stance on Kashmir encouraged Modi to change
the same. Pakistan and China jointly built the the status of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and
majestic KKH through Gilgit-Baltistan and now Kashmir. Pakistan’s Armed Forces responded
China Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC) aggressively in February 2019 through Operation
follows the same route. It may be recalled that Swift Retort. Likewise, the brave people of
the Supreme Court of Pakistan in its seven- Gilgit-Baltistan have also valiantly fought for
member judgment in 2019 had directed the liberation of Gilgit-Baltistan and have now
government of Pakistan to take necessary openly demanded for the provisional status of a
measures within fortnight to grant citizens’ right province. The new arrangement will have a
to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan and those would provision to cater for plebiscite as per United
remain contingent upon the settlement of the Nation Security Council resolution for final
issue according to the UN Security Council settlement of the issue. Hence, grant of provincial
resolution. The 15-member Sartaj Committee in status to the Gilgit-Baltistan will be a landmark
its recommendations in 2015 also recommended step in opening new avenues of development for

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the area. The Federal Government has already focusing on China also overlooks how this
embarked upon a comprehensive program for change benefits Pakistan’s economic interests – a
development of tourism in Northern Areas 2010 World Bank report published in
including Gilgit Baltistan, a region known to the collaboration with the Asian Development Bank
world as second to none in natural beauty, cited Gilgit-Baltistan’s unclear legal status as a
mesmerizing charm and warm hospitality. China major impediment to private and foreign
Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC) related investment, and provincial status could spur
infrastructural developments have further eased economic development of the mineral-rich region
the traveling and will contribute to a host of which also has major hydroelectric potential.
developments in the region. Although not yet at Khan’s claims of a new era of development in
par with Pakistan’s four full provinces, the Gilgit-Baltistan are not entirely unfounded. The
proposed provisional provincial status should other widely cited key driver behind Khan’s
considerably increase Gilgit-Baltistan’s announcement hinges on Gilgit-Baltistan’s status
constitutional rights and enhance its legislative as part of the Kashmir dispute. Many
assembly’s administrative powers. So why has commentators have termed Pakistan’s move a
Khan decided to break years of status quo? The response to India’s reorganization of Kashmir – a
obvious answer (and subject of much media reassertion of claims on both sides. While such
coverage): China, Pakistan’s “all-weather friend”. analysis regards Islamabad’s decision as a
Gilgit-Baltistan provides Pakistan’s only defensive one, it could alternately equally be
contiguous border with China and is the entry interpreted as a pragmatic, realist policy action.
point for the $87 billion China-Pakistan By abandoning its long-standing policy and
Economic Corridor (CPEC), an ambitious making Gilgit-Baltistan a province, Pakistan is
infrastructure project. Connecting the city of effectively acknowledging the unlikeliness of any
Kashgar in China’s landlocked Western Xinjiang change in Kashmir’s status quo. This could
province to Pakistan’s southern Gwadar port, the possibly be a step towards accepting the military
CPEC will present an alternate supply route to Line of Control (LoC) with India as the
the congested Malacca Strait, the primary international border – and subsequent resolution
shipping lane linking the Pacific and Indian of the dispute.
Oceans. Offering easier access to West Asia and The pressing demand of the local people of
beyond, the shorter trade route will on GB is long overdue and has remained unfulfilled
completion protect the 40% of Chinese exports due to various political apprehensions and
and 90% of oil imports currently passing through constitutional impediments. First of all, it
the Malacca Strait should any tensions flare-up in remained in the limbo because of the disputed
the contested South China Sea region. Beijing territory as per UN Security Council resolution
has long pushed for regularizing that includes the Jammu and Kashmir state
Gilgit-Baltistan’s legal status to safeguard including the then Northern Areas under
substantial Chinese investment in the region, part Pakistan’s jurisdiction. Secondly, it was surmised
of the wider Belt and Road Initiative forming the that the overwhelming majority of Kashmiri
centerpiece of President Xi Jinping’s foreign people across the LOC might be against such
policy. Not surprisingly, China’s reaction to demand fearing it will weaken their stance on
Khan’s announcement was subdued, starkly self-determination. Thirdly, the political pundits
contrasting its sharp response to last year’s argued that the merger of the Gilgit-Baltistan into
restructuring of Indian-administered Kashmir. Pakistan territory might weaken our principled
From Islamabad’s perspective, stronger position on Indian government’s unconstitutional
relations with China will ultimately allow revocation of the special status of the Indian held
Pakistan to serve as a more effective Kashmir when it promulgated changes in the
counterbalance to India in South Asia, Article 370 and 35A in the Indian constitution in
strategically benefitting both allies. Solely August 2019. But it hardly makes any sense to

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continue to deprive the people of Gilgit-Baltistan JKCHR addressed an appeal to the Assembly
from the conditional citizenry status while our urging it, to assist India and Pakistan, in stopping
adversary India has been flouting all norms of to invoke the enemy image of each other, so that
international law and diplomacy with impunity. the two countries could unlock their men and
Pakistan’s reluctance, so far, in granting even material, otherwise locked to respond to an
conditional status to the GB has been quite inherent threat and divert the freed resources to
frustrating by any standards of progressive development, health, education, elimination of
realization of the citizenry rights. Therefore, in hunger and peace projects. Appeal also asked the
the ultimate analysis we may infer that it is rather Assembly to take regard of the fact that India has
unfair to keep the people of Gilgit-Baltistan insulated Kashmir from outside world and that
disadvantaged and marginalized in the face of UN should re-orient its priorities to accomplish
vicious circle of uncertainties and complexities its unfinished agenda in conflict zones, like
involved in the peaceful settlement of the Kashmir. The two countries have short listed
long-standing Kashmir issue even after more than eight issues in 1997 that remain outstanding and
seven decades. The local people have stayed Kashmir remains one of them.
loyal and unflinching in their love for Pakistan, Kashmir could not be like any other seven
all the way from inception. They have already issues in these peace talks. India has explained
waited long and suffered hard. Time has come the equation at the 533rd Meeting of Security
for some concrete action on the ground. The time Council held on 01 March 1951 and said –
to act is now. (Daily Times, April 11, 2021) “There is a tendency in certain quarters to assume
that this is just a dispute between India and
Indo-Pak Peace initiative & Kashmir case Pakistan, and that the views of the lawful
Peace between India and Pakistan is a UN government of Kashmir need not be considered.
Charter obligation and good neighbourly This is a mistaken assumption. As I have already
relations between India and Pakistan remain a said, the authority of the Government of India
common purpose of the leadership of the two over the Government of Kashmir is limited to
countries. A direct war or a subterranean proxy at certain subjects; outside that sphere, it can only
the end of the day have their sell by date. The advise and cannot impose any decision.” The
common interest in peace, progress and impression that Indian action of 5 August 2019
development of the people surges as a priority. It has no anti-dote and is irreversible has no merit.
is a welcome sign (as reported) that the military Even if Pakistan backs out (we hope not) from its
leadership in Pakistan and the National Security political, moral and diplomatic support to the
Advisor in India have started writing a preface people of Jammu and Kashmir, an unwilling
for the road map. National Security Advisor of people could not be quieted and vanquished by
India Ajit Doval has served in Kashmir and he Indian use of military brutality.
may have associated himself with activities, India and Pakistan have both on 01 January
which may attract a criminal and civil liability. 1948 and 15 January 1948 made written
The people of Kashmir do not have any such submissions to the UN Security Council that their
grievance against Army Chief of Pakistan engagements under article 33 of the UN Charter
General Bajwa. He has raised their hopes that have failed and that the failure has brought them
Kashmir flows in his blood. There is no reason to to the UN Security Council.On 15 January 1948
disbelieve him. This statement however, has its Government of India, surrendered the accession
own difficulties under the UN template on of 26th October 1947, at the 227th Meeting of
Kashmir. UN Security Council, for a UN supervised vote.
We have supported peace at the Third Global India has asked as follows: “The question of the
Structures Convocation on “Human Rights, future status of Kashmir vis-à-vis her neighbours
Global Governance and Strengthening the United and the world at large, and a further question,
Nations” in February 1994 in Washington. namely, whether she should withdraw from her

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accession to India, and either accede to Pakistan self-determination”. India without doubt has
or remain independent, with a right to claim “loaded upon itself a very grave offence.” The
admission as a Member of the United Nations- all PDP-BJP agenda for minimum programme is
this we have recognized to be a matter for also a public document and Indian Government
unfettered decision by the people of Kashmir, has accepted to negotiate with Pakistan. Indian
after normal life is restored to them.” Kashmir Government has set up five working groups to
does not have any accession with India today. negotiate with the people of Jammu and Kashmir
India can’t occupy and colonise a people, which and Government of Pakistan. The Jankinath
had (and continue to have) their own constitution, Wazir CJ and Shahmiri J judgement in May 1951
their own flag, their own national anthem, their in Meghar Singh Case and many other High
own penal code and their own law of nationality. Court Judgements, help us in domestic courts and
This special status of Kashmir until the holding at the international level.
of a vote on the provisional agreement (called If Pakistan finds itself unprepared and
accession) is carried out under UN supervision, is pressured, it should not trade future of Kashmir
discussed at page 4 of Report of The State for the Indian ‘hand-shake’. UN SC has agreed to
Autonomy Committee published in July 2000 in let India and Pakistan engage bilaterally provided
Srinagar. It states, “But it is relevant to mention that the result is ‘consistent with the principles of
here that whereas other Princely States signed the UN Charter”. Bilateral efforts are not infinite and
instrument of Accession to India and it is time for the article 103 of UN Charter to
subsequently the instruments of merger, the assume itself. China is a reliable friend of
accession of J & K State was limited only to the Pakistan. We should recall what China has said at
areas of Defence, External Affairs and the 765th meeting of the UN Security Council
Communication”. The Committee was set up by held on 24 January 1957. China has said, “This
the J&K Government on 29 November 1996. dispute has another peculiar feature. From the
In view of this submission by India at the UN very beginning, the Council began with an
SC the people of Kashmir have a jurisprudence to agreement between two parties. In fact, before
prosecute their case against India. If Pakistan the two parties directly concerned ever appeared
overlooks it and awards an advantage to India in before the Council, the two parties agreed that
any peace initiative involving a quid pro quo, it the plebiscite should be the answer.” We have the
would be doing it at its own peril. People of tools to prosecute our case against India.
Jammu and Kashmir (minus the auxiliaries) will Unfortunately we are shouting at India from this
regard it as an unfriendly act of Pakistani military end of the river. It is time to take a boat across
leadership. There would be serious questions on and stare India in the face. Webinars are an
the merits of the start of militancy and support of engaging exercise but not a substantive one. We
Hurriet in Kashmir. The present presence of have to graduate and make it clear that India has
900000 Indian forces in Kashmir and the 5 not only to honour its obligations but remains
August 2019 Indian actions, flow from the liable to pay reparation and compensation. (Daily
indiscipline and mediocrity found in these two Times, April 12, 2021)
disciplines. United Nations has placed three
restraints on the behaviour, number and location CAATSA & India's S-400 missiles deal
of the Indian forces in Kashmir. What India has Indian plans to acquire the Russian missile
done is a crime against peace, against a people defence system S-400 are likely to mar US-Indo
subject of a Plebiscite under UN supervision. ties. The US Congress had passed the Countering
Under UN template “The party that would dare to America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act
violate an agreement thus reached would load (CAATSA) in 2017 stipulating the imposition of
upon itself a very grave offence against the other sanctions on any country that purchases military
party, against the United Nations, and against the equipment from Russia or conducts transactions
right of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to with Iran or North Korea. The US had already

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imposed sanctions on Turkey for its acquisition attacks, which may embolden the Indian defence
of the S-400 Missile System from Russia and as a planners to indulge in adventurism against
punitive measure, discontinued Turkey’s Pakistan like it did on February 26, 2019, which
participation in the development of the F-35 had backfired.
advanced fighter jet programme. It must be The US is not being cognizant of an arms
remembered that Turkey is a valued ally and an imbalance in the region but is desirous of taking
important regional security partner for the United retributive action against Russia, denying it the
States, yet it faced economic sanctions for opportunity to sell defence equipment.
accepting the Kremlin’s missile system. Despite Apparently, this was the main stimulus for the
the US-Indo ties of warmth and bonhomie, the US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin while
US has warned India that it will impose sanctions discussing the proposed Indian acquisition of the
if it goes ahead with the purchase of S-400. In Russian S-400 with his Indian counterpart,
January 2021, the US has expressed its Rajnath Singh, on March 20. When asked a direct
displeasure at the deal and had issued a warning question if the US would sanction India if it
and had expressed its concerns again during the proceeded with the acquisition, his response was
US Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin’s, visit to that the question of sanctions against India is not
New Delhi in March 2021. on the table as India has not taken delivery of the
The S-400 is an advanced missile defence system. He did not elaborate on what will happen
system, which comprises an array of radar when India does receive some S-400 systems
systems and missile pads. The Long-range later this year. Readers may recall that earlier this
surveillance radar tracks objects and relays year, in January 2021, a US embassy
information to the command vehicle, which spokesperson in Delhi issued a similar warning
assesses potential targets. After identification of over S-400 plans by India. He had warned all US
the target as a hostile intruder, the command allies and partners to forgo transactions with
vehicle orders missile launch. The data for the Russia that risk triggering sanctions under the
launch is sent to the best placed launch vehicle, CAATSA. He had elaborated that the CAATSA
which releases surface-to-air missiles. The does not have any blanket or country-specific
engagement radar helps guide missiles towards waiver provision. India, which has been relying
the target. The Missile Defence System has a 400 on Russian defence equipment for decades, will
km range and can engage and shoot 80 targets be badly hit if sanctions are imposed by the US.
simultaneously. It can detect and destroy In its defence, India has argued that the process
incoming bombers, airplanes and ballistic for acquisition of the S-400 system began in 2016,
missiles. Induction of the S-400 systems would before CAATSA was introduced in 2017 by the
tremendously boost India’s air defence, as well as Trump administration.
missile defence capability. India already has its The Indian deal for five S-400 systems worth
indigenous two-tiered missile defence system US$5.5 billion was inked on October 5, 2018,
based on Prithvi Air Defense for high altitude between Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and
interception and Advanced Air Defense system Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. All five
for lower altitude interception. The Indian S-400 regiments were scheduled to be delivered
Missile Air Defence System is now operational between October 2020 to April 2023. The S-400
and can provide protection to two major Indian is one of the most advanced air defence systems
cities – New Delhi and Mumbai. The acquisition in the world and India has already made a
of the S-400, if it goes ahead, will further payment of $800 million in 2019 toward the
strengthen India’s missile defence capabilities. S-400 deal and the first set of missile batteries
This will have a direct effect on the nuclear are expected to be delivered by end of 2021.
deterrence equation between India and Pakistan. Since its improvement of ties with Washington
The resulting imbalance is theoretically going to DC, New Delhi has edged closer to the US and
render India invulnerable to incoming missile Israel for acquiring weapon systems. The US has

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emerged as one of India’s biggest arms sellers, in pressure and continue unabated with the
the near past. India has plans to buy armed enrichment and missile programmes. America’s
drones from the US as well as a large order for breaking away from the nuclear deal gave Iran’s
over 150 combat jets for the air force and the power elite to further tighten its grip and pursue
navy to help build-up its conventional the nuclear programme with less inhibitions. It
capabilities. However, the Indian S-400 purchase has gone past the enrichment limits that were part
has cast a shadow over the budding Indo-US of the original agreement.
Strategic Partnership. The US officials – both in Incidentally, the Iran nuclear deal was the
the outgoing Trump administration and the new outcome of years of serious deliberations and
Biden Administration have warned India that was worked out by highly seasoned professionals
going ahead with the deal will trigger CAATSA on both sides. These were painstaking
sanctions. At the moment, it is a contest of wills negotiations, as Iran is a hard country especially
where the US is pressuring India to abandon the when it comes to working out a detailed
deal while the latter has refused to back down agreement on high security and strategic issues.
from it. The most redeeming aspect of the deal was that it
The US must be in a quandary over allayed the fears of its adversaries and the world
sanctioning India for the S-400 purchase under at large that Iran’s ambitions, if any, to be the
CAATSA, for which a precedent has been set tenth nuclear power, have been stemmed at its
against Turkey. As per the CAATSA act, the US roots. As a member of the Pugwash Council, an
must sanction India on the purchase of the eminent international organisation that focuses
Russian S-400. The caveat that the US faces is on nuclear proliferation and reduction of nuclear
that India is the cornerstone of America’s threat, I had visited Iran a few times and had the
Indo-Pacific strategy and a founding member of opportunity of seeing some of their nuclear
the Quad established to counterbalance Chinese installations including the enrichment facility. As
influence in the region. It would also jeopardise our group consisted of members from several
future arms transactions between the US and countries including China and the US, it was
India such as high-end fighter aircraft and armed clear that Iran was demonstrating that it was
drones. (Daily Time, April 9, 2021) imposing self-restrictions to adhere to the
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) despite its
US revisiting relations with Iran undeniable technological and scientific prowess.
Of the many rash foreign policy decisions that So, for Trump to revoke the nuclear deal without
former United States president Trump took the any sound basis apart from pleasing Israel and a
one that has caused immense harm to the few Arab countries and quelling his anti-Iran
credibility of the US and the sanctity of sentiment was certainly ill-advised. Subsequent
international treaties was the revocation of the developments did affirm these apprehensions.
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), After the US set aside the agreement the P-4
commonly referred as the Iranian nuclear deal. and Germany were left to fend for themselves. Of
Over and above, it imposed severe sanctions to course, Trump was insisting that they take similar
cripple Iran’s economy hoping these measures action. To an outsider it seemed they had frozen
would bring the downfall of the regime. This their options — not wanting to displease the
unilateral action in cohort with Israel reflected superpower and not totally aligned with its policy.
the deep animosity of the Trump administration Once the US abandoned the agreement, Iran’s
toward the present Iranian government. Besides power elite was unshackled to take a course that
Israel, it was also meant to feed into the strong it saw fit for it. Another aspect generally
anti-Iran sentiment prevalent in Saudi Arabia and overlooked is that when a country feels
a few other Middle Eastern countries. These threatened it would hasten to build its defenses
measures did cripple Iran’s economy but were even more resolutely. The answer lies in bringing
unable to weaken its resolve to stand up to US Iran back in the international fold and the two

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sides should take appropriate measures to reduce of sanctions and its long-term ill effects. Another
mistrust and not be influenced by countries that disturbing aspect is how the US and the West
have their axe to grind. generally have happily reconciled and even
Pakistan’s position on Iran’s nuclear helped Israel in acquiring its nuclear capability
programme is unambiguous. It wants Tehran to and deliberately overlooked India’s nuclear build
remain in full compliance of the nuclear deal. up. This was in sharp contrast to how Pakistan’s
Any departure from it raises undue tensions in nuclear programme was viewed.
the Middle East and widens the rift and As regards Iran, the attitude is equally harsh.
apprehension among Muslim nations, particularly There is however a big difference between Iran
between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The and Pakistan’s nuclear policies. Iran is a
extraordinary breakthrough in Saudi-Israel signatory to the NPT whereas Pakistan is not and
relations or UAE-Israel relations are largely a the logic of its nuclear build-up is to counter the
fallout of the growing hostility between Iran and Indian capability, lest it be unfairly
the Arab states that was fully exploited by the US disadvantaged. To point out these contradictions
and Israel to mostly their advantage. According is to highlight the reality that major powers
to press reports, the US recently claimed to have support or oppose proliferation not on principles
floated very serious ideas on reviving the but on sheer expediency. The monopoly of the
agreement but so far Tehran has not responded. big five as nuclear powers is by itself a
Although reports indicate talks between Iran and contradiction and a paradox that is not going to
the European Union, with the US watching from change even in the distant future. (Published in
the sidelines, have been encouraging. However, The Express Tribune, April 14th, 2021).
President Rouhani choosing to inaugurate a
cascade of advanced centrifuges for producing Russia's South Asian Strategy
enriched uranium at the Natanz facility gave The historic, special, and privileged
contradictory signals. Perhaps it was meant to Russian-Indian Strategic Partnership (as it’s
indicate that despite the very harsh sanctions, officially referred to by both Moscow and New
through sheer determination Iran has made a Delhi) has been a mainstay of South Asian
major breakthrough in development of nuclear geopolitics for decades but resulted in Moscow
technologies and equipment. And hopes that this being a partisan player in the region. While the
would lend weight while conducting the tough aforementioned relationship was reaffirmed
negotiations. during Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s visit to
The latest cyberattack on the underground South Asia last week, Russia also made
Natanz facility, apparently by Israel, so soon enormous strides in advancing its fast-moving
after its commissioning, could adversely impact rapprochement with Pakistan. The end result is
the current negotiations. It is indeed unrealistic that Russia successfully restored balance to its
on the part of Israel to contend as though it has South Asian strategy, which helps stabilise
the right to be the sole nuclear power in the Eurasia and could unlock many exciting
Middle East. In fact, its possession of nuclear opportunities for all.
power and aggressive policies are a major source Up until his trip, Russia was regarded by
of instability of the region. The US must have some – and not without reason either – as taking
realised that building pressure on nations does India’s side in regional disputes at the perceived
not necessarily work. In most cases it strengthens expense of Pakistan. The perfect case in point
the nation’s resolve to stand up to it. Pakistan is was Moscow’s full support for New Delhi’s
no stranger to these pressures. It was dealt with abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019 on the
so severely and unfairly when it was building its basis that it’s an internal matter, which contrasts
nuclear capability, but through sheer with the country’s historical stance of regarding
determination it steered its way through. True, this as an international issue in accordance with
the people suffer as they have to bear the burden existing UNSC Resolutions on the issue. This

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raised concern from observers such as myself, As A ‘Developing’ One?”, which emphasised
who published a piece shortly thereafter about that Russia isn’t in the economic position to be a
“Russia, Pakistan, And The ‘Bait Theory’”. I so-called “donor state” but is “looking for
postulated that the recent Russian-Pakistani mutually advantageous investment which will
rapprochement might have up until that point give us some profit” according to the envoy
actually been partially predicated on both side’s himself. Although he said just two months ago
desire to increase their negotiating leverage with that “I don’t see any on the agenda which will
their traditional Indian and American partners give us mutual profit”, he might have just playing
respectively. Russia’s hyper-partisan approach to his cards close to his chest as its typical for any
the issue of Article 370’s abrogation appeared to diplomat in order to not spoil what might have
be proof of this theory in practice. I even been the speculative negotiations at the time over
published an analysis at the end of the year titled forthcoming Russian investments of the sort that
“2019: The Year That Russia’s South Asian RT reported his country exploring back in
‘Balancing’ Act Became Unbalanced” to further December 2019. The promising future of
elaborate on my concerns. Thankfully, these were Russian-Pakistani relations that Foreign Minister
put to rest after Foreign Minister Lavrov’s visit Lavrov’s historic trip made possible crucially
last week. A lot has changed in the over year and doesn’t come at any perceived expense to Indian
a half since Article 370’s abrogation. Russia is interests unlike how his country’s support of
more aware and worried about India’s new de New Delhi’s abrogation of Article 370 arguably
facto military alliance with America that many affected Pakistani interests. Russia’s top diplomat
observers fear is directed against China despite held an excellent press conference with his
New Delhi’s denials. Moscow has also worked Indian counterpart the day before he visited
very closely with Islamabad to promote peace in Pakistan where he reaffirmed their special and
Afghanistan via the Taliban, which has greatly privileged strategic partnership. He also
increased mutual trust. Moreover, Pakistan significantly said that his country is against the
unveiled its new multipolar grand strategy shortly creation of any new alliances, be it with China or
before Foreign Minister Lavrov’s visit during the anyone else, which should hopefully allay Indian
inaugural Islamabad Security Dialogue, which concerns about Pakistan.
coincided with the historic Chinese-Iranian Contrary to what unnamed top sources
Strategic Partnership deal that advances alleged in India’s popular online media outlet
W-CPEC+. Unlike before, Russia nowadays ThePrint last week about Russia supposedly
seems to appreciate Pakistan’s status as the “hyphenating” its relations with India and
global pivot state, which finally dawned on its Pakistan, Moscow is actually balancing them in
strategists in light of the aforementioned events. accordance with its 21st-century grand strategy
This is convincingly reflected in what Foreign which aims to advance its visionary Greater
Minister Lavrov revealed during the press Eurasian Partnership (GEP). This initiative for
conference that he held with his Pakistani integrating the supercontinent through peaceful
counterpart in Islamabad where the Russian means can’t succeed unless Russia has positive
diplomat spoke about his country’s eagerness to relations with all countries on the landmass,
comprehensively expand relations with his hosts, including non-traditional partners like Pakistan.
importantly including in the military (particularly In fact, Pakistan is actually the last piece in
anti-terrorist) dimension. Furthermore, the Russia’s GEP puzzle. Their long-overdue
Express Tribune cited an unnamed diplomatic rapprochement fills in the gaps of Russia’s South
source who claimed that Russia offered a “blank Asian strategy, which in turn enables the
cheque” to Pakistan. Eurasian Great Power to finally unleash the
That report should be read together with my GEP’s full potential after the other pieces in
earlier analysis asking, “Why Did The Russian Southeast Asia, West Asia, and elsewhere in the
Ambassador To Pakistan Describe His Country supercontinent east of Europe had already fallen

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into place earlier. The coincidental timing with Already there have been numerous attacks on
which Pakistan unveiled its new multipolar grand both Iranian and Israeli vessels in Middle Eastern
strategy and the fact that it so closely aligns with waters, with each side blaming the other for the
the GEP makes it possible for these two countries incidents. If the international community,
to complement one another’s grand strategic especially Israel’s Western backers, want to truly
designs for the first time in history. Ironically, revive the nuclear deal and prevent a fresh
Afghanistan will be the focal point of the conflagration in the Middle East, they must
Russian-Pakistani strategic convergence. communicate to their friends in Tel Aviv that the
When last week’s immensely successful current path of sabotage must be abandoned.
outcome of Foreign Minister Lavrov’s visit to Indulging in a cloak-and-dagger game, which
South Asia is coupled with February’s Israel has been adept at since its inception, is
near-simultaneous synchronised disengagement relatively easy; containing a conflict in a volatile
between China and India and the Indian-Pakistani region with multiple battlefronts will be a very
ceasefire, as well as the subsequently visible difficult task. Therefore, diplomacy must be
thawing of Indian-Pakistani relations (at least for given a chance to succeed and the parties to the
now), there’s no doubt that the region’s JCPOA must continue their negotiations
geopolitical future seems brighter than it did at undisturbed by hostile actors seeking
the beginning of the year. The Covid-19 confrontation. And while Tehran should
pandemic is of course still causing a lot of demonstrate restraint, Tel Aviv will bear the
disruption and regrettably also plenty of deaths brunt of the responsibility should a wider conflict
too, but its inevitable end could lead to a new break out. Moreover, this time the front line will
future for South Asia if the region’s positive likely be drawn from the waters of the Gulf to the
political trends remain on track. (Written by shores of the Levant. (Published in Dawn, April
Andrew Korybko. Published by The Express 14th, 2021)
Tribune on April 12, 2021)

Natanz nuclear plant attack

AS the P5+1 and Iran try to breathe life back
into the JCPOA, as the nuclear deal is officially
known, it appears that Israel is resorting to
subterfuge and sabotage to try and derail any
solution and keep the Middle East on a
knife-edge. On Sunday, the Iranian nuclear
facility of Natanz was targeted by a “small
explosion” which Tehran has squarely blamed on
Tel Aviv, while sections of the Israeli and
American press have also pointed to the Jewish
state’s role. Israel has long been trying to Have a blessed Ramazan!
neutralise Iran’s nuclear capabilities. In the past, For regular ITS Session 2021 (Phase — II)
it was believed to have targeted the Islamic for FPSC, PPSC & SPSC General Recruitment
Republic’s nuclear programme with Stuxnet Tests: The deadline to get registered is 24th April,
malware, while a number of assassinations of 2021. For the ITS Session (on Merit-based
Iranian nuclear officials — most recently that of Scholarship): The last date for registration is 17th
Mohsen Fakhrizadeh last year — were also April, 2021. In case of any queries, you may
believed to be the handiwork of Tel Aviv. contact here Thanks.
However, such reckless behaviour has its limits,
and there is a high possibility that this covert and
proxy war may transform into a ‘hot’ war.

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