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In the Partial Fulfillment for the award of the

Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Department

Of Information Technology Engineering

Department of Information Technology Engineering

Siddhi Vinayak College, Alwar
Approved by AICTE and State Government

Affiliated by Rajasthan Technical University, Kota


Mr. SUNIL GUPTA Prashant Malik

8th SEM, IT (07ESVIT045)




This is to certify that PRASHANT MALIK, student of B.Tech Final Year

(Information Technology) of Siddhi Vinayak College of Science & Hr. Education

Presented Seminar
³ $
As per the requirement of ³Rajasthan Technical University, Kota´ in the partial fulfillment of
the degree ³Bachelor of Technology (IT)´ for the academic year 2010-2011

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Seminar Incharge (IT) HOD(CS/IT)

The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it
possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts with
First and Foremost I would thank the Almighty for his beautiful gift of life.
I would Like to thank Our Head of The Department %& ' (), to give
me such a great opportunity to present such an important security based
technology. I would also like to thank %   , who take such a kind
pleasure in distributing the very knowledge which is benificial for a fresher to
step into this world full of throat-cut competition.
Finally, sincere thanks to the college management for providing us such a learning
environment and resources.

Prashant Malik

8th sem (07ESVIT045)


Today, the development of the science and technology is rapid.To compete with
this , an individual must utilize innovative intelligence. Now the whole world are
running to discover latest technics for each and every field. The Gloabal
Positioning System(GPS)is an application of computer and microcontroller
technology. Today¶s fast growing life standards demands such a navigation
system. The main purpose of GPS is the military navigation and tracking.

The Global Positioning System(GPS) is a satellite based navigation system made

up of a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of
Defence. GPS was originally intended for military applications, but now available
for civilian use also.

GPS is hanging the life style of new generation and having its influence in most of
all areas such as military,agriculture,aerospace,research etc. It is now widely used
for navigation using cell phones and in vehicles. Also to track the path GPS is
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 ' "  c ! '

, #* ,
Introduction 1

- &

 *& .
First Generation 3

Second Generation 3

Third Generation 3

Subsequent Developments 3

. #*&    & /

Modes of operation 5

/ 0 * &  1

2 #* ! & 3

Packet Filtering 7

Network Address Translation 7

Proxy Services 7
Encrypted Authentication 7

Virtual Private Network 7

1 #* "4& 5
Packet Filter 9

Network Address Translation 9

Application Level Proxies 9

Dynamic packet filter 10

Virtual Private Network 10

3 #* 
Screened Host Firewall, Single Homed Bastion 11

Screened Host Firewall, Dual Homed Bastion 12

Screened Subnet Firewall 13

6 +  
& ,/

5 #  #*& ,2


,, & ,3


 &  8 9 is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a
network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPS was originally
intended for military applications, but in the 1980s, the government made the system available
for civilian use. GPS works in any weather conditions, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day.
There are no subscription fees or setup charges to use GPS.


Using the Global Positioning System (GPS,a process used to establish a position at any point on
the globe) the following two values can be determined anywhere on Earth:

1. One¶s exact location (longitude, latitude and height co-ordinates) accurate to within a range of
20m to approx.1mm.

2. The precise time(Universal Time Coordinated,UTC)accurate to within a range of 60ns to

approx. 5ns.

Speed and direction of travel (course) can be derived from these co-ordinates as well as the time.
The coordinates And time values are determined by 28 satellites orbiting the Earth.

GPS receivers are used for positioning, locating, navigating, surveying and determining the time
and are Employed both by private individuals(e.g. for leisure activities, such as trekking balloon
flights and cross-country skiing etc.) and companies(surveying, determining the time, navigation,
vehicle monitoring etc.).

GPS(the full description is: NAVigation Systemwith Timing And Ranging Global Positioning
System,NAVSTAR GPS)Was developed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and can be
used both by civilians and military personnel. The civil signal SPS(Standard Positioning
Service)can be used freely by the general public ,whilst the military signal PPS(Precise
Positioning Service)can only be used by authorized government agencies.
The first satellite was placed in orbit on22ndFebruary1978,and there are currently 28 operational
satellites orbiting the Earth at a height of 20.180km on 6 different orbital planes. Their orbits are
inclined at 55° to the equator,ensuring that aleast 4 satellites are in radio communication with
any point on the planet.Each satellite orbits the Earth in approximately 12hours and has four
atomic clocks on board.

During the development of the GPS system, particular emphasis was placed on the following
three aspects:

1. It had to provide users with the capability of determining position,speed and time,whether in
motion Or at rest.

2. It had to have a continuous, global,3-dimensional positioning capability with a high degree of

accuracy, Irrespective of the weather.

3. It had to offer potential for civilian use.

GPS Nominal Constellation

24 Satellites in 6 Orbital Planes
4 Satellites in each Plane
20,200 km Altitudes, 55 Degree Inclination

# , The Global Positioning System (GPS), 21-satellite configuration



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