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Press Play Theater - Sandra Bullock & Thomas Thorn 9/11 .


The performance in the video talks about the accident that happened to Oscar's dad
that cause sadness to Oscar and his mom. This accident brings both of them to the
circumstances which they cannot deal. Oscar still unable to let go of his father, who died one
year ago. This event caused a quarrel between him and his mother. The quarrel that occurred
made Oscar and his mother unfamiliar and involved in an argument.

The objective of the performance in the video is to evoke fear and sympathy as a
result of the terrible and sorrowful events that befall the characters to audience.

The characters expose the issue in the performance through the dialogue, action,
expression and emotional feeling. Besides that, Oscar, at the start of the performance he used
a monologue to delivers his speech to convey his thoughts. Monologue is when one character
delivers a speech to convey his or her thoughts, although other characters may remain on
stage in scene. The act and movements from Oscar throwing various objects around him, and
also the act of his mother that did not fight back because she understood the conditions that
happened to her and his child.

The drama in the video is the kind of drama tragedy. A tragedy is a type of drama
where the characters go through some form of suffering. A tragedy is both an event that
causes sadness or disaster, and a tragedy is a kind of story that deals with unhappy endings
and sad events. In this video the death of Ocars's bring the sadness to Oscar and his mom.
The prolog, the emotion, the act from both character create sad events which brought sad
emotion to the audience. The plot itself in a tragedy is about the arrangement of the incidents,
or chain reaction of cause-and-effect events that happen in the story. In the video the accident
of a person in the past cause the effect for both character. They can't can not let him go and
still have difficulty accepting what has happened, and quarrels between mother and child
cause not getting along.

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