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Precipitating Factors:
Travel to a place where measles is endemic
Predisposing Factors: Visit’s areas where measles is occurring
Contacts with someone who has measles.
People with compromised immune systems
Not receiving a measles vaccine.
Pregnant Women
Vitamin A deficiency

Mode of Transmission
Droplets of saliva
By touching contaminated surface
Skin to skin
Mother to baby though pregnancy.

Port of Entry
 Nose
 Eyes
 Mouth

Mechanism of Measles

Incubation Stage
(10-14 days)

Virus multiplies in the epithelial cells

Primary Viremia

The virus continues to replicate in the epithelial

cells and Reticuloendothelial system

Secondary Viremia

Symptoms Appear

Prodromal Stage
(2-4 days) Fever, Malaise, Anorexia
Along w/: Cough, Conjunctivitis, Coryza

Koplik's spots
Erythematous, maculopapular, blanching rash

Exanthem Stage
(2-4 days after fever)

Cephalocaudal progression

Persistent Cough

Recovery Stage
(7-14 days)
Skin rashes will fade

Lifelong immunity

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