2004 ICS Murakami

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New Tactile Sensing by Robotic Fingertip with Soft Skin

Kouji Murakami and Tsutomu Hasegawa

Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Kyushu University
6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581 JAPAN
{mkouji, hasegawa}@irvs.is.kyushu-u.ac.jp

Abstract— We propose a new method of tactile sensing 3) Edge direction is measured based solely on fingertip
for a fingertip of robotic hand. Using a simple fingertip sensor readings without relying on a geometric model
with soft surface cover and a 6-axes force/torque sensor, of the object.
developed is a new function of measuring direction of edge
when the fingertip contacts with an edge of the object. 4) There is no constraint on the shape of fingertip. The
The developed function is useful not only to plan strategies soft cover of the tip enables adjusting the friction
for stable grasp and dexterous manipulation but also to coefficient to augment capability of the finger [1].
recognize a geometrical shape of an object. Two necessary
components, a 6-axes force/torque sensor and the soft skin,
are commercially available. They will neither restrict design
of a robotic fingertip nor badly affect essential functions of
stable grasping and manipulation.

Index Terms— tactile sensing, soft fingertip

To achieve dexterous manipulation by a multi-fingered
robotic hand, recognition of geometric shape and pose
of an object is indispensable. There have been many Fig. 1. Edge direction of object.
research works on vision sensing and tactile sensing for Several works have been reported so far on the tactile
the dexterous multi-fingered manipulation. However, there recognition of geometric shape and pose of an object.
still remain many problems. The vision sensing can not Fearing[2] measured pose of a stick using tactile image.
avoid such situation that a grasped object is occluded by The pose is measured as direction of major axis of ellipse
the grasping fingers themselves. Lighting condition can not appeared in the tactile image when the object is pushed
be constant through the dynamic manipulation process. The against the sensor. Shimojo et al. [3] transformed tactile im-
background scene of the object may be visually compli- age into video signal and obtained the contour using vision
cated. All these may lead to failure of the recognition. processing. These methods assumes that the global tactile
Although the tactile sensing is free from these problems, image of the object is obtained from widely distributed
it suffers drawbacks of different nature: a high resolution tactile sensing elements. However, actual implementation
tactile sensor with discreetly distributed sensing elements of tactile sensing elements on whole surface of the multi-
is still under development in research laboratories. Shaping fingered robotic hand is few due to the cost and difficulties
the sensor to fit to a complicated curved surface of a finger, of wiring. Gifu Hand[4] has been exceptionally covered
wiring of all elements, signal processing, and information with a film sheet of distributed tactile sensor as an attempt.
processing are still open to be solved. The sensor was not completely fitted with the finger shape.
This paper proposes a new method of sensing direction Thus tactile sensing with distributed sensor elements can
of an edge of an object through the contact with a soft not yet be used with the multi-fingered robotic hand.
fingertip equipped with 6-axes force/torque sensor (Fig.1). Feasible surface area for tactile sensing is generally lim-
Measurement of edge direction of an object enables recog- ited on a multi-jointed robotic finger as compared with the
nizing geometric shape and pose of the object. The tactile size of an object to be manipulated. Since the tactile sensor
sensing method proposed in this paper will lead to a new itself provides local information, global image of the object
manipulation skill utilizing edges of an object and to a is not obtained by a single touch. To avoid this problem,
tactile exploration by active motion of fingertip. Specific tactile sensor is often combined with actuator to achieve
features of this method are summarized as followings. the so-called active sensing[5]. A method of recognizing
1) Required hardware elements are fingertip covered geometric shape of a polyhedron has been proposed using
with soft rubber skin and a 6-axes miniature position and surface normal of the multiple contact points
force/torque sensor which is commercially available. measured by active point-to-point contact with fingertip[6].
2) Edge direction is measured while grasping an object However, this method relied on the assumption that the
stably and even statically without obstructing manip- fingertip will not contact the polyhedron on its edge.
ulation and grasping. The tactile sensing method proposed in this paper is free

0-7803-8692-2/04/$20.00 ©2004 IEEE. 824

from disadvantages of the methods described above. Not two different components of friction torque corresponding
only point but also edge is measured. Geometric informa- to two surface normals can be transmitted and detected.
tion thus obtained will be effectively used to estimate pose Each spin torque is perpendicular to the corresponding side
of the grasped object with the model matching. In addition, faces of the edge. This spin torque is decomposed into two
it will be used to recognize geometric shape of the object. components : the one which is parallel to surface normal
of the fingertip at the contact, and another one which is
perpendicular to both the surface normal of the fingertip
at the contact and the edge itself (Fig.3). The latter is
Physical constraint of the soft fingertip contacting with obtained from the spin torque measured at the fingertip
an object differs depending on the geometric property of the link by subtracting the former. In this paper we call the
contacting part of the object: a planar surface and a sharp latter the tangential component of the spin torque. Then the
edge. This difference of constraint causes difference of direction of the edge is finally obtained as vector product
transmissible friction torque to the soft fingertip. We have of the latter and the surface normal of the fingertip.
already developed a method of discriminating fingertip
contact with a planar surface from that with a sharp edge
[7]. As an extension to our previous work mentioned above,
we propose a new method of measuring direction of an
edge with respect to the fingertip coordinate system when
the fingertip is contacting with the edge.
We have empirically studied the characteristics of a soft
fingertip contacting with a sharp edge of a solid object.
As a result, we have observed that the transmitted torque Fig. 3. Geometric relationship at contact.
at the contact of the soft fingertip differs depending on
the direction of the edge with respect to the fingertip We now formalize how to measure the direction of an
coordinate system. Although this phenomenon may be edge of an object being grasped by the fingertip cov-
resulted from micro interaction among the components of ered with soft skin and equipped with 6-axes force/torque
the soft materials and the hard faces of the edge, it is quite sensor. We assume that geometric shape information of
difficult to interpret it based on various physical properties the fingertip is known and that position of contact on
of the material such as elasticity, surface friction, hysterisis the fingertip and a surface normal are measurable. Let
of deformation. On the other hand, concept of the soft f , m, r, q be force, moment, contact point, spin
contact (Fig.2) has been widely used in many previous torque, respectively. Force f and moment m exerted by
works to theoretically analyze the contact between robotic the fingertip are measured by 6-axes force/torque sensor.
finger and objects. Therefore, we also uses the soft contact The position r of contact on the fingertip is measured by
model to analyze the contact between the soft fingertip and implementing Bicchi’s method[8]. The spin torque q is
an edge of an object and to formalize a new method of obtained from the balance equation of force and moment
measuring direction of the edge. as:

m = q + r×f (1)
By removing the spin torque component parallel to the
surface normal at r from q, we define h as Eq.(3). Vector h
indicates a tangential component of the spin torque, which
is perpendicular to both the surface normal and the edge.
Then we can detect the edge direction as outer product of
vector n and h.
[contact with plane] [cotnact with edge]
n = (2)
Fig. 2. Soft contact model.  S(r) 
Within the soft contact model, only the rotational friction h ≡ q − (q · n ) · n (3)
torque (spin torque) around the surface normal of the object
can be transmitted at the contact in addition to three dimen-  is the gradient operator, S(r) is the function describing
sional force vector. Therefore, detectable transmitted torque the surface of the fingertip.
component by the fingertip is only around the surface
normal when the fingertip contacts with a planar surface. III. I MPLEMENTATION AND F INGERTIP
When the fingertip contacts with an edge of the object, the We have developed a robotic fingertip with soft skin[1].
situation is different : the peak of the edge is buried slightly Fig.4 shows the inner structure and its appearance. The
into the soft material and the soft material contacts with two fingertip is composed of an inner shell, hard nail and
side faces of the edge due to the self deformation. Therefore soft skin. The inner shell and the hard nail are made of

aluminum. The inner shell is a cylinder with a hemisphere and is kept still.
on its top. Its radius is 11 [mm]. The soft skin is made 2) Each finger moves to close the hand from initial
of silicone rubber covering the inner shell. The skin has position aiming at the position of another fingertip
constant thickness. The thickness of the skin is 5 [mm]. The respectively.
inner shell is fixed to 6-axes force/torque sensor which is 3) When the fingertip contacts the object, a position of
then connected to the upper link of the finger. The exerted contact on the fingertip is measured.
force/torque to the fingertip is measured by the force/torque 4) In order to keep stable grasp, each fingertip exerts
sensor. constant inner grasping force toward another contact
point respectively.

Fig. 4. Soft fingertip with nail.

When the fingertip contacts with a planar surface, the po-

sition of contact on the fingertip is obtained from measured
force/torque using a 6-axes sensor together with geometric Fig. 5. Two-fingered hand mounted on 6DOF manipulator.
shape information of the fingertip. We are using a method Direction of the edge of an object is measured at the end
proposed by Bicchi[8] for this position measurement. How- of this motion. It should be noted that the proposed tactile
ever, this method assumes the spin torque only around the sensing is implemented in such a simple and ordinary
surface normal at the contact point. This is not true in grasping strategy. The object to be grasped is a cube with
the edge contact. Consequently the method suffers larger a cone attached together. The robot grasped the object in
error in contact position measurement when applied to three different pose as shown in Figs.6 through 8. The
edge contact with larger deformation by grasping force. To left fingertip in Fig.5 contacts the edge with three different
eliminate such error, we measure the position of the contact directions, -45, 0, 45 [degree] respectively with respect
point at the beginning of the grasping process where the to the fingertip coordinates system as shown in Fig.9.
grasping force is not yet large. Assuming that the position The result of tactile measurement at the left fingertip
of the contact point on the fingertip surface does not move, is shown in Figs.10 through 14. Horizontal axis of each
it is used for measuring direction of the edge. chart shows the elapsed time. The fingers begin grasping
It should be noted that, the spin torque at the contact motion at the time 0. The servo cycle of the finger control
point on the fingertip has to be exerted sufficiently to be is 20ms. Sensing is made in the same cycle time. When the
detected by the force/torque sensor in order to measure the magnitude of the tangential component of the spin torque is
direction of the edge. In our experience, the spin torque enough, the direction of edge of the object is successfully
at the contact is usually sufficient in the ordinary grasping measured with good accuracy.
operation even without mechanical interaction between the
Two charts in Figs.10 through 12 show output of the
grasped object and its environment. This is due to the
force sensor: force and moment respectively. The mag-
gravity and joint torque of the finger for stable grasping.
nitude of the tangential component of spin torque at the
Only in exceptional grasping configurations, the method
contact is shown in Fig.13. The measured direction of
suffers from larger error without sufficient spin torque at
the edge is shown in Fig.14. The three different pose is
the contact. However, it can be solved by introducing a par-
measured with good accuracy.
ticular motion strategy of the finger to generate sufficient
We have already investigated influence of the sharpness
spin torque since such situation is at least detectable by
of the edge on accuracy of measurement (Fig.15). The
observing magnitude of the vector h defined in the previous
result indicates that the sharpness of edge of the object
doesn’t influence the accuracy of measurement.
We made experiments in practical condition to measure V. C ONCLUSION
the direction of an edge being grasped by two fingers. A new method of tactile sensing is proposed to measure
The robotic hand composed of 2 fingers each with 4 joints the direction of an edge of an object being grasped by a
has been mounted on the 6DOF manipulator (Fig.5). The multi-fingered robotic hand. Required hardware elements
developed soft fingertips are mounted on each finger. A are fingertips covered with soft rubber skin and a 6-
geometrical shape of the grasped object is unknown to the axes miniature force/torque sensor which is commercially
system. The sequence of the experiment is as followings. available. In the experiments, edge direction has been
1) Two fingers are set open to grasp. Then an object is successfully measured based solely on fingertip sensor
put into the open space between the two fingertips readings in a wide range of mutual relationship of contact

[Kgf] [Kgf-mm]
1.0 2.0
force x :
0.8 force y : 1.5
force z : moment x :
0.6 moment y :
1.0 moment z :

0 0

[front view] [side view] 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
[s] [s]
Fig. 6. Grasp with the edge(-45 degree).
Fig. 10. Contact with the edge (-45 degree).

[Kgf] [Kgf-mm]
1.0 2.0
force x :
0.8 force y : 1.5
force z :
1.0 moment x :
0.4 moment y :
0.5 moment z :

0 0

[front view] [side view] 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0

Fig. 7. Grasp with the edge(0 degree).

Fig. 11. Contact with the edge (0 degree).

[Kgf] [Kgf-mm]
1.0 2.0
force x :
0.8 force y : 1.5
force z :

0 0 moment x :
moment y :
-0.2 moment z :

[front view] [side view] 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0

0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0

Fig. 8. Grasp with the edge(45 degree). Fig. 12. Contact with the edge (45 degree).

45 deg :
0.8 0 deg :
-45 deg :




Fig. 9. Direction of the edge. 0

0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0

Fig. 13. Magnitude of the tangential component of the spin torque.

between the edge and the fingertip. The proposed method
is applicable to a variety of different edge angle. [degree]
90 45 deg :
-45 deg :
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