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1. she has a beautiful triangular face

2. She also has a lot of forehead that
she disguises with her long blonde
Physical Description Luis Eduardo López hair
3. she has eyes as dark as night
4. Your hips do not lie when you do
those exotic dances
1. She is very early person
2. She wakes up around 6 am
3. She goes to the room of her two
sons Sasha and Milan
Activities she/he does in the 4. She takes a coffee and after that
Diego Julian Ortiz
morning she takes a shower with hot water
5. She takes a breakfast that is pretty
6. She check her schedule with her
1.At noon, she takes lunch with her
husband Gerard and their kids
2.At 2 she checks her emails
Activities she/he does in the
???? 3.Around 3 she goes to her recording
4.At 6 pm she gets off of her work so
she can spend time with her family
1. She spends time with her children.
2. He likes to share time with them,
talking about what they did during
the day
Activities she/he does in the Angie Marcela Vega
3. Then he takes his children to sleep.
evening Torres
and time after you dedicate spaces of
love with your partner.
4. Finally is leaving after an
interesting day is going to rest.
1. Shakira loves to share spaces with
her children and her partner.
Activities she/he likes doing in 2. He likes to go to the beach to play
the free time with his children, enjoying the sun.
Skakira has a beautiful triangular face, She also has a lot of forehead that she disguises with her
long blonde hair, so she has eyes as dark as night, wherever Your hips do not lie performing an
exotic dances.

On the other hand, She is very early person, She wakes up around 6 am, first goes to the room of
her two sons Sasha and Milan and takes a coffee later she takes a shower with hot water so She
takes a breakfast that is pretty healthy, then check her schedule with her manager.

. She is very early person

2. She wakes up around 6 am

3. She goes to the room of her two sons Sasha and Milan

4. She takes a coffee and after that she takes a shower with hot water

5. She takes a breakfast that is pretty healthy

6. She check her schedule with her manager

She spends time with her children, He likes to share time with them, talking about what they did
during the day. Then he takes his children to sleep and time after you dedicate spaces of love with
your partner. Finaly you will rest after an interesting day.

In their free time, Shakira loves to share spaces with her children and her partner, He likes to go to
the beach to play with his children, enjoying the sun

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