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* enter new markets

*take advantage of a new
potential of clients to acquire our

The purpose of our company is

to be leaders at the national
level, it can be very important
ASSEMBLY PROCESS since it means the opening of a
Cali. One hundred thousand
new market which implies an
motorcycles a year is able to
economic and human effort, but
assemble the Honda plant in
it will bring great benefits to our
Yumbo (Valle), with the expansion
to which it has just been subjected.

Until before the expansion, the

capacity was between 70,000 and All our Honda motorcycles can
80,000 units, and, in fact, in 1998 be found in one place with the
the factory could produce 8,000 technology and design of the
motorcycles per year. number 1 motorcycle
manufacturer in the world
In this way, in Yumbo, Honda now To drive motorcycles in
has the largest assembly and Colombia, it is necessary to have
production facilities in the world in the correct pass, this is as
which Japanese do not work, says important as the car pass
the vice president of Honda
Motorcycles Operations, Jorge


Among the subscribers, namely a Santa Fe rental, the common system of the company with
reference number 2585485 domiciled in Medellin, the owner of the main square, it will be
called the tenant, the following contrary has been concluded, which will be governed by the
provisions of the commercial agreement
Followed by the following clauses
First object: he owner agrees to grant the use and enjoyment of the property located in
Second: the price of the lease will have a value of 50 million pesos for 15 days.
THIRD Destination. The lessee undertakes to use the property for the operation of a
will be exhibited, and
May not assign or sublet the property in whole or in part without the previous authorization
Of the lessor, except in cases. Indicated Contraction period. Contract. January 15 to January
FIFTH Compensation. If the owner does not give the facilities the indicated destination or
does not start the works within three days, he must return it. SIXTH. Sublease. The lessee
cannot, without the express or implicit authorization of the lessor, fully sublet the premises or
immovable property, nor give them in a way that damages the rights of the lessor a
destination other than that foreseen in the contract. The tenant can sublet up to half of the
properties with the same limitation. The assignment of the contract will be valid when
authorized by the lessor or as a consequence of the alienation of the respective commercial
First object. The owner agrees to grant the use and enjoyment of the property located in
SECOND: Price of the lease and lease contract. This contract will have a value of 50 million
That will be paid for the rental of the premises for 15 days.
THIRD Destination. The lessee agrees to use the property for the operation of a
Commercial establishment in which only the following motorcycles will be exhibited, and
You may not assign or sublet the property in whole or in part without prior authorization.
of the lessor, except in cases. Indicated contraction period.
Contract. The term of this
The contract is for 15 days from January 1, automatically renewable for the same term.
of the initial contract, if neither party expresses its intention to terminate it, in writing
Notification addressed to the other party

1. Grant the use and enjoyment of the property and the elements that make up EL
CLIENT on the date and conditions established in this contract. NINTH Creation of
Contract. Failure to comply with the obligations required by law or contract, will give rise to
The contractor complied to complete the contract and demand compensation for damages
Caused. Likewise, the breach of any of the obligations by the LESSEE will give the right to
CONTRACTOR rescind the contract, demand the immediate restitution of
The property, without the need for eviction or any requirement, and to collect damages.

Causado por la infracción. DÉCIMO. Resolución de conflictos. Las partes acuerdan resolver
litigios a través de un procedimiento conciliatorio en el Centro de Conciliación de la Cámara
Comercio de Medellín. En caso de que la conciliación no prospere, están obligados a
someter sus diferencias a la decisión de un tribunal arbitral que se pronunciará en derecho,
Para presentar sus reclamaciones ante los jueces ordinarios, este tribunal se ajustará a las
normas de
conciliación. Centro y arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio de Medellín, quien
nombrar los árbitros requeridos de acuerdo con el monto de las reclamaciones en la disputa
sometido a su conocimiento.

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