Experian Data Breach Medical Fraud

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Combating the rising tide

of medical identity theft

Medical Identity Theft spreads the pain Who are medical identity thieves?
Medical identity theft is a growing crisis, striking Medical identity thieves may be dishonest
Medical identity theft is very an estimated 1.5 million Americans last year people working in medical environments with
alone.1 As new federal regulations incentivize access to patients’ insurance and personal
difficult to detect, which makes healthcare providers to move from paper to information. They may be hackers stealing
online records, healthcare networks of all people’s information online – a practice known
this form of fraud extremely sizes have become increasingly vulnerable to as “phishing”. Often times, medical identity
medical data breaches. thieves are family members of their victims.
dangerous. More than 50% of
A healthcare data breach can be a gold Most recorded data breaches can be attributed
mine for identity thieves, resulting in scores to employee theft or mismanaged data
medical identity theft victims of victims’ health insurance information and practices, often at the hands of disgruntled
other Protocted Health Information (PHI) being or departing staff. Healthcare organizations
don’t discover they’re a victim sold on the black market. Networks of thieves experience a high annual churn rate of
have developed elaborate scams, such as employees of 6.5 percent which is almost
until at least a year after the creating false health care companies and billing double the national cross-industry average
medicare for millions of dollars in services. turnover rate of 3.6 percent, according to the
Ponemon Institute.3
incident occurred. Awareness of medical identity theft
Medical identity theft is very difficult to detect, Meanwhile, the expanded use of electronic
which makes this form of fraud extremely health records initiated by HITECH (Health
dangerous. More than 50% of medical identity Information Technology for Economic and
theft victims don’t discover they’re a victim until Clinical Health Act) has increased the amount
at least a year after the incident occurred – of mobile data, opening the door for large scale
usually when they receive a collections notice in data breaches.
the mail.2
The cost of medical identity theft
The following are a few examples that would According to a national Ponemon Institute
trigger an indication of potential medical survey, it costs the average victim more than
identity theft: $20,000 to resolve a case of medical identity
theft.4 For organizations, the cost of medical
identity theft can be even more severe.
Explanation of Benefits statement (EOB) for
services that the victim did not receive
The average expense incurred for a company
r7JDUJNJTSFGVTFEIFBMUIJOTVSBODFEVFUP to address a medical data breach is $211 per
“pre-existing condition” that the victim does record. Additionally, the research indicates
not have that those companies that do not closely follow
r7JDUJNJTEFOJFEDSFEJUPSBMPBOEVFUPBO the new regulatory requirements established
outstanding medical service bill that he/she through the HITECH Act can incur fines up to
is not aware of $1.5 million.5 This does not include any possible
civil suits or loss of brand equity.

National Study on Medical Identity Theft, Prepared by Larry Poneman, April 30, 2010
The Poneman Institute in February 2010.
The Ponemon Institute Annual Study, “U.S, Cost of a data Breach.” February 2008
Page 1 4
National Study on Medical Identity Theft, Prepared by Larry Poneman, April 30, 2010
Combating the rising tide of medical identity theft

Protecting your brand Dedicated Call Center Support Futhermore, our Fraud Resolution Agents can
In the healthcare industry, a company’s name Experian’s Call Center is ready to assist if assist with building a case against the identity
is everything. When consumer trust is lost, the individuals are concerned they are a victim or perpetrator including:
impact on your company’s bottom line can be have questions regarding a data breach. If a r$PMMFDUJOGPSNBUJPOTVDIBTIBOEXSJUJOH
severe. Deterring and detecting data breach fraud-related incident is suspected, a dedicated samples of the perpetrator as well as the
threats does not happen by chance. Leading Fraud Resolution Agent is assigned to the victim’s for comparison
healthcare companies are taking advantage individual, working with them hand-in-hand to
of new processes and proven solutions used investigate and resolve the situation. r#VJMEBDBMFOEBSPGMPDBUJPOTBOEEBUFTBOE
in other industries, namely financial and including contact information for persons to
credit markets, to prevent data breaches from Fraud Resolution Agents corroborate the victim’s presence
occurring. However, it is possible that even with If medical identity theft is detected, our specially r#JPNFUSJD$PNQBSJTPODSFBUFBDPNQBSJTPO
precautionary measures data breaches can trained Fraud Resolution Agents will: chart with the perpetrator’s and victim’s
happen. descriptions to assist in the confirmation that
reports, as well as contact the other two the victim was not the “patient”
Experian’s Fraud Resolution Team is bureaus to request Fraud Alerts
trained to diagnose and treat the often From filing police reports to working with
debilitating crime of medical identity theft. r$POUBDUMBXFOGPSDFNFOUUPBTTJTUJO insurance companies and doctors, we can help
filing a police report - the police report is reduce the pain of medical identity theft and
Experian® Data Breach Resolution employs a necessary to request copies of financial minimize loss.
powerful combination of tools to help victims transaction records and will assist the victim
of fraud stop medical identity theft cold. in establishing his/her true identity Identity Theft Insurance
From monitoring to detection and resolution, r$POUBDUDPMMFDUJPOTBHFODJFT Once enrolled in one of Experian’s Identity Theft
Experian has the experience and resources products, individuals are covered by Identity
to act as a partner in the fight against medical r$POUBDUIFBMUIDBSFQSPWJEFSTUPDBODFMBOE
Theft Insurance** to reimburse them for loss
identity theft. replace medical insurance cards and to notify
associated with fraud. This could include:
of any suspected fraudulent activity
Experian’s Surveillance Alerts* monitor providers require along with a copy of the r-FHBMBOEQSJWBUFJOWFTUJHBUPSGFFT
for delinquent accounts linked to medical police report r0UIFSGFFTJODVSSFETVDIBTDPTUTGPSNBJMJOH 
providers, catching the crime as soon as
r$POUBDU%.7#.7EFQBSUNFOUTUPBMFSU application fees, and phone calls
possible. Identifying medical identity theft early
them of any fraudulent driver’s license that
allows the victim to stop further damage and
may have been used Whether managing a data breach or proactively
begin the process of resolving the situation so
protecting individuals against the threat of
medical identity theft, it takes a dedicated team
Administration - if the person has a work
to get the job done. Put Experian’s Data Breach
Fraud Alerts related injury or information shows that they
professionals to work for your organization.
Where there is evidence of fraudulent activity, also are working as the victim
the Experian Fraud Resolution Agents can r$POUBDUUIF*34JGUIFQFSQFUSBUPSJTXPSLJOH
place Fraud Alerts on individuals’ credit files. as the victim, there may be tax related
A Fraud Alert can help prevent an identity thief consequences
from opening additional accounts in people’s
name. We will also contact the other two credit
bureaus, placing Fraud Alerts on their versions
of individuals’ credit reports.

To learn more about data breach resolution, contact Experian at databreachinfo@experian.com or call 1 866 751 1323.

Ponemon Institute, “Electronic Health Information at Risk”, October 15, 2009
*This feature is only available with ProtectMyIDTM.
**This feature is only available with ProtectMyIDTM. Identity theft insurance is underwritten by insurance company subsidiaries or
affiliates of Chartis Inc. The description herein is a summary and intended for informational purposes only and does not include all terms,
conditions and exclusions of the policies described. Please refer to the actual policies for terms, conditions, and exclusions of coverage
at http://www.protectmyid.com/evidence-of-coverage. Coverage may not be available in all jurisdictions.
©2010 Experian Information Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Experian and the marks used herein are service marks or registered
trademarks of Experian Information Solutions, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
Page 2 respective owners.

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