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Patrice Cumbee

ECD 252
Advocacy Paper

I choose to advocate for ways to help children add more physical activity to

their daily lives. Young children tend to spend more time playing games on their

phone, playing games on different gaming consoles or watching TV. Some

children have little to no outdoor play or anytime of play in their daily lives.

Being active for at least an hour a day can prevent childhood obesity and may

be an encouraging method for children to eat healthy as well. The benefits of

daily physical activity are endless. Children can build strength, flexibility and

endurance. Daily physical activity can also relieve stress/anxiety, concentration,

self-confidence and so much more.

Lack of daily physical activity in children can cause health issues like obesity,

diabetes, heart diseases, depression, bone health problems,etc. Children who

do take part in physical activities tend to have fewer chronic health problems.

They are less prone to getting sick. (A Lack of Physical Activity In Early

Childhood, April 2017)


1. Have kids learn ways to include physical activity in their daily lives without

the need or use of equipment.

2. Have children and adults move for at least one hour daily.

3. Cut the amount of time spent in front of a screen.

4. Have parents create daily movement for the family.

5. Make sure everyone is having fun!

Goal 1 & 5

There are several ways to incorporate physical activities into children's daily

activities. Some people feel that they have to join a gym or have equipment to

move their body. That’s simply not true. Children can keep themselves in motion

by going outside to kick a ball by themselves or with a group. They can also do

simple exercises like jumping jacks, squats, lunges, situps, etc at home. Some fun

exercises that kids can do are walk like a crab, gallop like a horse, jump like a

kangaroo, flap their arms like a bird.

Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, fit kids sleep better.

They're also better able to handle physical and emotional challenges — from

running to catch a bus to studying for a test. (Kids and Exercise, June 2018)
Goal 2 & 4

Educators and parents can make up routines to songs that their children like or

even learn a TicTok dance with them. GoNoodle ( )

is a free website where adults can visit to find movement activities. has amazing videos for adults to use to get the kiddies moving as

well. If going on websites isn’t your thing, adults can also show children some of

their favorite activities to do like hiking, swimming or dancing.

Goal 3

To prevent children from being idle, I plan to include movement in daily lesson

plans. I will also make it fun by having the kids make up the physical activity or

roll a die with different exercises. Parents can also help children at home by

limiting screen time, doing physical activities together like nature walks or

creating monthly goals.

Children whose early childhood education is based in movement enjoy the following
benefits in both early childhood and for the rest of their lives:

● Better social and motor skill development

● Increased school readiness skills
● Building developing muscles, bones, and joints faster
● Reducing fat and lowering blood pressure
● Reducing depression and anxiety
● Increased learning capacity
● Developing healthier social, cognitive, and emotional skills
● Building strength, self-confidence, concentration, and coordination from an
early age
Currently I have my children, nieces, nephews or any child in my care

going outside for a walk, play volleyball, run, ride a bike, practice yoga,

workout with a band, etc. I plan to keep children active through play or

any activity that they like to do. I will never force a child to work out and I

will never body shame a child. I truly believe that everyone should accept

themselves for what they look like and for who they are. No person was

meant to be the same, even twins. I want to get all children active no

matter the weight, ethnicity or gender. I truly feel that social skills are

developed through play. I can remember when my brothers taught me

how to dribble a ball, how my dad taught me to swim in the river after

church on Sundays or how my first coach Mr. Rogers taught me how to hit

a ball. Daily physical activity is important! In the future, I plan to have a

field day party for my friends and family. I want to create aerobic videos

for people who have two left feet like myself. The main thing is to workout

and have fun doing it.


The Importance of Early Childhood Activity. 2018, October 13. Schoolyard.

Early Childhood Development: physical Activity in Early Childhood. 2017,

April 4th. Novak Djokovic Foundation.


Good Energy For Grownups. 2020. GoNoodle.

Kids and Exercise. 2018, June. Kids Health from Nemours.

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