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NURS 366 Acute and Chronic Illness Management I

IM/SQ Skills Competency Grading Rubric – STUDENT

Faculty Student Group


IDENTIFICATION Must demonstrate ALL 3 sites (on Faculty)
OF Deltoid Site:
INTRAMUSCULAR o 2–3 fingerbreadths below acromion process on lateral aspect of arm
INJECTION SITES Vastus Lateralis:
o 1 hand breath below greater trochanter, 1 hand breath above knee; use middle 3 rd
and anterior-lateral aspect of thigh
Ventrogluteal Site:
o Locate site by placing palm of opposite hand at trochanter
o Point thumb towards umbilicus/groin
o Point index finger toward anterior superior iliac spine; fan remaining fingers
posterior (forming a “V”)
o Injection is given within the “V” area
AT PYXIS/MED √ Orders/MAR – Verbalize allergies/6 rights using MAR prior to drawing up med
ROOM Must actually have medication in hand and check directly to MAR
Patient *FAILURE TO CHECK/VERBALIZE any of these results in ZERO points.*
Medication Calculate safe dose (volume to be drawn up and given)
Time Determine site to be used and number of injections needed
Draw up Medication from Vial:
Reason - WASH HANDS prior to handling medication
- Scrub vial stopper, inject air, withdraw correct medication & dose (ml),
remove blunt needle, place appropriate needle size for injection
Gather Supplies/Equipment for Injection Administration
- Gloves, alcohol pad, gauze/cotton ball, medication vial/syringe/needle
ROOM  Wash hands when entering room
Patient Introduction and Teaching:
 Introduction of self
 Explanation of procedure/answer questions
 Provide for privacy
PATIENT ROOM 3 Patient Identifiers and Allergies
Patient √ patient ID band (verbal confirmation of name and DOB; use MAR to √ name, DOB, and
Medication MRN; verify allergies verbally and with allergy band)
Time √ MAR and state 6 rights using MAR and medication
NO points given for verbalizing patient identifiers after med is given 
Proper Body Mechanics:
 Elevate bed
 Side rails down
 Position patient to easily inject into site using dominant hand
Assessment prior to injection:
 Determine best injection site based on patient age, body size, muscle mass, & any
skin lesions/injuries/surgical sites
SKILL PROCEDURE Follow Correct Procedural Skill:
 Don gloves
 Place injection pad next to appropriate injection site of mannequin
 Clean site with alcohol pad
 Inject needle at 90° angle for IM and at 90° or 45° angle for SQ
 ASPIRATE for IM injection; do NOT aspirate for SQ injection
 Slowly inject medication
 Withdraw needle and cover site with gauze, if needed
 Safely dispose of syringe and needle into sharps container
AFTER Assess patient’s response:
PROCEDURE  Pain, bleeding, signs of adverse/allergic reaction, etc.
Assess safety:
 Call light
 Bed in low position
 Rails up
Wash hands prior to leaving room
Documentation, Organization, Safe Practice/Maintaining Sterility
NURS 366 IM/SQ Skill Grading Rubric, rev. 12/2019

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