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Williams 1

Mei-Lin Williams

Zachary Gregory

ENG 1201

14 April 2021

Alternative Genre Reflection

English Composition has definitely been one of my favorite courses I have taken in

college. The learning material is easily laid out and well explained so that there is little confusion

during the assignment and quizzes. With that being said, I was very confident going into this

project since I am an aspiring marketing manager who loves designing things!

Since I already had background knowledge on the topic of adoption, it was pretty easy for

me to map out the different aspects I wanted to discuss and put into my infographic. I am super

into graphic design and marketing, so this was a fun part of the research assignment for me. I

created my infographic using Canva and used the infographic temple that I thought was the most

appropriate for my research. After putting all the information in place, I added graphic elements

of photos that related to the corresponding aspect of adoption. I made sure to include my sources

at the bottom as well because that is a key part of creating an informational graphic.

My infographic was very successful and easy for readers to follow! It perfectly lays out

the basics of each topic and doesn’t dive in too deep, which is what I wanted to avoid with an

infographic. People tend to ignore reading infographics if it has too much information. I made

sure to only use a sentence or two to also be able to fit each topic into the infographic and not

leave anything out.

Williams 2

I really enjoyed this project and it was a nice ending to the research project as a whole! It

let me get creative and have fun presenting my research. Being creative is definitely something

that I enjoy with projects like these because every student has their own interests and way of

thinking, so it was great that we had the opportunity to choose the alternative genre we wanted to

use for the project!

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