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Melissa Fonseca Gonzalez



30 April 2020

Reflecting Dermatology

Dermatology is the study of the skin. A dermatologist is a professional who has studied

the skin and now helps other people treat and cure their skin diseases. Everyone should attend

and be able to attend a dermatologist's office if they need to several times a year.

The passion project had to be my favorite topic. It allowed me to address and share a

problem that is not taken seriously or cared about. It is important to take care of the skin to have

a healthy body and people do not realize that. Healthy skin means a healthy body and greater

confidence in a person. Having skin diseases creates internal feelings with the person who has it,

this is from my own experience.

The reason I decided my passion would be dermatology is that I have struggled with

severe acne. I had tried multiple drug store products that were expensive and inexpensive. None

of them helped at all, they made it worse. Having acne made me have no confidence in myself. I

would hide behind makeup by graying to cover up all the mumbles and acne scars. Then I

decided to attend an amazing dermatologist who helped me. It was life-changing, she helped me

cure it with the treatment that fit my skin and she helped me gain my confidence to show my

face with no makeup.


For this project, I did use information that my dermatologist taught me and gave my

experience in an informational way. Including treatment, procedures, and even the cost of

everything. My dermatologist helped me and now I want to help other people to achieve healthy


Dermatologists are specialized to help people take care of people's skin. People don’t

attend a dermatologist since they can be expensive. Allowing me to propose solutions to the

problem will create an idea on how these clinics and health insurance could bring in more people

to help them treat their skin.

The passion project allows me to give my opinion and ways to solve the problem in the

dermatology world. I added my personal experience in a way to try and inform the readers of the

importance of having healthy skin. Also gave my point of view in where I believe that everyone

deserves to be treated by a dermatologist.

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