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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Main Campus

Santa Cruz, Laguna

Esther I. Lorida Ma’am,Fatima Quiambao

BEED 3-A April 16,

The picture above is the result of my Myers-Briggs/ Jung Test. It says that I’m
an ESFP and according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) “ESFP is The
Performer (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) which often described as
spontaneous, resourceful, and outgoing”. They love being the center of attention and
are often described as entertainers or “class clowns.” (This is actually quite true) It
also said that ESFPs tend to be very practical and resourceful. They prefer to learn
through hands-on experience and tend to dislike book learning and theoretical
discussions. Because of this, students with ESFP personality types sometimes
struggle in traditional classroom settings. However, they excel in situations where
they are allowed to interact with others or learn through direct experience. And other
definition in MBTI which is very true about myself. And actually I’m shock because it
tells what I actually think I am.
Now as a reflection based on my emotion, I will be honest about that. I have
an Emotional Problems, I have anxiety and sometimes becomes depression and I’m
definitely aware on that. To the given characteristics of MBTI to an ESFP type.
There’s a lot of characteristics that I think is appropriate about what I think I am and
also some are not. Like for example in MBTI tells that an ESFP type is always
focused on present but honestly I am not like that. I often think the future and the
past which is a constant cause of my anxiety attacks. But despite of that as said
result of ESFP, I am a “performer” which I think suits for me because like a real
performer no matter what trial and problems on my emotion that I will face “the show
must go on”. I will not let my emotional problems affect my hard work for my dreams.
And for me I can use it as a good characteristic of a future educator. I will not let the
personal problem affect my work and attitudes in school for me to maintain of being
a good role model to the children and to influence them to also have that strong
Strength and weaknesses, According to the MBTI I have 4 strengths and
weaknesses, one of my is that I enjoys people socializing but one of my weaknesses
is I becomes bored easily. Honestly I didn’t know that was a strength and
weaknesses of me but I’m glad know that and all my strength and weaknesses. It’s
actually correct because I becomes bored easily that’s why I love socializing
specially to my love ones and friends and also to the people that I didn’t actually
know who they are. I love listening to others because there’s a lot of things that I can
learn by listening or socializing to others. As a future teacher I can use that kind of
strategy to know what techniques I can use in the field of teaching.
In my cognitive function or intellectual capacity I trust my intuition and believe
in my own ability to come up with a solution. I dislike structure, order, and
preparation, despite being unreasonable and pragmatic. Instead, I work on the spur
of the moment and do not spend a lot of time planning or scheduling.
In terms of my relationship to others, I’m the kind of person that you can close
and know easily because I like to make friends with a lot of people but despite of that
I only keep those real and trust worthy person. They are the only friends that I
considered as like as one of my family. And also I noticed on MBTI that, ESFPs are
good at understanding how other people are feeling and are able to respond to other
people's emotions in productive ways. I don't really know if I'm really like that but I
am one of those people who’s good in sensing how other people are feeling specially
if we have a bond.
Career paths, According to MBTI ESFPs do best in careers that involve a lot
of variety. Jobs that involve a great deal of socializing are also a great fit, allowing
individuals with this personality type to put their considerable people skills to good
use. Careers that involve a great deal of structure and solitary work can be difficult
for ESFPs, and they often become bored in such situations. Which is suit in what
path that im taking now which is an Educator or Teacher. Teacher is a job that
definitely needs to socialize to different person and to a lot of people.
In this test and in Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. I reflect all the type of
personality that I have and I learned how can I involve it in pursuing my dream

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