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Answer the following questions!

1. What is the difference between technique and method of translation? Why does
translator need to consider method and technique of translation?
2. What is the difference between literal translation and word-for-word translation? Give
3. What is the difference between literal translation as a technique and as a method?
4. Mention five examples of literal translation products!
5. Translate the following text as closely as possible into Indonesian Language!
a) This agreement is hereby entered into by [Name of first party] and [Name of
second party] on this date: [Date here].
b) Purpose: To protect the information shared between [Name first party] and
[Name second party] against any unauthorized usage or disclosure.
c) A: Throughout the agreement, “confidential information” refers to information
owned by the disclosing parties and generally not known to third parties.
d) B: All information disclosed to a receiving party shall be treated as confidential
and therefore under the terms of this agreement.
e) F: This agreement shall be governed under the jurisdiction of the state of: [State
f) Today translation is a highly-developed practice and there are plenty of
perspectives and classifications, systemizing the various approaches to it
(, 2020)
g) Internet usage continues to explode across the world with digital becoming an
increasingly important source of competitive advantage in both B2C and B2B
h) A great deal of attention has been focused on the tremendous opportunities
digital marketing presents, with little attention on the real challenges companies
are facing going digital.
i) In this study, we present these challenges based on results of a survey among a
convenience sample of 777 marketing executives around the globe.
j) The results reveal that filling “talent gaps”, adjusting the “organizational
design”, and implementing “actionable metrics” are the biggest improvement
opportunities for companies across sectors.

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