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Tripoli capital of Libya (Upper part of Africa)

Johannesberg – Largest city in South Africa (Lowest part of Africa).

Lhasa – Capital of Tibet.

Rhwanda – Present in central Africa

Bosnia – Europe, close to Austria, Italy, Germany

Cambodia – Present in Asia, near Vietnam. Below tropic of cancer.

Mongolia – Asia, near Russia

Maldives – Lie on the western part of India near Lakshadweep.

Cape Hatteras – North Carolina, near Miami.

Strait of Malacca – Strait joining Malaysia and Singapore.

Belgium - Sits above France.

Switzerland - Europe. Sits above Italy and side to France.

Spain - Europe. Sits left below France.

Poland - right to Germany

Mexico - North America

Gauntanamo Bay - Southern most part of Cuba.

Bolivia - South America

Estonia – Europe (Google)

Fiji – In south Pacific ocean to the right of Australia. Refer to Maps in office.

Gulf of Aden – Africa and Saudi Arabia below Red sea

Gulf of Ormuz – near gulf of Aden (exports from Surat had great value here)

Portugal – Left to Spain.

Spain – Below France

Turkey - Below Black sea in Europe

Iran – below Caspian sea

Iraq – Left below Caspian sea

Israel – Right to above Egypt. Beside Mediterranian sea

Congo – Africa

Bangkok – Above Vietnam

Thailand – Above Bangkok

Vientiane – Right to Thailand and above Bangkok. (President visited Laos in Vientiane)

Gulf of Tonkin – Right to Vietnam.

Syria – Left to Iraq

Hungary – Europe, near Austria, Romania etc.,

Venice – Italy.

Norway – Wing of Europe, leftist. First country to produce hydro electricity.

Scotland – Above UK. First country to use solar power for bus shelter.

Barrents sea – above Norway/Sweden/Finland.

English Channel – Between United Kingdom and France

Bahrain – Near Saudi Arabia (Mesopotomians used to trade with these Bahrain, Oman, Beluhhas

Philippines (Manila Bay) – Philippines are an Island above Australia.

Ethiopia – Africa Right top

Tanzania – Africa second down to Ethiopia

Sakhalin – An island immediately right to China.(Oil gas pipelines can be brought to india through
Samatra, Korea).

Baltic Sea – Below Norway and Sweden

Bordeaux – Port in France from where merchants sailed to Africa and bought slaves and then moved to

Nantes – Same as above.

North Sea – Sea to the left of Europe, to the left of Norway and Sweden
Bay of Biscay – Bay between France and Spain.

Martinique – Island in the eastern Caribbean sea.

Guadeloupe – Island in the northern Caribbean. Both (Martinique and Guadeloupe) were the French
colonies during 18th century which were the exporters of Tobacco, Indigo, Sugar and coffee.

San Domingo – An Island in the Caribbean Sea, Same as above. Tobacco, Indigo, Sugar and coffee.

Chittagong – Bangladesh

Rangoon – Burma

String of pearls – Gwadar, HambaTota (SriLanka), Chittagong (Bangladesh), Sittwa (Burma)

Cape of Good Hope – Vasco da gama’s route to India. He landed in Calicut. He was Portuguese sailor.

Brussels – Between France and Germany

Algeria – Top part of Africa.

Durand line – Divides Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Danube – Originates at Black sea passes through Romania, Belgrade, Hungary, Austria, and Germany. In
this river, industrial wastes (especially lead, slightly radioactive materials like Cobalt and Cadmium) from
Hungary, after a dam restraining highly toxic red sludge ruptured in Hungary, creating a disastrous

Malta – Island in Mediterranean Sea.

Cancun - in Mexico, below Tropic of Cancer, towards Cuba islands and bordering with Caribbean islands.

Tashkent – Capital of Uzbekistan (Treaty between India and Pak in 1966, to end the war which resulted
because of Pakistan attacking Gujarat).

Panama Canal – Isthmus of Panama joining NA and SA

Seychelles – Island near Mauritius. It has its currency as Rupee.

Lina River – In Russia.

Timor – Island near Indonesia

Bhutan – Borders Assam, Sikkim, and Arunachal pradesh. Its currency – Ngultrum.

Aral Sea – Right to Caspian Sea. Between Uzbekistan, Khazkstan, Turkeministan. This was polluted by
salt. Refer page 119 of class 12 contemporary world politics.
Costa d’Ivoire – Ivory Coast: Country beside Ghana in West Africa.

Tehran – Country in Iran. In summer’s Security council’s meeting, Brazil and Turkey voted exporting low
rich uranium stock in exchange for enriched uranium which could be used by Tehran for nuclear
reactors. But US opposed it.

Lebanon – West to Syria. Did not vote on the above issue

Vosges Mountain – France in Europe. It is an example of Block Mountain.

Alps Mountain – Borders Italy and France. It is a Folded mountain.

Vienna – Capital of Austria. It has Head quarters of International Atomic Energy Agency.

Rhine River – Rhine river originates in the Netherlands and Germany.

Ruhr River – It has a coal field. It is present in Germany

Mc Mohan line is the line which divides China from India. It was signed by British and China in 1914 as
per Simla Accord. It extends from Bhutan till Arunachal Pradesh.

Pyongyang is the capital of North Korea. It started fire against South Korea at YeonPyeong.

Strait of Homuz – It is a strait between Iran and SaudiArabia.

Senkaku or Diayou Islands – Disputed islands in the east China sea. Japan and China both claim the
authority over these uninhabited islands.

La Guiara – Venezuela island through which a fibre optic cable is connected to Cuba from Venezuela.

India has 28 states and 7 union territories.

Map Points in India

Bareilly – Uttar Pradesh. One of the places of 1857 peasants revolt. Here EIC spent 50,000 /- to incite
Hindus against Muslims during the revolt. But their attempt failed.

Mirzapur – Uttar Pradesh. Before railways, the town of Mirzapur was a collection center of cotton for
India, from where it was exported to Britain. After Railways were introduced, Mirzapur declined in terms
of trade export point.

Surat – Gujarat (First Municipal Corporation) (Was called Gate to Mecca because many piligrims ships
sailed from here.)

Konkan – Maharashtra sea coast

Jamalpur – Bihar

Waltair – Colonial British name of Vishakapatnam.

Kanpur – UttarPradesh. During 18th century industrialization in India, only two proper “industrial cities”.
One was Kanpur – Woollen, leather, cotton textiles and Jamshedpur – Steel.

Jamshedpur – Jharkhand.

Kheda - Gujarat

Champaran – Bihar

Bardoli – Gujarat

Jaipur – Rajasthan

Ujjain – Madhya Pradesh.

Lajpat Nagar – Delhi.

Chandrapur – Maharashtra. It is located on 20deg North Latitude.

Agra – Uttar Pradesh

New Delhi – Union Territory

Mathura – in Uttar Pradesh.

Awadh – Uttar Pradesh. Battle of Chinhat was the battle fought at Chinhat a place in Awadh, during 1857
peasants revolt.

Manali – Himachal Pradesh

Kullu – Jammu and Kashmir

Allahabad – Uttar Pradesh

Zanskar Range – Himalayas (Jammu & Kashmir)

Karakoram Range – Himalayas (Jammu & Kashmir)

Ladakh Range – Himalayas (Jammu & Kashmir)

Pangi Range – Himalayas

Pangi Village – Himachal Pradesh.

Ahmedabad – Gujarat
Baroda – Gujarat

Nagpur – Maharashtra

Meerut – Uttar Pradesh. First place where 1857 sepoys revolt broke out.

Kollam – Kerala

Tiruvananthapuram – Kerala

Gurgaon – Haryana (Below Punjab)

Bhilai – Chattisgarh

DurgaPur – WestBengal. It has steel plant. It is exactly located on Tropic of Cancer.

BurnPur – West Bengal

Rourkela – Orissa

RaniGunj – Jharkhand (Coal producer)

Bokaro – Jharkhand (Coal producer, steel producer)

Jharia – Jharkhand (Coal producer)

Dhanbad – Jharkhand (Coal producer)

Digbhoi – Assam (Petroleum producer)

Bombay High – Bombay (Petroleum producer)

Deltas of Krishna and Godavari (Petroleum producer. Petroleum is also called Black gold.)

Sulaiman ranges – Pakistan

Raighad - Maharashtra.

RajMahal Hills – Jharkhand

Karbi Anglong – Assam

Malda fault – West Bengal

Vindhya Mountains – Over Narmada River

Satpura Mountains – Over Tapati River.

Javadi Hills – Tamilnadu

Chandigarh – Union territory, which serves as the capital of two states, Punjab and Haryana.

Zoji La pass – Greater Himalayas

Banihal Pass – Pir Panjal Range

Khardhung La – Ladakh Range

Photu La – Zaskar range.

SriNagar – Bank of Jhelum River.

Kutch – Upper wing of Gujarat

Saurashtra – Lower wing of Gujarat

Travencore – Below Kerala

Manipal – Karnataka

Gwalior – Madhya Pradesh

Salbai – Madhya Pradesh (Treaty of Salbai, first anglo Marathas war in 1782).

ShivPalGanj – Uttar Pradesh ( An advertisement to provoke farmers to grow more grain in villages in the
first few years after independence).

AksaiChin – In Ladakh, specifically in north western Kashmir (Very Upper part of India). Claimed and
occupied by China.

Thane city – Maharashtra (Has made a difference by using solar energy for most of the electricity

Bastar – Chattisgarh. Solar energy is being used for electricity. Solar photo voltaic technology is used to
lighten up 100s of villages in and around Bastar.

KaliBangan – Rajasthan (Small settlement of Harappan civilization)

Lothal – Gujarat (On the bank of Sabarmathi River, which starts from Saurashtra)

Dholavira – Gujarat (Place where water reservoirs were found)

Harappa – On the bank of river Ravi

Mohenjadaro – On the bank of river Indus.

Chanhudaro – On the bank of river Indus (branch) and Almost dedicated for craft production.

Garo Hills – Western India, almost on the bank of Brahmaputra river

Calicut – Kerala.

Panipat is place in Haryana.

Plassay – Bengal.

Buxar – Bengal

Seringapatnam – Karnataka Capital of Tipu Sultan.

Ratnagiri – Maharashtra.

Guwahati – Assam. Jonbeel Mela is held here. This is the only mela where Barter system exists.

Jalandhar – In Punjab. Manufactured Foot balls for Foot balls world cup.

Jabalpur – In MadhyaPradesh

Murshidabad – Capital of Undivided Bengal.

Sir Creek line – Line of dividing between Gujarat and Pakistan. At 24 N latitude and above Tropic of
Cancer (23.5 deg North).

Nasik – Maharashtra

Bhurdwan Raja’s palace – Kolkata.

SubarnaRekha river – Flows through Jharkhand, Westbengal and Orissa. It has waterfalls called Hundru

Shiwalik – Southern most part of Himalayas

Salal Hydro electric project is present in Jammu and Kashmir

GandhiSagar Hydro electric project – Located on Chambal river in MadhyaPradesh.

BhakraNangal project – Punjab, Rajasthan and Haryana.

Kalpakkam – TamilNadu contains nuclear reactor

Tarapur – Maharashtra contains nuclear reactor

Ranapratap sagar in Rajasthan (nuclear reactor)

Kaiga – Karnataka (nuclear reactor)

Narora – Uttar Pradesh (nuclear reactor)

Jaitapur – Maharashtra. Environment and forest ministry has resisted pressures from various
environmental groups to scrupple the nuclear power project (6x1650MW).
Minicoy islands – Just above eight degree channel. Near Lakshadweep and Maldives.

Andhra Pradesh:
Chittor – Bottom Right coastal of Andhra Pradesh

Nellore - Right above Chittoor on the coastal area of Andhra Pradesh.

Yerpedu – Chittor district

Shri Kalahasti – Chittoor district

Venkatagiri – Nellore

Singur project – Medak (Left second from top in Andhra)

Adilabad - Top left

Medak - Third left

Nizamabad - Second left

Karim Nagar - Right to Nizamabad.

Warangal - central right below to KarimNagar.

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