SuiteFlow Workflows For Developers Data Sheet

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Course Description
Are you ready to take your business processes Key Objectives
Through real-world use cases and hands-on
to the next level? exercises, you will learn how to:
In this three-day, advanced-level SuiteFlow: • Incorporate modular workflow design
Workflows for Developers course, you principles to reduce workflow complexity.
will learn the skills necessary to build more • Add field, form and record-level validations
during data entry, load and save.
complex business processes using NetSuite’s
point-and-click business process automation • Create approval processing workflows with
sequential and multiple approvals.
• Configure Service Level Agreements using
Geared towards the experienced technical scheduled actions and transitions.
NetSuite user, this course introduces many of • Conditionally transition workflows and execute
SuiteFlow’s advanced capabilities supporting actions based on Saved Search results.
more complex use cases, such as configuring • Alter the state of a workflow based on
changes to data in related records.
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and lead
nurturing campaigns, incorporating sub- • Configure business processes that run in
parallel using sub-workflows.
workflows to support sequential and parallel
approvals, using Saved Searches in action • Embed SQL and SuiteScript formulas in
conditions to support more complex
and transition conditions, altering workflow business rules.
processing based on changes to related • Configure Workflow Action Scripts to support
records, extending the power of SuiteFlow custom actions.
using formulas and SuiteScript, and more! • Execute workflows in different contexts, such as
User Event Scripts, Suitelets and mass updates.
Course participants will apply the knowledge
and skills learned throughout this course Related Courses
by completing several hands-on exercises Take these courses for more training:
that guide them through the implementation • SuiteScript 1.0: Extend NetSuite with JavaScript
of real-world business requirements and • SuiteTalk: Integrate Your Applications
common use cases.
Who Should Attend?
how to create full-featured, modular business
This course is geared towards software
processes that incorporate field and form-level
developers, technical administrators and other
validations, performing actions on record load
technical users who are looking to enhance
and save, creating joins on related records and
their knowledge and skills to support more
configuring approval processing workflows
technically complex business processes and
with both single and multiple approvers.
use cases in NetSuite.
The course then dives into the more
Non-technical users should attend SuiteFlow:
technically advanced capabilities of SuiteFlow,
Workflow Fundamentals.
such as scheduling actions and transitions
Prerequisites to support Service Level Agreements, using
Course participants should be experienced Saved Searches in action and transition
with NetSuite navigation, general administration conditions, configuring transitions based on
tasks and building Saved Search criteria changes to data in related records, using
using expressions. modularized workflow design principles to
create sub-workflows supporting parallel
In addition, participants should have an
processing, enhancing automation capabilities
understanding of business process mapping
through the use of formulas, configuring
and decision branching, event-based
Workflow Action Scripts to create custom
programming and object-oriented software
actions and executing workflows in other
development principles.
contexts, such as User Event Scripts, Suitelets
Course Goals and Mass Updates.
The course begins by introducing the
Day 1 Topics
fundamental concepts of building workflows
in SuiteFlow, while taking you through the SuiteFlow Foundations: Learn about the
creation of a number of different business foundational concepts, terminologies and
processes. By working through a series of components associated with the development
hands-on exercises, participants will learn of workflows in SuiteFlow.

Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 2
Understanding Workflow Triggers: Learn about
workflow events by understanding the various SuiteAnswers
workflow triggers used to execute actions Get answers to your support and training
related questions:
and transitions at various states of a workflow,
and the execution sequence of these triggers • Go to Training Videos for free self-
paced training.
during the processing of records in NetSuite.
• Take New Feature Training to learn about
Configuring Actions on Data Entry, Load and the latest NetSuite release.
Save: Configure business rules on client-side
events in the user interface, such as field level
validations, changing field display characteristics Scheduling Workflows, Actions and
and sourcing data from related records. Control Transitions: Incorporate a Service Level
how form data is displayed while loading a Agreement to drive approval processing
record into the browser based on whether you through to completion by scheduling reminder
are creating, viewing, editing or printing a record. email notifications, changing priority of tasks,
Configure actions on record save, such as escalating records to other approvers and
creating new records, sending email notifications configuring auto-rejection.
and server-side validations.
Using Saved Searches in Conditions: Support
Troubleshooting Workflow Execution: Learn conditional actions and transitions based on
how to use Active Workflows, Workflow Saved Search results on record sublist data.
History and the Workflow Execution Log Learn how Saved Searches can also be used to
to troubleshoot workflow processing by manage changes to currently running workflows
examining state transitions, the execution and best practices for upgrading your workflows
order of actions and the associated triggers. without adverse consequences.
Day 2 Topics Working with Sub-Workflows: Apply modular
workflow design principles to create sub-
Incorporating Approval Processing: Learn how
workflows that reduce complexity, lower
to add simple approval-based processing with
maintenance costs and support reusability.
single approvers. Add custom buttons to your
Learn how to sequence the execution of
forms, send email notifications, lock records and
one or more workflows to support parallel
create fields to manage approval statuses and
processing and even parallel approvals.
current approvers. Configure multiple approvers
up the supervisor hierarchy using a looping
construct that checks for additional approvers.

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Day 3 Topics
Live Training Webinars
Configuring Transitions on Related Records: Participate in free webinars to get practical
Learn how to influence workflow processing tips and tricks for using NetSuite better:
based on changes to related record data. • Go to > Webinars and
Events to view the schedule and register
Working with Formulas: Learn about the for an event.
different formula types and how SQL formulas
can be used to perform complex server-
side calculations.
Using SuiteScript in Workflows: Build client-
side SuiteScript formulas. Extend workflow
processing through the configuration of
Workflow Action Scripts and custom actions
(developed using SuiteScript).
Executing Workflows in Different Contexts:
Learn how to restrict workflow, action and
transition execution to a specific workflow
context, such as User Event Scripts, Suitelets
and workflow mass updates.

NetSuite reserves the right to adjust the stated course content to reflect changes to the NetSuite application and to meet the expressed
needs of course attendees.

Features and functions covered in this course might not reflect those in your purchased NetSuite account.

Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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